diff --git a/azure/create-vm.sh b/azure/create-vm.sh
index e40e27a..cdc59cc 100755
--- a/azure/create-vm.sh
+++ b/azure/create-vm.sh
@@ -1,37 +1,63 @@
+# node's name defined by the user
+# type of nodes:
+# - worker
+# - other things (dbreplica, webapp, etc...)
+# where to install this (not expected to change though)
+# Per type, we can decide to override the resource_group
+if [ $type = 'worker' ]; then
+    resource_suffix='workers'
+    resource_suffix=$nodename
+# Depending on the types, we compute the resource group
+# for workers, it's a shared resource
+# for other nodes, that is specifically tailored for
+# feel free to adapt the policy though
+# Image we create the node from
-# pub_key=~/.ssh/id-rsa-swhworker.pub
+# Using the user's default public key for ssh connection
 # "default" subnet in the "swh-vnet" virtual network of the "swh-resource" resource group
-# Change for virtual machine size. Standard_DS = SSD; Standard_S = Standard disk
-# size=Standard_DS11_v2
-# SSD
-# Standard
-# disk_group="${resource_prefix}stddisks"
+# Change for virtual machine size.
+# - Standard_DS = SSD;
+# - Standard_S = Standard disk.
+# Use `az vm list-sizes -l westeurope -o table` to list allowed VM
+# types
+# vm_type=Standard_DS11_v2
+# vm_type="Standard_B2ms"
+# boot diagnostic storage resource
-azure vm create \
-      --resource-group "${resource_group}" \
-      --name "${worker}-${resource_prefix}" \
-      --location "${zone}" \
-      --os-type Linux \
-      --image-urn "${image}" \
-      --subnet-id "${subnet}" \
-      --nic-name "${worker}-${resource_prefix}-if" \
-      --user testadmin \
-      --ssh-publickey-file "${pub_key}" \
-      --storage-account-name "${disk_group}" \
-      --vm-size "${size}" \
-      --boot-diagnostics-storage-uri "http://${diagnostics_resource}.blob.core.windows.net/"
+# zack is the uid 1000 in our manifest using it simplifies the
+# creation and removes the otherwise necessary steps to remove that
+# user
+az vm create \
+   --name "${nodename}-${resource_prefix}" \
+   --resource-group "${resource_group}" \
+   --location "${location}" \
+   --image "${image}" \
+   --size "${vm_type}" \
+   --subnet "${subnet}" \
+   --admin-username "${admin_user}" \
+   --ssh-key-value "${pub_key}" \
+   --boot-diagnostics-storage "http://${diagnostics_resource}.blob.core.windows.net/"