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swh-storage package list

Authored by nahimilega on Jul 11 2019, 5:09 PM.
ttaching to swh-docker-dev_swh-storage_1
swh-storage_1 | Using pip from /srv/softwareheritage/venv/bin/pip
swh-storage_1 | Installed Python packages:
swh-storage_1 | Package Version
swh-storage_1 | ----------------------------- ---------
swh-storage_1 | aiohttp 3.5.4
swh-storage_1 | alabaster 0.7.12
swh-storage_1 | amqp 2.5.0
swh-storage_1 | arrow 0.14.2
swh-storage_1 | async-timeout 3.0.1
swh-storage_1 | attrs 19.1.0
swh-storage_1 | Babel 2.7.0
swh-storage_1 | beautifulsoup4 4.7.1
swh-storage_1 | billiard
swh-storage_1 | celery 4.3.0
swh-storage_1 | certifi 2019.6.16
swh-storage_1 | chardet 3.0.4
swh-storage_1 | Click 7.0
swh-storage_1 | decorator 4.4.0
swh-storage_1 | Django 1.11.22
swh-storage_1 | django-js-reverse 0.9.1
swh-storage_1 | django-webpack-loader 0.6.0
swh-storage_1 | djangorestframework 3.9.4
swh-storage_1 | docutils 0.14
swh-storage_1 | dulwich 0.19.11
swh-storage_1 | elasticsearch 7.0.2
swh-storage_1 | fastimport 0.9.8
swh-storage_1 | file-magic 0.4.0
swh-storage_1 | Flask 1.1.1
swh-storage_1 | gunicorn 19.9.0
swh-storage_1 | htmlmin 0.1.12
swh-storage_1 | hypothesis 4.27.0
swh-storage_1 | idna 2.8
swh-storage_1 | imagesize 1.1.0
swh-storage_1 | iso8601 0.1.12
swh-storage_1 | itsdangerous 1.1.0
swh-storage_1 | Jinja2 2.10.1
swh-storage_1 | kafka-python 1.4.6
swh-storage_1 | kombu 4.6.3
swh-storage_1 | lxml 4.3.4
swh-storage_1 | MarkupSafe 1.1.1
swh-storage_1 | msgpack 0.6.1
swh-storage_1 | multidict 4.5.2
swh-storage_1 | packaging 19.0
swh-storage_1 | patool 1.12
swh-storage_1 | pip 19.1.1
swh-storage_1 | pkginfo
swh-storage_1 | psutil 5.6.3
swh-storage_1 | psycopg2 2.8.3
swh-storage_1 | Pygments 2.4.2
swh-storage_1 | PyLD 1.0.5
swh-storage_1 | pypandoc 1.4
swh-storage_1 | pyparsing 2.4.0
swh-storage_1 | python-dateutil 2.8.0
swh-storage_1 | python-debian 0.1.35
swh-storage_1 | python-hglib 2.6.1
swh-storage_1 | python-memcached 1.59
swh-storage_1 | pytz 2019.1
swh-storage_1 | PyYAML 5.1.1
swh-storage_1 | requests 2.22.0
swh-storage_1 | retrying 1.3.3
swh-storage_1 | setuptools 41.0.1
swh-storage_1 | six 1.12.0
swh-storage_1 | snowballstemmer 1.9.0
swh-storage_1 | soupsieve 1.9.2
swh-storage_1 | Sphinx 2.1.2
swh-storage_1 | sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.1
swh-storage_1 | sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.1
swh-storage_1 | sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.2
swh-storage_1 | sphinxcontrib-httpdomain 1.7.0
swh-storage_1 | sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1
swh-storage_1 | sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.2
swh-storage_1 | sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3
swh-storage_1 | SQLAlchemy 1.3.5
swh-storage_1 | sqlitedict 1.6.0
swh-storage_1 | subvertpy 0.10.1
swh-storage_1 | swh.core 0.0.63
swh-storage_1 | swh.deposit 0.0.72
swh-storage_1 | swh.indexer 0.0.151
swh-storage_1 | swh.journal 0.0.13
swh-storage_1 | swh.lister 0.0.32
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.core 0.0.44
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.debian 0.0.13
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.dir 0.0.34
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.git 0.0.49
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.mercurial 0.0.17
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.npm 0.0.6
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.pypi 0.0.9
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.svn 0.0.44
swh-storage_1 | swh.loader.tar 0.0.40
swh-storage_1 | swh.model 0.0.38
swh-storage_1 | swh.objstorage 0.0.34
swh-storage_1 | swh.scheduler 0.0.57
swh-storage_1 | 0.0.145
swh-storage_1 | swh.vault 0.0.29
swh-storage_1 | swh.web 0.0.203
swh-storage_1 | systemd-python 234
swh-storage_1 | urllib3 1.25.3
swh-storage_1 | vcversioner
swh-storage_1 | vine 1.3.0
swh-storage_1 | Werkzeug 0.15.4
swh-storage_1 | wheel 0.33.4
swh-storage_1 | xmltodict 0.12.0
swh-storage_1 | yarl 1.3.0
swh-storage_1 | Waiting for postgresql to start
swh-storage_1 | wait-for-it: waiting for swh-storage-db:5432 without a timeout
swh-storage_1 | wait-for-it: swh-storage-db:5432 is available after 0 seconds

Event Timeline

nahimilega created this object in space S1 Public.