diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 8d4bf3e..e993b2b 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ -*~ -auto/ +*-stamp *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.log -main.pdf *.mk *.nav -notes.config *.out *.pdfpc -_region_.* +*.rubbercache *.snm -*-stamp *.tmp *.toc *.vrb -common/modules/pdf/ +*~ .directory _minted*/ +_region_.* +auto/ +common/modules/pdf/ +main.pdf +notes.config diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/2021-10-14-telecom-dig.org b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/2021-10-14-telecom-dig.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41966a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/2021-10-14-telecom-dig.org @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +#+COLUMNS: %40ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %9BEAMER_envargs(Env Args) %10BEAMER_act(Act) %4BEAMER_col(Col) %10BEAMER_extra(Extra) %8BEAMER_opt(Opt) +#+TITLE: Software Heritage +#+SUBTITLE: Analyzing the Global Graph of Public Software Development +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \date[2021-10-14, DIG]{14 Oct 2021\\Team DIG --- Télécom Paris} +#+AUTHOR: Stefano Zacchiroli +#+DATE: 14 Oct 2021 +#+EMAIL: zack@upsilon.cc + +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/prelude-toc.org" :minlevel 1 +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/169.org" +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \institute[Télécom Paris]{Télécom Paris --- {\tt zack@upsilon.cc, @zacchiro}} +#+BEAMER_HEADER: \author{Stefano Zacchiroli} + +# Syntax highlighting setup +#+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage{minted} +#+LaTeX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usemintedstyle{tango} +#+LaTeX_HEADER_EXTRA: \newminted{sql}{fontsize=\scriptsize} +#+name: setup-minted +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results silent + (setq org-latex-listings 'minted) + (setq org-latex-minted-options + '(("fontsize" "\\scriptsize") + ("linenos" ""))) + (setq org-latex-to-pdf-process + '("pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f" + "pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f" + "pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f")) +#+end_src +# End syntax highlighting setup + +* About me :B_ignoreheading: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading + :END: + #+INCLUDE: "this/zack.org" :minlevel 2 +* Software Heritage +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swh-goals-oneslide-vertical.org::#goals" :minlevel 2 +** An international, non profit initiative + :PROPERTIES: + :CUSTOM_ID: support + :END: +*** Sharing the vision :B_block: + :PROPERTIES: + :CUSTOM_ID: endorsement + :BEAMER_COL: .5 + :BEAMER_env: block + :END: + #+LATEX: \begin{center}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{.4\linewidth}]{unesco_logo_en_285}}\end{center} + #+LATEX: \vspace{-0.8cm} + #+LATEX: \begin{center}\vskip 1em \includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{1.4\linewidth}]{support.pdf}\end{center} + #+latex:\mbox{}~~~~~~~\tiny\url{www.softwareheritage.org/support/testimonials} +*** Donors, members, sponsors :B_block: + :PROPERTIES: + :CUSTOM_ID: sponsors + :BEAMER_COL: .5 + :BEAMER_env: block + :END: + #+LATEX: \begin{center}\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{.4\linewidth}]{inria-logo-new}\end{center} + #+LATEX: \begin{center} + #+LATEX: \colorbox{white}{\includegraphics[width=\extblockscale{1.4\linewidth}]{sponsors.pdf}} + #+latex:\mbox{}~~~~~~~\tiny\url{www.softwareheritage.org/support/sponsors} + #+LATEX: \end{center} +** Status :B_ignoreheading: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading + :END: +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/status-extended.org::#archivinggoals" :minlevel 2 +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/status-extended.org::#architecture" :minlevel 2 :only-contents t +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/status-extended.org::#merkletree" :minlevel 2 +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/data-model.org::#merklestruct" :minlevel 2 +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/status-extended.org::#dagdetailsmall" :minlevel 2 :only-contents t +#+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/status-extended.org::#archive" :minlevel 2 +* Querying the archive +** Use cases --- product needs :noexport: + e.g., for https://archive.softwareheritage.org +*** Browsing + - =ls= + - =git log= (Linux kernel: 800K+ commits) +*** Wayback machine + - tarball + - =git bundle= (Linux kernel: 7M+ nodes) +*** Provenance tracking + - commit provenance (one/all contexts) \hfill note: requires backtracking + - origin provenance (one/all contexts) +*** Note :B_ignoreheading: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading + :END: + Note: we therefore need both the direct Merkle DAG graph and its + *transposed* + +** Use cases --- research questions :noexport: +*** For the sake of it + - local graph topology + - connected component size + - enabling question to identify the best approach (e.g., scale-up + v. scale-out) to conduct large-scale analyses + - any other emerging property +*** Software Engineering topics + - software provenance analysis at this scale is pretty much unexplored yet + - industry frontier: increase granularity down to the individual line of + code + - replicate at this scale (famous) studies that have generally been + conducted on (much) smaller version control system samples to + confirm/refute