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diff --git a/sql/upgrades/137.sql b/sql/upgrades/137.sql
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/upgrades/137.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+-- SWH DB schema upgrade
+-- from_version: 136
+-- to_version: 137
+-- description: Add comment columns to all tables
+insert into dbversion(version, release, description)
+ values(137, now(), 'Work In Progress');
+-- comment for columns of dbversion table
+comment on table dbversion is 'Details of current db version';
+comment on column dbversion.version is 'SQL schema version';
+comment on column dbversion.release is 'Version deployment timestamp';
+comment on column dbversion.description is 'Release description';
+-- comment for columns of content table
+comment on table content is 'Checksums of file content which is actually stored externally';
+comment on column content.sha1 is 'Content sha1 hash';
+comment on column content.sha1_git is 'Git object sha1 hash';
+comment on column content.sha256 is 'Content Sha256 hash';
+comment on column content.blake2s256 is 'Content blake2s hash';
+comment on column content.length is 'Content length';
+comment on column content.ctime is 'First seen time';
+comment on column content.status is 'Content status (absent, visible, hidden)';
+comment on column content.object_id is 'Content identifier';
+-- comment for columns of origin table
+comment on column is 'Artifact origin id';
+comment on column origin.type is 'Type of origin';
+comment on column origin.url is 'URL of origin';
+-- comment for columns of skipped_content
+comment on table skipped_content is 'Content blobs observed, but not ingested in the archive';
+comment on column skipped_content.sha1 is 'Skipped content sha1 hash';
+comment on column skipped_content.sha1_git is 'Git object sha1 hash';
+comment on column skipped_content.sha256 is 'Skipped content sha256 hash';
+comment on column skipped_content.blake2s256 is 'Skipped content blake2s hash';
+comment on column skipped_content.length is 'Skipped content length';
+comment on column skipped_content.ctime is 'First seen time';
+comment on column skipped_content.status is 'Skipped content status (absent, visible, hidden)';
+comment on column skipped_content.reason is 'Reason for skipping';
+comment on column skipped_content.origin is 'Origin table identifier';
+comment on column skipped_content.object_id is 'Skipped content identifier';
+-- comment for columns of fetch_history
+comment on table fetch_history is 'Log of all origin fetches';
+comment on column is 'Identifier for fetch history';
+comment on column fetch_history.origin is 'Origin table identifier';
+comment on column is 'Fetch start time';
+comment on column fetch_history.status is 'True indicates successful fetch';
+comment on column fetch_history.result is 'Detailed return values, times etc';
+comment on column fetch_history.stdout is 'Standard output of fetch operation';
+comment on column fetch_history.stderr is 'Standard error of fetch operation';
+comment on column fetch_history.duration is 'Time taken to complete fetch, NULL if ongoing';
+-- comment for columns of directory
+comment on table directory is 'Contents of a directory, synonymous to tree (git)';
+comment on column is 'Git object sha1 hash';
+comment on column directory.dir_entries is 'Sub-directories, reference directory_entry_dir';
+comment on column directory.file_entries is 'Contained files, reference directory_entry_file';
+comment on column directory.rev_entries is 'Mounted revisions, reference directory_entry_rev';
+comment on column directory.object_id is 'Short object identifier';
+-- comment for columns of directory_entry_dir
+comment on table directory_entry_dir is 'Directory entry for directory';
+comment on column is 'Directory identifier';
+comment on column is 'Target directory identifier';
+comment on column is 'Path name, relative to containing directory';
+comment on column directory_entry_dir.perms is 'Unix-like permissions';
+-- comment for columns of directory_entry_file
+comment on table directory_entry_file is 'Directory entry for file';
+comment on column is 'File identifier';
+comment on column is 'Target file identifier';
+comment on column is 'Path name, relative to containing directory';
+comment on column directory_entry_file.perms is 'Unix-like permissions';
+-- comment for columns of directory_entry_rev
+comment on table directory_entry_rev is 'Directory entry for revision';
+comment on column is 'Revision identifier';
