diff --git a/manifests/munin/node.pp b/manifests/munin/node.pp index 8bb051df..c4966a50 100644 --- a/manifests/munin/node.pp +++ b/manifests/munin/node.pp @@ -1,33 +1,41 @@ # Munin node class class profile::munin::node { $munin_node_allow = hiera('munin::node::allow') $munin_node_network = hiera('munin::node::network') $munin_node_plugins_disable = hiera_array('munin::node::plugins::disable') $munin_node_plugins_enable = hiera_array('munin::node::plugins::enable') class { '::munin::node': allow => $munin_node_allow, address => ip_for_network($munin_node_network), bind_address => ip_for_network($munin_node_network), masterconfig => [ '', '# The apt plugin doesn\'t graph by default. Let\'s make it.', 'apt.graph yes', 'apt.graph_category system', 'apt.graph_vlabel Total Packages', '', '# Move the libvirt plugins to a spaceless category', 'libvirt_blkstat.graph_category virtualization', 'libvirt_cputime.graph_category virtualization', 'libvirt_ifstat.graph_category virtualization', 'libvirt_mem.graph_category virtualization', ], } munin::plugin { $munin_node_plugins_enable: ensure => link, } munin::plugin { $munin_node_plugins_disable: ensure => absent, } + + file_line { 'disable munin-node cron mail': + ensure => present, + path => '/etc/cron.d/munin-node', + line => 'MAILTO=""', + match => '^MAILTO=', + require => Package['munin-node'], + } }