diff --git a/argocd/argocd-install.yaml b/argocd/argocd-install.yaml index fc705a3..4791320 100644 --- a/argocd/argocd-install.yaml +++ b/argocd/argocd-install.yaml @@ -1,35 +1,43 @@ # Declare the application to deploy the swh services apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: argocd-argocd-install namespace: argocd spec: project: default source: repoURL: 'https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd.git' path: manifests targetRevision: v2.4.12 directory: recurse: false include: install.yaml destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: argocd syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true syncOptions: - RespectIgnoreDifferences=true ignoreDifferences: # The argocd-ssh-known-hosts-cm ConfigMap is redeclared in our descritor to add the forge keys - kind: ConfigMap name: argocd-ssh-known-hosts-cm jsonPointers: - /data - /metadata/labels + - kind: ConfigMap + name: argocd-cm + jsonPointers: + - /data + - kind: ConfigMap + name: argocd-rbac-cm + jsonPointers: + - /data revisionHistoryLimit: 2