diff --git a/manifests/swh/deploy/deposit.pp b/manifests/swh/deploy/deposit.pp index d48f599..7775ea0 100644 --- a/manifests/swh/deploy/deposit.pp +++ b/manifests/swh/deploy/deposit.pp @@ -1,270 +1,272 @@ # Deployment of the swh.deposit server class profile::swh::deploy::deposit { $conf_directory = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::conf_directory') $swh_conf_file = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::swh_conf_file') $user = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::user') $group = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::group') $swh_conf_raw = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::config') $swh_packages = ['python3-swh.deposit'] + $static_dir = '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/swh/deposit/static' + # private data file to read from swh.deposit.settings.production $settings_private_data_file = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::settings_private_data_file') $settings_private_data = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::settings_private_data') $backend_listen_host = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::backend::listen::host') $backend_listen_port = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::backend::listen::port') $backend_listen_address = "${backend_listen_host}:${backend_listen_port}" $backend_workers = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::backend::workers') $backend_http_keepalive = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::backend::http_keepalive') $backend_http_timeout = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::backend::http_timeout') $backend_reload_mercy = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::backend::reload_mercy') $vhost_name = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::vhost::name') $vhost_aliases = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::vhost::aliases') $vhost_docroot = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::vhost::docroot') $vhost_basic_auth_file = "${conf_directory}/http_auth" # swh::deploy::deposit::vhost::basic_auth_content in private $vhost_basic_auth_content = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::vhost::basic_auth_content') $vhost_ssl_protocol = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::vhost::ssl_protocol') $vhost_ssl_honorcipherorder = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::vhost::ssl_honorcipherorder') $vhost_ssl_cipher = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::vhost::ssl_cipher') $locked_endpoints = hiera_array('swh::deploy::deposit::locked_endpoints') $media_root_directory = hiera('swh::deploy::deposit::media_root_directory') include ::gunicorn package {$swh_packages: ensure => latest, require => Apt::Source['softwareheritage'], notify => Service['gunicorn-swh-deposit'], } file {$conf_directory: ensure => directory, owner => 'root', group => $group, mode => '0755', } # swh's configuration part (upload size, etc...) file {$swh_conf_file: ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => $group, mode => '0640', content => inline_template("<%= @swh_conf_raw.to_yaml %>\n"), notify => Service['gunicorn-swh-deposit'], } file {$media_root_directory: ensure => directory, owner => $user, group => $group, mode => '2750', } # swh's private configuration part (db, secret key, media_root) file {$settings_private_data_file: ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => $group, mode => '0640', content => inline_template("<%= @settings_private_data.to_yaml %>\n"), notify => Service['gunicorn-swh-deposit'], } ::gunicorn::instance {'swh-deposit': ensure => enabled, user => $user, group => $group, executable => 'swh.deposit.wsgi', settings => { bind => $backend_listen_address, workers => $backend_workers, worker_class => 'sync', timeout => $backend_http_timeout, graceful_timeout => $backend_reload_mercy, keepalive => $backend_http_keepalive, } } $endpoint_directories = $locked_endpoints.map |$endpoint| { { path => "^${endpoint}", provider => 'locationmatch', auth_type => 'Basic', auth_name => 'Software Heritage Deposit', auth_user_file => $vhost_basic_auth_file, auth_require => 'valid-user', } } include ::profile::ssl include ::profile::apache::common include ::apache::mod::proxy include ::apache::mod::headers ::apache::vhost {"${vhost_name}_non-ssl": servername => $vhost_name, serveraliases => $vhost_aliases, port => '80', docroot => $vhost_docroot, redirect_status => 'permanent', redirect_dest => "https://${vhost_name}/", } $ssl_cert_name = 'star_softwareheritage_org' $ssl_cert = $::profile::ssl::certificate_paths[$ssl_cert_name] $ssl_ca = $::profile::ssl::ca_paths[$ssl_cert_name] $ssl_key = $::profile::ssl::private_key_paths[$ssl_cert_name] ::apache::vhost {"${vhost_name}_ssl": servername => $vhost_name, serveraliases => $vhost_aliases, port => '443', ssl => true, ssl_protocol => $vhost_ssl_protocol, ssl_honorcipherorder => $vhost_ssl_honorcipherorder, ssl_cipher => $vhost_ssl_cipher, ssl_cert => $ssl_cert, ssl_ca => $ssl_ca, ssl_key => $ssl_key, docroot => $vhost_docroot, request_headers => [ "set X_FORWARDED_PROTO 'https' env=HTTPS", ], proxy_pass => [ { path => '/static', url => '!', }, { path => '/robots.txt', url => '!', }, { path => '/favicon.ico', url => '!', }, { path => '/', url => "http://${backend_listen_address}/", }, ], directories => [ { path => '/1', provider => 'location', allow => 'from all', satisfy => 'Any', headers => ['add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"'], }, { path => $static_dir, options => ['-Indexes'], }, ] + $endpoint_directories, aliases => [ { alias => '/static', path => $static_dir, }, { alias => '/robots.txt', path => "${static_dir}/robots.txt", }, ], require => [ File[$vhost_basic_auth_file], File[$ssl_cert], File[$ssl_ca], File[$ssl_key], ], } file {$vhost_basic_auth_file: ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'www-data', mode => '0640', content => $vhost_basic_auth_content, } $icinga_checks_file = '/etc/icinga2/conf.d/exported-checks.conf' @@::icinga2::object::service {"swh-deposit api (localhost on ${::fqdn})": service_name => 'swh-deposit api (localhost)', import => ['generic-service'], host_name => $::fqdn, check_command => 'http', command_endpoint => $::fqdn, vars => { http_address => '', http_port => $backend_listen_port, http_uri => '/', http_string => 'The Software Heritage Deposit', }, target => $icinga_checks_file, tag => 'icinga2::exported', } if $backend_listen_host != '' { @@::icinga2::object::service {"swh-deposit api (remote on ${::fqdn})": service_name => 'swh-deposit api (remote)', import => ['generic-service'], host_name => $::fqdn, check_command => 'http', vars => { http_port => $backend_listen_port, http_uri => '/', http_string => 'The Software Heritage Deposit', }, target => $icinga_checks_file, tag => 'icinga2::exported', } } @@::icinga2::object::service {"swh-deposit http redirect on ${::fqdn}": service_name => 'swh deposit http redirect', import => ['generic-service'], host_name => $::fqdn, check_command => 'http', vars => { http_address => $vhost_name, http_vhost => $vhost_name, http_uri => '/', }, target => $icinga_checks_file, tag => 'icinga2::exported', } @@::icinga2::object::service {"swh-deposit https on ${::fqdn}": service_name => 'swh deposit', import => ['generic-service'], host_name => $::fqdn, check_command => 'http', vars => { http_address => $vhost_name, http_vhost => $vhost_name, http_ssl => true, http_sni => true, http_uri => '/', http_onredirect => sticky }, target => $icinga_checks_file, tag => 'icinga2::exported', } @@::icinga2::object::service {"swh-deposit https certificate ${::fqdn}": service_name => 'swh deposit https certificate', import => ['generic-service'], host_name => $::fqdn, check_command => 'http', vars => { http_address => $vhost_name, http_vhost => $vhost_name, http_ssl => true, http_sni => true, http_certificate => 60, }, target => $icinga_checks_file, tag => 'icinga2::exported', } }