* ✅ Ask for [special permission](https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Grid5000:SpecialUsage) to use the cluster during 9 days
* ✅ reserve 30 machine for the Read Storage + 3 machines for the Write Storage for [216 hours starting August 6th 7pm](https://intranet.grid5000.fr/oar/Grenoble/monika.cgi?job=2019986)
* August 6th 7pm, install the latest version of the benchmark software T3149 and [prepare the run](https://git.easter-eggs.org/biceps/biceps/-/blob/7d137fcd54f265253a27346b3652e26c6c5dd5e8/README.md#grid5000)
* [Populate the global index with 10 billions entries](https://git.easter-eggs.org/biceps/biceps/-/blob/master/README.md#10-billions-records-global-index)
* August 7th 7pm, [run the benchmark with 100TB](https://git.easter-eggs.org/biceps/biceps/-/blob/master/README.md#100gb-shards-20tb-read-storage)
* August 16th, analyze the results.