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diff --git a/swh/model/ b/swh/model/
--- a/swh/model/
+++ b/swh/model/
@@ -7,56 +7,14 @@
import binascii
import datetime
-import enum
from functools import lru_cache
import hashlib
-import re
-from typing import (
- Any,
- Dict,
- Generic,
- Iterable,
- List,
- Optional,
- Tuple,
- Type,
- TypeVar,
- Union,
-import urllib.parse
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
-import attr
-from attrs_strict import type_validator
-from .exceptions import ValidationError
-from .hashutil import MultiHash, git_object_header, hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex
-class ObjectType(enum.Enum):
- """Possible object types of a QualifiedSWHID or CoreSWHID.
- The values of each variant is what is used in the SWHID's string representation."""
- SNAPSHOT = "snp"
- REVISION = "rev"
- RELEASE = "rel"
- DIRECTORY = "dir"
- CONTENT = "cnt"
-class ExtendedObjectType(enum.Enum):
- """Possible object types of an ExtendedSWHID.
- The variants are a superset of :class:`ObjectType`'s"""
- SNAPSHOT = "snp"
- REVISION = "rev"
- RELEASE = "rel"
- DIRECTORY = "dir"
- CONTENT = "cnt"
- ORIGIN = "ori"
+from .hashutil import MultiHash, git_object_header
+# Reexport for backward compatibility
+from .swhids import * # noqa
# The following are deprecated aliases of the variants defined in ObjectType
# while transitioning from SWHID to QualifiedSWHID
@@ -69,24 +27,6 @@
RAW_EXTRINSIC_METADATA = "raw_extrinsic_metadata"
-SWHID_TYPES = ["snp", "rel", "rev", "dir", "cnt"]
-SWHID_SEP = ":"
-SWHID_QUALIFIERS = {"origin", "anchor", "visit", "path", "lines"}
- f"(?P<namespace>{SWHID_NAMESPACE})"
- f"{SWHID_SEP}(?P<scheme_version>{SWHID_VERSION})"
- f"{SWHID_SEP}(?P<object_type>{'|'.join(EXTENDED_SWHID_TYPES)})"
- f"{SWHID_SEP}(?P<object_id>[0-9a-f]{{40}})"
- f"({SWHID_CTXT_SEP}(?P<qualifiers>\\S+))?"
-SWHID_RE = re.compile(SWHID_RE_RAW)
def identifier_to_bytes(identifier):
"""Convert a text identifier to bytes.
@@ -887,390 +827,3 @@
git_object = format_git_object_from_headers("extid", headers)
return"sha1", git_object).hexdigest()
-# type of the "object_type" attribute of the SWHID class; either
-# ObjectType or ExtendedObjectType
-_TObjectType = TypeVar("_TObjectType", ObjectType, ExtendedObjectType)
-# the SWHID class itself (this is used so that X.from_string() can return X
-# for all X subclass of _BaseSWHID)
-_TSWHID = TypeVar("_TSWHID", bound="_BaseSWHID")
-@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
-class _BaseSWHID(Generic[_TObjectType]):
- """Common base class for CoreSWHID, QualifiedSWHID, and ExtendedSWHID.
- This is an "abstract" class and should not be instantiated directly;
- it only exists to deduplicate code between these three SWHID classes."""
- namespace = attr.ib(type=str, default=SWHID_NAMESPACE)
- """the namespace of the identifier, defaults to ``swh``"""
- scheme_version = attr.ib(type=int, default=SWHID_VERSION)
- """the scheme version of the identifier, defaults to 1"""
- # overridden by subclasses
- object_type: _TObjectType
- """the type of object the identifier points to"""
- object_id = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator())
- """object's identifier"""
- @namespace.validator
- def check_namespace(self, attribute, value):
- if value != SWHID_NAMESPACE:
- raise ValidationError(
- "Invalid SWHID: invalid namespace: %(namespace)s",
- params={"namespace": value},
- )
- @scheme_version.validator
- def check_scheme_version(self, attribute, value):
- if value != SWHID_VERSION:
- raise ValidationError(
- "Invalid SWHID: invalid version: %(version)s", params={"version": value}
- )
- @object_id.validator
- def check_object_id(self, attribute, value):
- if len(value) != 20:
- raise ValidationError(
- "Invalid SWHID: invalid checksum: %(object_id)s",
- params={"object_id": hash_to_hex(value)},
- )
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- return SWHID_SEP.join(
- [
- self.namespace,
- str(self.scheme_version),
- self.object_type.value,
- hash_to_hex(self.object_id),
- ]
- )
- @classmethod
- def from_string(cls: Type[_TSWHID], s: str) -> _TSWHID:
- parts = _parse_swhid(s)
- if parts.pop("qualifiers"):
- raise ValidationError(f"{cls.__name__} does not support qualifiers.")
