Retrieve and test the migration scripts.
- [x] Test migration
- [x] Ask for help by email if needed
- [x] Report status in [1]
- [x] Follow up to Frank Duncan and Karl Fogel by email
- [x] Waiting for feedback
- [x] T4064#86439: Trigger new migration run with fixes (crashes)
- [x] Status meeting
- [x] w/ olasd, ardumont: T4320: Upgrade gitlab
- [x] w/ olasd, ardumont: Clean up gitlab state
- [x] w/ olasd, ardumont: Trigger new migration run with fixes (running on bespin) for one repository
- [x] Analyse and troubleshoot and fix problems
- [x] Trigger back migration from scratch one repository
- [x] T4064#86791: Trigger back migration with another private repository
- [x] T4064#86792: Trigger with remaining sysadm repositories
- [ ] Analysis
- [ ] What to do with local patches to make the migration work? Propose upstream?