This focuses on migrating the release of the (db) nodes from buster to bullseye.
This does not migrate the postgresql version in itself. This is another dedicated task [1].
[1] T2581
Servers to migrate:
Moved to this subtask T3813
[x] upgrade somerset
[x] switch the webapp to belvedere
- on somerset
[x] disable puppet
[x] stop and disable postgresql
[x] perform the last buster upgrade
[X] ~~reboot~~ (restarted recently)
[x] perform the bullseye upgrade
[x] reboot
[x] restart and enable postgresql
[x] check the replication with belvedere is ok
[x] switch back the webapp to somerset
[ ] upgrade of belvedere
[x] add a notification in the page
A database upgrade is scheduled the XXXX-XX-XX between XX:XX and XX:XX
Some service disruptions can occur during this period
Impacted services:
- Save code now
- Source code crawler
- deposit
[x] connect to the idrac:
[x] stop the loaders and listers workers
[x] stop the indexers
[x] stop the scheduler runners + those in the tmux in saatchi
[x] **ensure the provenance experiment is stopped**
[ ] on belvedere:
[ ] stop puppet
[ ] stop and disable postgresql**s ** (to avoid the restarts after the server reboots)
[ ] perform the last upgrade of buster
[ ] reboot
[ ] upgrade to bullseye
[ ] reboot
[ ] check everything is going well after the reboot
[ ] restart postgresql**s **
[ ] start and enable the postgresql servers
[ ] check the replication to somerset is ok
[ ] reactivate puppet
[ ] restart stopped services