diff --git a/common/modules/swh-ardc.org b/common/modules/swh-ardc.org index 1b29f07..8b6fdc9 100644 --- a/common/modules/swh-ardc.org +++ b/common/modules/swh-ardc.org @@ -1,275 +1,275 @@ #+COLUMNS: %40ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %9BEAMER_envargs(Env Args) %10BEAMER_act(Act) %4BEAMER_col(Col) %10BEAMER_extra(Extra) %8BEAMER_opt(Opt) # # Software is all around us # #+INCLUDE: "prelude.org" :minlevel 1 #+INCLUDE: "169.org" * Source code pillar of Open Science, and how Software Heritage addresses ARDC :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: main :END: ** Source code is /special/ (software is /not/ data) :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: swnotdata :END: *** /Executable/ and /human readable/ knowledge \hfill copyright law :noexport: /“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”/\\ \hfill Harold Abelson #+BEAMER: \pause *** Software /evolves/ over time - projects may last decades - the /development history/ is key to its /understanding/ #+BEAMER: \pause *** Complexity :B_picblock: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: picblock :BEAMER_OPT: pic=python3-matplotlib.pdf, width=.6\linewidth :END: - /millions/ of lines of code - large /web of dependencies/ + easy to break, difficult to maintain + /research software/ a thin top layer - sophisticated /developer communities/ *** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: #+BEAMER: \pause *** Precious, endangered /executable/ and /human readable/ knowledge key people *passing away*, platforms (GoogleCode, Gitorious, etc.) closing down ...\\ \hfill no organised effort to catalog and archive it ** Source code is /special/, cont'd :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: swnotdatacontd :END: *** Versioning, granularity - Project :: “Inria created OCaml and Scikit-learn”\pause - Release :: “2D Voronoi Diagrams were introduced in CGAL 3.1.0”\pause - Precise state of a project :: “This result was produced using commit 0064fbd...”\pause - Code fragment :: “The core algorithm is in lines 101 to 143 of the file parmap.ml contained in the precise state of the project corresponding to commit 0064fbd....” #+BEAMER: \pause *** Authors can have multiple roles: - Architecture, Management, Development, Documentation, Testing, ... ** Software Source code: a pillar of Open Science :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: pillaropenscience :END: *** Software is everywhere in modern research :B_picblock: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_opt: pic=papermountain, leftpic=true, width=.3\linewidth :BEAMER_env: picblock :BEAMER_COL: .6 :END: #+BEGIN_QUOTE [...] software [...] essential in their fields. \mbox{}\hfill Top 100 papers (Nature, 2014) #+END_QUOTE #+BEGIN_QUOTE Sometimes, if you dont have the software, you dont have the data \mbox{}\hfill Christine Borgman, Paris, 2018 #+END_QUOTE # http://www.nature.com/news/the-top-100-papers-1.16224 #+BEAMER: \pause *** Open Science: three pillars :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: .45 :BEAMER_env: block :END: #+latex: \begin{center} #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{\linewidth} file:PreservationTriangle.png #+latex: \end{center} #+BEAMER: \pause *** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: *** Nota bene \hfill The links in the picture are *essential* ** A plurality of needs :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: userneeds :END: *** Researchers - *archive* and *reference* software used in articles - *find* useful software - get *credit* for developed software - verify/reproduce/improve results #+BEAMER: \pause *** Laboratories/teams - track software contributions - produce reports - maintain web page #+BEAMER: \pause *** Research Organization - know its *software assets* for: technology *transfer*, impact *metrics*, strategy ** What is at stake: ARDC \hfill in increasing order of difficulty :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: ardc :END: *** Archive Research software artifacts must be properly *archived*\\ \hfill make sure we can /retrieve/ them (/reproducibility/) #+BEAMER: \pause *** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: \vspace{-.5em} *** Reference Research software artifacts must be properly *referenced*\\ \hfill make sure we can /identify/ them (/reproducibility/) #+BEAMER: \pause *** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: \vspace{-.5em} *** Describe Research software artifacts must be properly *described*\\ \hfill make it easy to /discover/ and /reuse/ them (/visibility/) #+BEAMER: \pause *** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: \vspace{-.5em} *** Cite/Credit Research software artifacts must be properly *cited* /(not the same as referenced!)