diff --git a/site-modules/profile/manifests/network.pp b/site-modules/profile/manifests/network.pp index c7268556..c52ddbbe 100644 --- a/site-modules/profile/manifests/network.pp +++ b/site-modules/profile/manifests/network.pp @@ -1,72 +1,80 @@ # Network configuration for Software Heritage servers class profile::network { debnet::iface::loopback { 'lo': } - # The network description is expected to be a dict of key route_label - # (values: private, default) and value a dict describing the interface. - # The interface dict has the following possible keys: - # - interface: interface's name - # - address: ip address for the node - # - netmask: netmask - # - gateway: to use for the network - # - ups: Post instruction when the interface is up - # - downs: Post instructions to run when the interface is teared down + # The `networks` hiera variable is a dict mapping interface names to a + # settings dict. Entries of the settings dict with undefined values are not + # output in the interface configuration. + # The settings dict has the following keys: + # - type (defaults to 'static'): the type of the interface as used by + # ifupdown. A special type, 'private', generates a static configuration + # with a separate routing table for the networks defined in the + # `networks::private_routes` hiera variable (e.g. the OpenVPN and azure + # machines). + # - address (ip address): ip address to set on the + # interface + # - netmask (int or netmask): netmask for the network (e.g. 26 or + # - gateway (ip address): address of the gateway to use for the network + # - mtu (int): MTU to set for the interface + # - extras (dict): extra configuration entries to pass to ifupdown directly + # - ups (list[str]): Instructions to run after the interface is brought up + # - downs (list[str]): instructions to run when the interface is torn down $interfaces = lookup('networks') $private_routes = lookup('networks::private_routes', Hash, 'deep') each($interfaces) |$interface, $data| { $interface_type = pick($data['type'], 'static') if $interface_type == 'private' { file_line {'private route table': ensure => 'present', line => '42 private', path => '/etc/iproute2/rt_tables', } $filtered_routes = $private_routes.filter |$route_label, $route_data| { pick($route_data['enabled'], true) } $routes_up = $filtered_routes.map |$route_label, $route_data| { "ip route add ${route_data['network']} via ${route_data['gateway']}" } $routes_down = $filtered_routes.map |$route_label, $route_data| { "ip route del ${route_data['network']} via ${route_data['gateway']}" }.reverse $_ups = $routes_up + [ "ip rule add from ${data['address']} table private", "ip route add src ${data['address']} dev ${interface} table private", "ip route add default via ${data['gateway']} dev ${interface} table private", 'ip route flush cache', ] $_downs = [ "ip route del default via ${data['gateway']} dev ${interface} table private", "ip route del src ${data['address']} dev ${interface} table private", "ip rule del from ${data['address']} table private", ] + $routes_down + [ 'ip route flush cache', ] $method = 'static' $gateway = undef } else { $method = $interface_type $gateway = $data['gateway'] $_ups = [] $_downs = [] } debnet::iface { $interface: method => $method, address => $data['address'], netmask => $data['netmask'], mtu => $data['mtu'], gateway => $gateway, ups => pick_default($data['ups'], $_ups, []), downs => pick_default($data['downs'], $_downs, []), aux_ops => pick_default($data['extras'], {}), } } }