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-Software Heritage Vault
-Software source code **objects**---e.g., individual source code files,
-tarballs, commits, tagged releases, etc.---are stored in the Software Heritage
-(SWH) Archive in fully deduplicated form. That allows direct access to
-individual artifacts but require some preparation, usually in the form of
-collecting and assembling multiple artifacts in a single **bundle**, when fast
-access to a set of related artifacts (e.g., the snapshot of a VCS repository,
-the archive corresponding to a Git commit, or a specific software release as a
-zip archive) is required.
-The **Software Heritage Vault** is a cache of pre-built source code bundles
-which are assembled opportunistically retrieving objects from the Software
-Heritage Archive, can be accessed efficiently, and might be garbage collected
-after a long period of non-use.
-* **Shared cache**
- The vault is a cache shared among the various origins that the SWH archive
- tracks. If the same bundle, originally coming from different origins, is
- requested, a single entry for it in the cache shall exist.
-* **Efficient retrieval**
- Where supported by the desired access protocol (e.g., HTTP) it should be
- possible for the vault to serve bundles efficiently (e.g., as static files
- served via HTTP, possibly further proxied/cached at that level). In
- particular, this rules out building bundles on the fly from the archive DB.
-All URLs below are meant to be mounted at API root, which is currently at
-<>. Unless otherwise stated, all API
-endpoints respond on HTTP GET method.
-## Object identification
-The vault stores bundles corresponding to different kinds of objects. The
-following object kinds are supported:
-* directories
-* revisions
-* repository snapshots
-The URL fragment `:objectkind/:objectid` is used throughout the vault API to
-fully identify vault objects. The syntax and meaning of :objectid for the
-different object kinds is detailed below.
-### Directories
-* object kind: directory
-* URL fragment: directory/:sha1git
-where :sha1git is the directory ID in the SWH data model.
-### Revisions
-* object kind: revision
-* URL fragment: revision/:sha1git
-where :sha1git is the revision ID in the SWH data model.
-### Repository snapshots
-* object kind: snapshot
-* URL fragment: snapshot/:sha1git
-where :sha1git is the snapshot ID in the SWH data model. (**TODO** repository
-snapshots don't exist yet as first-class citizens in the SWH data model; see
-References below.)
-## Cooking
-Bundles in the vault might be ready for retrieval or not. When they are not,
-they will need to be **cooked** before they can be retrieved. A cooked bundle
-will remain around until it expires; at that point it will need to be cooked
-again before it can be retrieved. Cooking is idempotent, and a no-op in between
-a previous cooking operation and expiration.
-To cook a bundle:
-* POST /vault/:objectkind/:objectid
- Request body: **TODO** something here in a JSON payload that would allow
- notifying the user when the bundle is ready.
- Response: 201 Created
-## Retrieval
-* GET /vault/:objectkind
- (paginated) list of all bundles of a given kind available in the vault; see
- Pagination. Note that, due to cache expiration, objects might disappear
- between listing and subsequent actions on them.
- Examples:
- * GET /vault/directory
- * GET /vault/revision
-* GET /vault/:objectkind/:objectid
- Retrieve a specific bundle from the vault.
- Response:
- * 200 OK: bundle available; response body is the bundle
- * 404 Not Found: missing bundle; client should request its preparation (see Cooking)
-* [Repository snapshot objects](
-* Amazon Web Services,
- [API Reference for Amazon Glacier](;
- specifically
- [Job Operations](
-* **TODO** pagination using HATEOAS
-* **TODO** authorization: the cooking API should be somehow controlled to avoid
- obvious abuses (e.g., let's cache everything)
-* **TODO** finalize repository snapshot proposal
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-# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-from swh.model import hashutil
-from swh.core.api import SWHRemoteAPI
-from import StorageAPIError
-class RemoteVaultCache(SWHRemoteAPI):
- """Client to the Software Heritage vault cache."""