+comment on column is 'Target revision in identifier';
+comment on column is 'Path name, relative to containing directory';
+comment on column directory_entry_dir.perms is 'Unix-like permissions';
+-- comment for columns of person
+comment on table person is 'Person referenced in code artifact release metadata';
+comment on column is 'Person identifier';
+comment on column is 'Name';
+comment on column is 'Email';
+comment on column person.fullname is 'Full name (raw name)';
+-- comment for columns of revision
+comment on table revision is 'Revision represents the state of a source code tree at a
+ specific point in time';
+comment on column is 'Git id of sha1 checksum';
+comment on column is 'Timestamp when revision was authored';
+comment on column revision.date_offset is 'Authored timestamp offset from UTC';
+comment on column revision.committer_date is 'Timestamp when revision was committed';
+comment on column revision.committer_date_offset is 'Committed timestamp offset from UTC';
+comment on column revision.type is 'Possible revision types (''git'', ''tar'', ''dsc'', ''svn'', ''hg'')';
+comment on column is 'Directory identifier';
+comment on column revision.message is 'Revision message';
+comment on column is 'Author identifier';
+comment on column revision.committer is 'Committer identifier';
+comment on column revision.synthetic is 'true iff revision has been created by Software Heritage';
+comment on column revision.metadata is 'extra metadata (tarball checksums, extra commit information, etc...)';
+comment on column revision.object_id is 'Object identifier';
+comment on column revision.date_neg_utc_offset is 'True indicates -0 UTC offset for author timestamp';
+comment on column revision.committer_date_neg_utc_offset is 'True indicates -0 UTC offset for committer timestamp';
+-- comment for columns of revision_history
+comment on table revision_history is 'Sequence of revision history with parent and position in history';
+comment on column is 'Revision history git object sha1 checksum';
+comment on column revision_history.parent_id is 'Parent revision git object identifier';
+comment on column revision_history.parent_rank is 'Parent position in merge commits, 0-based';
+-- comment for columns of snapshot
+comment on table snapshot is 'State of a software origin as crawled by Software Heritage';
+comment on column snapshot.object_id is 'Internal object identifier';
+comment on column is 'Intrinsic snapshot identifier';
+-- comment for columns of snapshot_branch
+comment on table snapshot_branch is 'Associates branches with objects in Heritage Merkle DAG';
+comment on column snapshot_branch.object_id is 'Internal object identifier';
+comment on column is 'Branch name';
+comment on column is 'Target object identifier';
+comment on column snapshot_branch.target_type is 'Target object type';
+-- comment for columns of snapshot_branches
+comment on table snapshot_branches is 'Mapping between snapshot and their branches';
+comment on column snapshot_branches.snapshot_id is 'Snapshot identifier';
+comment on column snapshot_branches.branch_id is 'Branch identifier';
+-- comment for columns of release
+comment on table release is 'Details of a software release, synonymous with
+ a tag (git) or version number (tarball)';
+comment on column is 'Release git identifier';
+comment on column is 'Target git identifier';
+comment on column is 'Release timestamp';
+comment on column release.date_offset is 'Timestamp offset from UTC';
+comment on column is 'Name';
+comment on column release.comment is 'Comment';
+comment on column is 'Author';
+comment on column release.synthetic is 'Indicates if created by Software Heritage';
+comment on column release.object_id is 'Object identifier';
+comment on column release.target_type is 'Object type (''content'', ''directory'', ''revision'',
+ ''release'', ''snapshot'')';
+comment on column release.date_neg_utc_offset is 'True indicates -0 UTC offset for release timestamp';
+-- comment for columns of object_counts
+comment on table object_counts is 'Cache of object counts';
+comment on column object_counts.object_type is 'Object type (''content'', ''directory'', ''revision'',
+ ''release'', ''snapshot'')';
+comment on column object_counts.value is 'Count of objects in the table';
+comment on column object_counts.last_update is 'Last update for object count';
+comment on column object_counts.single_update is 'standalone (true) or bucketed counts (false)';
+-- comment for columns of object_counts_bucketed