their findings + - ... +** Exploitation + #+BEAMER: \LARGE \centering + How do you query the Software Heritage archive? + #+BEAMER: \Large \\ + (on a budget) + +** The Software Heritage Graph Dataset :B_ignoreheading: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading + :END: + #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/dataset.org::#main" :minlevel 2 :only-contents t + #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/dataset.org::#morequery" :minlevel 2 :only-contents t + +** Sample study --- 50 years of gender differences in code contributions + - start from the Software Heritage graph dataset + - detect gender of author names using standard tooling (=gender-guesser=) + # - caveat: how to identify /first/ name? + - analyze both authors and commits over time, bucketing by commit timestamp + #+BEAMER: \begin{center} \includegraphics[height=0.45\textheight]{this/commits-pie.pdf} \includegraphics[height=0.45\textheight]{this/ratio-female-authors.pdf} \\ \scriptsize total commits by author gender (left), ratio of active female commiters over time (right)\end{center} +*** + #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex + \vspace{-1mm} + \begin{thebibliography}{} \footnotesize + \bibitem{Zacchiroli2021} Stefano Zacchiroli + \newblock Gender Differences in Public Code Contributions: a 50-year Perspective + \newblock IEEE Softw. 38(2): 45-50 (2021) + \end{thebibliography} + #+END_EXPORT + +** Discussion + - one /can/ query such a corpus SQL-style + - but relational representation shows its limits at this scale + - ...at least as deployed on commercial SQL offerings such as Athena + - note: (naive) sharding is ineffective, due to the pseudo-random + distribution of node identifiers + - experiments with Google BigQuery are ongoing + - (we broke it at the first import attempt..., due to very large arrays in + directory entry tables) + +* Graph compression + #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/graph-compression.org::#main" :minlevel 2 :only-contents t + +* Research leads (in and around graph mining) + # #+INCLUDE: "this/security.org" :minlevel 2 + #+INCLUDE: "this/roadmap.org" :minlevel 2 + +** Wrapping up + #+latex: \vspace{-1mm} +*** + - Software Heritage archives all public source code as a huge Merkle DAG + - Querying and analyzing it at scale (20/200 B nodes/edges) is an open + problem + - Gold mine of research leads in and around large-scale graph mining + #+latex: \vspace{-2mm} +*** References (selected) + #+latex: \vspace{-1mm} + #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex + \begin{thebibliography}{} + \scriptsize + + \bibitem{Abramatic2018} Jean-François Abramatic, Roberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli + \newblock Building the Universal Archive of Source Code + \newblock Communications of the ACM, October 2018 + + \bibitem{Pietri2019} Antoine Pietri, Diomidis Spinellis, Stefano Zacchiroli + \newblock The Software Heritage graph dataset: public software development under one roof + \newblock MSR 2019: 16th Intl. Conf. on Mining Software Repositories. IEEE + + \bibitem{Boldi2020} Paolo Boldi, Antoine Pietri, Sebastiano Vigna, Stefano Zacchiroli + \newblock Ultra-Large-Scale Repository Analysis via Graph Compression + \newblock SANER 2020, 27th Intl. Conf. on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering. IEEE + + \end{thebibliography} + #+END_EXPORT +*** Contacts + Stefano Zacchiroli / [[https://upsilon.cc/~zack/][upsilon.cc]] / [[mailto:zack@upsilon.cc][zack@upsilon.cc]] / [[https://twitter.com/zacchiro][@zacchiro]] + +* Appendix :B_appendix: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: appendix + :END: + +** Meet the Software Heritage Identifiers (SWHIDs) \hfill [[https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html][(full spec)]] + #+INCLUDE: "../../common/modules/swhid.org::#oneslide" :only-contents t diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/Makefile b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68fbee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +include ../Makefile.slides diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/commits-pie.pdf b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/commits-pie.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b0e856 Binary files /dev/null and b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/commits-pie.pdf differ diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/r-b-approach.drawio b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/r-b-approach.drawio new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a06de60 --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/r-b-approach.drawio @@ -0,0 +1 @@ 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/r-b-approach.pdf b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/r-b-approach.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1799ac Binary files /dev/null and b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/r-b-approach.pdf differ diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/ratio-female-authors.pdf b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/ratio-female-authors.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcf325a Binary files /dev/null and b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/ratio-female-authors.pdf differ diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/ratio-female-commits.pdf b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/ratio-female-commits.