diff --git a/cypress/integration/basics.js b/cypress/integration/basics.js
index 9c1adeb..8456740 100644
--- a/cypress/integration/basics.js
+++ b/cypress/integration/basics.js
@@ -1,219 +1,335 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Tests the basic features of the application.
 "use strict";
 describe('JSON Generation', function() {
     beforeEach(function() {
         /* Clear the session storage, as it is used to restore field data;
          * and we don't want a test to load data from the previous test. */
         cy.window().then((win) => {
     it('works just from the software name', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
     it('works just from all main fields when using only one license', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#description').type('This is a\ngreat piece of software');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get("#license").should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "license": "https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0",
                 "dateCreated": "2019-10-02",
                 "datePublished": "2020-01-01",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "description": "This is a\ngreat piece of software",
     it('works just from all main fields when using multiple licenses', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#description').type('This is a\ngreat piece of software');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get("#license").should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "license": ["https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0", "https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT"],
                 "dateCreated": "2019-10-02",
                 "datePublished": "2020-01-01",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "description": "This is a\ngreat piece of software",
     it('works when choosing licenses without the keyboard', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#description').type('This is a\ngreat piece of software');
         // no cy.get("#license").type('{enter}'); here
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get("#license").should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "license": "https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0",
                 "dateCreated": "2019-10-02",
                 "datePublished": "2020-01-01",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "description": "This is a\ngreat piece of software",
+    it('works for new codemeta terms in both versions', function() {
+        cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
+        cy.get('#contIntegration').type('https://test-ci.org/my-software');
+        cy.get('#isSourceCodeOf').type('Bigger Application');
+        cy.get('#reviewAspect').type('Some software aspect');
+        cy.get('#reviewBody').type('Some review');
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
+            .should('deep.equal', {
+                "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "contIntegration": "https://test-ci.org/my-software",
+                "codemeta:continuousIntegration": {
+                    "id": "https://test-ci.org/my-software"
+                },
+                "codemeta:isSourceCodeOf": {
+                    "id": "Bigger Application"
+                },
+                "schema:review": {
+                    "type": "schema:Review",
+                    "schema:reviewAspect": "Some software aspect",
+                    "schema:reviewBody": "Some review"
+                }
+        });
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV3').click();
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
+            .should('deep.equal', {
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "continuousIntegration": "https://test-ci.org/my-software",
+                "codemeta:contIntegration": {
+                    "id": "https://test-ci.org/my-software"
+                },
+                "isSourceCodeOf": "Bigger Application",
+                "review": {
+                    "type": "Review",
+                    "reviewAspect": "Some software aspect",
+                    "reviewBody": "Some review"
+                }
+        });
+    });
 describe('JSON Import', function() {
     it('works just from the software name', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', 'My Test Software');
     it('works just from all main fields when using license as string', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "license": "https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0",
                 "dateCreated": "2019-10-02",
                 "datePublished": "2020-01-01",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "description": "This is a\ngreat piece of software",
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', 'My Test Software');
         cy.get('#description').should('have.value', 'This is a\ngreat piece of software');
         cy.get('#dateCreated').should('have.value', '2019-10-02');
         cy.get('#datePublished').should('have.value', '2020-01-01');
         cy.get('#license').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get("#selected-licenses").children().should('have.length', 1);
         cy.get("#selected-licenses").children().first().children().first().should('have.text', 'AGPL-3.0');
     it('works just from all main fields when using license as array', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "license": ["https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0", "https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT"],
                 "dateCreated": "2019-10-02",
                 "datePublished": "2020-01-01",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "description": "This is a\ngreat piece of software",
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', 'My Test Software');
         cy.get('#description').should('have.value', 'This is a\ngreat piece of software');
         cy.get('#dateCreated').should('have.value', '2019-10-02');
         cy.get('#datePublished').should('have.value', '2020-01-01');
         cy.get('#license').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get("#selected-licenses").children().should('have.length', 2);
         cy.get("#selected-licenses").children().eq(0).children().first().should('have.text', 'AGPL-3.0');
         cy.get("#selected-licenses").children().eq(1).children().first().should('have.text', 'MIT');
     it('works with expanded document version', function () {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
+                "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "http://schema.org/name": [
                         "@value": "My Test Software"
                 "@type": [
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', 'My Test Software');
     it('errors on invalid type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "foo",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
         // Should still be imported as much as possible
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', 'My Test Software');
         // But must display an error
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Wrong document type: must be "SoftwareSourceCode"/"SoftwareApplication", not "foo"');
     it('allows singleton array as context', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": ["https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0"],
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', 'My Test Software');
+    it('works for new codemeta v3.0 terms', function() {
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
+            elem.text(JSON.stringify({
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "continuousIntegration": "https://test-ci.org/my-software",
+                "isSourceCodeOf": "Bigger Application",
+                "review": {
+                    "type": "Review",
+                    "reviewAspect": "Some software aspect",
+                    "reviewBody": "Some review"
+                }
+            }))
+        );
+        cy.get('#importCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#contIntegration').should('have.value', 'https://test-ci.org/my-software');
+        cy.get('#isSourceCodeOf').should('have.value', 'Bigger Application');
+        cy.get('#reviewAspect').should('have.value', 'Some software aspect');
+        cy.get('#reviewBody').should('have.value', 'Some review');
+    });
+    it('works for codemeta v2.0 terms in v3.0 version', function() {
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
+            elem.text(JSON.stringify({
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "continuousIntegration": "https://test-ci.org/my-software",
+                "codemeta:contIntegration": {
+                    "id": "https://test-ci.org/my-software"
+                },
+            }))
+        );
+        cy.get('#importCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#contIntegration').should('have.value', 'https://test-ci.org/my-software');
+    });
+    it('works for codemeta v3.0 terms in v2.0 version, and does not work for new terms', function() {
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
+            elem.text(JSON.stringify({
+                "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "contIntegration": "https://test-ci.org/my-software",
+                "codemeta:continuousIntegration": {
+                    "id": "https://test-ci.org/my-software"
+                },
+                "codemeta:isSourceCodeOf": {
+                    "id": "Bigger Application"
+                },
+                "schema:review": {
+                    "type": "schema:Review",
+                    "schema:reviewAspect": "Some software aspect",
+                    "schema:reviewBody": "Some review"
+                }
+            }))
+        );
+        cy.get('#importCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#contIntegration').should('have.value', 'https://test-ci.org/my-software');
+        cy.get('#isSourceCodeOf').should('have.value', '');
+        cy.get('#reviewAspect').should('have.value', '');
+        cy.get('#reviewBody').should('have.value', '');
+    });
diff --git a/cypress/integration/persons.js b/cypress/integration/persons.js
index e4e0182..163e201 100644
--- a/cypress/integration/persons.js
+++ b/cypress/integration/persons.js
@@ -1,424 +1,801 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Tests the author/contributor dynamic fieldsets
 "use strict";
 describe('Zero author', function() {
     it('can be exported', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
     it('can be imported from no list', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
         cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '0');
