Deploy and run those:
- gnu lister
- phabricator listers (Full, Incremental) with our instance
- [x] D1572: Update defaults.yaml to reference the new listers
- [x] Tag swh-lister (v0.0.24)
- [x] Check the debian build package is fine on jenkins [1]
- [x] Deploy latest listers
- [x] Initialize the db with phabricator/gnu lister models [2]
- [x] Give read-only access to new db to guest user
- [x] Insert new task types (list-gnu-full, load-gnu, list-phab, list-phab-incremental) [3] [4]
- [x] Deploy latest version changes
- [ ] Insert new tasks:
- [x] 1 recurring list-gnu-full task [5]
- [ ] 1 recurring list-phab (instance swh)
- [ ] 1 recurring list-phab-incremental (instance swh)
[2] Initialize db stanza:
$ workon swh
$ swh lister db-init --db-url postgres://swh-lister:<redacted> gnu
INFO:swh.lister.cli:Initializing lister gnu
INFO:swh.lister.cli:Creating tables for gnu
$ swh lister db-init --db-url postgres://swh-lister:<redacted> phabricator
INFO:swh.lister.cli:Initializing lister phabricator
INFO:swh.lister.cli:Creating tables for phabricator
[3] Initialize task-type stanza:
$ swh scheduler --url $SCHEDULER_API_URL task-type add \
list-gnu-full "swh.lister.gnu.tasks.GNUListerTask" "Full GNU Lister" \
--default-interval '90 days' \
--backoff-factor 1
$ swh scheduler --url $SCHEDULER_API_URL task-type add \
list-phabricator-full "swh.lister.phabricator.tasks.FullPhabricatorLister" "Full Phabricator instance Lister" \
--default-interval '90 days' \
--backoff-factor 1
$ swh scheduler --url $SCHEDULER_API_URL task-type add \
list-phabricator-incremental "swh.lister.phabricator.tasks.IncrementalPhabricatorLister" "Incremental Phabricator instance Lister" \
--default-interval '1 week' \
--backoff-factor 1
[4] load-gnu does not exist but we need something in the db for the listing to not fail. That task-type will need to be completed when we actually have something for it.
swh scheduler --url task add list-gnu-full --policy recurring
Created 1 tasks
Task 167876594
Next run: just now (2019-06-14 14:40:31+00:00)
Interval: 90 days, 0:00:00
Type: list-gnu-full
Policy: recurring
Keyword args: