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diff --git a/cypress/integration/deposit-admin.spec.js b/cypress/integration/deposit-admin.spec.js
--- a/cypress/integration/deposit-admin.spec.js
+++ b/cypress/integration/deposit-admin.spec.js
@@ -49,151 +49,6 @@
- it('Should filter out deposits matching excluding pattern from display', function() {
- cy.adminLogin();
- cy.visit(this.Urls.admin_deposit());
- cy.server();
- // entry supposed to be excluded from the display by default
- let extraDeposit = {
- 'id': 10,
- 'external_id': 'check-deposit-3',
- 'reception_date': '2020-05-18T11:20:16Z',
- 'status': 'done',
- 'status_detail': null,
- 'swh_id': 'swh:1:dir:fb234417',
- 'swh_id_context': 'swh:1:dir:fb234417;origin=https://w.s.o/c-d-3;visit=swh:1:snp:181417fb;anchor=swh:1:rev:3d166604;path=/'
- };
- // of course, that's how to copy a list (an "array")
- let testDeposits = responseDeposits.slice();
- // and add a new element to that array by mutating it...
- testDeposits.push(extraDeposit);
- expectedOrigins[10] = 'https://w.s.o/c-d-3';
- // ensure we don't touch the original reference
- expect(responseDeposits.length);
- expect(testDeposits.length);
- cy.route({
- method: 'GET',
- url: `${this.Urls.admin_deposit_list()}**`,
- response: {
- 'draw': 10,
- 'recordsTotal': testDeposits.length,
- 'recordsFiltered': testDeposits.length,
- 'data': testDeposits
- }
- }).as('listDeposits');
- cy.location('pathname')
- .should('be.equal', this.Urls.admin_deposit());
- cy.url().should('include', '/admin/deposit');
- cy.get('#swh-admin-deposit-list')
- .should('exist');
- cy.wait('@listDeposits').then((xhr) => {
- let deposits =;
- expect(deposits.length).to.equal(testDeposits.length);
- cy.get('#swh-admin-deposit-list').find('tbody > tr').as('rows');
- // only 2 entries
- cy.get('@rows').each((row, idx, collection) => {
- let deposit = deposits[idx];
- let responseDeposit = testDeposits[idx];
- cy.log('deposit', deposit);
- cy.log('responseDeposit', responseDeposit);
- expect(['id']);
- expect(deposit.external_id)['external_id']);
- expect(deposit.status)['status']);
- expect(deposit.status_detail)['status_detail']);
- expect(deposit.swh_id)['swh_id']);
- expect(deposit.swh_id_context)['swh_id_context']);
- let expectedOrigin = expectedOrigins[];
- // part of the data, but it should not be displayed (got filtered out)
- if (deposit.external_id === 'check-deposit-3') {
- cy.contains(deposit.status).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.status_detail).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.external_id).should('');
- cy.contains(expectedOrigin).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.swh_id).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.swh_id_context).should('');
- } else {
- expect(deposit.external_id)'check-deposit-3');
- cy.contains('be.visible');
- if (deposit.status !== 'rejected') {
- cy.contains(deposit.external_id).should('');
- cy.contains(expectedOrigin).should('be.visible');
- // ensure it's in the dom
- }
- cy.contains(deposit.status).should('be.visible');
- // those are hidden by default, so now visible
- if (deposit.status_detail !== null) {
- cy.contains(deposit.status_detail).should('');
- }
- // those are hidden by default
- if (deposit.swh_id !== null) {
- cy.contains(deposit.swh_id).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.swh_id_context).should('');
- }
- }
- });
- // toggling all links and ensure, the previous checks are inverted
- cy.get('a.toggle-col').click({'multiple': true}).then(() => {
- cy.get('#swh-admin-deposit-list').find('tbody > tr').as('rows');
- cy.get('@rows').should('have.length', 3);
- cy.get('@rows').each((row, idx, collection) => {
- let deposit = deposits[idx];
- let expectedOrigin = expectedOrigins[];
- // filtered out deposit
- if (deposit.external_id === 'check-deposit-3') {
- cy.contains(deposit.status).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.status_detail).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.external_id).should('');
- cy.contains(expectedOrigin).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.swh_id).should('');