     it('can be imported from empty list', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [],
         cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '0');
 describe('One full author', function() {
     it('can be exported', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '0');
         cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '1');
         cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_1_familyName').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_1_email').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_1_id').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', '');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [
                         "type": "Person",
                         "id": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
                         "email": "jdoe@example.org",
                         "affiliation": {
                             "type": "Organization",
                             "id": "http://example.org/",
     it('can be imported', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [
                         "@type": "Person",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
                         "email": "jdoe@example.org",
                         "affiliation": {
                             "@type": "Organization",
                             "@id": "http://example.org/",
         cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '1');
         cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
         cy.get('#author_1_familyName').should('have.value', 'Doe');
         cy.get('#author_1_email').should('have.value', 'jdoe@example.org');
         cy.get('#author_1_id').should('have.value', 'http://example.org/~jdoe');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', 'http://example.org/');
 describe('Affiliation id', function() {
     it('can be exported', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [
                         "type": "Person",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "affiliation": {
                             "type": "Organization",
                             "id": "http://example.org/",
     it('can be imported', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [
                         "@type": "Person",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
                         "email": "jdoe@example.org",
                         "affiliation": {
                             "@type": "Organization",
                             "@id": "http://example.org/",
         cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '1');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', 'http://example.org/');
 describe('Affiliation name', function() {
     it('can be exported', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').type('Example Org');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [
                         "type": "Person",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "affiliation": {
                             "type": "Organization",
                             "name": "Example Org",
     it('can be imported', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [
                         "@type": "Person",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
                         "email": "jdoe@example.org",
                         "affiliation": {
                             "@type": "Organization",
                             "name": "Example Org",
         cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '1');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', 'Example Org');
 describe('Author order change', function() {
     it('is a noop with a single author', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').type('Example Org');
         cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', 'Example Org');
         cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', 'Example Org');
     it('flips two authors', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').type('Example Org');
         cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'John');
         cy.get('#author_1_familyName').should('have.value', 'Doe');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_2_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
         cy.get('#author_2_familyName').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_2_affiliation').should('have.value', 'Example Org');
         cy.get('#author_3_givenName').should('have.value', 'Alex');
         cy.get('#author_3_familyName').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_3_affiliation').should('have.value', '');
     it('updates generated Codemeta', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').type('Example Org');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [
                         "type": "Person",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "affiliation": {
                             "type": "Organization",
                             "name": "Example Org",
                         "type": "Person",
                         "givenName": "John",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "author": [
                         "type": "Person",
                         "givenName": "John",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
                         "type": "Person",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "affiliation": {
                             "type": "Organization",
                             "name": "Example Org",
     it('wraps around to the right', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').type('Example Org');
         cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Alex');
         cy.get('#author_1_familyName').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_2_givenName').should('have.value', 'John');
         cy.get('#author_2_familyName').should('have.value', 'Doe');
         cy.get('#author_2_affiliation').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_3_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
         cy.get('#author_3_familyName').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_3_affiliation').should('have.value', 'Example Org');
     it('wraps around to the left', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').type('Example Org');
         cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Alex');
         cy.get('#author_1_familyName').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_1_affiliation').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_2_givenName').should('have.value', 'John');
         cy.get('#author_2_familyName').should('have.value', 'Doe');
         cy.get('#author_2_affiliation').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_3_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
         cy.get('#author_3_familyName').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#author_3_affiliation').should('have.value', 'Example Org');
+describe('One role', function () {
+    it('can be exported in both codemeta v2.0 and v3.0 versions', function () {
+        cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
+        cy.get('#author_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').type('Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_1_role_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_0').type('Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_0').type('2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_0').type('2024-04-03');
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
+            .should('deep.equal', {
+                "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "schema:Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "schema:roleName": "Developer",
+                        "schema:startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "schema:endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    }
+                ]
+            });
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV3').click();
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
+            .should('deep.equal', {
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Developer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    }
+                ]
+            });
+    });
+    it('and a second one can be exported', function () {
+        cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
+        cy.get('#author_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').type('Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_1_role_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_0').type('Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_0').type('2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_0').type('2024-04-03');
+        cy.get('#author_1_role_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_1').type('Maintainer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_1').type('2024-04-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_1').type('2024-05-05');
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV3').click();
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
+            .should('deep.equal', {
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Maintainer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-04-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-05-05"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Developer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    }
+                ]
+            });
+    });
+    it('can be deleted then added again', function () {
+        cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
+        cy.get('#author_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').type('Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_1_role_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_0').type('Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_0').type('2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_0').type('2024-04-03');
+        cy.get('#author_1_role_remove_0').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_role_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_1').type('Maintainer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_1').type('2024-04-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_1').type('2024-05-05');
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV3').click();
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
+            .should('deep.equal', {
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Maintainer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-04-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-05-05"
+                    }
+                ]
+            });
+    });
+    it('can be imported', function () {
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