- def __init__(self, base_url):
- super().__init__(api_exception=StorageAPIError, url=base_url)
- def ls(self, obj_type):
- return self.get('vault/{}/'.format(obj_type))
- def fetch(self, obj_type, obj_id):
- return self.get('vault/{}/{}/'.format(obj_type,
- hashutil.hash_to_hex(obj_id)))
- def cook(self, obj_type, obj_id):
- return'vault/{}/{}/'.format(obj_type,
- hashutil.hash_to_hex(obj_id)),
- data={})
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-# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-from swh.scheduler.task import Task
-from swh.model import hashutil
-from ..cache import VaultCache
-from ..cookers import COOKER_TYPES
-from ... import get_storage
-class SWHCookingTask(Task):
- """Main task which archives a contents batch.
- """
- task_queue = 'swh_storage_vault_cooking'
- def run(self, type, hex_id, storage_args, cache_args):
- # Initialize elements
- storage = get_storage(**storage_args)
- cache = VaultCache(**cache_args)
- # Initialize cooker
- obj_id = hashutil.hash_to_bytes(hex_id)
- cooker = COOKER_TYPES[type](storage, cache, obj_id)
- # Perform the cooking
- cooker.cook()
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-# Copyright (C) 2016 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-import click
-import re
-from flask import abort, g
-from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter
-from swh.core import config
-from swh.core.api import (SWHServerAPIApp, error_handler,
- encode_data_server as encode_data)
-from swh.scheduler.utils import get_task
-from import SWHCookingTask # noqa
-from import VaultCache
-from import COOKER_TYPES
-cooking_task_name = ''
- 'storage': ('dict', {
- 'cls': 'local',
- 'args': {
- 'db': 'dbname=softwareheritage-dev',
- 'objstorage': {
- 'root': '/tmp/objects',
- 'slicing': '0:2/2:4/4:6',
- },
- },
- }),
- 'cache': ('dict', {'root': '/tmp/vaultcache'})
-class CookerConverter(BaseConverter):
- def __init__(self, url_map, *items):
- super().__init__(url_map)
- types = [re.escape(c) for c in COOKER_TYPES]
- self.regex = '({})'.format('|'.join(types))
-app = SWHServerAPIApp(__name__)
-app.url_map.converters['cooker'] = CookerConverter
-def my_error_handler(exception):
- return error_handler(exception, encode_data)
-def before_request():
- g.cache = VaultCache(**app.config['cache'])
-def index():
- return 'SWH vault API server'
-@app.route('/vault/<cooker:type>/', methods=['GET'])
-def vault_ls(type):
- return encode_data(list(
- ))
-@app.route('/vault/<cooker:type>/<id>/', methods=['GET'])
-def vault_fetch(type, id):
- if not g.cache.is_cached(type, id):
- abort(404)
- return encode_data(g.cache.get(type, id))
-@app.route('/vault/<cooker:type>/<id>/', methods=['POST'])
-def vault_cook(type, id):
- task = get_task(cooking_task_name)
- task.delay(type, id, app.config['storage'], app.config['cache'])
- # Return url to get the content and 201 CREATED
- return encode_data('/vault/%s/%s/' % (type, id)), 201
-@click.argument('config-path', required=1)
-@click.option('--host', default='', help="Host to run the server")
-@click.option('--port', default=5005, type=click.INT,
- help="Binding port of the server")
-@click.option('--debug/--nodebug', default=True,
- help="Indicates if the server should run in debug mode")
-def launch(config_path, host, port, debug):
- app.config.update(, DEFAULT_CONFIG))
-, port=int(port), debug=bool(debug))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- launch()
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-# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-import os
-from swh.model import hashutil
-from swh.objstorage import get_objstorage
-from swh.objstorage.objstorage_pathslicing import DIR_MODE
-class VaultCache():
- """The vault cache is an object storage that stores bundles
- The current implementation uses a PathSlicingObjStorage to store
- the bundles. The id of a content if prefixed to specify its type
- and store different types of bundle in different folders.
