diff --git a/common/modules/science-needs.org b/common/modules/science-needs.org index 4778784..8a9c0ac 100644 --- a/common/modules/science-needs.org +++ b/common/modules/science-needs.org @@ -1,79 +1,54 @@ #+COLUMNS: %40ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %9BEAMER_envargs(Env Args) %10BEAMER_act(Act) %4BEAMER_col(Col) %10BEAMER_extra(Extra) %8BEAMER_opt(Opt) #+INCLUDE: "prelude.org" :minlevel 1 * Software in Science: status, stakes and needs :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: main :END: ** Where we stand :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: status :END: *** A wealth of initiatives! - Policies: ACM [[https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/artifact-review-badging][Artifact Review and Badging]], ... - Working groups: [[https://www.force11.org/software-citation-principles][FORCE11]], [[https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/software-source-code-ig][RDA]], [[https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/logiciels-libres-et-open-source/][SPSO]], ... - Metrics: [[https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/about-the-proposal-for-software-indicators-in-open-science-monitor-3/][Open Science Monitor]] (Elsevier!), ... - Journals: [[https://www.ipol.im/][IPOL]], ReScience, InsightJournal, eLife, ACM DL, ... - Repositories: FigShare, Zenodo, ... #+BEAMER: \pause *** \hfill but ... \hfill \mbox{} *** Lack of recognition :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: not (yet) a first class citizen - in the EOSC plan # - in the EU copyright reform - in the scholarly works #+BEAMER: \pause *** Lack of proper guidance on how to :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: block :BEAMER_COL: .5 :END: - /archive/ and /reference/ software - choose a license - /cite/ a software project # #+BEAMER: \pause # *** :B_ignoreheading: # :PROPERTIES: # :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading # :END: # *** Lack of basic prerequisites to reproducibility # See a discussion in \url{annex.softwareheritage.org/talks/2018/2018-09-17-STScI_public.pdf} -** What is at stake \hfill in increasing order of difficulty - :PROPERTIES: - :CUSTOM_ID: stakes - :END: -*** Archival - Research software artifacts must be properly *archived*\\ - \hfill make it sure we can /retrieve/ them (/reproducibility/) -#+BEAMER: \pause -*** Identification - Research software artifacts must be properly *referenced*\\ - \hfill make it sure we can /identify/ them (/reproducibility/) -#+BEAMER: \pause -*** Metadata - Research software artifacts must be properly *described*\\ - \hfill make it easy to /discover/ them (/visibility/) -#+BEAMER: \pause -*** Citation - Research software artifacts must be properly *cited* /(not the same as referenced!)/\\ - \hfill to give /credit/ to authors (/evaluation/!) ** A plurality of needs - :PROPERTIES: - :CUSTOM_ID: needs - :END: -*** Researcher - - archive and reference sw used in articles - - get credit for the software they develop - - verify/reproduce/improve results -*** Laboratory/team - - track software contributions - - produce up-to date report / web page -*** University/Research Organization - - central view of research software assets - - tech transfer - - impact metrics + # One slide: researcher, lab, organisation + #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-ardc.org::#userneeds" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 +** What is at stake \hfill in increasing order of difficulty + # One slide: archive, reference, metadata, citation + #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-ardc.org::#ardc" :only-contents t :minlevel 3 +** What is at stake \hfill in increasing order of difficulty, cont'd + # One slide: archive, reference, metadata, citation + #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-ardc.org::#beyondardc" :only-contents t :minlevel 3