/\\ \hfill to give /credit/ to authors (/evaluation/!) *** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: ** What is at stake: beyond ARDC :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: beyondardc :END: *** Sustainability Organisational schemas, legal tools, ecomonic models, processes and policies to ensure research software can be maintained and sustained over time #+BEAMER: \pause *** Technology transfer and industry collaboration Approaches, support, methods, processes to establish connections with industry in order to foster uptake and transfer of research software ** Addressing the four ARDC needs (see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] for details) :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: swh-ardc-short :END: *** Archive (10B+ files, 150M+ projects) :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .8\linewidth file:swh-dataflow-merkle.pdf \vspace{-1em} #+BEAMER: \pause - [[https://save.softwareheritage.org][save.softwareheritage.org]] - [[https://deposit.softwareheritage.org][deposit.softwareheritage.org]] # (HAL, IPOL) #+BEAMER: \pause *** Reference (20 billion SWHIDs) :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/07/09/intrinsic-vs-extrinsic-identifiers/][Intrinsic, decentralised, cryptographically strong identifiers, SWHIDs]] \vspace{-1em} #+ATTR_LATEX: :width 1.02\linewidth file:SWHID-v1.4_3.png Now supported [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/05/13/swhid-adoption/][in SPDX 2.2, Wikidata]] etc. #+BEAMER: \pause *** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: *** Describe :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - /Intrinsic metadata/ from source code - Contributed the [[https://codemeta.github.io/codemeta-generator/][Codemeta generator]] #+BEAMER: \pause *** Cite/Credit :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - Contributed /software citation/ style [[https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-software][biblatex-software, v 1.2-2 now on CTAN]] ** Addressing the A(archive) in ARDC (see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] for details) :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: swh-a :END: #+latex: \vspace{-0.8em} -*** /Universal/ source code archive \hfill not only resarch \hfill (9B+ files, 150M+ projects) +*** /Universal/ source code archive \hfill /not only research/ \hfill (9B+ files, 150M+ projects) :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :END: #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .6\linewidth file:swh-dataflow-merkle.pdf #+latex: \vspace{-1em} - your research software /is likely there already/! #+BEAMER: \pause - anyone can trigger archival with [[https://save.softwareheritage.org][save.softwareheritage.org]] #+BEAMER: \pause - selected partners can push to the archive via [[https://deposit.softwareheritage.org][deposit.softwareheritage.org]] # (HAL, IPOL) ** Addressing the R(eference) in ARDC (see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] for details) :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: swh-r :END: #+latex: \vspace{-0.8em} *** Software Heritage Identifiers (SWHID) \hfill [[https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html][link to full docs]] :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :END: 20+B [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/07/09/intrinsic-vs-extrinsic-identifiers/][intrinsic, decentralised, cryptographically strong identifiers, SWHIDs]] # #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-id-syntax.org::#swh-id-syntax" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 #+LATEX: \centering%\forcebeamerstart #+LATEX: \mode{\only<1>{\includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{SWHID-v1.4_1.png}}} #+LATEX: \mode{\only<2>{\includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{SWHID-v1.4_2.png}}} #+LATEX: \only<3->{\includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{SWHID-v1.4_3.png}} #+LATEX: %\forcebeamerend *** :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_act: <4-> :BEAMER_env: block :END: Emerging standard : Linux Foundation [[https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/appendix-VI-external-repository-identifiers/#persistent-id][SPDX 2.2]]; IANA registered; WikiData [[https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P6138][P6138]] #+latex: \vspace{-0.5em} *** Full fledged /source code references/ for reproducibility :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_act: <5-> :BEAMER_env: block :END: Examples: [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org/swh:1:cnt:64582b78792cd6c2d67d35da5a11bb80886a6409;origin=https://github.com/virtualagc/virtualagc;lines=245-261/][Apollo 11 AGC excerpt]], [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org/swh:1:cnt:bb0faf6919fc60636b2696f32ec9b3c2adb247fe;origin=https://github.com/id-Software/Quake-III-Arena;lines=549-572/][Quake III rsqrt]]; Guidelines available, see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] #+BEAMER: \pause ** Addressing D(escribe) and C(ite) in ARDC (see [[https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_36][ICMS 2020]] for details) :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: swh-dc :END: *** Describe :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - Collect /intrinsic metadata/ - Contributed the [[https://codemeta.github.io/codemeta-generator/][Codemeta generator]] #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .8\linewidth file:CodeMetaGenerator.png #+BEAMER: \pause *** Cite/Credit :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - Contributed /software citation/ style [[https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-software][biblatex-software, v 1.2-2 now on CTAN]] #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .8\linewidth file:BibLaTeX-swh.png diff --git a/talks-public/2021-01-27-Pidapalooza/2021-01-27-Pidapalooza.org b/talks-public/2021-01-27-Pidapalooza/2021-01-27-Pidapalooza.org index 2657773..dfc08e0 100644 --- a/talks-public/2021-01-27-Pidapalooza/2021-01-27-Pidapalooza.org +++ b/talks-public/2021-01-27-Pidapalooza/2021-01-27-Pidapalooza.org @@ -1,308 +1,311 @@ #+COLUMNS: %40ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %9BEAMER_envargs(Env Args) %10BEAMER_act(Act) %4BEAMER_col(Col) %10BEAMER_extra(Extra) %8BEAMER_opt(Opt) #+TITLE: Intrinsic identifiers #+SUBTITLE: A digital fingerprint identifying software source code #+AUTHOR: Roberto Di Cosmo #+EMAIL: roberto@dicosmo.org @rdicosmo @swheritage #+BEAMER_HEADER: \date[January 29th, 2020]{January 29th, 2020\\[-1em]} -#+BEAMER_HEADER: \title[The SWHID intrinsic identifier for software]{Intrinsic identifiers and the SHWID} +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \title[The SWHID intrinsic identifier for software]{Intrinsic identifiers and the SWHID} #+BEAMER_HEADER: \author[Roberto Di Cosmo~~~~CC-BY 4.0]{Roberto Di Cosmo\\[1em]} #+KEYWORDS: software heritage legacy preservation knowledge mankind technology #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tcolorbox} #+LATEX_HEADER: \definecolor{links}{HTML}{2A1B81} #+LATEX_HEADER: \hypersetup{colorlinks,linkcolor=,urlcolor=links} # # prelude.org contains all the information needed to export the main beamer latex source # use prelude-toc.org to get the table of contents # #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/prelude-toc.org" :minlevel 1 #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/169.org" # +LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [aspectratio=169,handout,xcolor=table] #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{bbding} #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tcolorbox} #+LATEX_HEADER: \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{66D}{\FiveStar} # # If you want to change the title logo it's here # # +BEAMER_HEADER: \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{SWH-logo}} # aspect ratio can be changed, but the slides need to be adapted # - compute a "resizing factor" for the images (macro for picblocks?) # # set the background image # # https://pacoup.com/2011/06/12/list-of-true-169-resolutions/ # #+BEAMER_HEADER: \pgfdeclareimage[height=90mm,width=160mm]{bgd}{swh-world-169.png} #+BEAMER_HEADER: \setbeamertemplate{background}{\pgfuseimage{bgd}} #+LATEX: \addtocounter{framenumber}{-1} +** Introduction +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/rdc-bio.org::#main" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 + * Extrinsic and Intrinsic identifiers in a nutshell ** Extrinsic identifiers \vspace{-.4em} *** The Identifier has no /per se/ relation with the designated Object A /register/ keeps the correspondence between the identifier and the object - pre-internet era :: passport number, social security number, ISBN, ISSN, etc. - internet era :: DOI, Handle, Ark, PURLs, RRID, etc.\pause *** A word about the /Persistent/ adjective in Persistent Identifiers - this technology /cannot guarantee/ persistence by itself! \pause Example: #+ATTR_LATEX: :width .4\linewidth **** :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: .4 :END: file:DOI.png **** :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - DOI resolution can change - content at URL can change - no way for the user to notice any of these changes from the outside\\ \mbox{} \pause **** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: \vspace{.4em} \hfill "persistence... is a function of /administrative/ care"\hfill\mbox{}\\ \hfill [[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3650][RFC 3650 (Handle System Overview, 2003)]] ** Intrinsic identifiers *** The Identifier is derived from the designated Object /No register/ needed to keep the correspondence between the identifier and the object - pre-internet era :: musical notation, chemical notation (/NaCl/ is table salt)\pause - internet era :: cryptographic hashes for distributed software development, Bitcoin\pause **** :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: file:VCS_history_timeline.png **** :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - scientific breakthrough in the 1990's - massive adoption in the 2010's - 150+M repositories (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab) - 40.000.000 users **** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: \mbox{}\\ \pause /Persistence is built-in:/ nobody can change the designated object, and get away unnoticed!