+comment on table object_counts_bucketed is 'Bucketed count for objects ordered by type';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.line is 'Auto incremented idenitfier value';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.object_type is 'Object type (''content'', ''directory'', ''revision'',
+ ''release'', ''snapshot'')';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.identifier is 'Common identifier for bucketed objects';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.bucket_start is 'Lower bound (inclusive) for the bucket';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.bucket_end is 'Upper bound (exclusive) for the bucket';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.value is 'Count of objects in the bucket';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.last_update is 'Last update for the object count in this bucket';
diff --git a/swh/storage/sql/30-swh-schema.sql b/swh/storage/sql/30-swh-schema.sql
--- a/swh/storage/sql/30-swh-schema.sql
+++ b/swh/storage/sql/30-swh-schema.sql
@@ -10,9 +10,14 @@
description text
+comment on table dbversion is 'Details of current db version';
+comment on column dbversion.version is 'SQL schema version';
+comment on column dbversion.release is 'Version deployment timestamp';
+comment on column dbversion.description is 'Release description';
-- latest schema version
insert into dbversion(version, release, description)
- values(133, now(), 'Work In Progress');
+ values(137, now(), 'Work In Progress');
-- a SHA1 checksum
create domain sha1 as bytea check (length(value) = 20);
@@ -50,6 +55,16 @@
object_id bigserial
+comment on table content is 'Checksums of file content which is actually stored externally';
+comment on column content.sha1 is 'Content sha1 hash';
+comment on column content.sha1_git is 'Git object sha1 hash';
+comment on column content.sha256 is 'Content Sha256 hash';
+comment on column content.blake2s256 is 'Content blake2s hash';
+comment on column content.length is 'Content length';
+comment on column content.ctime is 'First seen time';
+comment on column content.status is 'Content status (absent, visible, hidden)';
+comment on column content.object_id is 'Content identifier';
-- An origin is a place, identified by an URL, where software source code
-- artifacts can be found. We support different kinds of origins, e.g., git and
@@ -65,6 +80,10 @@
url text not null
+comment on column is 'Artifact origin id';
+comment on column origin.type is 'Type of origin';
+comment on column origin.url is 'URL of origin';
-- Content blobs observed somewhere, but not ingested into the archive for
-- whatever reason. This table is separate from the content table as we might
@@ -87,6 +106,18 @@
object_id bigserial
+comment on table skipped_content is 'Content blobs observed, but not ingested in the archive';
+comment on column skipped_content.sha1 is 'Skipped content sha1 hash';
+comment on column skipped_content.sha1_git is 'Git object sha1 hash';
+comment on column skipped_content.sha256 is 'Skipped content sha256 hash';
+comment on column skipped_content.blake2s256 is 'Skipped content blake2s hash';
+comment on column skipped_content.length is 'Skipped content length';
+comment on column skipped_content.ctime is 'First seen time';
+comment on column skipped_content.status is 'Skipped content status (absent, visible, hidden)';
+comment on column skipped_content.reason is 'Reason for skipping';
+comment on column skipped_content.origin is 'Origin table identifier';
+comment on column skipped_content.object_id is 'Skipped content identifier';
-- Log of all origin fetches (i.e., origin crawling) that have been done in the
-- past, or are still ongoing. Similar to list_history, but for origins.
@@ -102,6 +133,16 @@
duration interval -- fetch duration of NULL if still ongoing
+comment on table fetch_history is 'Log of all origin fetches';
+comment on column is 'Identifier for fetch history';
+comment on column fetch_history.origin is 'Origin table identifier';
+comment on column is 'Fetch start time';
+comment on column fetch_history.status is 'True indicates successful fetch';
+comment on column fetch_history.result is 'Detailed return values, times etc';
+comment on column fetch_history.stdout is 'Standard output of fetch operation';
+comment on column fetch_history.stderr is 'Standard error of fetch operation';
+comment on column fetch_history.duration is 'Time taken to complete fetch, NULL if ongoing';
-- A file-system directory. A directory is a list of directory entries (see
-- tables: directory_entry_{dir,file}).
