diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 78f3e08..47e1d58 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -1,361 +1,363 @@ CodeMeta generator

CodeMeta generator

Most fields are optional. Mandatory fields will be highlighted when generating Codemeta.

The software itself

the software title

from SPDX licence list

Discoverability and citation

such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc.. http://schema.org/identifier

grant funding software development

organization funding software development

Authors and contributors can be added below
Development community / tools

Run-time environment

Current version of the software

Additional Info

see www.repostatus.org for details


Order of contributors does not matter.


diff --git a/js/codemeta_generation.js b/js/codemeta_generation.js index f3e1ff2..074053f 100644 --- a/js/codemeta_generation.js +++ b/js/codemeta_generation.js @@ -1,285 +1,296 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ "use strict"; const CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL = 'https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0'; -const CONTEXTS = { - [CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL]: `${window.location.href}/../data/contexts/codemeta-2.0.jsonld` // Relative to index.html -} - const SPDX_PREFIX = 'https://spdx.org/licenses/'; -const jsonldCustomLoader = url => { - const xhrDocumentLoader = jsonld.documentLoaders.xhr(); - if (url in CONTEXTS) { - return xhrDocumentLoader(CONTEXTS[url]); +const initContext = async () => { + const contextResponse = await fetch("../data/contexts/codemeta-2.0.jsonld"); + const context = await contextResponse.json(); + return { + [CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL]: context + } +} + +const getJsonldCustomLoader = contexts => { + return url => { + const xhrDocumentLoader = jsonld.documentLoaders.xhr(); + if (url in contexts) { + console.log(contexts); + return { + contextUrl: null, + document: contexts[url], + documentUrl: url + }; + } + return xhrDocumentLoader(url); } - return xhrDocumentLoader(url); }; -const initJsonldLoader = () => { - jsonld.documentLoader = jsonldCustomLoader; -} +const initJsonldLoader = contexts => { + jsonld.documentLoader = getJsonldCustomLoader(contexts); +}; function emptyToUndefined(v) { if (v == null || v == "") return undefined; else return v; } function getIfSet(query) { return emptyToUndefined(document.querySelector(query).value); } function setIfDefined(query, value) { if (value !== undefined) { document.querySelector(query).value = value; } } function getLicenses() { let selectedLicenses = Array.from(document.getElementById("selected-licenses").children); return selectedLicenses.map(licenseDiv => SPDX_PREFIX + licenseDiv.children[0].innerText); } // Names of codemeta properties with a matching HTML field name const directCodemetaFields = [ 'codeRepository', 'contIntegration', 'dateCreated', 'datePublished', 'dateModified', 'downloadUrl', 'issueTracker', 'name', 'version', 'identifier', 'description', 'applicationCategory', 'releaseNotes', 'funding', 'developmentStatus', 'isPartOf', 'referencePublication' ]; const splittedCodemetaFields = [ ['keywords', ','], ['programmingLanguage', ','], ['runtimePlatform', ','], ['operatingSystem', ','], ['softwareRequirements', '\n'], ['relatedLink', '\n'], ] // Names of codemeta properties with a matching HTML field name, // in a Person object const directPersonCodemetaFields = [ 'givenName', 'familyName', 'email', 'affiliation', ]; function generateShortOrg(fieldName) { var affiliation = getIfSet(fieldName); if (affiliation !== undefined) { if (isUrl(affiliation)) { return { "@type": "Organization", "@id": affiliation, }; } else { return { "@type": "Organization", "name": affiliation, }; } } else { return undefined; } } function generatePerson(idPrefix) { var doc = { "@type": "Person", } var id = getIfSet(`#${idPrefix}_id`); if (id !