- try:
- return cls(**parts)
- except ValueError as e:
- raise ValidationError(
- "ValueError: %(args)s", params={"args": e.args}
- ) from None
-@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
-class CoreSWHID(_BaseSWHID[ObjectType]):
- """
- Dataclass holding the relevant info associated to a SoftWare Heritage
- persistent IDentifier (SWHID).
- Unlike `QualifiedSWHID`, it is restricted to core SWHIDs, ie. SWHIDs
- with no qualifiers.
- Raises:
- swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
- To get the raw SWHID string from an instance of this class,
- use the :func:`str` function:
- >>> swhid = CoreSWHID(
- ... object_type=ObjectType.CONTENT,
- ... object_id=bytes.fromhex('8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'),
- ... )
- >>> str(swhid)
- 'swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'
- And vice-versa with :meth:`CoreSWHID.from_string`:
- >>> swhid == CoreSWHID.from_string(
- ... "swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0"
- ... )
- True
- """
- object_type = attr.ib(
- type=ObjectType, validator=type_validator(), converter=ObjectType
- )
- """the type of object the identifier points to"""
- def to_extended(self) -> ExtendedSWHID:
- """Converts this CoreSWHID into an ExtendedSWHID.
- As ExtendedSWHID is a superset of CoreSWHID, this is lossless."""
- return ExtendedSWHID(
- namespace=self.namespace,
- scheme_version=self.scheme_version,
- object_type=ExtendedObjectType(self.object_type.value),
- object_id=self.object_id,
- )
-def _parse_core_swhid(swhid: Union[str, CoreSWHID, None]) -> Optional[CoreSWHID]:
- if swhid is None or isinstance(swhid, CoreSWHID):
- return swhid
- else:
- return CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid)
-def _parse_lines_qualifier(
- lines: Union[str, Tuple[int, Optional[int]], None]
-) -> Optional[Tuple[int, Optional[int]]]:
- try:
- if lines is None or isinstance(lines, tuple):
- return lines
- elif "-" in lines:
- (from_, to) = lines.split("-", 2)
- return (int(from_), int(to))
- else:
- return (int(lines), None)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValidationError(
- "Invalid format for the lines qualifier: %(lines)s", params={"lines": lines}
- )
-def _parse_path_qualifier(path: Union[str, bytes, None]) -> Optional[bytes]:
- if path is None or isinstance(path, bytes):
- return path
- else:
- return urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes(path)
-@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
-class QualifiedSWHID(_BaseSWHID[ObjectType]):
- """
- Dataclass holding the relevant info associated to a SoftWare Heritage
- persistent IDentifier (SWHID)
- Raises:
- swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
- To get the raw SWHID string from an instance of this class,
- use the :func:`str` function:
- >>> swhid = QualifiedSWHID(
- ... object_type=ObjectType.CONTENT,
- ... object_id=bytes.fromhex('8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'),
- ... lines=(5, 10),
- ... )
- >>> str(swhid)
- 'swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0;lines=5-10'
- And vice-versa with :meth:`QualifiedSWHID.from_string`:
- >>> swhid == QualifiedSWHID.from_string(
- ... "swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0;lines=5-10"
- ... )
- True
- """
- object_type = attr.ib(
- type=ObjectType, validator=type_validator(), converter=ObjectType
- )
- """the type of object the identifier points to"""
- # qualifiers:
- origin = attr.ib(type=Optional[str], default=None, validator=type_validator())
- """the software origin where an object has been found or observed in the wild,
- as an URI"""
- visit = attr.ib(type=Optional[CoreSWHID], default=None, converter=_parse_core_swhid)
- """the core identifier of a snapshot corresponding to a specific visit
