(Tentatively try to fix the build [1])
Loaders have been reworked to only deal with configuration as constructor parameters.
As the current docker configuration is shared amongst all loaders, Asthis can no longer work.
The current "next-gen" loaders share a subset of those configuration so most can run together.
Except for the loader deposit which needs dedicated ones.
Also some configuration keys (scheduler for example) referenced in the current configuration are not for loaders.
the current docker configuration is shared amongst all loaders,This make instantiation fails. this can no longer workSo they need to be removed.
SoAll in all, trying to separate the dedicated deposit loader with its configuration in its own container. And the
other loaders continue running as before.
[1] https://jenkins.softwareheritage.org/view/all/job/swh-docker-dev/730/console
Related to T1410