== undefined) { doc["@id"] = id; } directPersonCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) { doc[item] = getIfSet(`#${idPrefix}_${item}`); }); doc["affiliation"] = generateShortOrg(`#${idPrefix}_affiliation`) return doc; } function generatePersons(prefix) { var persons = []; var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix); for (let personId = 1; personId <= nbPersons; personId++) { persons.push(generatePerson(`${prefix}_${personId}`)); } return persons; } function buildDoc() { var doc = { "@context": CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL, "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode", }; let licenses = getLicenses(); if (licenses.length > 0) { doc["license"] = licenses; } // Generate most fields directCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) { doc[item] = getIfSet('#' + item) }); doc["funder"] = generateShortOrg('#funder', doc["affiliation"]); // Generate simple fields parsed simply by splitting splittedCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) { const id = item[0]; const separator = item[1]; const value = getIfSet('#' + id); if (value !== undefined) { doc[id] = value.split(separator).map(trimSpaces); } }); // Generate dynamic fields var authors = generatePersons('author'); if (authors.length > 0) { doc["author"] = authors; } var contributors = generatePersons('contributor'); if (contributors.length > 0) { doc["contributor"] = contributors; } return doc; } async function generateCodemeta() { var inputForm = document.querySelector('#inputForm'); var codemetaText, errorHTML; if (inputForm.checkValidity()) { var doc = buildDoc(); const expanded = await jsonld.expand(doc); const compacted = await jsonld.compact(expanded, CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL); codemetaText = JSON.stringify(compacted, null, 4); errorHTML = ""; } else { codemetaText = ""; errorHTML = "invalid input (see error above)"; inputForm.reportValidity(); } document.querySelector('#codemetaText').innerText = codemetaText; setError(errorHTML); // Run validator on the exported value, for extra validation. // If this finds a validation, it means there is a bug in our code (either // generation or validation), and the generation MUST NOT generate an // invalid codemeta file, regardless of user input. if (codemetaText && !validateDocument(JSON.parse(codemetaText))) { alert('Bug detected! The data you wrote is correct; but for some reason, it seems we generated an invalid codemeta.json. Please report this bug at https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta-generator/issues/new and copy-paste the generated codemeta.json file. Thanks!'); } if (codemetaText) { // For restoring the form state on page reload sessionStorage.setItem('codemetaText', codemetaText); } } // Imports a single field (name or @id) from an Organization. function importShortOrg(fieldName, doc) { if (doc !== undefined) { // Use @id if set, else use name setIfDefined(fieldName, doc["name"]); setIfDefined(fieldName, doc["@id"]); } } function importPersons(prefix, legend, docs) { if (docs === undefined) { return; } docs.forEach(function (doc, index) { var personId = addPerson(prefix, legend); setIfDefined(`#${prefix}_${personId}_id`, doc['@id']); directPersonCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) { setIfDefined(`#${prefix}_${personId}_${item}`, doc[item]); }); importShortOrg(`#${prefix}_${personId}_affiliation`, doc['affiliation']) }) } function importCodemeta() { var inputForm = document.querySelector('#inputForm'); var doc = parseAndValidateCodemeta(false); resetForm(); if (doc['license'] !== undefined) { if (typeof doc['license'] === 'string') { doc['license'] = [doc['license']]; } doc['license'].forEach(l => { if (l.indexOf(SPDX_PREFIX) !== 0) { return; } let licenseId = l.substring(SPDX_PREFIX.length); insertLicenseElement(licenseId); }); } directCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) { setIfDefined('#' + item, doc[item]); }); importShortOrg('#funder', doc["funder"]); // Import simple fields by joining on their separator splittedCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) { const id = item[0]; const separator = item[1]; let value = doc[id]; if (value !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value.join(separator); } setIfDefined('#' + id, value); } }); importPersons('author', 'Author', doc['author']) importPersons('contributor', 'Contributor', doc['contributor']) } function loadStateFromStorage() { var codemetaText = sessionStorage.getItem('codemetaText') if (codemetaText) { document.querySelector('#codemetaText').innerText = codemetaText; importCodemeta(); } }