- of a repository containing the designated object"""
- anchor = attr.ib(
- type=Optional[CoreSWHID],
- default=None,
- validator=type_validator(),
- converter=_parse_core_swhid,
- )
- """a designated node in the Merkle DAG relative to which a path to the object
- is specified, as the core identifier of a directory, a revision, a release,
- or a snapshot"""
- path = attr.ib(
- type=Optional[bytes],
- default=None,
- validator=type_validator(),
- converter=_parse_path_qualifier,
- )
- """the absolute file path, from the root directory associated to the anchor node,
- to the object; when the anchor denotes a directory or a revision, and almost always
- when it’s a release, the root directory is uniquely determined;
- when the anchor denotes a snapshot, the root directory is the one pointed to by HEAD
- (possibly indirectly), and undefined if such a reference is missing"""
- lines = attr.ib(
- type=Optional[Tuple[int, Optional[int]]],
- default=None,
- validator=type_validator(),
- converter=_parse_lines_qualifier,
- )
- """lines: line number(s) of interest, usually within a content object"""
- @visit.validator
- def check_visit(self, attribute, value):
- if value and value.object_type != ObjectType.SNAPSHOT:
- raise ValidationError(
- "The 'visit' qualifier must be a 'snp' SWHID, not '%(type)s'",
- params={"type": value.object_type.value},
- )
- @anchor.validator
- def check_anchor(self, attribute, value):
- if value and value.object_type not in (
- ObjectType.DIRECTORY,
- ObjectType.REVISION,
- ObjectType.RELEASE,
- ObjectType.SNAPSHOT,
- ):
- raise ValidationError(
- "The 'visit' qualifier must be a 'dir', 'rev', 'rel', or 'snp' SWHID, "
- "not '%s(type)s'",
- params={"type": value.object_type.value},
- )
- def qualifiers(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
- origin = self.origin
- if origin:
- unescaped_origin = origin
- origin = origin.replace(";", "%3B")
- assert urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes(
- origin
- ) == urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes(
- unescaped_origin
- ), "Escaping ';' in the origin qualifier corrupted the origin URL."
- d: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
- "origin": origin,
- "visit": str(self.visit) if self.visit else None,
- "anchor": str(self.anchor) if self.anchor else None,
- "path": (
- urllib.parse.quote_from_bytes(self.path)
- if self.path is not None
- else None
- ),
- "lines": (
- "-".join(str(line) for line in self.lines if line is not None)
- if self.lines
- else None
- ),
- }
- return {k: v for (k, v) in d.items() if v is not None}
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- swhid = SWHID_SEP.join(
- [
- self.namespace,
- str(self.scheme_version),
- self.object_type.value,
- hash_to_hex(self.object_id),
- ]
- )
- qualifiers = self.qualifiers()
- if qualifiers:
- for k, v in qualifiers.items():
- swhid += "%s%s=%s" % (SWHID_CTXT_SEP, k, v)
- return swhid
- @classmethod
- def from_string(cls, s: str) -> QualifiedSWHID:
- parts = _parse_swhid(s)
- qualifiers = parts.pop("qualifiers")
- invalid_qualifiers = set(qualifiers) - SWHID_QUALIFIERS
- if invalid_qualifiers:
- raise ValidationError(
- "Invalid qualifier(s): %(qualifiers)s",
- params={"qualifiers": ", ".join(invalid_qualifiers)},
- )
- try:
- return QualifiedSWHID(**parts, **qualifiers)
- except ValueError as e:
- raise ValidationError(
- "ValueError: %(args)s", params={"args": e.args}
- ) from None
-@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
-class ExtendedSWHID(_BaseSWHID[ExtendedObjectType]):
- """
- Dataclass holding the relevant info associated to a SoftWare Heritage
- persistent IDentifier (SWHID).
- It extends `CoreSWHID`, by allowing non-standard object types; and should
- only be used internally to Software Heritage.
- Raises:
- swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
- To get the raw SWHID string from an instance of this class,
- use the :func:`str` function:
- >>> swhid = ExtendedSWHID(
- ... object_type=ExtendedObjectType.CONTENT,
- ... object_id=bytes.fromhex('8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'),
- ... )
- >>> str(swhid)
- 'swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'
- And vice-versa with :meth:`CoreSWHID.from_string`:
- >>> swhid == ExtendedSWHID.from_string(
- ... "swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0"
- ... )
- True
- """
- object_type = attr.ib(
- type=ExtendedObjectType,
- validator=type_validator(),
- converter=ExtendedObjectType,
- )
- """the type of object the identifier points to"""
-def _parse_swhid(swhid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Parse a Software Heritage identifier (SWHID) from string (see:
- :ref:`persistent-identifiers`.)
- This is for internal use; use :meth:`CoreSWHID.from_string`,
- :meth:`QualifiedSWHID.from_string`, or :meth:`ExtendedSWHID.from_string` instead,
- as they perform validation and build a dataclass.
- Args:
- swhid (str): A persistent identifier
- Raises:
- swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: if passed string is not a valid SWHID
- """
- m = SWHID_RE.fullmatch(swhid)
- if not m:
- raise ValidationError(
- "Invalid SWHID: invalid syntax: %(swhid)s", params={"swhid": swhid}
- )
- parts: Dict[str, Any] = m.groupdict()
- qualifiers_raw = parts["qualifiers"]
- parts["qualifiers"] = {}
- if qualifiers_raw:
- for qualifier in qualifiers_raw.split(SWHID_CTXT_SEP):
- try:
- k, v = qualifier.split("=", maxsplit=1)
- parts["qualifiers"][k] = v
- except ValueError:
- raise ValidationError(
- "Invalid SWHID: invalid qualifier: %(qualifier)s",
- params={"qualifier": qualifier},
- )
- parts["scheme_version"] = int(parts["scheme_version"])
- parts["object_id"] = hash_to_bytes(parts["object_id"])
- return parts
diff --git a/swh/model/ b/swh/model/
--- a/swh/model/
+++ b/swh/model/
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
-from .identifiers import CoreSWHID
-from .identifiers import ExtendedObjectType as SwhidExtendedObjectType
-from .identifiers import ExtendedSWHID
-from .identifiers import ObjectType as SwhidObjectType
+from .swhids import CoreSWHID
+from .swhids import ExtendedObjectType as SwhidExtendedObjectType
+from .swhids import ExtendedSWHID
+from .swhids import ObjectType as SwhidObjectType
class MissingData(Exception):
diff --git a/swh/model/ b/swh/model/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from __future__ import annotations
+import enum
+import re
+from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
+import urllib.parse
+import attr
+from attrs_strict import type_validator
+from .exceptions import ValidationError
+from .hashutil import hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex
+class ObjectType(enum.Enum):
+ """Possible object types of a QualifiedSWHID or CoreSWHID.
+ The values of each variant is what is used in the SWHID's string representation."""
+ SNAPSHOT = "snp"
+ REVISION = "rev"
+ RELEASE = "rel"
+ DIRECTORY = "dir"
+ CONTENT = "cnt"
+class ExtendedObjectType(enum.Enum):
+ """Possible object types of an ExtendedSWHID.
+ The variants are a superset of :class:`ObjectType`'s"""
+ SNAPSHOT = "snp"
+ REVISION = "rev"
+ RELEASE = "rel"
+ DIRECTORY = "dir"
+ CONTENT = "cnt"
+ ORIGIN = "ori"
+SWHID_TYPES = ["snp", "rel", "rev", "dir", "cnt"]
+SWHID_SEP = ":"
+SWHID_QUALIFIERS = {"origin", "anchor", "visit", "path", "lines"}
+ f"(?P<namespace>{SWHID_NAMESPACE})"
+ f"{SWHID_SEP}(?P<scheme_version>{SWHID_VERSION})"
+ f"{SWHID_SEP}(?P<object_type>{'|'.join(EXTENDED_SWHID_TYPES)})"
+ f"{SWHID_SEP}(?P<object_id>[0-9a-f]{{40}})"
+ f"({SWHID_CTXT_SEP}(?P<qualifiers>\\S+))?"
+SWHID_RE = re.compile(SWHID_RE_RAW)
+# type of the "object_type" attribute of the SWHID class; either
+# ObjectType or ExtendedObjectType
+_TObjectType = TypeVar("_TObjectType", ObjectType, ExtendedObjectType)
+# the SWHID class itself (this is used so that X.from_string() can return X
+# for all X subclass of _BaseSWHID)
+_TSWHID = TypeVar("_TSWHID", bound="_BaseSWHID")
+@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
+class _BaseSWHID(Generic[_TObjectType]):
+ """Common base class for CoreSWHID, QualifiedSWHID, and ExtendedSWHID.
+ This is an "abstract" class and should not be instantiated directly;
+ it only exists to deduplicate code between these three SWHID classes."""
+ namespace = attr.ib(type=str, default=SWHID_NAMESPACE)
+ """the namespace of the identifier, defaults to ``swh``"""
+ scheme_version = attr.ib(type=int, default=SWHID_VERSION)
+ """the scheme version of the identifier, defaults to 1"""
+ # overridden by subclasses
+ object_type: _TObjectType
+ """the type of object the identifier points to"""
+ object_id = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator())
+ """object's identifier"""
+ @namespace.validator
+ def check_namespace(self, attribute, value):
+ if value != SWHID_NAMESPACE:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "Invalid SWHID: invalid namespace: %(namespace)s",
+ params={"namespace": value},
+ )
+ @scheme_version.validator
+ def check_scheme_version(self, attribute, value):
+ if value != SWHID_VERSION:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "Invalid SWHID: invalid version: %(version)s", params={"version": value}
+ )
+ @object_id.validator
+ def check_object_id(self, attribute, value):
+ if len(value) != 20:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "Invalid SWHID: invalid checksum: %(object_id)s",
+ params={"object_id": hash_to_hex(value)},
+ )
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return SWHID_SEP.join(
+ [
+ self.namespace,
+ str(self.scheme_version),
+ self.object_type.value,
+ hash_to_hex(self.object_id),
+ ]
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def from_string(cls: Type[_TSWHID], s: str) -> _TSWHID:
+ parts = _parse_swhid(s)
+ if parts.pop("qualifiers"):
+ raise ValidationError(f"{cls.__name__} does not support qualifiers.")
+ try:
+ return cls(**parts)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "ValueError: %(args)s", params={"args": e.args}
+ ) from None
+@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
+class CoreSWHID(_BaseSWHID[ObjectType]):
+ """
+ Dataclass holding the relevant info associated to a SoftWare Heritage
+ persistent IDentifier (SWHID).
+ Unlike `QualifiedSWHID`, it is restricted to core SWHIDs, ie. SWHIDs
+ with no qualifiers.
+ Raises:
+ swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
+ To get the raw SWHID string from an instance of this class,
+ use the :func:`str` function:
+ >>> swhid = CoreSWHID(
+ ... object_type=ObjectType.CONTENT,
+ ... object_id=bytes.fromhex('8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'),
+ ... )
+ >>> str(swhid)
+ 'swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'
+ And vice-versa with :meth:`CoreSWHID.from_string`:
+ >>> swhid == CoreSWHID.from_string(
+ ... "swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0"
+ ... )
+ True
+ """
+ object_type = attr.ib(
+ type=ObjectType, validator=type_validator(), converter=ObjectType
+ )
+ """the type of object the identifier points to"""
+ def to_extended(self) -> ExtendedSWHID:
+ """Converts this CoreSWHID into an ExtendedSWHID.
+ As ExtendedSWHID is a superset of CoreSWHID, this is lossless."""
