diff --git a/common/modules/swh-ardc.org b/common/modules/swh-ardc.org
index 59a6370..4a70d33 100644
--- a/common/modules/swh-ardc.org
+++ b/common/modules/swh-ardc.org
@@ -1,509 +1,504 @@
 #+COLUMNS: %40ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %9BEAMER_envargs(Env Args) %10BEAMER_act(Act) %4BEAMER_col(Col) %10BEAMER_extra(Extra) %8BEAMER_opt(Opt)
 # Software is all around us
 #+INCLUDE: "prelude.org" :minlevel 1
 #+INCLUDE: "169.org"
 * Source code pillar of Open Science, and how Software Heritage addresses ARDC
   :CUSTOM_ID: main
 ** Source code is /special/ (software is /not/ data)
   :CUSTOM_ID: swnotdata
 *** /Executable/ and /human readable/ knowledge \hfill copyright law :noexport:
     /“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”/\\
     \hfill Harold Abelson
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Software /evolves/ over time
     - projects may last decades
     - the /development history/ is key to its /understanding/
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Complexity :B_picblock:
     :BEAMER_env: picblock
     :BEAMER_OPT: pic=python3-matplotlib.pdf, width=.6\linewidth
     - /millions/ of lines of code
     - large /web of dependencies/
       + easy to break, difficult to maintain
       + /research software/ a thin top layer
     - sophisticated /developer communities/
 *** :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Precious, endangered /executable/ and /human readable/ knowledge
     key people *passing away*, platforms (GoogleCode, Gitorious, etc.) closing down ...\\
     \hfill no organised effort to catalog and archive it
 ** Source code is /special/, cont'd
   :CUSTOM_ID: swnotdatacontd
 *** Software is complex
    - Structure :: monolithic/composite; self-contained/external dependencies
    - Lifetime :: one-shot/long term
    - Community :: one man/one team/distributed community
    - Authorship :: multiple roles: Architecture, Management, Development, Documentation, Testing, ...
    - Authority :: institutions/organizations/communities/single person
    #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Versioning, granularity
    - Project :: “Inria created OCaml and Scikit-learn”\pause
    - Release :: “2D Voronoi Diagrams were introduced in CGAL 3.1.0”\pause
    - Exact state of a project :: “This result was produced using commit 0064fbd...”\pause
    - Code fragment :: “The core algorithm is in lines 101 to 143 of the file parmap.ml contained in the precise state of the project corresponding to commit 0064fbd....”
 ** Software Source code: pillar of Open Science, multiple needs
   :CUSTOM_ID: pillaropensciencecompact
 *** Three pillars of Open Science :B_block:
     :BEAMER_env: block
     :BEAMER_COL: .4
 #+latex: \begin{center}
 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{1.2\linewidth}
 #+latex: \end{center}
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** A plurality of needs :B_block:
     :BEAMER_env: block
     :BEAMER_COL: .6
     - Researcher :: 
      - *archive* and *reference* software used in articles
      - *find* useful software
      - get *credit* for developed software
      - verify/reproduce/improve results
  #+BEAMER: \pause
     - Laboratory/team :: track software contributions
      - produce reports / web page
  #+BEAMER: \pause
     - Research Organization :: know its *software assets*
      - technology *transfer*
      - impact *metrics*
 ** Software Source code: a pillar of Open Science
   :CUSTOM_ID: pillaropenscience
 #+BEAMER: \vspace{-.5em}  
 *** Software powers modern research                              :B_picblock:
     :BEAMER_opt: pic=papermountain, leftpic=true, width=.4\linewidth
     :BEAMER_env: picblock
     :BEAMER_COL: .64
 [...] software [...] essential in their fields.