+            elem.text(JSON.stringify({
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Developer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    }
+                ]
+            }))
+        );
+        cy.get('#importCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_0').should('have.value', 'Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-04-03');
+    });
+    it('and second one for the same author can be imported (and they are merged)', function () {
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
+            elem.text(JSON.stringify({
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Maintainer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-04-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-05-05"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Developer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    }
+                ]
+            }))
+        );
+        cy.get('#importCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '1');
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_0').should('have.value', 'Maintainer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-04-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-05-05');
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_1').should('have.value', 'Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_1').should('have.value', '2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_1').should('have.value', '2024-04-03');
+    });
+describe('Multiple authors', function () {
+    it('who both have roles can be exported', function () {
+        cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
+        cy.get('#author_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').type('Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_2_givenName').type('Joe');
+        cy.get('#author_1_role_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_0').type('Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_0').type('2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_0').type('2024-04-03');
+        cy.get('#author_2_role_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_2_roleName_0').type('Maintainer');
+        cy.get('#author_2_startDate_0').type('2024-04-04');
+        cy.get('#author_2_endDate_0').type('2024-05-05');
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV3').click();
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
+            .should('deep.equal', {
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Developer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Joe"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Maintainer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-04-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-05-05"
+                    }
+                ]
+            });
+    });
+    it('whose one has a role and the other not can be exported', function () {
+        cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
+        cy.get('#author_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').type('Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_2_givenName').type('Joe');
+        cy.get('#author_1_role_add').click();
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_0').type('Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_0').type('2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_0').type('2024-04-03');
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV3').click();
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
+            .should('deep.equal', {
+                "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Developer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "type": "Person",
+                        "givenName": "Joe"
+                    }
+                ]
+            });
+    });
+    it('who both have roles can be imported', function () {
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
+            elem.text(JSON.stringify({
+                 "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Developer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Joe"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Maintainer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-04-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-05-05"
+                    }
+                ]
+            }))
+        );
+        cy.get('#importCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '2');
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_1_roleName_0').should('have.value', 'Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_1_startDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_1_endDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-04-03');
+        cy.get('#author_2_givenName').should('have.value', 'Joe');
+        cy.get('#author_2_roleName_0').should('have.value', 'Maintainer');
+        cy.get('#author_2_startDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-04-04');
+        cy.get('#author_2_endDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-05-05');
+    });
+    it('whose one has a role and the other not can be imported', function () {
+        cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
+            elem.text(JSON.stringify({
+                 "@context": "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0",
+                "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
+                "name": "My Test Software",
+                "author": [
+                    {
+                        "type": "Role",
+                        "schema:author": {
+                            "type": "Person",
+                            "givenName": "Jane"
+                        },
+                        "roleName": "Developer",
+                        "startDate": "2024-03-04",
+                        "endDate": "2024-04-03"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "type": "Person",
+                        "givenName": "Joe"
+                    }
+                ]
+            }))
+        );
+        cy.get('#importCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#author_nb').should('have.value', '2');
+        cy.get('#author_1_givenName').should('have.value', 'Joe');
+        cy.get('#author_2_givenName').should('have.value', 'Jane');
+        cy.get('#author_2_roleName_0').should('have.value', 'Developer');
+        cy.get('#author_2_startDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-03-04');
+        cy.get('#author_2_endDate_0').should('have.value', '2024-04-03');
+    });
diff --git a/cypress/integration/special_fields.js b/cypress/integration/special_fields.js
index 62eb48d..d770e5f 100644
--- a/cypress/integration/special_fields.js
+++ b/cypress/integration/special_fields.js
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Tests the author/contributor dynamic fieldsets
 "use strict";
 describe('Funder id', function() {
     it('can be exported', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "funder": {
                     "type": "Organization",
                     "id": "http://example.org/",
     it('can be imported', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "funder": {
                     "@type": "Organization",
                     "@id": "http://example.org/",
         cy.get('#funder').should('have.value', 'http://example.org/');
 describe('Funder name', function() {
     it('can be exported', function() {
         cy.get('#name').type('My Test Software');
         cy.get('#funder').type('Example Org');
-        cy.get('#generateCodemeta').click();
+        cy.get('#generateCodemetaV2').click();
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) => JSON.parse(elem.text()))
             .should('deep.equal', {
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "funder": {
                     "type": "Organization",
                     "name": "Example Org",
     it('can be imported', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "funder": {
                     "@type": "Organization",
                     "name": "Example Org",
         cy.get('#funder').should('have.value', 'Example Org');
diff --git a/cypress/integration/validation.js b/cypress/integration/validation.js
index eaff87e..2161406 100644
--- a/cypress/integration/validation.js
+++ b/cypress/integration/validation.js
@@ -1,1026 +1,1026 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020-2021  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Tests the basic features of the application.
 "use strict";
 describe('Document validation', function() {
     it('accepts empty document', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts all main fields', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "license": "https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0",
                 "dateCreated": "2019-10-02",
                 "datePublished": "2020-01-01",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
                 "description": "This is a\ngreat piece of software",
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts anything in non-validated fields', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "programmingLanguage": "foo",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "programmingLanguage": 21,
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "programmingLanguage": {},
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on invalid type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "foo",
                 "name": "My Test Software",
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Wrong document type: must be "SoftwareSourceCode"/"SoftwareApplication", not "foo"');
     it('errors on invalid field name', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "foobar": "baz",
         cy.get('#name').should('have.value', '');
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Unknown field "foobar".');
 describe('URLs validation', function() {
     it('accepts valid URL', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "codeRepository": "http://example.org/",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts empty list of URLs', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "codeRepository": [],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts list of valid URLs', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "codeRepository": ["http://example.org/", "http://example.com/"],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on invalid URL', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "codeRepository": "foo",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Invalid URL in field "codeRepository": "foo"');
     it('errors on non-string instead of URL', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "codeRepository": {},
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"codeRepository" must be an URL (or a list of URLs), not: {}');
