Tests to do on Preprod and on prod:In T1149 there is a list of scnerio, which needs to be in a persistent location.
- [x] multiple authors
- [x] .tar.gz / .zip / other mimetypes
- [ ] [still possible- error] deposit of only a notice without content (test it is not possible)
- [ ] [missing 5 metadata fields ] all metadata fields full-> check that all metadata is transmitted
- [x] access swh-deposit from different HAL platformsMoving it to swh-deposit repository to docs/tests/ in .rst.
Test all HAL-SWH workflows
- [] submit code
- [x] first version
- [x] second version
- [x] new content
- [x][impossible without new content] new metadata
- [x] new content + metadata
[v2 problem keeps swh-id from first version]
- [x] [problems when trying to answer moderator] moderate deposit with comments
- [x] moderate deposit without comments-> validation -> error
- [x] moderate deposit without comments-> validation -> success
- [x] view deposit on HAL
- [x] view metadata
- [x] [propose to add type 'software' to citation] view citation
- [x] access code on SWH
- [ ] browse deposit on SWH
- [x] view metadata
- [x] get swh-id and contextual-id
- [ ] get bundle
- [x] access origin on HALhis will facilitate automating integration test with HAL.