 \mbox{}\hfill Top 100 papers (Nature, 2014)
 Sometimes, if you dont have the software, you dont have the data
 \mbox{}\hfill Christine Borgman, Paris, 2018
 # http://www.nature.com/news/the-top-100-papers-1.16224
 #+BEAMER: \pause
-*** Missing pillar: software (source code)                          :B_block:
+*** A key pillar: software (source code)                            :B_block:
     :BEAMER_COL: .42
     :BEAMER_env: block
 #+latex: \begin{center}
 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{1.2\linewidth}
 #+latex: \end{center}
 #+BEAMER: \pause
     \hfill The links in the picture are *important*
 *** :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 #+BEAMER: \pause    
 *** Nota Bene
     software may be a /tool/, a /research outcome/ and a /research object/\pause\\
     \hfill access to the /source code/ is essential!
 ** A plurality of needs
   :CUSTOM_ID: userneeds
 *** Researchers
 ****                                                               :B_column:
      :BEAMER_env: column
      :BEAMER_COL: .58
       - *archive* and *reference* software used in articles
       - *find* useful software
 ****                                                               :B_column:
      :BEAMER_env: column
      :BEAMER_COL: .46
       - get *credit* for developed software
       - verify, *reproduce*, improve results
   #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Laboratories/teams
 ****                                                               :B_column:
      :BEAMER_env: column
      :BEAMER_COL: .4
      - *track* software contributions
 ****                                                               :B_column:
      :BEAMER_env: column
      :BEAMER_COL: .5
      - produce reports
      - maintain web page
  #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Research Organization
     know its *software assets*
 ****                                                               :B_column:
      :BEAMER_env: column
      :BEAMER_COL: .4
        + technology *transfer*
        + impact *metrics*
 ****                                                               :B_column:
      :BEAMER_env: column
      :BEAMER_COL: .5
        + funding *strategy*
        + career *evaluation*
 ** What is at stake: ARDC \hfill in increasing order of difficulty
   :CUSTOM_ID: ardc
 *** Archive
     Research software artifacts must be properly *archived*\\
     \hfill make sure we can /retrieve/ them (/reproducibility/)
     #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 *** Reference
     Research software artifacts must be properly *referenced*\\
     \hfill make sure we can /identify/ them (/reproducibility/)
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 *** Describe
     Research software artifacts must be properly *described*\\
     \hfill make it easy to /discover/ and /reuse/ them (/visibility/)
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 *** Cite/Credit
     Research software artifacts must be properly *cited* /(not the same as referenced!)/\\
     \hfill to give /credit/ to authors (/evaluation/!)
 *** :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 ** What is at stake: before ARDC
   :CUSTOM_ID: beforeardc
 *** Development practices and tools
     - version control system
     - key metadata information (README, AUTHORS, LICENCE, etc.)
     - build system
     - test suites
     - continuous integration
     - ...
 *** Opening up
     - documentation
     - community building
     - ...
     needs proper training, and identification of best practices
 ** What is at stake: beyond ARDC
   :CUSTOM_ID: beyondardc
 *** Policy framework for dissemination, reuse, evaluation and recognition
     Define and promote an open source policy for publicly funded research software,
     including incentives and recognition for researchers and engineers
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Sustainability
     Organisational schemas, legal tools, economic models, processes and policies to
     ensure research software can be maintained and sustained over time
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Technology transfer and industry collaboration
     Approaches, support, methods, processes to establish connections with
     industry in order to foster uptake and transfer of research software
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Advanced technologies and tools
     software quality reproducibility, and traceability (including plagiarism detection)
 ** What is at stake: beyond ARDC
   :CUSTOM_ID: beyondardc-evaluation
 *** Sustainability, technology transfer
     Organisational schemas, legal tools, economic models, processes and policies
     to ensure research software can be maintained and sustained over time, maybe
     in connection with industry
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Evaluation (funding, careers, etc.) \hfill beware of /naive software citation counting/!
