Deploy in staging :
# [x] Stop the workers
# [x] Stop the storage service
# [x] Upgrade the storage storage server to last versions of swh-storage/swh-model/swh-journal
# [x] Upgrade the database model
# [x] Restart the storage service
# [x] (Upgrade and ) restart the workers
# [x] Stop search and indexer journal clients
# [x] Stop the loaders (to avoid messages to kafka and automatic topic creation)
# [x] Recreate the origin-visit-status topic
# [x] Launch a backfill of the `origin_visit_status` topic
# [x] Upgrade stack (webapp/scheduler/search/...) to last versions created during the sprint
# [x] Upgrade docker environment to add swh-scheduler-journal-client service (D4901)
# [ ] Upgrade the scheduler database model
# [ ] Deploy a new journal-client service on scheduler0(?)
# [ ] Reset journal client offsets on origin_visit_status topic
# [ ] Restart journal clients