     it('errors on list with an invalid URL at the end', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "codeRepository": ["http://example.org/", "foo"],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Invalid URL in field "codeRepository": "foo"');
     it('errors on list with an invalid URL at the beginning', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "codeRepository": ["http://example.org/", "foo"],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Invalid URL in field "codeRepository": "foo"');
     it('errors on non-string in URL list', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "codeRepository": ["http://example.org/", {}],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"codeRepository" must be a list of URLs (or a single URL), but it contains: {}');
 describe('Things or URLs validation', function() {
     it('accepts valid Thing', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": {
                     "@type": "SoftwareApplication",
                     "name": "Example Soft",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts valid URL', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": "http://example.org/",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts empty list of Things', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": [],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts list of Things', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": [
                         "@type": "SoftwareApplication",
                         "name": "Example Soft",
                         "@type": "SoftwareApplication",
                         "name": "Test Soft",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on non-URL string', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "license": "Copyright 2021 Myself",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"license" must be an URL or a CreativeWork/SoftwareSourceCode/SoftwareApplication object, not: "Copyright 2021 Myself"');
     it('errors on wrong type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": 42,
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"isPartOf" must be a CreativeWork/SoftwareSourceCode/SoftwareApplication object or URI, not 42');
     it('errors on non-Thing object', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": {},
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"isPartOf" must be a (list of) CreativeWork/SoftwareSourceCode/SoftwareApplication object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
     it('errors on list with an invalid Thing at the beginning', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": [
                         "@type": "SoftwareApplication",
                         "name": "Example Soft",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"isPartOf" must be a (list of) CreativeWork/SoftwareSourceCode/SoftwareApplication object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
     it('errors on list with an invalid Thing at the end', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": [
                         "@type": "SoftwareApplication",
                         "name": "Example Soft",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"isPartOf" must be a (list of) CreativeWork/SoftwareSourceCode/SoftwareApplication object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
 describe('Texts or URLs validation', function() {
     it('accepts valid Text', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "applicationCategory": "foo",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts valid URL', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "applicationCategory": "http://example.org/",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts empty list of Texts', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "applicationCategory": [],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts list of Texts', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "applicationCategory": ["foo", "bar"],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on non-string instead of Text', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "applicationCategory": {},
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"applicationCategory" must be a text/URL (or a list of texts/URLs), not: {}');
     it('errors on list with an invalid Text at the beginning', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "applicationCategory": [{}, "foo"],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"applicationCategory" must be a list of texts/URLs (or a single text/URL), but it contains: {}');
     it('errors on list with an invalid Text at the end', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "applicationCategory": ["foo", {}],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"applicationCategory" must be a list of texts/URLs (or a single text/URL), but it contains: {}');
 describe('Text validation', function() {
     it('accepts valid Text', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "description": "foo",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on empty list of Texts', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "description": [],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"description" must be text, not []');
     it('errors on list of Texts', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "description": ["foo", "bar"],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"description" must be text, not ["foo","bar"]');
     it('errors on non-string instead of Text', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "description": {},
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"description" must be text, not {}');
 describe('Date validation', function() {
     it('accepts valid Date', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "dateCreated": "2020-03-18",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on empty list of Dates', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "dateCreated": [],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"dateCreated" must be a date, not []');
     it('errors on list of Dates', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "dateCreated": ["2020-03-18", "2020-03-19"],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"dateCreated" must be a date, not ["2020-03-18","2020-03-19"]');
     it('errors on non-string instead of Date', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "dateCreated": {},
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"dateCreated" must be a date, not {}');
     it('errors on non-Date string', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "dateCreated": "foo",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"dateCreated" must be a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, not "foo"');
 describe('Person validation', function() {
     it('accepts URI', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts valid complete Person', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "@type": "Person",
                     "@id": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
                     "url": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
                     "name": "Jane Doe",
                     "givenName": "Jane",
                     "familyName": "Doe",
                     "email": "jdoe@example.org",
                     "affiliation": {
                         "@type": "Organization",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on Person with missing type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
-        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Role/Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
     it('errors on Person with wrong type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
-        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" type must be a (list of) Person/Organization object(s), not "SoftwareSourceCode"');
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" type must be a (list of) Role/Person/Organization object(s), not "SoftwareSourceCode"');
     it('errors on Person with unknown field', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "type": "Person",
                     "foo": "bar",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Unknown field "foo" in "author".');
     it('errors on Person with invalid field', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "type": "Person",
                     "email": 32,
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"email" must be text, not 32');
     it('accepts URI in list', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": [
                         "@type": "Person",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jodoe",
                         "givenName": "John",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts list of valid Person', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": [
                         "@type": "Person",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jadoe",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
                         "@type": "Person",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jodoe",
                         "givenName": "John",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('accepts Person with multiple affiliations', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "@type": "Person",
                     "@id": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
                     "name": "Jane Doe",
                     "affiliation": [
                             "@type": "Organization",
                             "@id": "http://example.org/",
                             "@type": "Organization",
                             "@id": "http://example.com/",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on list with invalid Person at the beginning', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": [
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
                         "@type": "Person",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jodoe",
                         "name": "John Doe",
                         "givenName": "John",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
-        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Role/Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
     it('errors on list with invalid Person at the end', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": [
                         "@type": "Person",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jadoe",
                         "givenName": "Jane",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
                         "givenName": "John",
                         "familyName": "Doe",
