diff --git a/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics.org b/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cf0dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics.org @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +#+COLUMNS: %40ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %9BEAMER_envargs(Env Args) %10BEAMER_act(Act) %4BEAMER_col(Col) %10BEAMER_extra(Extra) %8BEAMER_opt(Opt) +#+TITLE: Software Heritage +#+SUBTITLE: Does software preservation have an ethical impact on society? +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \title{Software Heritage} +#+AUTHOR: Morane Gruenpeter +#+EMAIL: morane@softwareheritage.org +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \date[November 30th, 2020]{November 30th, 2020\\[-1em]} +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \title[www.softwareheritage.org]{Software Heritage} +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \institute[]{\\\href{mailto:morane@softwareheritage.org}{\tt morane@softwareheritage.org}} +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \author[Morane Gruenpeter]{ Morane Gruenpeter\\[1em]% +#+BEAMER_HEADER: Software engineer and metadata specialist\\Inria, Software Heritage\\[-1em]} +# #+BEAMER_HEADER: \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen} +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \setbeameroption{hide notes} +#+KEYWORDS: software heritage legacy preservation knowledge mankind technology deposit + +# +# prelude.org contains all the information needed to export the main beamer latex source +# use prelude-toc.org to get the table of contents +# + +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/prelude-toc.org" :minlevel 1 + + +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/169.org" + +# +LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [aspectratio=169,handout,xcolor=table] +#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{bbding} +#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tcolorbox} +#+LATEX_HEADER: \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{66D}{\FiveStar} + + +# +# If you want to change the title logo it's here +# +# +BEAMER_HEADER: \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{SWH-logo}} + +# aspect ratio can be changed, but the slides need to be adapted +# - compute a "resizing factor" for the images (macro for picblocks?) +# +# set the background image +# +# https://pacoup.com/2011/06/12/list-of-true-169-resolutions/ +# +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \pgfdeclareimage[height=90mm,width=160mm]{bgd}{swh-world-169.png} +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \setbeamertemplate{background}{\pgfuseimage{bgd}} + +#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{supertabular} +#+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\sponsor}[2]{{\bf #1}, #2} +#+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\teamster}[2]{{\textcolor{red}{#1}}, #2} + +* Introduction + +# BIO +** Short Bio: Morane Gruenpeter +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/mg-bio.org::#bio" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 + +** Goals today +*** Terminology + - understand terminology around software and source code + +*** History + - a few elements to grasp recent and not so recent evolutions + +*** Society + - software as a key to view society + - review initiatives working on software preservation + +** Software is all around us +*** Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (~60.000 lines), 1969 + #+latex: \begin{minipage}{.25\linewidth} + #+latex: \begin{flushleft} + #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{.8\linewidth} + file:Margaret_Hamilton.jpg + #+latex: \end{flushleft} + #+latex: \end{minipage} + #+latex: \begin{minipage}{.7\linewidth} + #+latex: \begin{flushright} + #+latex: "When I first got into it, nobody knew what it was that we were doing. It was like the Wild West." + #+latex: \hfill Margaret Hamilton + #+latex: \end{flushright} + #+latex: \end{minipage} + + +*** The World Wide Web, 1989, at CERN on a NeXT machine + #+latex: \begin{minipage}{.65\linewidth} + #+latex: \begin{flushleft} + #+latex:“When somebody has learned how to program a computer … + #+latex: You're joining a group of people who can do incredible things. + #+latex: They can make the computer do anything they can imagine.” + #+latex: \end{flushleft} + #+latex: \end{minipage} + #+latex: \begin{minipage}{.3\linewidth} + #+latex: \begin{flushright} + #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{.95\linewidth} + file:tim_berners_lee.jpg + #+latex: \end{flushright} + #+latex: \end{minipage} + + \hfill From An Insight, An Idea with Tim Berners-Lee (2013) + + +** Software terminology +#+latex: \begin{center} \huge{What is software ?} \end{center} +#+BEAMER: \pause + #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{.85\linewidth} + file:software-magic.jpg + +Image taken from *[[https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/70fump/programming_is_magic/][from reddit - ProgrammerHumor]]* +** Software definition +*** Encyclopædia Britannica + “Software, instructions that tell a computer what to do. + Software comprises the entire set of programs, procedures, and routines + associated with the operation of a computer system. + The term was coined to differentiate these instructions + from hardware—i.e., the physical components of a computer system.” + \hfill *[[https://www.britannica.com/technology/software][link]]* +#+BEAMER: \pause +*** Software as a concept :B_block:BMCOL: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_col: 0.5 + :BEAMER_env: block + :END: + - software project / entity +#+BEAMER: \pause + - the creators and the community around it +#+BEAMER: \pause + +*** Software artifact :B_block:BMCOL: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_col: 0.5 + :BEAMER_env: block + :END: + - the binaries for different environments +#+BEAMER: \pause + - the *software source code* for each version + +** This is /software/? +#+latex: \begin{center} +#+ATTR_LATEX: :width .38\linewidth +file:this-is-not-a-pipe.png +#+latex: \end{center} + +\hfill What about **/software source code/** ? + +* The knowledge is in the source code ! + +** The knowledge is in the source code! +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/source-code-different-short.org::#thesourcecode" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 +** Source code is /special/ +*** /Executable/ and /human readable/ knowledge \hfill copyright law + /“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”/\\ + \hfill Harold Abelson +#+BEAMER: \pause +*** Software /evolves/ over time + - projects may last decades + - the /development history/ is key to its /understanding/ +#+BEAMER: \pause +*** Complexity :B_picblock: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: picblock + :BEAMER_OPT: pic=python3-matplotlib.pdf, width=.6\linewidth + :END: + - /millions/ of lines of code + - large /web of dependencies/ + + easy to break, difficult