To avoid confusion as to how running db tests in modules (make test), we should align how their db data is boostraped.
Where it makes sense to do so (that is where we do not depend on some other framework tools, e.g. swh-deposit depends on django...).
Gist of it is:
make -C $SWH_ENVIRONMENT_HOME rebuild-testdata
This drops db, creates db, inject schema + data and creates dumps for the tests to run.
And then, from the module:
make test
Add what's necessary for the vault to be compliant in that regards.
14:23:15 +ardumont | (it's just a matter of adding the proper sql/Makefile, update swh-environment/Makefile, and adapting slightly the db fixture instance in the vault, and we should good to go) 14:23:21 +ardumont | "just" ;)