@@ -123,6 +164,14 @@
object_id bigserial -- short object identifier
+comment on table directory is 'Contents of a directory, synonymous to tree (git)';
+comment on column is 'Git object sha1 hash';
+comment on column directory.dir_entries is 'Sub-directories, reference directory_entry_dir';
+comment on column directory.file_entries is 'Contained files, reference directory_entry_file';
+comment on column directory.rev_entries is 'Mounted revisions, reference directory_entry_rev';
+comment on column directory.object_id is 'Short object identifier';
-- A directory entry pointing to a (sub-)directory.
create table directory_entry_dir
@@ -132,6 +181,13 @@
perms file_perms -- unix-like permissions
+comment on table directory_entry_dir is 'Directory entry for directory';
+comment on column is 'Directory identifier';
+comment on column is 'Target directory identifier';
+comment on column is 'Path name, relative to containing directory';
+comment on column directory_entry_dir.perms is 'Unix-like permissions';
-- A directory entry pointing to a file content.
create table directory_entry_file
@@ -141,6 +197,13 @@
perms file_perms -- unix-like permissions
+comment on table directory_entry_file is 'Directory entry for file';
+comment on column is 'File identifier';
+comment on column is 'Target file identifier';
+comment on column is 'Path name, relative to containing directory';
+comment on column directory_entry_file.perms is 'Unix-like permissions';
-- A directory entry pointing to a revision.
create table directory_entry_rev
@@ -150,6 +213,12 @@
perms file_perms -- unix-like permissions
+comment on table directory_entry_rev is 'Directory entry for revision';
+comment on column is 'Revision identifier';
+comment on column is 'Target revision in identifier';
+comment on column is 'Path name, relative to containing directory';
+comment on column directory_entry_dir.perms is 'Unix-like permissions';
-- A person referenced by some source code artifacts, e.g., a VCS revision or
-- release metadata.
@@ -162,6 +231,12 @@
-- will usually be of the form 'name <email>'
+comment on table person is 'Person referenced in code artifact release metadata';
+comment on column is 'Person identifier';
+comment on column is 'Name';
+comment on column is 'Email';
+comment on column person.fullname is 'Full name (raw name)';
-- The state of a source code tree at a specific point in time.
@@ -180,7 +255,7 @@
committer_date timestamptz,
committer_date_offset smallint,
type revision_type not null,
- directory sha1_git, -- source code "root" directory
+ directory sha1_git, -- source code 'root' directory
message bytea,
author bigint,
committer bigint,
@@ -191,6 +266,25 @@
committer_date_neg_utc_offset boolean
+comment on table revision is 'Revision represents the state of a source code tree at a
+ specific point in time';
+comment on column is 'Git id of sha1 checksum';
+comment on column is 'Timestamp when revision was authored';
+comment on column revision.date_offset is 'Authored timestamp offset from UTC';
+comment on column revision.committer_date is 'Timestamp when revision was committed';
+comment on column revision.committer_date_offset is 'Committed timestamp offset from UTC';
+comment on column revision.type is 'Possible revision types (''git'', ''tar'', ''dsc'', ''svn'', ''hg'')';
+comment on column is 'Directory identifier';
+comment on column revision.message is 'Revision message';
+comment on column is 'Author identifier';
+comment on column revision.committer is 'Committer identifier';
+comment on column revision.synthetic is 'true iff revision has been created by Software Heritage';
+comment on column revision.metadata is 'extra metadata (tarball checksums, extra commit information, etc...)';
+comment on column revision.object_id is 'Object identifier';
+comment on column revision.date_neg_utc_offset is 'True indicates -0 UTC offset for author timestamp';
+comment on column revision.committer_date_neg_utc_offset is 'True indicates -0 UTC offset for committer timestamp';
-- either this table or the sha1_git[] column on the revision table
create table revision_history
@@ -200,6 +294,11 @@
-- parent position in merge commits, 0-based
+comment on table revision_history is 'Sequence of revision history with parent and position in history';
+comment on column is 'Revision history git object sha1 checksum';
+comment on column revision_history.parent_id is 'Parent revision git object identifier';
+comment on column revision_history.parent_rank is 'Parent position in merge commits, 0-based';
-- Crawling history of software origins visited by Software Heritage. Each
-- visit is a 3-way mapping between a software origin, a timestamp, and a
@@ -233,6 +332,11 @@
id sha1_git not null -- snapshot intrinsic identifier
+comment on table snapshot is 'State of a software origin as crawled by Software Heritage';
+comment on column snapshot.object_id is 'Internal object identifier';
+comment on column is 'Intrinsic snapshot identifier';
-- Each snapshot associate "branch" names to other objects in the Software
-- Heritage Merkle DAG. This table describes branches as mappings between names
-- and target typed objects.