to maintain + - sophisticated /developer communities/ + +** Software Source Code human readable and executable knowledge +file:NOLI_SE_TANGERE.png + +** Version Control System timeline +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/vcs-history.org::#timeline" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 + + +** Adoption +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/vcs-history.org::#adoption" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 + + +* Software Heritage: the universal source code archive +# +# One slide motivation + goals +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-goals-oneslide-vertical.org::#goals" :minlevel 2 +# + +# Where we are today: endorsement +# ** Our principles \hfill iPres 2017 - \url{http://bit.ly/swhpaper} +# #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/principles-compact.org::#principlesstatus" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 + +** Our principles \hfill iPres 2017 - \url{http://bit.ly/swhpaper} + :PROPERTIES: + :CUSTOM_ID: principlesstatus + :END: +#+latex: \begin{center} +#+ATTR_LATEX: :width .8\linewidth +file:SWH-as-foundation-slim.png +#+latex: \end{center} +#+latex: \footnotesize\vspace{-3mm} + # + # #+BEAMER: \pause + + #+BEAMER: \pause + #+latex: \centering + #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{.8\linewidth} + file:2020-09-08-growth.png + +** Growing Support +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/support-compact.org::#support" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 + + + +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/turningpoint.org::#main" :only-contents t :minlevel 2 + +* The Paris call: Software Source Code is our Heritage +# Paris call (one decomposed slide with image from the news) +# recognise, support and foster +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/paris-call-2019.org::#main" :only-contents t :minlevel 2 +** The Paris call: Software Source Code is our Heritage +*** Quotes + - "Preserving Software Source Code is *crucial* and *captures human civilization*" +#+BEAMER: \pause + - "It includes the need to *raising awareness* of the importance of SSC among decision makers, + recognizing Software creators and the contributions of women and minorities to digital innovations". +#+BEAMER: \pause + - "Considering that documents produced and *preserved overtime*, in all their analog and digital + forms through time and space, constitute the *primary means of knowledge creation and expression*, + having an *impact on all areas of humanity's civilization* and its further progress". +#+BEAMER: \pause + - "Considering at the same time that the preservation of, and long term accessibility to documentary + heritage underpins *fundamental freedoms* of opinion, expression and information as human rights". + + +* Strategies for archiving +# Github Arctic Program (three slides) +# - The partners in the Github arctic project +# - The preservation scale +# - [commented] The apolyptic scenario +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/github-arctic-program.org::#main" :only-contents t :minlevel 2 + +** Github Arctic Vault +#+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{.8\linewidth} +file:github-piql-film-arctic-vault.jpg + +** Internet archive +#+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{\linewidth} +file:internet_archive.png + +# SWHAP - Legacy Software Acquisition Process (three slides) +# - why it is important (it is time) +# - The four phases: collect, curate, archive and present +# - An example on Github +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-acquisition-process.org::#main" :only-contents t :minlevel 2 + + +* Software preservation and ethics +** Software Heritage ethical charter +*** Ethical Charter for using the archive data \hfill /\url{https://bit.ly/2KOyfeR}/ +- Avoid harm +- Protect Personal Data +- Avoid useless copies +- Care about derived data +#+BEAMER: \pause +*** Ethical Charter for Mirrors \hfill /\url{https://bit.ly/36q2nWx}/ +- Avoid harm +- Protect Personal Data +- Maintain coherent terms of use +- Ensure fair and non discriminatory access +- Foster Collaboration + +** Software preservation and ethics +*** Discussion topics +1) Transparency and conflict of interest +2) Digital divide +3) Ownership of the physical archive +4) Responsibility for the incorrect use of source codes +5) The positive potential of this archive +6) Possible role of philosophers in interdisciplinary teams with scientists + +** + +#+BEGIN_EXPORT latex + \begin{center} + \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{SWH-logo.pdf} + \end{center} + \begin{center} + \vfill + {\Large Thank you! Any questions?} + \end{center} +#+END_EXPORT +*** contact: morane@softwareheritage.org :B_block: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: block + :END: + #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex + \begin{thebibliography}{Foo Bar, 1969} + \footnotesize + \bibitem{Abramatic2018} Jean-François Abramatic, Roberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli\newblock + \emph{Building the Universal Archive of Source Code}, Communications of the ACM, October 2018 + \bibitem{DiCosmo2018} Roberto Di Cosmo, Morane Gruenpeter, Stefano Zacchiroli\newblock + \emph{Identifiers for Digital Objects: the Case of Software Source Code Preservation}, + iPRES 2018: Intl. Conf. on Digital Preservation + \end{thebibliography} + #+END_EXPORT + +*** Acknowledgements + - Roberto Di Cosmo, Founder and Director of Software Heritage + - Leah Gruenpeter-Gold, PhD Philosophy Dept., Tel Aviv University diff --git a/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/METADATA b/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/METADATA new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96b588a --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/METADATA @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +Title: + Software Heritage: the universal source code archive + +Abstract: + + Software source code is everywhere, with tens of millions of developers + worldwide, and it is of paramount importance to provide a universal + archive and reference system for all its applications. Software Heritage + has taken over this task. + + Since software source code has been recently recognised as an important + asset also in the field of scientific research, complementing publications + and research data, Software Heritage is now providing the infrastructure + for depositing and referencing software source code, in collaboration with + national and international open access portals. + + In this short presentation we will provide an overview of the available + functionalities, and an update on the latest collaborations. diff --git a/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/Makefile b/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68fbee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2020-11-30-UNIPI-ethics/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +include ../Makefile.slides