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..baab5bf Binary files /dev/null and b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/ratio-female-commits.pdf differ diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/roadmap.org b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/roadmap.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d60bd66 --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/roadmap.org @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +** Research leads --- Graph compression and querying +*** Graph compression + - Incremental, amortized compression +*** Graph querying + - Port (via compilation or dedicated runtime) graph query languages (e.g., + TinkerPop, Cypher) to compressed graph representations + +** Research leads --- Graph topology and visualization + #+BEAMER: \pause \vspace{-1mm} +*** Complex networks + - Local topology of the global VCS graph + #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex + \vspace{-2mm} + \begin{thebibliography}{} + \footnotesize + \bibitem{Pietri2019} Antoine Pietri, Guillaume Rousseau, Stefano Zacchiroli\newblock + Determining the Intrinsic Structure of Public Software Development History\newblock + MSR 2020: 17th Intl. Conf. on Mining Software Repositories. IEEE\newblock + \end{thebibliography} + #+END_EXPORT + - Emergent properties (the "classics": scale-free, small world, etc.) + - Dynamic modeling of graph evolution over time + - Same for selected overlay graphs (e.g., collaboration among FOSS developers) +*** :B_ignoreheading: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading + :END: + #+BEAMER: \pause \vspace{-1mm} +*** Graph visualization + How do you visualize the Software Heritage graph? Use cases: + 1. Give an intuitive sense of its topology (like the Web's "bow-tie + structure") + 2. Provide a "map of the stars" of FOSS development, for specific overlay + graphs + State-of-the-art methods for automated graph visualization do not scale to + this size. + +** Research leads --- Big code + #+BEAMER: \vspace{-2mm} +*** Very-large-scale "big code" + - /Big code/ = apply ML/DL to source code and other development byproducts + - Current results are language-specific and limited in scale; even the + simplest problems become challenging at this scale and heterogeneity + # - lead: scalable language detection + # - lead: project classification + - VCS graphs, especially at this scale, remain largely unexplored in big code + - Lead: use GNN and/or joint graph embeddings to classify VCS artifacts + like individual commits and entire projects +*** :B_ignoreheading: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading + :END: + #+BEAMER: \pause +*** Very-large-scale source code indexing + - AST-based approaches are not applicable due to maximum heterogeneity + - Alternative: treat code as text and full-text index it + - Previous exp.: 3-gram based indexing of all Debian releases, supporting + regexs + - Goal: find a sweet spot between the two + +** Research leads --- Programming language identification +*** Recent results on (visual) programming language identification + #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex + \begin{thebibliography}{} + \small + \bibitem{DelBonifro2021a} Francesca Del Bonifro, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Stefano Zacchiroli + \newblock Content-Based Textual File Type Detection at Scale + \newblock ICMLC 2021: The 13th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing. ACM, 2021 + \bibitem{DelBonifro2021b} Francesca Del Bonifro, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Antonio Lategano, Stefano Zacchiroli + \newblock Image-based many-language programming language identification + \newblock In PeerJ Computer Science, 7:e631. PeerJ. 2021 + \end{thebibliography} + #+END_EXPORT + +** Research leads --- Reproducibility :noexport: +*** Very-large-scale reproducibility in software engineering + - most results in empirical software engineering are determined on corpuses + significantly smaller than Software Heritage\\ + → external validity threat; do results generalize to the full body of + public code? + - 2-year research plan + 1) identify impactful sw. eng. studies that can be reproduced using + Software Heritage + - selected topics (tentative): code reuse, code quality, project + classification, technical debt, developer productivity + 2) reproduce selected studies one-by-one, at Software Heritage scale + 3) document findings, e.g., via RENE (REproducibility Studies and + NEgative Results) scientific initiatives + - collaboration with Microsoft Research (just started) + + +# LocalWords: ANR COREOGRAPHIE GNN AST diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/security.org b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/security.