After discussion the following structure emerged as proposal for the sysadm pages.
A new page [1] to add the documentation site. This could be publicly linked from the
main site (or not). This could also be publicly exposed (or not as the current intranet
which is http-basic protected for example).
- Getting started
- [Puppet setup](
- Check puppet manifests with vagrant
- Provision new vms
- [Access to the Credential store](
- link to the phabricator tuto in devel doc
- ...
- How to
- [Debian packaging]( (could be cross-linked maybe)
- [Database upgrade](
- Database deployment
- Deploy a new swh module in staging/production
- [Deploying a lister](
- [Keycloak](
- [Connect to a database](
- [Onboarding](
- [Outboarding](
- Explanation
- Infrastructure
- Production
- [Staging environment](
- [Network configuration](
- Source of truth -> Inventory
# Pros/cons
- code review ahead of time available (one could always skip it if they don't want to)
- tool unification (sphinx rst, git, ...)
No cons that I can see.
# remaining pages
Other current pages to redispatch according the proposed structure eventually:
- [Backups](
- [Database inventory](
- [IDRAC]( (-> credentials should be moved to credential store if missing first)
- [Jenkins]( -> actually to devel docs
- [IRC](
- [Pglogical replication](
- ...
- Marked as staff as some intranet links are leaking here.