-        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Role/Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
 describe('Organization validation', function() {
     it('accepts valid complete Organization', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "@type": "Organization",
                     "@id": "http://example.org/",
                     "url": "https://example.org/",
                     "name": "Example Org",
                     "identifier": "http://example.org/",
                     "address": "Nowhere",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on Organization with missing type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
-        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Role/Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
     it('errors on Organization with wrong type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
-        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" type must be a (list of) Person/Organization object(s), not "SoftwareSourceCode"');
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" type must be a (list of) Role/Person/Organization object(s), not "SoftwareSourceCode"');
     it('errors on Organization with unknown field', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "type": "Organization",
                     "foo": "bar",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Unknown field "foo" in "author".');
     it('errors on Organization with invalid field', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": {
                     "type": "Organization",
                     "email": 32,
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"email" must be text, not 32');
     it('accepts list of valid Organization', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": [
                         "@type": "Organization",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/",
                         "name": "Example Org",
                         "@type": "Organization",
                         "@id": "http://example.org/~jodoe",
                         "name": "Example Org",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on list with invalid Organization at the beginning', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": [
                         "name": "Example Org",
                         "@type": "Organization",
                         "name": "Example Org",
-        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Role/Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
     it('errors on list with invalid Organization at the end', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "author": [
                         "@type": "Organization",
                         "name": "Example Org",
                         "name": "Example Org",
-        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
+        cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"author" must be a (list of) Role/Person/Organization object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
 describe('CreativeWork validation', function() {
     it('accepts valid CreativeWork', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "name": "Small Software",
                 "isPartOf": {
                     "type": "CreativeWork",
                     "name": "Big Creative Work",
                     "author": "http://example.org/~jdoe",
                     "keywords": ["foo", "bar"],
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '');
     it('errors on CreativeWork with missing type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": {
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"isPartOf" must be a (list of) CreativeWork/SoftwareSourceCode/SoftwareApplication object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.');
     it('errors on CreativeWork with wrong type', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": {
                     "type": "Person",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"isPartOf" type must be a (list of) CreativeWork/SoftwareSourceCode/SoftwareApplication object(s), not "Person"');
     it('errors on CreativeWork with unknown field', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": {
                     "type": "CreativeWork",
                     "foo": "bar",
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', 'Unknown field "foo" in "isPartOf".');
     it('errors on CreativeWork with invalid field', function() {
         cy.get('#codemetaText').then((elem) =>
                 "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
                 "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
                 "isPartOf": {
                     "type": "CreativeWork",
                     "url": 32,
         cy.get('#errorMessage').should('have.text', '"url" must be an URL (or a list of URLs), not: 32');
diff --git a/data/contexts/codemeta-3.0.jsonld b/data/contexts/codemeta-3.0.jsonld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db7a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/contexts/codemeta-3.0.jsonld
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+  "@context": {
+      "type": "@type",
+      "id": "@id",
+      "schema":"http://schema.org/",
+      "codemeta": "https://codemeta.github.io/terms/",
+      "Organization": {"@id": "schema:Organization"},
+      "Person": {"@id": "schema:Person"},
+      "Review": {"@id": "schema:Review"},
+      "Role": {"@id": "schema:Role"},
+      "SoftwareSourceCode": {"@id": "schema:SoftwareSourceCode"},
+      "SoftwareApplication": {"@id": "schema:SoftwareApplication"},
+      "Text": {"@id": "schema:Text"},
+      "URL": {"@id": "schema:URL"},
+      "address": { "@id": "schema:address"},
+      "affiliation": { "@id": "schema:affiliation"},
+      "applicationCategory": { "@id": "schema:applicationCategory", "@type": "@id"},
+      "applicationSubCategory": { "@id": "schema:applicationSubCategory", "@type": "@id"},
+      "citation": { "@id": "schema:citation"},
+      "codeRepository": { "@id": "schema:codeRepository", "@type": "@id"},
+      "contributor": { "@id": "schema:contributor"},
+      "copyrightHolder": { "@id": "schema:copyrightHolder"},
+      "copyrightYear": { "@id": "schema:copyrightYear"},
+      "dateCreated": {"@id": "schema:dateCreated", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "dateModified":  {"@id": "schema:dateModified", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "datePublished":  {"@id": "schema:datePublished", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "description": { "@id": "schema:description"},
+      "downloadUrl": { "@id": "schema:downloadUrl", "@type": "@id"},
+      "email": { "@id": "schema:email"},
+      "editor": { "@id": "schema:editor"},
+      "encoding": { "@id": "schema:encoding"},
+      "endDate": { "@id": "schema:endDate"},
+      "familyName": { "@id": "schema:familyName"},
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+      "fileSize": { "@id": "schema:fileSize"},
+      "funder": { "@id": "schema:funder"},
+      "givenName": { "@id": "schema:givenName"},
+      "hasPart": { "@id": "schema:hasPart" },
+      "identifier": { "@id": "schema:identifier", "@type": "@id"},
+      "installUrl": { "@id": "schema:installUrl", "@type": "@id"},
+      "isAccessibleForFree": { "@id": "schema:isAccessibleForFree"},
+      "isPartOf":  { "@id": "schema:isPartOf"},
+      "keywords": { "@id": "schema:keywords"},
+      "license": { "@id": "schema:license", "@type": "@id"},
+      "memoryRequirements": { "@id": "schema:memoryRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+      "name": { "@id": "schema:name"},
+      "operatingSystem": { "@id": "schema:operatingSystem"},
+      "permissions": { "@id": "schema:permissions"},
+      "position": { "@id": "schema:position"},
+      "processorRequirements": { "@id": "schema:processorRequirements"},
+      "producer": { "@id": "schema:producer"},
+      "programmingLanguage": { "@id": "schema:programmingLanguage"},
+      "provider": { "@id": "schema:provider"},
+      "publisher": { "@id": "schema:publisher"},
+      "relatedLink": { "@id": "schema:relatedLink", "@type": "@id"},
+      "review": { "@id": "schema:review", "@type": "@id" },
+      "reviewAspect": { "@id": "schema:reviewAspect" },
+      "reviewBody": { "@id": "schema:reviewBody" },
+      "releaseNotes": { "@id": "schema:releaseNotes"},
+      "roleName": { "@id": "schema:roleName"},
+      "runtimePlatform": { "@id": "schema:runtimePlatform"},
+      "sameAs": { "@id": "schema:sameAs", "@type": "@id"},
+      "softwareHelp": { "@id": "schema:softwareHelp"},
+      "softwareRequirements": { "@id": "schema:softwareRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+      "softwareVersion": { "@id": "schema:softwareVersion"},
+      "sponsor": { "@id": "schema:sponsor"},
+      "startDate": { "@id": "schema:startDate"},
+      "storageRequirements": { "@id": "schema:storageRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+      "supportingData": { "@id": "schema:supportingData"},
+      "targetProduct": { "@id": "schema:targetProduct"},
+      "url": { "@id": "schema:url", "@type": "@id"},
+      "version": { "@id": "schema:version"},
+      "author": { "@id": "schema:author", "@container": "@list" },
+      "softwareSuggestions": { "@id": "codemeta:softwareSuggestions", "@type": "@id"},
+      "continuousIntegration": { "@id": "codemeta:continuousIntegration", "@type": "@id"},
+      "buildInstructions": { "@id": "codemeta:buildInstructions", "@type": "@id"},
+      "developmentStatus": { "@id": "codemeta:developmentStatus", "@type": "@id"},
+      "embargoEndDate": { "@id":"codemeta:embargoEndDate", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "funding": { "@id": "codemeta:funding" },
+      "readme": { "@id":"codemeta:readme", "@type": "@id" },
+      "issueTracker": { "@id":"codemeta:issueTracker", "@type": "@id" },
+      "referencePublication": { "@id": "codemeta:referencePublication", "@type": "@id"},
+      "maintainer": { "@id": "codemeta:maintainer" },
+      "hasSourceCode": { "@id": "codemeta:hasSourceCode", "@type": "@id"},
+      "isSourceCodeOf": { "@id": "codemeta:isSourceCodeOf", "@type": "@id"}
+  }
diff --git a/data/contexts/codemeta-3.0.txt b/data/contexts/codemeta-3.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7a6ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/contexts/codemeta-3.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Matthew B. Jones, Carl Boettiger, Abby Cabunoc Mayes, Arfon Smith, Morane Gruenpeter, Valentin Lorentz, Thomas Morrell, Daniel Garijo, Peter Slaughter, Kyle Niemeyer, Yolanda Gil, Martin Fenner, Krzysztof Nowak, Mark Hahnel, Luke Coy, Alice Allen, Mercè Crosas, Ashley Sands, Neil Chue Hong, Patricia Cruse, Daniel S. Katz, Carole Goble, Bryce Mecum, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Noam Ross. 2023. CodeMeta: an exchange schema for software metadata. Version 3.0. https://w3id.org/codemeta/v3.0