@@ -244,6 +348,13 @@
target_type snapshot_target -- target object type, e.g., "revision"
+comment on table snapshot_branch is 'Associates branches with objects in Heritage Merkle DAG';
+comment on column snapshot_branch.object_id is 'Internal object identifier';
+comment on column is 'Branch name';
+comment on column is 'Target object identifier';
+comment on column snapshot_branch.target_type is 'Target object type';
-- Mapping between snapshots and their branches.
create table snapshot_branches
@@ -251,6 +362,10 @@
branch_id bigint not null -- branch identifier, ref. snapshot_branch.object_id
+comment on table snapshot_branches is 'Mapping between snapshot and their branches';
+comment on column snapshot_branches.snapshot_id is 'Snapshot identifier';
+comment on column snapshot_branches.branch_id is 'Branch identifier';
-- A "memorable" point in time in the development history of a software
-- project.
@@ -273,6 +388,20 @@
date_neg_utc_offset boolean
+comment on table release is 'Details of a software release, synonymous with
+ a tag (git) or version number (tarball)';
+comment on column is 'Release git identifier';
+comment on column is 'Target git identifier';
+comment on column is 'Release timestamp';
+comment on column release.date_offset is 'Timestamp offset from UTC';
+comment on column is 'Name';
+comment on column release.comment is 'Comment';
+comment on column is 'Author';
+comment on column release.synthetic is 'Indicates if created by Software Heritage';
+comment on column release.object_id is 'Object identifier';
+comment on column release.target_type is 'Object type (''content'', ''directory'', ''revision'',
+ ''release'', ''snapshot'')';
+comment on column release.date_neg_utc_offset is 'True indicates -0 UTC offset for release timestamp';
-- Tools
create table tool
@@ -336,6 +465,14 @@
single_update boolean -- whether we update this table standalone (true) or through bucketed counts (false)
+comment on table object_counts is 'Cache of object counts';
+comment on column object_counts.object_type is 'Object type (''content'', ''directory'', ''revision'',
+ ''release'', ''snapshot'')';
+comment on column object_counts.value is 'Count of objects in the table';
+comment on column object_counts.last_update is 'Last update for object count';
+comment on column object_counts.single_update is 'standalone (true) or bucketed counts (false)';
create table object_counts_bucketed
line serial not null, -- PK
@@ -346,3 +483,14 @@
value bigint, -- count of objects in the bucket
last_update timestamptz -- last update for the object count in this bucket
+comment on table object_counts_bucketed is 'Bucketed count for objects ordered by type';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.line is 'Auto incremented idenitfier value';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.object_type is 'Object type (''content'', ''directory'', ''revision'',
+ ''release'', ''snapshot'')';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.identifier is 'Common identifier for bucketed objects';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.bucket_start is 'Lower bound (inclusive) for the bucket';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.bucket_end is 'Upper bound (exclusive) for the bucket';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.value is 'Count of objects in the bucket';
+comment on column object_counts_bucketed.last_update is 'Last update for the object count in this bucket';
File Metadata
Mime Type
Nov 5 2024, 9:44 AM (12 w, 4 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Attached To
D1582: Add comments to tables dbversion, content, skipped_content and fetch_history
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