- """
- def __init__(self, root):
- self.root = root
- self.storages = {}
- def add(self, obj_type, obj_id, content):
- storage = self._get_storage(obj_type)
- return storage.add(content, obj_id)
- def get(self, obj_type, obj_id):
- storage = self._get_storage(obj_type)
- return storage.get(hashutil.hash_to_bytes(obj_id))
- def is_cached(self, obj_type, obj_id):
- storage = self._get_storage(obj_type)
- return hashutil.hash_to_bytes(obj_id) in storage
- def ls(self, obj_type):
- storage = self._get_storage(obj_type)
- yield from storage
- def _get_storage(self, obj_type):
- """Get the storage that corresponds to the object type"""
- if obj_type not in self.storages:
- fp = os.path.join(self.root, obj_type)
- if not os.path.isdir(fp):
- os.makedirs(fp, DIR_MODE, exist_ok=True)
- self.storages[obj_type] = get_objstorage(
- 'pathslicing', {'root': fp, 'slicing': '0:1/0:5'})
- return self.storages[obj_type]
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-# Copyright (C) 2017 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-from .directory import DirectoryCooker
-from .revision_flat import RevisionFlatCooker
-from .revision_git import RevisionGitCooker
- 'directory': DirectoryCooker,
- 'revision_flat': RevisionFlatCooker,
- 'revision_git': RevisionGitCooker,
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-# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-import abc
-import io
-import itertools
-import logging
-import os
-import tarfile
-import tempfile
-from pathlib import Path
-from swh.model import hashutil
-def get_tar_bytes(path, arcname=None):
- path = Path(path)
- if not arcname:
- arcname =
- tar_buffer = io.BytesIO()
- tar =, mode='w')
- tar.add(str(path), arcname=arcname)
- return tar_buffer.getbuffer()
-SKIPPED_MESSAGE = (b'This content have not been retrieved in '
- b'Software Heritage archive due to its size')
-HIDDEN_MESSAGE = (b'This content is hidden')
-class BaseVaultCooker(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
- """Abstract base class for the vault's bundle creators
- This class describes a common API for the cookers.
- To define a new cooker, inherit from this class and override:
- - CACHE_TYPE_KEY: key to use for the bundle to reference in cache
- - def cook(): cook the object into a bundle
- - def notify_bundle_ready(notif_data): notify the
- bundle is ready.
- """
- def __init__(self, storage, cache, obj_id):
- """Initialize the cooker.
- The type of the object represented by the id depends on the
- concrete class. Very likely, each type of bundle will have its
- own cooker class.
- Args:
- storage: the storage object
- cache: the cache where to store the bundle
- obj_id: id of the object to be cooked into a bundle.
- """
- = storage
- self.cache = cache
- self.obj_id = obj_id
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def prepare_bundle(self):
- """Implementation of the cooker. Returns the bundle bytes.
- Override this with the cooker implementation.
- """
- raise NotImplemented
- def cook(self):
- """Cook the requested object into a bundle
- """
- bundle_content = self.prepare_bundle()
- # Cache the bundle
- self.update_cache(bundle_content)
- # Make a notification that the bundle have been cooked
- # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED see TODO in function.
- self.notify_bundle_ready(
- notif_data='Bundle %s ready' % hashutil.hash_to_hex(self.obj_id))
- def update_cache(self, bundle_content):
- """Update the cache with id and bundle_content.
- """
- self.cache.add(self.CACHE_TYPE_KEY, self.obj_id, bundle_content)
- def notify_bundle_ready(self, notif_data):
- # TODO plug this method with the notification method once
- # done.
- pass
-class DirectoryBuilder:
- """Creates a cooked directory from its sha1_git in the db.
- Warning: This is NOT a directly accessible cooker, but a low-level
- one that executes the manipulations.
- """
- def __init__(self, storage):
- = storage
- def get_directory_bytes(self, dir_id):
- # Create temporary folder to retrieve the files into.