     + human-in-the-loop evaluation (see the [[https://www-enseignementsup--recherche-gouv-fr.translate.goog/fr/remise-des-prix-science-ouverte-du-logiciel-libre-de-la-recherche-83576?_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp][French National Prize]])
     + identify /roles/ in software projects, see:
 	#+BEGIN_EXPORT latex
 	\begin{thebibliography}{Foo Bar, 1969}
 	\bibitem{alliez:hal-02135891} P. Alliez, R. Di Cosmo, B. Guedj, A. Girault, M.-S. Hacid, A. Legrand and N. Rougier\newblock
 	\emph{Attributing and referencing (research) software: Best practices and outlook from Inria}, \newblock
 	CiSE 2020 \href{https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MCSE.2019.2949413}{(10.1109/MCSE.2019.2949413)}
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Regulations are coming
     software management plans, licensing, metadata and identification standards
 ** Addressing the four ARDC needs (see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] for details)
   :CUSTOM_ID: swh-ardc-short
 *** Archive (12B+ files, 170M+ projects)
     :BEAMER_env: block
     :BEAMER_COL: .5
 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .8\linewidth
 #+BEAMER: \pause
    - [[https://save.softwareheritage.org][save.softwareheritage.org]]
    - [[https://deposit.softwareheritage.org][deposit.softwareheritage.org]]
 # (HAL, IPOL)
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Reference (20 billion SWHIDs)                                   :B_block:
     :BEAMER_env: block
     :BEAMER_COL: .5
     [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/07/09/intrinsic-vs-extrinsic-identifiers/][Intrinsic, decentralised, cryptographically strong identifiers, SWHIDs]]
 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width 1.02\linewidth
     Now supported [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/05/13/swhid-adoption/][in SPDX 2.2, Wikidata]] etc.
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 *** Describe                                                        :B_block:
     :BEAMER_env: block
     :BEAMER_COL: .5
     - /Intrinsic metadata/ from source code
     - Contributed the [[https://codemeta.github.io/codemeta-generator/][Codemeta generator]]
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Cite/Credit                                                     :B_block:
     :BEAMER_env: block
     :BEAMER_COL: .5
     - Contributed /software citation/ style
       [[https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-software][biblatex-software, v 1.2-2 now on CTAN]]
 ** Addressing the A(archive) in ARDC (see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] for details)
   :CUSTOM_ID: swh-a
 #+latex: \vspace{-0.8em}
 *** /Universal/ source code archive \hfill /not only research/ \hfill (12B+ files, 170M+ projects)
     :BEAMER_env: block
 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .6\linewidth
 #+latex: \vspace{-1em}
    - your research software /is likely there already/!
 #+BEAMER: \pause
    - anyone can trigger archival with [[https://save.softwareheritage.org][save.softwareheritage.org]]
 #+BEAMER: \pause
    - selected partners can push to the archive via [[https://deposit.softwareheritage.org][deposit.softwareheritage.org]]
 # (HAL, IPOL)
 ** Addressing the R(eference) in ARDC (see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] for details)
   :CUSTOM_ID: swh-r
 #+latex: \vspace{-0.8em}
 *** Software Heritage Identifiers (SWHID) \hfill [[https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html][link to full docs]]  :B_block:
     :BEAMER_env: block
     20+B [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/07/09/intrinsic-vs-extrinsic-identifiers/][intrinsic, decentralised, cryptographically strong identifiers, SWHIDs]]
 # #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-id-syntax.org::#swh-id-syntax" :only-contents t :minlevel 3
   #+LATEX: \centering%\forcebeamerstart
   #+LATEX: \mode<beamer>{\only<1>{\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{SWHID-v1.4_1.png}}}
   #+LATEX: \mode<beamer>{\only<2>{\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{SWHID-v1.4_2.png}}}
   #+LATEX: \only<3->{\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{SWHID-v1.4_3.png}}
   #+LATEX: %\forcebeamerend
 *** vspace                                                  :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 #+latex: \vspace{-0.5em}
     :BEAMER_act: <4->
     :BEAMER_env: block
     Emerging standard : Linux Foundation [[https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/appendix-VI-external-repository-identifiers/#persistent-id][SPDX 2.2]]; IANA registered; WikiData [[https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P6138][P6138]]
 *** vspace                                                  :B_ignoreheading:
     :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
 #+latex: \vspace{-0.5em}
 *** Full fledged /source code references/ for reproducibility       :B_block:
     :BEAMER_act: <5->
     :BEAMER_env: block
     Examples: [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org/swh:1:cnt:64582b78792cd6c2d67d35da5a11bb80886a6409;origin=https://github.com/virtualagc/virtualagc;lines=245-261/][Apollo 11 AGC excerpt]], [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org/swh:1:cnt:bb0faf6919fc60636b2696f32ec9b3c2adb247fe;origin=https://github.com/id-Software/Quake-III-Arena;lines=549-572/][Quake III rsqrt]]; Guidelines available, see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] 