- cy.contains(deposit.swh_id_context).should('');
- } else {
- expect(deposit.external_id)'check-deposit-3');
- // ensure it's in the dom
- cy.contains('');
- if (deposit.status !== 'rejected') {
- cy.contains(deposit.external_id).should('');
- expect(row).to.contain(expectedOrigin);
- }
- expect(row).to.not.contain(deposit.status);
- // those are hidden by default, so now visible
- if (deposit.status_detail !== null) {
- cy.contains(deposit.status_detail).should('be.visible');
- }
- // those are hidden by default, so now they should be visible
- if (deposit.swh_id !== null) {
- cy.contains(deposit.swh_id).should('be.visible');
- cy.contains(deposit.swh_id_context).should('be.visible');
- }
- }
- });
- });
- cy.get('#swh-admin-deposit-list-error')
- .should('not.contain',
- 'An error occurred while retrieving the list of deposits');
- });
- });
it('Should display properly entries', function() {
diff --git a/swh/web/admin/ b/swh/web/admin/
--- a/swh/web/admin/
+++ b/swh/web/admin/
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
deposits_list_auth = HTTPBasicAuth(
config["private_api_user"], config["private_api_password"]
nb_deposits = requests.get(
"%s?page_size=1" % deposits_list_url, auth=deposits_list_auth, timeout=30
@@ -65,6 +64,17 @@
+ exclude_pattern = request.GET.get("excludePattern")
+ if exclude_pattern:
+ deposits = [
+ d
+ for d in deposits
+ if all(
+ exclude_pattern.lower() not in val
+ for val in [str(v).lower() for v in d.values()]
+ )
+ ]
column_order = request.GET["order[0][column]"]
field_order = request.GET["columns[%s][name]" % column_order]
order_dir = request.GET["order[0][dir]"]
diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/admin/deposit.js b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/admin/deposit.js
--- a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/admin/deposit.js
+++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/admin/deposit.js
@@ -15,30 +15,6 @@
return data;
-function filterDataWithExcludePattern(data, excludePattern) {
- /* Return true if the data is to be filtered, false otherwise.
- Args:
- data (dict): row dict data
- excludePattern (str): pattern to lookup in data columns
- Returns:
- true if the data is to be excluded (because it matches), false otherwise
- */
- if (excludePattern === '') {
- return false; // otherwise, everything gets excluded
- }
- for (const key in data) {
- let value = data[key];
- if ((typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String) &&
- !== -1) {
- return true; // exclude the data from filtering
- }
- }
- return false;
export function initDepositAdmin() {
let depositsTable;
$(document).ready(() => {
@@ -58,39 +34,15 @@
// i: (i)nfo
// p: (p)agination
// see
- dom: '<<f<"#list-exclude">l>rt<"bottom"ip>>',
+ dom: '<<"d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"f' +
+ '<"#list-exclude">l>rt<"bottom"ip>>',
// div#list-exclude is a custom filter added next to dataTable
// initialization below through js dom manipulation, see
ajax: {
url: Urls.admin_deposit_list(),
- // filtering data set depending on the exclude search input
- dataFilter: function(dataResponse) {
- /* Filter out data returned by the server to exclude entries
- matching the exclude pattern.
- Args
- dataResponse (str): the json response in string
- Returns:
- json response altered (in string)
- */
- //
- let data = jQuery.parseJSON(dataResponse);
- let excludePattern = $('#swh-admin-deposit-list-exclude-filter').val();
- let recordsFiltered = 0;
- let filteredData = [];
- for (const row of {
- if (filterDataWithExcludePattern(row, excludePattern)) {
- recordsFiltered += 1;
- } else {
- filteredData.push(row);
- }
- }
- // update data values
- data['recordsFiltered'] = recordsFiltered;
- data['data'] = filteredData;
- return JSON.stringify(data);
+ data: d => {
+ d.excludePattern = $('#swh-admin-deposit-list-exclude-filter').val();
columns: [
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Dec 18 2024, 5:22 PM (11 w, 5 d ago)
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D3374: admin/deposit: Filter out deposit entries server side
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