\pause *** Good news: now easily available for you via the Software Heritage Identifiers (SWHID)! * Software Heritage and the SWHID ** Software Heritage in a nutshell :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: goals :END: #+latex: \begin{center} #+ATTR_LATEX: :width \extblockscale{.8\linewidth} file:SWH-logo+motto.pdf #+latex: \end{center} *** Collect, preserve and share /all/ software source code \hfill Over 150 million repositories already, ... and counting! #+BEAMER: \pause *** Addressing the ARDC key needs for (research) software source code... **** :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - Archive :: ensure it is not lost - Reference :: identify the object **** :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - Describe :: make it findable - Cite :: give credit to authors #+BEAMER: \pause *** ... long term, non profit initiative with broad support Academia and Government: Inria, UNESCO, CNRS, French National Open Science Fund, DANS, universities... Industry: Intel, Microsoft, GitHub, VMware, Societe Generale, ... -** Getting the source code in the archive -#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-ardc.org::#swh-a" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 ** SWHID: the source code fingerprint #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-ardc.org::#swh-r" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 +** Getting the source code in the archive +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-ardc.org::#swh-a" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 ** Adoption hilights ... #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-adoption-academic.org::#adoption" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 ** Come in, we're open! *** \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nlSvYh7VpI} -- full talk\\ \url{www.softwareheritage.org/blog} --- learn more \\ \url{save.softwareheritage.org} --- save code now \\ \url{deposit.softwareheritage.org} --- deposit code and metadata \\ \url{www.softwareheritage.org/swhap} --- legacy software acquisition process \\ # #+BEAMER: \vspace{-1mm} \flushright {\Huge Questions?} \vfill *** References :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :END: #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \begin{thebibliography}{Foo Bar, 1969} \footnotesize \bibitem{EOSCSirs2020} EOSC SIRS Task Force \newblock \emph{Scholarly Infrastructures for Research Software} \newblock 2020, European Commission, https://doi.org/10.2777/28598 \bibitem{Abramatic2018} Jean-François Abramatic, Roberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli\newblock \emph{Building the Universal Archive of Source Code},\\ Communications of the ACM, October 2018 \href{https://doi.org/10.1145/3183558}{(10.1145/3183558)} \bibitem{DiCosmo2019} Roberto Di Cosmo, Morane Gruenpeter, Stefano Zacchiroli\newblock \emph{Referencing Source Code Artifacts: a Separate Concern in Software Citation},\\ Computing in Science and Engineering, IEEE, pp.1-9. \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MCSE.2019.2963148}{(10.1109/MCSE.2019.2963148)} \href{https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02446202}{(hal-02446202)} \end{thebibliography} #+END_EXPORT * Appendix :B_appendix: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: appendix :END: ** \vfill \centerline{\Huge Appendix} \vfill ** Mirrors *** Thomas Jefferson, February 18, 1791 :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_ACT: :BEAMER_env: block :END: #+latex: {\em ...let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time, but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the reach of accident. #+latex: } #+BEAMER: \pause *** Welcoming ENEA :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: picblock :BEAMER_OPT: pic=LogoENEAcompletoENG.png, leftpic=true, width=.7\linewidth :END: - first *institutional* mirror - increased resilience - *AI infrastructure* for researchers - stepping stone to \endgraf \hfill an European joint effort ** A revolutionary infrastructure for software source code #+BEAMER: \vspace{-2mm} *** The /graph/ of Software Development :B_picblock: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: picblock :BEAMER_COL: .5 :BEAMER_OPT: pic=git-merkle/merkle-vertical, leftpic=true, width=.4\linewidth :END: All software development with its history, in *a single graph* ... #+BEAMER: \pause \vspace{-2mm} *** Reference platform for /Big Code/ :B_picblock: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_opt: pic=universal, leftpic=true, width=.4\linewidth :BEAMER_env: picblock :BEAMER_COL: .5 :BEAMER_act: :END: *One uniform data structure* enables /massive/ machine learning for *quality, cybersecurity*, etc. *** :B_ignoreheading: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading :END: #+BEAMER: \pause *** First datasets are available! - full graph of software development (~20Bn nodes, ~200Bn edges) see Pietri et al., MSR 2019 https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MSR.2019.00030 - MSR 2020 mining competition ** Automation, and storage :maybemove: #+BEAMER: \begin{center} #+BEAMER: \mode{\only<1>{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{.9\textwidth}]{swh-dataflow-merkle-listers.pdf}}} #+BEAMER: \only<2-3>{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{.9\textwidth}]{swh-dataflow-merkle.pdf}} #+BEAMER: \end{center} #+BEAMER: \pause #+BEAMER: \pause - full development history *permanently archived!