+ return ExtendedSWHID(
+ namespace=self.namespace,
+ scheme_version=self.scheme_version,
+ object_type=ExtendedObjectType(self.object_type.value),
+ object_id=self.object_id,
+ )
+def _parse_core_swhid(swhid: Union[str, CoreSWHID, None]) -> Optional[CoreSWHID]:
+ if swhid is None or isinstance(swhid, CoreSWHID):
+ return swhid
+ else:
+ return CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid)
+def _parse_lines_qualifier(
+ lines: Union[str, Tuple[int, Optional[int]], None]
+) -> Optional[Tuple[int, Optional[int]]]:
+ try:
+ if lines is None or isinstance(lines, tuple):
+ return lines
+ elif "-" in lines:
+ (from_, to) = lines.split("-", 2)
+ return (int(from_), int(to))
+ else:
+ return (int(lines), None)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "Invalid format for the lines qualifier: %(lines)s", params={"lines": lines}
+ )
+def _parse_path_qualifier(path: Union[str, bytes, None]) -> Optional[bytes]:
+ if path is None or isinstance(path, bytes):
+ return path
+ else:
+ return urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes(path)
+@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
+class QualifiedSWHID(_BaseSWHID[ObjectType]):
+ """
+ Dataclass holding the relevant info associated to a SoftWare Heritage
+ persistent IDentifier (SWHID)
+ Raises:
+ swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
+ To get the raw SWHID string from an instance of this class,
+ use the :func:`str` function:
+ >>> swhid = QualifiedSWHID(
+ ... object_type=ObjectType.CONTENT,
+ ... object_id=bytes.fromhex('8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'),
+ ... lines=(5, 10),
+ ... )
+ >>> str(swhid)
+ 'swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0;lines=5-10'
+ And vice-versa with :meth:`QualifiedSWHID.from_string`:
+ >>> swhid == QualifiedSWHID.from_string(
+ ... "swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0;lines=5-10"
+ ... )
+ True
+ """
+ object_type = attr.ib(
+ type=ObjectType, validator=type_validator(), converter=ObjectType
+ )
+ """the type of object the identifier points to"""
+ # qualifiers:
+ origin = attr.ib(type=Optional[str], default=None, validator=type_validator())
+ """the software origin where an object has been found or observed in the wild,
+ as an URI"""
+ visit = attr.ib(type=Optional[CoreSWHID], default=None, converter=_parse_core_swhid)
+ """the core identifier of a snapshot corresponding to a specific visit
+ of a repository containing the designated object"""
+ anchor = attr.ib(
+ type=Optional[CoreSWHID],
+ default=None,
+ validator=type_validator(),
+ converter=_parse_core_swhid,
+ )
+ """a designated node in the Merkle DAG relative to which a path to the object
+ is specified, as the core identifier of a directory, a revision, a release,
+ or a snapshot"""
+ path = attr.ib(
+ type=Optional[bytes],
+ default=None,
+ validator=type_validator(),
+ converter=_parse_path_qualifier,
+ )
+ """the absolute file path, from the root directory associated to the anchor node,
+ to the object; when the anchor denotes a directory or a revision, and almost always
+ when it’s a release, the root directory is uniquely determined;
+ when the anchor denotes a snapshot, the root directory is the one pointed to by HEAD
+ (possibly indirectly), and undefined if such a reference is missing"""
+ lines = attr.ib(
+ type=Optional[Tuple[int, Optional[int]]],
+ default=None,
+ validator=type_validator(),
+ converter=_parse_lines_qualifier,
+ )
+ """lines: line number(s) of interest, usually within a content object"""
+ @visit.validator
+ def check_visit(self, attribute, value):
+ if value and value.object_type != ObjectType.SNAPSHOT:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "The 'visit' qualifier must be a 'snp' SWHID, not '%(type)s'",
+ params={"type": value.object_type.value},
+ )
+ @anchor.validator
+ def check_anchor(self, attribute, value):
+ if value and value.object_type not in (
+ ObjectType.DIRECTORY,
+ ObjectType.REVISION,
+ ObjectType.RELEASE,
+ ObjectType.SNAPSHOT,
+ ):
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "The 'visit' qualifier must be a 'dir', 'rev', 'rel', or 'snp' SWHID, "
+ "not '%s(type)s'",
+ params={"type": value.object_type.value},
+ )
+ def qualifiers(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ origin = self.origin
+ if origin:
+ unescaped_origin = origin
+ origin = origin.replace(";", "%3B")
+ assert urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes(
+ origin
+ ) == urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes(
+ unescaped_origin
+ ), "Escaping ';' in the origin qualifier corrupted the origin URL."
+ d: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ "origin": origin,
+ "visit": str(self.visit) if self.visit else None,
+ "anchor": str(self.anchor) if self.anchor else None,
+ "path": (
+ urllib.parse.quote_from_bytes(self.path)
+ if self.path is not None
+ else None
+ ),
+ "lines": (
+ "-".join(str(line) for line in self.lines if line is not None)
+ if self.lines
+ else None
+ ),
+ }
+ return {k: v for (k, v) in d.items() if v is not None}
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ swhid = SWHID_SEP.join(
+ [
+ self.namespace,
+ str(self.scheme_version),
+ self.object_type.value,
+ hash_to_hex(self.object_id),
+ ]
+ )
+ qualifiers = self.qualifiers()
+ if qualifiers:
+ for k, v in qualifiers.items():
+ swhid += "%s%s=%s" % (SWHID_CTXT_SEP, k, v)
+ return swhid
+ @classmethod
+ def from_string(cls, s: str) -> QualifiedSWHID:
+ parts = _parse_swhid(s)
+ qualifiers = parts.pop("qualifiers")
+ invalid_qualifiers = set(qualifiers) - SWHID_QUALIFIERS
+ if invalid_qualifiers:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "Invalid qualifier(s): %(qualifiers)s",
+ params={"qualifiers": ", ".join(invalid_qualifiers)},
+ )
+ try:
+ return QualifiedSWHID(**parts, **qualifiers)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "ValueError: %(args)s", params={"args": e.args}
+ ) from None
+@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
+class ExtendedSWHID(_BaseSWHID[ExtendedObjectType]):
+ """
+ Dataclass holding the relevant info associated to a SoftWare Heritage
+ persistent IDentifier (SWHID).
+ It extends `CoreSWHID`, by allowing non-standard object types; and should
+ only be used internally to Software Heritage.
+ Raises:
+ swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
+ To get the raw SWHID string from an instance of this class,
+ use the :func:`str` function:
+ >>> swhid = ExtendedSWHID(
+ ... object_type=ExtendedObjectType.CONTENT,
+ ... object_id=bytes.fromhex('8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'),
+ ... )
+ >>> str(swhid)
+ 'swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'
+ And vice-versa with :meth:`CoreSWHID.from_string`:
+ >>> swhid == ExtendedSWHID.from_string(
+ ... "swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0"
+ ... )
+ True
+ """
+ object_type = attr.ib(
+ type=ExtendedObjectType,
+ validator=type_validator(),
+ converter=ExtendedObjectType,
+ )
+ """the type of object the identifier points to"""
+def _parse_swhid(swhid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Parse a Software Heritage identifier (SWHID) from string (see:
+ :ref:`persistent-identifiers`.)
+ This is for internal use; use :meth:`CoreSWHID.from_string`,
+ :meth:`QualifiedSWHID.from_string`, or :meth:`ExtendedSWHID.from_string` instead,
+ as they perform validation and build a dataclass.
+ Args:
+ swhid (str): A persistent identifier
+ Raises:
+ swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: if passed string is not a valid SWHID
+ """
+ m = SWHID_RE.fullmatch(swhid)
+ if not m:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "Invalid SWHID: invalid syntax: %(swhid)s", params={"swhid": swhid}
+ )
+ parts: Dict[str, Any] = m.groupdict()
+ qualifiers_raw = parts["qualifiers"]
+ parts["qualifiers"] = {}
+ if qualifiers_raw:
+ for qualifier in qualifiers_raw.split(SWHID_CTXT_SEP):
+ try:
+ k, v = qualifier.split("=", maxsplit=1)
+ parts["qualifiers"][k] = v
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "Invalid SWHID: invalid qualifier: %(qualifier)s",
+ params={"qualifier": qualifier},
+ )
+ parts["scheme_version"] = int(parts["scheme_version"])
+ parts["object_id"] = hash_to_bytes(parts["object_id"])
+ return parts
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Dec 21 2024, 9:54 PM (11 w, 4 d ago)
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D6323: Move SWHID classes and functions from to
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