diff --git a/site-modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/server.pp b/site-modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/server.pp index 750c0e64..66817bf2 100644 --- a/site-modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/server.pp +++ b/site-modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/server.pp @@ -1,109 +1,112 @@ # Install and configure a postgresql server class profile::postgresql::server { $swh_base_directory = lookup('swh::base_directory') $postgres_pass = lookup('swh::deploy::db::postgres::password') $listen_addresses = lookup('swh::postgresql::listen_addresses').join(',') # allow access through credentials $network_accesses = lookup('swh::postgresql::network_accesses').map | $nwk | { "host all all ${nwk} md5" } $postgres_version = lookup('swh::postgresql::version') $postgres_port = lookup('swh::postgresql::port') $postgres_datadir_base = lookup('swh::postgresql::datadir_base') $postgres_datadir = lookup('swh::postgresql::datadir') $ip_mask_allow_all_users = '' file { [ "${postgres_datadir_base}", "${postgres_datadir_base}/${postgres_version}" ] : ensure => directory, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0655', } -> class { 'postgresql::server': ip_mask_allow_all_users => $ip_mask_allow_all_users, ipv4acls => $network_accesses, postgres_password => $postgres_pass, port => $postgres_port, listen_addresses => [$listen_addresses], datadir => $postgres_datadir, needs_initdb => true, # Needed because managed_repo is false and data_dir is redefined by us ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ require => Class['profile::postgresql::apt_config'], pg_hba_conf_defaults => false, # see below for the actual default rules pg_hba_rules => { # Supersedes the default rules installed by puppetlab-postgres, thus # allowing pgbouncer/pgsql connection to the postgres user 'local access as postgres user' => { database => 'all', user => 'postgres', type => 'local', auth_method => 'ident', order => 1, }, 'local access to database with same name' => { database => 'all', user => 'all', type => 'local', auth_method => 'ident', order => 2, }, 'allow localhost TCP access to postgresql user' => { database => 'all', user => 'postgres', type => 'host', address => '', auth_method => 'md5', order => 3, }, 'allow access to all users' => { database => 'all', user => 'all', type => 'host', address => $ip_mask_allow_all_users, auth_method => 'md5', order => 100, }, 'allow access to ipv6 localhost' => { database => 'all', user => 'all', type => 'host', address => '::1/128', auth_method => 'md5', order => 101, } } } # read-only user $guest = 'guest' postgresql::server::role { $guest: password_hash => postgresql_password($guest, 'guest'), require => Class['postgresql::server'] } $dbs = lookup('swh::dbs') each($dbs) | $db_type, $db_config | { # db_type in {storage, indexer, scheduler, etc...} - $db_pass = lookup("swh::deploy::${db_type}::db::password") + $db_pass = pick( + $db_config['password'], + lookup("swh::deploy::${db_type}::db::password", {"default_value" => undef}) + ) $db_name = $db_config['name'] $db_user = $db_config['user'] postgresql::server::db { $db_name: user => $db_user, password => $db_pass, owner => $db_user, require => Class['postgresql::server'] } # guest user has read access on tables postgresql::server::database_grant { $db_name: privilege => 'connect', db => $db_name, role => $guest, require => Postgresql::Server::Db[$db_name] } } }