 ** Addressing D(escribe) and C(ite) in ARDC (see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] for details)
   :CUSTOM_ID: swh-dc
 *** Describe                                                        :B_block:
     :BEAMER_env: block
     :BEAMER_COL: .5
     - Collect /intrinsic metadata/
     - Contributed the [[https://codemeta.github.io/codemeta-generator/][Codemeta generator]]
 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .8\linewidth
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Cite/Credit                                                     :B_block:
     :BEAMER_env: block
     :BEAMER_COL: .5
     - Contributed /software citation/ style
       [[https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-software][biblatex-software, v 1.2-2 now on CTAN]]
 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .8\linewidth
 ** ARDC Best practices
   :CUSTOM_ID: ardc-best-france
 *** Archiving and referencing
     For *all source code* used in research (/yes, even small scripts!/)
     - ensure it is archived in Software Heritage (see [[https://save.softwareheritage.org/][save code now]])
     - get the proper *SWHID* for your software (see [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/howto-archive-and-reference-your-code/][detailed HOWTO]])
     - add it to research articles for reproducibility (see [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/howto-archive-and-reference-your-code/][detailed HOWTO]])
     #+BEAMER: \pause      
 *** Describing and Citing/Crediting
     For *software you want to put forward* (/mention in your CV, reports, etc., get citations and credit for it/),
     do the following *extra steps*:
     - add *codemeta.json* with description (see the [[https://codemeta.github.io/codemeta-generator/][codemeta generator]])
     - reference in the HAL portal (french partners, see [[https://doc.archives-ouvertes.fr/en/deposit/deposit-software-source-code/][online HAL documentation]])
     - cite software using the [[https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-software][biblatex-software]] package (in CTAN and TeXLive)
 ** Demo walkthrough for Open Science
   :CUSTOM_ID: demoswhhal
-   - Browse [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org][the archive]]
+   - Browse [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org][the archive]] (your work [[https://twitter.com/gabrielaltay/status/1300218789762662401][may be already there]] !)
    - [[https://save.softwareheritage.org][Trigger archival]] of your preferred software in a breeze
    - Get and use SWHIDs ([[https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html][full specification available online]])
    - Cite software using the [[https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-software?lang=en][biblatex-software]] package from CTAN
    - Example in a journal: [[http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2020/300/][an article from IPOL]]
-   - Example with Parmap: [[https://github.com/rdicosmo/parmap/][development on Github]], [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/directory/?origin_url=https://github.com/rdicosmo/parmap][archive in SWH]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03516539v1][curated deposit in HAL]]
+   - Example with Parmap: [[https://github.com/rdicosmo/parmap/][devel on Github]], [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/directory/?origin_url=https://github.com/rdicosmo/parmap][archive in SWH]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03516539v1][curated deposit in HAL]]
+   - Extracting all the software products [[https://haltools.archives-ouvertes.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?struct=inria&&typdoc=(%27SOFTWARE%27)&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&CB_resume=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css][for Inria]], [[https://haltools.archives-ouvertes.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?struct=cnrs&typdoc=(%27SOFTWARE%27)&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&CB_resume=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css][for CNRS]], [[https://haltools.archives-ouvertes.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?struct=LIRMM&typdoc=(%27SOFTWARE%27)&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&CB_resume=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css][for LIRMM]] or [[https://haltools.archives-ouvertes.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?auteur_exp=remi%2C+gribonval&struct=cnrs&typdoc=(%27SOFTWARE%27)&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&CB_resume=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css][for Rémi Gribonval]] using HalTools
    - [[https://doc.archives-ouvertes.fr/en/deposit/deposit-software-source-code/][Curated deposit in SWH via HAL]], see for example: 
       [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02130801][LinBox]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01897934][SLALOM]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02130729][Givaro]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02137040][NS2DDV]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/lirmm-02136558][SumGra]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02155786][Coq proof]], ...