diff --git a/data/contexts/codemeta-local.jsonld b/data/contexts/codemeta-local.jsonld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6a30f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/contexts/codemeta-local.jsonld
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+  "@context": {
+      "type": "@type",
+      "id": "@id",
+      "schema":"http://schema.org/",
+      "codemeta": "https://codemeta.github.io/terms/",
+      "Organization": {"@id": "schema:Organization"},
+      "Person": {"@id": "schema:Person"},
+      "Review": {"@id": "schema:Review"},
+      "Role": {"@id": "schema:Role"},
+      "SoftwareSourceCode": {"@id": "schema:SoftwareSourceCode"},
+      "SoftwareApplication": {"@id": "schema:SoftwareApplication"},
+      "Text": {"@id": "schema:Text"},
+      "URL": {"@id": "schema:URL"},
+      "address": { "@id": "schema:address"},
+      "affiliation": { "@id": "schema:affiliation"},
+      "applicationCategory": { "@id": "schema:applicationCategory", "@type": "@id"},
+      "applicationSubCategory": { "@id": "schema:applicationSubCategory", "@type": "@id"},
+      "citation": { "@id": "schema:citation"},
+      "codeRepository": { "@id": "schema:codeRepository", "@type": "@id"},
+      "contributor": { "@id": "schema:contributor"},
+      "copyrightHolder": { "@id": "schema:copyrightHolder"},
+      "copyrightYear": { "@id": "schema:copyrightYear"},
+      "creator": { "@id": "schema:creator"},
+      "dateCreated": {"@id": "schema:dateCreated", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "dateModified":  {"@id": "schema:dateModified", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "datePublished":  {"@id": "schema:datePublished", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "description": { "@id": "schema:description"},
+      "downloadUrl": { "@id": "schema:downloadUrl", "@type": "@id"},
+      "email": { "@id": "schema:email"},
+      "editor": { "@id": "schema:editor"},
+      "encoding": { "@id": "schema:encoding"},
+      "endDate": { "@id": "schema:endDate"},
+      "familyName": { "@id": "schema:familyName"},
+      "fileFormat": { "@id": "schema:fileFormat", "@type": "@id"},
+      "fileSize": { "@id": "schema:fileSize"},
+      "funder": { "@id": "schema:funder"},
+      "givenName": { "@id": "schema:givenName"},
+      "hasPart": { "@id": "schema:hasPart" },
+      "identifier": { "@id": "schema:identifier", "@type": "@id"},
+      "installUrl": { "@id": "schema:installUrl", "@type": "@id"},
+      "isAccessibleForFree": { "@id": "schema:isAccessibleForFree"},
+      "isPartOf":  { "@id": "schema:isPartOf"},
+      "keywords": { "@id": "schema:keywords"},
+      "license": { "@id": "schema:license", "@type": "@id"},
+      "memoryRequirements": { "@id": "schema:memoryRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+      "name": { "@id": "schema:name"},
+      "operatingSystem": { "@id": "schema:operatingSystem"},
+      "permissions": { "@id": "schema:permissions"},
+      "position": { "@id": "schema:position"},
+      "processorRequirements": { "@id": "schema:processorRequirements"},
+      "producer": { "@id": "schema:producer"},
+      "programmingLanguage": { "@id": "schema:programmingLanguage"},
+      "provider": { "@id": "schema:provider"},
+      "publisher": { "@id": "schema:publisher"},
+      "relatedLink": { "@id": "schema:relatedLink", "@type": "@id"},
+      "review": { "@id": "schema:review", "@type": "@id" },
+      "reviewAspect": { "@id": "schema:reviewAspect" },
+      "reviewBody": { "@id": "schema:reviewBody" },
+      "releaseNotes": { "@id": "schema:releaseNotes"},
+      "roleName": { "@id": "schema:roleName"},
+      "runtimePlatform": { "@id": "schema:runtimePlatform"},
+      "sameAs": { "@id": "schema:sameAs", "@type": "@id"},
+      "softwareHelp": { "@id": "schema:softwareHelp"},
+      "softwareRequirements": { "@id": "schema:softwareRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+      "softwareVersion": { "@id": "schema:softwareVersion"},
+      "sponsor": { "@id": "schema:sponsor"},
+      "startDate": { "@id": "schema:startDate"},
+      "storageRequirements": { "@id": "schema:storageRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+      "supportingData": { "@id": "schema:supportingData"},
+      "targetProduct": { "@id": "schema:targetProduct"},
+      "url": { "@id": "schema:url", "@type": "@id"},
+      "version": { "@id": "schema:version"},
+      "author": { "@id": "schema:author", "@container": "@list" },
+      "softwareSuggestions": { "@id": "codemeta:softwareSuggestions", "@type": "@id"},
+      "contIntegration": { "@id": "codemeta:contIntegration", "@type": "@id"},
+      "continuousIntegration": { "@id": "codemeta:continuousIntegration", "@type": "@id"},
+      "buildInstructions": { "@id": "codemeta:buildInstructions", "@type": "@id"},
+      "developmentStatus": { "@id": "codemeta:developmentStatus", "@type": "@id"},
+      "embargoDate": { "@id":"codemeta:embargoDate", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "embargoEndDate": { "@id":"codemeta:embargoEndDate", "@type": "schema:Date" },
+      "funding": { "@id": "codemeta:funding" },
+      "readme": { "@id":"codemeta:readme", "@type": "@id" },
+      "issueTracker": { "@id":"codemeta:issueTracker", "@type": "@id" },
+      "referencePublication": { "@id": "codemeta:referencePublication", "@type": "@id"},
+      "maintainer": { "@id": "codemeta:maintainer" },
+      "hasSourceCode": { "@id": "codemeta:hasSourceCode", "@type": "@id"},
+      "isSourceCodeOf": { "@id": "codemeta:isSourceCodeOf", "@type": "@id"}
+  }
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 8be7617..3af9815 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1,367 +1,394 @@
 <!doctype html>
 Copyright (C) 2019-2020  The Software Heritage developers
 See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
 See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 <html lang="en">
     <meta charset="utf-8">
     <title>CodeMeta generator</title>
     <script src="./js/utils.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/fields_data.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/dynamic_form.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/codemeta_generation.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/validation/primitives.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/validation/things.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/validation/index.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./main.css">
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./codemeta.css">
-    <h1>CodeMeta generator</h1>
+    <h1>CodeMeta generator v3.0</h1><!-- Generate codemeta v2.0 by default for now, allow v3.0 generation by clicking -->
     <p>Most fields are optional. Mandatory fields will be highlighted when generating Codemeta.</p>
         <p id="noscriptError">
             This application requires Javascript to show dynamic fields in the form,
             and generate a JSON file; but your browser does not support Javascript.
             If you cannot use a browser with Javascript support, you can try
             <a href="https://codemeta.github.io/tools/">one of the other available tools</a>
             or write the codemeta.json file directly.
     <form id="inputForm">
         <fieldset id="fieldsetSoftwareItself" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>The software itself</legend>
             <p title="The name of the software">
                 <label for="name">Name</label>
                 <input type="text" name="name" id="name" aria-describedby="name_descr"
                     placeholder="My Software" required="required" />
                 <span class="field-description" id="name_descr">the software title</span>
             <p title="a brief description of the software">
                 <label for="description">Description</label>
                 <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
                     name="description" id="description"
                     placeholder="My Software computes ephemerides and orbit propagation. It has been developed from early ´80." ></textarea>
             <p title="The date on which the software was created.">
                 <label for="dateCreated">Creation date</label>
                 <input type="text" name="dateCreated" id="dateCreated"
                     placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" pattern="\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}" />
             <p title="Date of first publication.">
                 <label for="datePublished">First release date</label>
                 <input type="text" name="datePublished" id="datePublished"
                     placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" pattern="\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}" />
                 <label for="license">License(s)</label>
                 <input list="licenses" name="license" id="license"
                     aria-describedby="licenses_descr"> <!-- TODO: insert placeholder -->
                 <datalist id="licenses">
                 <!-- This datalist is be filled automatically -->
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="licenses_descr">from <a href="https://spdx.org/license-list">SPDX licence list</a></span>
                 <div id="selected-licenses">
                     <!-- This div is to be filled as the user selects licenses -->
         <fieldset id="fieldsetDiscoverabilityAndCitation" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Discoverability and citation</legend>
             <p title="Unique identifier">
                 <label for="identifier">Unique identifier</label>
                 <input type="text" name="identifier" id="identifier"
                     placeholder="10.151.xxxxx" aria-describedby="identifier_descr" />
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="identifier_descr">
                     such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc..  <a href="http://schema.org/identifier">http://schema.org/identifier</a>
             <!-- TODO:define better
             I looked at the schema.org definition of identifier (https://schema.org/identifier),
             it can be text, url or PropertyValue.
             Used as follows in data representation with microdata:
             <div property="identifier" typeof="PropertyValue">
             <span property="propertyID">DOI</span>:
             <span property="value">10.151.xxxxx</span>
             we can use that with identifier-type and identifier-value to have a clearer idea
             of what needs to be in the input.