- root = bytes(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='directory.',
- suffix='.cook'), 'utf8')
- self.build_directory(dir_id, root)
- # Use the created directory to make a bundle with the data as
- # a compressed directory.
- bundle_content = self._create_bundle_content(
- root,
- hashutil.hash_to_hex(dir_id))
- return bundle_content
- def build_directory(self, dir_id, root):
- # Retrieve data from the database.
- data =, recursive=True)
- # Split into files and directory data.
- # TODO(seirl): also handle revision data.
- data1, data2 = itertools.tee(data, 2)
- dir_data = (entry['name'] for entry in data1 if entry['type'] == 'dir')
- file_data = (entry for entry in data2 if entry['type'] == 'file')
- # Recreate the directory's subtree and then the files into it.
- self._create_tree(root, dir_data)
- self._create_files(root, file_data)
- def _create_tree(self, root, directory_paths):
- """Create a directory tree from the given paths
- The tree is created from `root` and each given path in
- `directory_paths` will be created.
- """
- # Directories are sorted by depth so they are created in the
- # right order
- bsep = bytes(os.path.sep, 'utf8')
- dir_names = sorted(
- directory_paths,
- key=lambda x: len(x.split(bsep)))
- for dir_name in dir_names:
- os.makedirs(os.path.join(root, dir_name))
- def _create_files(self, root, file_datas):
- """Create the files according to their status.
- """
- # Then create the files
- for file_data in file_datas:
- path = os.path.join(root, file_data['name'])
- status = file_data['status']
- perms = file_data['perms']
- if status == 'absent':
- self._create_file_absent(path)
- elif status == 'hidden':
- self._create_file_hidden(path)
- else:
- content = self._get_file_content(file_data['sha1'])
- self._create_file(path, content, perms)
- def _create_file(self, path, content, perms=0o100644):
- """Create the given file and fill it with content.
- """
- if perms not in (0o100644, 0o100755, 0o120000):
- logging.warning('File {} has invalid permission {}, '
- 'defaulting to 644.'.format(path, perms))
- perms = 0o100644
- if perms == 0o120000: # Symbolic link
- os.symlink(content, path)
- else:
- with open(path, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(content)
- os.chmod(path, perms & 0o777)
- def _get_file_content(self, obj_id):
- """Get the content of the given file.
- """
- content = list([obj_id]))[0]['data']
- return content
- def _create_file_absent(self, path):
- """Create a file that indicates a skipped content
- Create the given file but fill it with a specific content to
- indicate that the content have not been retrieved by the
- software heritage archive due to its size.
- """
- self._create_file(self, SKIPPED_MESSAGE)
- def _create_file_hidden(self, path):
- """Create a file that indicates an hidden content
- Create the given file but fill it with a specific content to
- indicate that the content could not be retrieved due to
- privacy policy.
- """
- self._create_file(self, HIDDEN_MESSAGE)
- def _create_bundle_content(self, path, hex_dir_id):
- """Create a bundle from the given directory
- Args:
- path: location of the directory to package.
- hex_dir_id: hex representation of the directory id
- Returns:
- bytes that represent the compressed directory as a bundle.
- """
- return get_tar_bytes(path.decode(), hex_dir_id)
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-# Copyright (C) 2016 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-from .base import BaseVaultCooker, DirectoryBuilder
-class DirectoryCooker(BaseVaultCooker):
- """Cooker to create a directory bundle """
- CACHE_TYPE_KEY = 'directory'
- def prepare_bundle(self):
- """Cook the requested directory into a Bundle
- Args:
- obj_id (bytes): the id of the directory to be cooked.
- Returns:
- bytes that correspond to the bundle
- """
- directory_builder = DirectoryBuilder(
- return directory_builder.get_directory_bytes(self.obj_id)
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-# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-import tempfile
-from pathlib import Path
-from swh.model import hashutil
-from .base import BaseVaultCooker, DirectoryBuilder, get_tar_bytes
-class RevisionFlatCooker(BaseVaultCooker):
- """Cooker to create a directory bundle """
- CACHE_TYPE_KEY = 'revision_flat'
- def prepare_bundle(self):
- """Cook the requested revision into a Bundle
- Returns:
- bytes that correspond to the bundle
- """
- directory_builder = DirectoryBuilder(
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix='.cook') as root_tmp:
- root = Path(root_tmp)
- for revision in[self.obj_id]):
- revdir = root / hashutil.hash_to_hex(revision['id'])
- revdir.mkdir()
- directory_builder.build_directory(revision['directory'],
- str(revdir).encode())
- return get_tar_bytes(root_tmp, hashutil.hash_to_hex(self.obj_id))
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-# Copyright (C) 2017 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-import collections
-import fastimport.commands
-import functools
-import logging
-import os
-from .base import BaseVaultCooker
-class RevisionGitCooker(BaseVaultCooker):
- """Cooker to create a git fast-import bundle """
- CACHE_TYPE_KEY = 'revision_git'
- def prepare_bundle(self):
- commands = self.fastexport([self.obj_id]))
- bundle_content = b'\n'.join(bytes(command) for command in commands)
- return bundle_content
- def fastexport(self, log):
- """Generate all the git fast-import commands from a given log.
- """
- self.rev_by_id = {r['id']: r for r in log}
- self.rev_sorted = list(self._toposort(self.rev_by_id))
- self.obj_done = set()
- self.obj_to_mark = {}
- self.next_available_mark = 1
- # We want a single transaction for the whole export, so we store a
- # cursor and use it during the process.
- with as self.cursor:
- for i, rev in enumerate(self.rev_sorted, 1):
-'Computing revision %d/%d', i,
- len(self.rev_sorted))
- yield from self._compute_commit_command(rev)
- def _toposort(self, rev_by_id):
- """Perform a topological sort on the revision graph.
- """
- children = collections.defaultdict(list) # rev -> children
- in_degree = {} # rev -> numbers of parents left to compute
- # Compute the in_degrees and the parents of all the revisions.
- # Add the roots to the processing queue.
- queue = collections.deque()
- for rev_id, rev in rev_by_id.items():
- in_degree[rev_id] = len(rev['parents'])
- if not rev['parents']:
- queue.append(rev_id)
- for parent in rev['parents']:
- children[parent].append(rev_id)
- # Topological sort: yield the 'ready' nodes, decrease the in degree of
- # their children and add the 'ready' ones to the queue.
- while queue:
- rev_id = queue.popleft()
- yield rev_by_id[rev_id]
- for child in children[rev_id]:
- in_degree[child] -= 1
- if in_degree[child] == 0:
- queue.append(child)
- def mark(self, obj_id):
- """Get the mark ID as bytes of a git object.
- If the object has not yet been marked, assign a new ID and add it to
- the mark dictionary.
- """
- if obj_id not in self.obj_to_mark:
- self.obj_to_mark[obj_id] = self.next_available_mark
- self.next_available_mark += 1
- return str(self.obj_to_mark[obj_id]).encode()
- def _compute_blob_command_content(self, file_data):
- """Compute the blob command of a file entry if it has not been
- computed yet.
- """
- obj_id = file_data['sha1']
- if obj_id in self.obj_done:
- return
- content = list([obj_id]))[0]['data']
- yield fastimport.commands.BlobCommand(
- mark=self.mark(obj_id),
- data=content,
- )
- self.obj_done.add(obj_id)
- def _compute_commit_command(self, rev):
- """Compute a commit command from a specific revision.
- """
- if 'parents' in rev and rev['parents']:
- from_ = b':' + self.mark(rev['parents'][0])
- merges = [b':' + self.mark(r) for r in rev['parents'][1:]]
- parent = self.rev_by_id[rev['parents'][0]]
- else:
- # We issue a reset command before all the new roots so that they
- # are not automatically added as children of the current branch.
