Deploy gitlab lister through our scheduling utilities:
- [x] package and deploy new python3-swh.lister
- [x] create db for gitlab lister
- puppet manifest (swh-site, swh-private-data) needs updating with :- [x] default configuration (swh-site)
- [x] defaultprivate configurationration (swh-private-data with token, db password)
- [x] private configuration (tokenswh_lister_gitlab.pp (swh-site, db passwordderived from swh_lister_github.pp)
- [x] swh_lister_gitlab.pp (derived from swh_lister_github.pp)
- scheduler needs:
- insert task type about gitlab lister (scheduler db)
- insert recurring tasks about listing (scheduler db)
- some update in its configuration (swh-site)