Today the deposit-client is a sub-module in the swh-deposit module.
We should separate the deposit-client to have all client functionalities and documentation as one package.
This will improve readability and usage for future prospects.
Here's a (WIP) list of current CLI tools we have around, as a starting point to decide which of them should be merged into a more general CLI:
- [ ] swh.core.cli
- [ ] swh.deposit.cli
- [ ] swh.indexer.cli
- [ ] swh.journal.cli
- [ ] swh.lister.cli
- [ ] swh.loader.mercurial.cli
- [ ] swh.model.cli
- [ ] swh.objstorage.cli
- [ ] swh.scheduler.cli
- [ ]
- [ ] swh.updater.ghtorrent.cli
- [ ] swh.vault.cli