diff --git a/data/hostname/somerset.internal.softwareheritage.org.yaml b/data/hostname/somerset.internal.softwareheritage.org.yaml index eba8e93d..60cda95a 100644 --- a/data/hostname/somerset.internal.softwareheritage.org.yaml +++ b/data/hostname/somerset.internal.softwareheritage.org.yaml @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ dar::backup::exclude: - srv/softwareheritage/postgres # that's a mirror of the load on the host... icinga2::host::vars: load: high prometheus::sql::exporter::extra_config: - name: "SoftwareHeritageIndexerCounters" - interval: '1d' + interval: '1h' connections: - 'postgres://postgres@:5434/softwareheritage-indexer?sslmode=disable' queries: - name: "swh_indexer_count" help: "Indexer count per type" labels: - "mimetype" - "fossology_license" values: - "count_mimetype" - "count_fossology_license" query: | select 'mimetype', (select reltuples from pg_class C left join pg_namespace N on (N.oid = C.relnamespace) where nspname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') and relkind='r' and relname='content_mimetype' ) as count_mimetype, 'fossology_license', (select reltuples from pg_class C left join pg_namespace N on (N.oid = C.relnamespace) where nspname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') and relkind='r' and relname='content_fossology_license') as count_fossology_license;