Assuming there exist an object storage as described in T3054, there needs to be an object storage backend to store / retrieve objects. The name is **winery** (using the "winery namespace" agreed on on the mailing list last week). The implementation is a replacement of the [object storage]( at the bottom of the global architecture.
The backend runs in a *sgi app. At boot time it:
* Gets an exclusive lock on a Shard in the Write Storage (creating a new one or resuming an existing one)
* Gets a connection to the Write Storage and the global index
* Registers for throttling purposes (probably a table in the database)
* Serves both reads and writes from and to the Read Storage and the Write Storage
When the Shard it is responsible for is full:
* It stops accepting requests
* Writes the Shard to the Read Storage
* Shutdown
Spawning the *sgi app or controlling the number of workers is not in the scope of this implementation.