             <p title="Type of the software application">
                 <label for="applicationCategory">Application category</label>
                 <input type="text" name="applicationCategory" id="applicationCategory"
                     placeholder="Astronomy"  />
             <p title="Comma-separated list of keywords">
                 <label for="keywords">Keywords</label>
                 <input type="text" name="keywords" id="keywords"
                     placeholder="ephemerides, orbit, astronomy"  />
             <p title="Funding / grant">
                 <label for="funding">Funding</label>
                 <input type="text" name="funding" id="funding" aria-describedby="funding_descr"
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="funding_descr">grant funding software development</span>
             <p title="Funding / organization">
                 <label for="funder">Funder</label>
                 <input type="text" name="funder" id="funder" aria-describedby="funder_descr"
                     placeholder="Università di Pisa"/>
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="funder_descr">organization funding software development</span>
             Authors and contributors can be added below
         <fieldset id="fieldsetDevelopmentCommunity" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Development community / tools</legend>
             <p title="Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located (SVN, Git, GitHub, CodePlex, institutional GitLab instance, etc.).">
                 <label for="codeRepository">Code repository</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="codeRepository" id="codeRepository"
                     placeholder="git+https://github.com/You/RepoName.git" />
             <p title="Link to continuous integration service (Travis-CI, Gitlab CI, etc.).">
                 <label for="contIntegration">Continuous integration</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="contIntegration" id="contIntegration"
                     placeholder="https://travis-ci.org/You/RepoName" />
             <p title="Link to a place for users/developpers to report and manage bugs (JIRA, GitHub issues, etc.).">
                 <label for="issueTracker">Issue tracker</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="issueTracker" id="issueTracker"
                     placeholder="https://github.com/You/RepoName/issues" />
             <p title="Related document, software, tools">
                 <label for="relatedLink">Related links</label>
                 <br />
                 <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
                     name="relatedLink" id="relatedLink"></textarea>
         <fieldset id="fieldsetRuntime" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Run-time environment</legend>
             <p title="Programming Languages, separated by commas">
                 <label for="programmingLanguage">Programming Language</label>
                 <input type="text" name="programmingLanguage" id="programmingLanguage"
                     placeholder="C#, Java, Python 3"  />
             <p title="Runtime Platforms, separated by commas">
                 <label for="runtimePlatform">Runtime Platform</label>
                 <input type="text" name="runtimePlatform" id="runtimePlatform"
                     placeholder=".NET, JVM" />
             <p title="Operating Systems, separated by commas">
                 <label for="operatingSystem">Operating System</label>
                 <input type="text" name="operatingSystem" id="operatingSystem"
                     placeholder="Android 1.6, Linux, Windows, macOS" />
             <p title="Required software to run/use this one.">
                 <label for="softwareRequirements">Other software requirements</label>
                 <br />
                 <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
                     name="softwareRequirements" id="softwareRequirements"
 "Python 3.4
         <fieldset id="fieldsetCurrentVersion" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Current version of the software</legend>
             <p title="Version number of the software">
                 <label for="version">Version number</label>
                 <input type="text" name="version" id="version"
                     placeholder="1.0.0" />
             <p title="The date on which the software was most recently modified.">
                 <label for="dateModified">Release date</label>
                 <input type="text" name="dateModified" id="dateModified"
                     placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" pattern="\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}" />
             <p title="Download link">
                 <label for="downloadUrl">Download URL</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="downloadUrl" id="downloadUrl"
                     placeholder="https://example.org/MySoftware.tar.gz" />
             <p title="a brief description of the software">
                 <label for="releaseNotes">Release notes</label>
                 <br />
                 <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
                     name="releaseNotes" id="releaseNotes"
 "Change log: this and that;
 Bugfixes: that and this." ></textarea>
 <!--TODO: referencePublication as ScholarlyArticle array -->
-        <fieldset id="fieldsetAdditionalInfo" class="leafFieldset">
-            <legend>Additional Info</legend>
+        <fieldset id="review_container" class="leafFieldset">
+            <legend>Editorial review</legend>
             <p title="Scholarly article describing this software">
                 <label for="referencePublication">Reference Publication</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="referencePublication" id="referencePublication"
                     placeholder="https://doi.org/10.1000/xyz123" />
+            <p title="Part or facet of the object being review ">
+                <label for="reviewAspect">Review aspect</label>
+                <input type="text" name="reviewAspect" id="reviewAspect"
+                    placeholder="Object facet" />
+            </p>
+          <p title="The actual body of the review ">
+                <label for="reviewBody">Review body</label>
+                <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
+                    name="reviewBody" id="reviewBody"
+                    placeholder="Review about my software." ></textarea>
+            </p>
+        </fieldset>
+        <fieldset id="fieldsetAdditionalInfo" class="leafFieldset">
+            <legend>Additional Info</legend>
             <p title="Development Status">
             <label for="developmentStatus">Development Status</label>
                 <datalist id="developmentStatuses">
                         <option value="concept">
                         <option value="wip">
                         <option value="suspended">
                         <option value="abandoned">
                         <option value="active">
                         <option value="inactive">
                         <option value="unsupported">
                         <option value="moved">
                 <input list="developmentStatuses" id="developmentStatus" aria-describedby="developmentStatuses_descr"
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="developmentStatuses_descr">
                     see <a href="http://www.repostatus.org">www.repostatus.org</a> for details
+            <p title="Source Code of">
+                <label for="isSourceCodeOf">Is Source Code of</label>
+                <input type="text" name="isSourceCodeOf" id="isSourceCodeOf"
+                    placeholder="Bigger Application" />
+            </p>
             <p title="Part of">
                 <label for="isPartOf">Is part of</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="isPartOf" id="isPartOf"
                     placeholder="http://The.Bigger.Framework.org"  />
         <div class="dynamicFields">
             <fieldset class="persons" id="author_container">
                 <input type="hidden" id="author_nb" value="0" />
                 <div id="addRemoveAuthor">
                     <input type="button" id="author_add" value="Add one"
                         onclick="addPerson('author', 'Author');" />
                     <input type="button" id="author_remove" value="Remove last"
                         onclick="removePerson('author');" />
             <fieldset class="persons" id="contributor_container">
                 <p>Order of contributors does not matter.</p>
                 <input type="hidden" id="contributor_nb" value="0" />
                 <div id="addRemoveContributor">
                     <input type="button" id="contributor_add" value="Add one"
                         onclick="addPerson('contributor', 'Contributor');" />
                     <input type="button" id="contributor_remove" value="Remove last"
                         onclick="removePerson('contributor');" />
-        <input type="button" id="generateCodemeta" value="Generate codemeta.json" disabled
-            title="Creates a codemeta.json file below, from the information provided above." />
+      <input type="button" id="generateCodemetaV3" value="Generate codemeta.json v3.0" disabled
+             title="Creates a codemeta.json v3.0 file below, from the information provided above." />
+      <input type="button" id="generateCodemetaV2" value="Generate codemeta.json v2.0" disabled
+            title="Creates a codemeta.json v2.0 file below, from the information provided above." />
         <input type="button" id="resetForm" value="Reset form"
             title="Erases all fields." />
         <input type="button" id="validateCodemeta" value="Validate codemeta.json" disabled
             title="Checks the codemeta.json file below is valid, and displays errors." />
         <input type="button" id="importCodemeta" value="Import codemeta.json" disabled
             title="Fills the fields above based on the codemeta.json file below." />
     <p id="errorMessage">
     <pre contentEditable="true" id="codemetaText"></pre>
     <p style="text-align:center;">
         Do you want to improve this tool ?