-   - Extracting all the software products [[https://haltools.archives-ouvertes.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?struct=inria&&typdoc=(%27SOFTWARE%27)&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&CB_resume=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css][for Inria]], [[https://haltools.archives-ouvertes.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?struct=cnrs&typdoc=(%27SOFTWARE%27)&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&CB_resume=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css][for CNRS]], [[https://haltools.archives-ouvertes.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?struct=LIRMM&typdoc=(%27SOFTWARE%27)&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&CB_resume=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css][for LIRMM]] or [[https://haltools.archives-ouvertes.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?auteur_exp=remi%2C+gribonval&struct=cnrs&typdoc=(%27SOFTWARE%27)&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&CB_resume=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css][for Rémi Gribonval]] using HalTools
    - Example use in a research article: compare Fig. 1 and conclusions 
-      - in [[http://www.dicosmo.org/Articles/2012-DaneluttoDiCosmo-Pcs.pdf][the 2012 version]]
-      - in [[https://www.dicosmo.org/share/parmap_swh.pdf][the updated version]] using SWHIDs and Software Heritage
+     - in [[http://www.dicosmo.org/Articles/2012-DaneluttoDiCosmo-Pcs.pdf][the 2012 version]]
+     - in [[https://www.dicosmo.org/share/parmap_swh.pdf][the updated version]] using SWHIDs and Software Heritage
    - Example use in a research article: extensive use of SWHIDs in [[https://www.dicosmo.org/Articles/2020-ReScienceC.pdf][a replication experiment]]
 ** Overview of the Software Heritage / HAL synergy
    :CUSTOM_ID: halswhoverview
    #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \linewidth
-***                                                         :B_ignoreheading:
-    :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
-    :END:
 ** Preservation case: 250.000+ BitBucket repositories
    :CUSTOM_ID: bitbucket
 *** Saving the 250.000+ endangered repositories...
     - summer 2019: BitBucket announce Mercurial VCS phase out
     - fall 2019: Software Heritage teams up with Octobus (funded by NLNet, thanks!)
     - july 2020: BitBucket erases /250.000+/ repositories
     - august 2020: [[https://bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org][bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org]] is live
     - 2021: all this is ingested in [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org][archive.softwareheritage.org]]
 #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** ... preserving the web of knowledge   \hfill  (original tweet [[https://twitter.com/gabrielaltay/status/1300218789762662401][is here]] ) :B_picblock:
     :BEAMER_env: picblock
     :BEAMER_OPT: pic=bitbucket_swh_praise.png, width=.6\linewidth, leftpic=true
     /explicit deposit/ is important, ...\\
     \mbox{}\hfill ... and we must promote it...\hfill\mbox{}\\
     \mbox{}\hfill ... but will never be enough.\\
 \mbox{}\hfill /(think also of all software dependencies!)/
 * Compact version
 ** What is at stake
   :CUSTOM_ID: compactstakes
 *** ARDC                                                             :B_block:
     :BEAMER_COL: .33
     :BEAMER_env: block
     - *Archive* for retrieval (/reproducibility/)
     - *Reference* for identification (/reproducibility/)
     - *Describe* for discovery and reuse
     - *Cite/Credit* for credit and evaluation
       #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Before ARDC
     :BEAMER_COL: .33
     :BEAMER_env: block
     - *Development* practices and tools (VCS, build system, test suites, CI, ...)
     - *Opening up* towards a community (documentation, organization, communication)
     Need training, best practices
       #+BEAMER: \pause
 *** Beyond ARDC
     :CUSTOM_ID: beyondardc
     :BEAMER_COL: .33
     :BEAMER_env: block
     - *Policies* (dissemination, reuse, careers!)
     - *Sustainability* (legal, economic etc.)
     - Technology transfer
     - Advanced technologies and tools (quality, traceability, etc.)