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Jul 2 2020, 12:31 PM
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def escape(data, toplevel=True):
if data is None:
return ""
if isinstance(data, bytes):
return "\\x%s" % binascii.hexlify(data).decode("ascii")
elif isinstance(data, str):
return '"%s"' % data.replace('"', '""')
elif isinstance(data, datetime.datetime):
# We escape twice to make sure the string generated by
# isoformat gets escaped
return escape(data.isoformat())
elif isinstance(data, dict):
return escape(json.dumps(data))
elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
ret = "{%s}" % ",".join(escape(d, toplevel=False) for d in data)
if toplevel:
ret = '"%s"' % ret.replace("\\", "\\\\")
return ret
elif isinstance(data, psycopg2.extras.Range):
# We escape twice here too, so that we make sure
# everything gets passed to copy properly
return escape(
% (
"[" if data.lower_inc else "(",
"-infinity" if data.lower_inf else escape(data.lower),
"infinity" if data.upper_inf else escape(data.upper),
"]" if data.upper_inc else ")",
elif isinstance(data, enum.IntEnum):
return escape(int(data))
# We don't escape here to make sure we pass literals properly
return str(data)

File Metadata

Mime Type
text/plain; charset=utf-8
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline