[x] Update the inventory accordingly (new ip, depreciate the old ip)
- [X] D7018: Update the puppet configuration
- [X] On pergamon:
[X] Stop puppet agent
- [x] On bojimans:
[X] Stop puppet agent
[x] Update the ip to the new vlan442 ip (
- either terraform manifest if possible or directly through the proxmox ui
- connect through ssh and adapt /etc/network/interfaces
- also adapt hardware entry about network (proxmox ui) to change from vmbr0 to vmbr442
[x] Update the hostname to bojimans.i.a.s.n
[x] Remove the puppet certificates
[x] Update the facts `/etc/facter/facts.d/deployment.yaml` to `admin`
[x] poweroff + start back
[x] Run puppet with `puppet agent --test --fqdn`
[x] on pergamon:
- [x] Run puppet agent
- [x] Decommission bojimans.i.s.o certificate
[x] open firewall rule to allow traffic to the inventory node
- Reference bojimans in our sysadm terraform admin manifest.