Deploy Gogs lister to staging.
It lists 'git' origins (nothing to do for loader).
- [x] Register task type to scheduler [1]
- [ ] Update charts with new lister
- [ ] Schedule a gog forge to list
- [ ] Checks
10:25:14 swh-scheduler@db1:5432=> select * from task_type where type like 'list-gogs%';
| type | description | backend_name | default_interval | min_interval | max_interval | backoff_factor | max_queue_length | num_retries | retry_delay |
| list-gogs-full | Full update of a Gogs instance | swh.lister.gogs.tasks.FullGogsRelister | 90 days | 90 days | 90 days | 1 | 1000 | (null) | (null) |
(1 row)
Time: 1159.368 ms (00:01.159)