- yield fastimport.commands.ResetCommand(b'refs/heads/master', None)
- from_ = None
- merges = None
- parent = None
- # Retrieve the file commands while yielding new blob commands if
- # needed.
- files = yield from self._compute_file_commands(rev, parent)
- # Construct and yield the commit command
- author = (rev['author']['name'],
- rev['author']['email'],
- rev['date']['timestamp']['seconds'],
- rev['date']['offset'] * 60)
- committer = (rev['committer']['name'],
- rev['committer']['email'],
- rev['committer_date']['timestamp']['seconds'],
- rev['committer_date']['offset'] * 60)
- yield fastimport.commands.CommitCommand(
- ref=b'refs/heads/master',
- mark=self.mark(rev['id']),
- author=author,
- committer=committer,
- message=rev['message'],
- from_=from_,
- merges=merges,
- file_iter=files,
- )
- @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=4096)
- def _get_dir_ents(self, dir_id=None):
- """Get the entities of a directory as a dictionary (name -> entity).
- This function has a cache to avoid doing multiple requests to retrieve
- the same entities, as doing a directory_ls() is expensive.
- """
- data = (, cur=self.cursor)
- if dir_id is not None else [])
- return {f['name']: f for f in data}
- def _compute_file_commands(self, rev, parent=None):
- """Compute all the file commands of a revision.
- Generate a diff of the files between the revision and its main parent
- to find the necessary file commands to apply.
- """
- commands = []
- # Initialize the stack with the root of the tree.
- cur_dir = rev['directory']
- parent_dir = parent['directory'] if parent else None
- stack = [(b'', cur_dir, parent_dir)]
- while stack:
- # Retrieve the current directory and the directory of the parent
- # commit in order to compute the diff of the trees.
- root, cur_dir_id, prev_dir_id = stack.pop()
- cur_dir = self._get_dir_ents(cur_dir_id)
- prev_dir = self._get_dir_ents(prev_dir_id)
- # Find subtrees to delete:
- # - Subtrees that are not in the new tree (file or directory
- # deleted).
- # - Subtrees that do not have the same type in the new tree
- # (file -> directory or directory -> file)
- # After this step, every node remaining in the previous directory
- # has the same type than the one in the current directory.
- for fname, f in prev_dir.items():
- if ((fname not in cur_dir
- or f['type'] != cur_dir[fname]['type'])):
- commands.append(fastimport.commands.FileDeleteCommand(
- path=os.path.join(root, fname)
- ))
- # Find subtrees to modify:
- # - Leaves (files) will be added or modified using `filemodify`
- # - Other subtrees (directories) will be added to the stack and
- # processed in the next iteration.
- for fname, f in cur_dir.items():
- # A file is added or modified if it was not in the tree, if its
- # permissions changed or if its content changed.
- if (f['type'] == 'file'
- and (fname not in prev_dir
- or f['sha1'] != prev_dir[fname]['sha1']
- or f['perms'] != prev_dir[fname]['perms'])):
- # Issue a blob command for the new blobs if needed.
- yield from self._compute_blob_command_content(f)
- commands.append(fastimport.commands.FileModifyCommand(
- path=os.path.join(root, fname),
- mode=f['perms'],
- dataref=(b':' + self.mark(f['sha1'])),
- data=None,
- ))
- # A directory is added or modified if it was not in the tree or
- # if its target changed.
- elif f['type'] == 'dir':
- f_prev_target = None
- if fname in prev_dir and prev_dir[fname]['type'] == 'dir':
- f_prev_target = prev_dir[fname]['target']
- if f_prev_target is None or f['target'] != f_prev_target:
- stack.append((os.path.join(root, fname),
- f['target'], f_prev_target))
- return commands

File Metadata

Mime Type
Nov 5 2024, 1:30 AM (12 w, 4 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline