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Build Step 6: Python tests


Step Type
Drydock: Run Command
Mar 8 2016, 4:02 PM
env PYTHONPATH=$(cd ..; bash ./ --print) python3 -m nose -sva !db $(find . -name tests -type d)
Drydock Lease

Event Timeline

olasd edited this Build Step.
olasd edited this Build Step.
olasd edited this Build Step.
olasd set Command to env PYTHONPATH=$(cd ../swh-environment; ./ --print) make coverage.
olasd set Drydock Lease to test-artifact.
olasd set Command to env PYTHONPATH=$(cd ../swh-environment; ./ --print) make coverage.
olasd set Drydock Lease to test-artifact.
olasd set Command to env PYTHONPATH=$(cd ..; ./ --print) make coverage.Mar 8 2016, 4:23 PM
olasd set Drydock Lease to test-artifact.
olasd set Command to env PYTHONPATH=$(cd ..; bas./ --print) make coverage.Mar 8 2016, 4:44 PM
olasd set Drydock Lease to test-artifact.
olasd set Command to env PYTHONPATH=$(cd ..; bash ./ --print) python3 -m nose swh -sva !db.
olasd set Drydock Lease to test-artifact.
olasd set Command to env PYTHONPATH=$(cd ..; bash ./ --print) python3 -m nose -sva !db $(find . -name tests -type d).Apr 19 2016, 5:17 PM
olasd set Drydock Lease to test-artifact.