* - over 8 billions unique source files from 140+ million origins ** Archiving /public/ code #+latex: \begin{center} #+ATTR_LATEX: :width 0.7\linewidth file:codeetalab.png #+latex: \end{center} #+BEAMER: \pause https://code.etalab.gouv.fr ** ENEA mirror *** Thomas Jefferson, February 18, 1791 :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_ACT: :BEAMER_env: block :END: #+latex: {\em ...let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time, but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the reach of accident. #+latex: } #+BEAMER: \pause *** Welcoming ENEA :B_block: :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: picblock :BEAMER_OPT: pic=LogoENEAcompletoENG.png, leftpic=true, width=.7\linewidth :END: - first *institutional* mirror - increased resilience - *AI infrastructure* for researchers - stepping stone to \endgraf \hfill an European joint effort ** The Software Heritage Acquisition Process (SWHAP) *** Paris Call on Software Source Code “[We call to] support efforts to gather and preserve the artifacts and narratives of the history of computing, while the earlier creators are still alive” #+BEAMER: \pause *** SWHAP : an important step forward - detailed guidelines to *curate* landmark legacy source code and *archive* it on Software Heritage - intense cooperation with *Università di Pisa* and *UNESCO* - open to all, we'll promote it worldwide *** https://www.softwareheritage.org/swhap ** A walkthrough - Browse [[https://archive.softwareheritage.org][the archive]] - [[https://save.softwareheritage.org][Trigger archival]] of your preferred software in a breeze - Get and use SWHIDs ([[https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html][full specification available online]]) - Cite software [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/05/26/citing-software-with-style/][with the biblatex-software style]] from CTAN - Example use in a research article: compare Fig. 1 and conclusions - in [[http://www.dicosmo.org/Articles/2012-DaneluttoDiCosmo-Pcs.pdf][the 2012 version]] - in [[https://www.dicosmo.org/share/parmap_swh.pdf][the updated version]] using SWHIDs and Software Heritage - Example use in a research article: extensive use of SWHIDs in [[https://www.dicosmo.org/Articles/2020-ReScienceC.pdf][a replication experiment]] - [[https://doc.archives-ouvertes.fr/en/deposit/deposit-software-source-code/][Curated deposit in SWH via HAL]], see for example: [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02130801][LinBox]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01897934][SLALOM]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02130729][Givaro]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02137040][NS2DDV]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/lirmm-02136558][SumGra]], [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02155786][Coq proof]], ... - Rescue landmark legacy software, see the [[https://www.softwareheritage.org/swhap/][SWHAP process with UNESCO]] ** A worked example #+LATEX: \centering\forcebeamerstart #+LATEX: \only<1>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/merkle_1.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<2>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/contents.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<3>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/merkle_2_contents.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<4>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/directories.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<5>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/merkle_3_directories.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<6>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/revisions.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<7>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/merkle_4_revisions.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<8>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/releases.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<9>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/merkle_5_releases.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \only<10>{\colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{\linewidth}]{git-merkle/snapshots.pdf}}} #+LATEX: \forcebeamerend