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d394279 --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/security.org @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +** Securing the open source supply chain + + *Software supply chain attacks* are becoming more and more popular and + raising in profile. → Cf. /SolarWindws attacks/ (2021), breaching several US + govt. branches + +*** Definition --- Reproducible Builds (R-B) + The build process of a software product is *reproducible* if, after + designating a specific version of its source code and all of its build + dependencies, every build produces *bit-for-bit identical artifacts*, no + matter the environment in which the build is performed. + +*** + - R-B allows to *increase trust in binary executables* built from trusted + (open source) code by untrusted 3rd-party software vendors (e.g., app + stores, distros) + + - The *[[https://reproducible-builds.org/][reproducible-builds.org project]]* has popularized the notion, is + backed by major open source industry players, and has made large open + source software collections reproducible (e.g., 95% of Debian packages) + +*** References :B_ignoreheading: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading + :END: + #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex + \begin{thebibliography}{} + \footnotesize + \bibitem{Lamb2021RB} Chris Lamb, Stefano Zacchiroli + \newblock Reproducible Builds: Increasing the Integrity of Software Supply + \newblock IEEE Software 2021 (to appear, DOI 10.1109/MS.2021.3073045) + \end{thebibliography} + #+END_EXPORT + +** Securing the open source supply chain (cont.) + #+BEAMER: \begin{center}\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{this/r-b-approach}\end{center} + +** Securing the open source supply chain (cont.) +*** + - Software Heritage provides key ingredients for R-B pipelines: on-demand + archival (e.g., of VCS commits referenced by build recipes) + long-term + availability + - We have implemented this by integrating the GNU Guix package manager with + Software Heritage + +*** :B_ignoreheading: + :PROPERTIES: + :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading + :END: + #+BEAMER: \begin{center}\hfill\includegraphics[height=0.4\textheight]{swh-guix-1}\hfill\includegraphics[height=0.4\textheight]{swh-guix-2}\hfill~\end{center} + #+BEAMER: \scriptsize + - \url{https://www.softwareheritage.org/2019/04/18/software-heritage-and-gnu-guix-join-forces-to-enable-long-term-reproducibility/} + - \url{https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2019/connecting-reproducible-deployment-to-a-long-term-source-code-archive/} + +** Tracking of vulnerable source code artifacts + +*** + Software Heritage provides a unique observatory on the (best approximation + of) the entire /Software Commons/, i.e., all software published in source + code form + +*** Software provenance tracking at the scale of the world + - by following the /transposed/ Software Heritage graph we can locate *all + known public occurrences* of source code artifacts (individual source + files, entier source tree, commits) in other commits or repositories + + - we have developed two approaches to do that: + + 1. database-based (Rousseau et al. EMSE 2020): incremental, answers a + fixed set of queries, requires significant disk space + + 2. compressed-graph-based (Boldi et al. SANER 2020): non-incremental, + flexible graph-base querying, fits in RAM + + - current applications: "intellectual property"/prior art, open source + license compliance, software composition analysis (SCA) → collab. with + CAST + +** Tracking of vulnerable source code artifacts (cont.) + +*** Adding in-memory commit timestamps (experimental) + Idea: in-memory timestamp array (us precision, 8 bytes each), indexed by + revision node id. This enables to efficiently exploit timestamp information + during graph visits. + +*** Finding the /earliest/ commit referencing a source file/dir + Early experiment: finding the earliest revision containing a given file + using in-memory commit timestamps, on 10 M randomly selected blobs. + + Mean lookup time: 4.1 ms (avg on 95% percentile: 2.2 ms) + +*** Tracking vulnerable source code files/trees + Given a source file/tree affected by a known vulnerability (e.g., + identified by a CVE) we can efficiently identify /all/ commits (and + repositories, extending the traversals) that reference it, triggering + further inspection. Furthermore, we can efficiently select which commits to + filter out during visits (e.g., "recent" ones, only in selected repos, + etc.), based on timestamps of other attributes (that fit in memory or are + mmap()-ed to disk). + +** Tracking of vulnerable source code artifacts (cont.) + +*** v. State-of-the-art industry offerings + Similar to what GitHub/GitLab offer as a service, but: + + - without having to rely on repository scanning, because the "big picture" + is already present in the Software Heritage archive by design + + - independent from the development platform vendor (e.g., a "vulnerable + file" primarily hosted on GitHub can be spotted in GitLab repositories + and vice-versa) + + - complementary and synergistic with analyses of vulnerable dependency + information (which are also available in Software Heritage via metadata + mining) + +*** Caveats + + - current granularity stops at the file level and traceability breaks with + even just whitespace changes. Increasing tracking granularity to the + snippet/line of code level is possible, but untested at this scale yet + (cf. research roadmap) diff --git a/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/zack.org b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/zack.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a01ae4 --- /dev/null +++ b/talks-public/2021-10-14-telecom-dig/this/zack.org @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + +** About me + - Professor, Télécom Paris, ACES team (newbie!) + - Free/Open Source Software activist (20+ years) + - Debian Developer & Former 3x Debian Project Leader + - Former Open Source Initiative (OSI) director + - Software Heritage co-founder & CTO + +*** Research interests + - Software engineering, Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) + - Digital commons + - Computer security + - Software supply chain