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Paste P1401

hal deposit user information in staging

Authored by ardumont on Jul 6 2022, 2:11 PM.
14:10:10 swh-deposit@db1:5432=> select * from deposit_client dc inner join auth_user u on where u.username='hal';
+-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| user_ptr_id | 2 |
| collections | {1} |
| provider_url | |
| domain | |
| id | 2 |
| password | <redacted> |
| last_login | 2017-10-13 11:30:42.381729+00 |
| is_superuser | f |
| username | hal |
| first_name | |
| last_name | hal |
| email | |
| is_staff | f |
| is_active | t |
| date_joined | 2017-09-26 07:37:57.06228+00 |
Time: 8.412 ms

Event Timeline

ardumont changed the title of this paste from hal deposit user information to hal deposit user information in staging.Jul 6 2022, 2:24 PM
ardumont edited the content of this paste. (Show Details)
14:21:51 swh-deposit@db1:5432=> select * from deposit_client dc inner join auth_user u on  where u.username='hal-preprod' ;
+-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| user_ptr_id  | 5                                                                              |
| collections  | {4}                                                                            |
| provider_url |                                 |
| domain       |                                                |
| id           | 5                                                                              |
| password     | <redacted>                                                                     |
| last_login   | (null)                                                                         |
| is_superuser | f                                                                              |
| username     | hal-preprod                                                                    |
| first_name   |                                                                                |
| last_name    |                                                                                |
| email        |                                                                                |
| is_staff     | f                                                                              |
| is_active    | t                                                                              |
| date_joined  | 2019-05-13 11:53:32.301258+00                                                  |

14:23:46 swh-deposit@db1:5432=> select * from deposit_collection where name like 'hal%';
| id |    name     |
|  1 | hal         |
|  4 | hal-preprod |
|  5 | hal-test    |
(3 rows)

Time: 6.484 ms