         Check out the
         <a href="https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta-generator">
             CodeMeta-generator repository</a>
         <br />
         Join the
         <a href="https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta">CodeMeta community</a>
         <br />
         The CodeMeta vocabulary -
         <a href="https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0">v2.0</a>
+        -
+        <a href="https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0">v3.0</a>
     <h2 style="text-align:right;">Contributed by</h2>
     <p style="text-align:right;">
         <a href="https://www.softwareheritage.org/save-and-reference-research-software/">
             <img alt="Software Heritage" src="https://annex.softwareheritage.org/public/logo/software-heritage-logo-title-motto.svg"
   <script src="./js/libs/jsonld/jsonld.min.js"></script>
     Promise.all([loadSpdxData(), loadContextData()]).then(results => {
       const [licenses, contexts] = results;
       SPDX_LICENSES = licenses;
       SPDX_LICENSE_IDS = licenses.map(license => license['licenseId']);
diff --git a/js/codemeta_generation.js b/js/codemeta_generation.js
index 366b07a..31bf498 100644
--- a/js/codemeta_generation.js
+++ b/js/codemeta_generation.js
@@ -1,295 +1,430 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 "use strict";
-const CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL = 'https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0';
+const LOCAL_CONTEXT_PATH = "./data/contexts/codemeta-local.jsonld";
+const LOCAL_CONTEXT_URL = "local";
+    "2.0": {
+        path: "./data/contexts/codemeta-2.0.jsonld",
+        url: "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0"
+    },
+    "3.0": {
+        path: "./data/contexts/codemeta-3.0.jsonld",
+        url: "https://w3id.org/codemeta/3.0"
+    }
 const SPDX_PREFIX = 'https://spdx.org/licenses/';
 const loadContextData = async () => {
-    const contextResponse = await fetch("./data/contexts/codemeta-2.0.jsonld");
-    const context = await contextResponse.json();
+    const [contextLocal, contextV2, contextV3] =
+        await Promise.all([
+            fetch(LOCAL_CONTEXT_PATH).then(response => response.json()),
+            fetch(CODEMETA_CONTEXTS["2.0"].path).then(response => response.json()),
+            fetch(CODEMETA_CONTEXTS["3.0"].path).then(response => response.json())
+        ]);
     return {
-        [CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL]: context
+        [LOCAL_CONTEXT_URL]: contextLocal,
+        [CODEMETA_CONTEXTS["2.0"].url]: contextV2,
+        [CODEMETA_CONTEXTS["3.0"].url]: contextV3
 const getJsonldCustomLoader = contexts => {
     return url => {
         const xhrDocumentLoader = jsonld.documentLoaders.xhr();
         if (url in contexts) {
             return {
                 contextUrl: null,
                 document: contexts[url],
                 documentUrl: url
         return xhrDocumentLoader(url);
 const initJsonldLoader = contexts => {
     jsonld.documentLoader = getJsonldCustomLoader(contexts);
 function emptyToUndefined(v) {
     if (v == null || v == "")
         return undefined;
         return v;
 function getIfSet(query) {
     return emptyToUndefined(document.querySelector(query).value);
 function setIfDefined(query, value) {
     if (value !== undefined) {
         document.querySelector(query).value = value;
 function getLicenses() {
     let selectedLicenses = Array.from(document.getElementById("selected-licenses").children);
     return selectedLicenses.map(licenseDiv => SPDX_PREFIX + licenseDiv.children[0].innerText);
 // Names of codemeta properties with a matching HTML field name
 const directCodemetaFields = [
+    'isSourceCodeOf',
 const splittedCodemetaFields = [
     ['keywords', ','],
     ['programmingLanguage', ','],
     ['runtimePlatform', ','],
     ['operatingSystem', ','],
     ['softwareRequirements', '\n'],
     ['relatedLink', '\n'],
 // Names of codemeta properties with a matching HTML field name,
 // in a Person object
 const directPersonCodemetaFields = [
+const directRoleCodemetaFields = [
+    'roleName',
+    'startDate',
+    'endDate',
+const directReviewCodemetaFields = [
+    'reviewAspect',
+    'reviewBody'
+const crossCodemetaFields = {
+    "contIntegration": ["contIntegration", "continuousIntegration"],
+    // "embargoDate": ["embargoDate", "embargoEndDate"], Not present in the form yet TODO ?
 function generateShortOrg(fieldName) {
     var affiliation = getIfSet(fieldName);
     if (affiliation !== undefined) {
         if (isUrl(affiliation)) {
             return {
                 "@type": "Organization",
                 "@id": affiliation,
         else {
             return {
                 "@type": "Organization",
                 "name": affiliation,
     else {
         return undefined;
 function generatePerson(idPrefix) {
     var doc = {
         "@type": "Person",
     var id = getIfSet(`#${idPrefix}_id`);
     if (id !== undefined) {
         doc["@id"] = id;
     directPersonCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
         doc[item] = getIfSet(`#${idPrefix}_${item}`);
-    doc["affiliation"] = generateShortOrg(`#${idPrefix}_affiliation`)
+    doc["affiliation"] = generateShortOrg(`#${idPrefix}_affiliation`);
+    return doc;
+function generateRole(id) {
+    const doc = {
+        "@type": "Role"
+    };
+    directRoleCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
+        doc[item] = getIfSet(`#${id} .${item}`);
+    });
     return doc;
+function generateRoles(idPrefix, person) {
+    const roles = [];
+    const roleNodes = document.querySelectorAll(`ul[id^=${idPrefix}_role_`);
+    roleNodes.forEach(roleNode => {
+        const role = generateRole(roleNode.id);
+        role["schema:author"] = person; // Prefix with "schema:" to prevent it from expanding into a list
+        roles.push(role);
+    });
+    return roles;
 function generatePersons(prefix) {
     var persons = [];
     var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix);
     for (let personId = 1; personId <= nbPersons; personId++) {
-        persons.push(generatePerson(`${prefix}_${personId}`));
+        const idPrefix = `${prefix}_${personId}`;
+        const person = generatePerson(idPrefix);
+        const roles = generateRoles(idPrefix, person);
+        if (roles.length > 0) {
+            persons = persons.concat(roles);
+        } else {
+            persons.push(person);
+        }
     return persons;
+function generateReview() {
+    const doc = {
+        "@type": "Review"
+    };
+    directReviewCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
+        doc[item] = getIfSet(`#${item}`);
+    });
+    return doc;
-function buildDoc() {
+async function buildExpandedJson() {
     var doc = {
-        "@context": CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL,
+        "@context": LOCAL_CONTEXT_URL,
         "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
     let licenses = getLicenses();
     if (licenses.length > 0) {
         doc["license"] = licenses;
     // Generate most fields
     directCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
         doc[item] = getIfSet('#' + item)
     doc["funder"] = generateShortOrg('#funder', doc["affiliation"]);
+    const review = generateReview();
+    if (review["reviewAspect"] || review["reviewBody"]) {
+        doc["review"] = generateReview();
+    }
     // Generate simple fields parsed simply by splitting
     splittedCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
         const id = item[0];
         const separator = item[1];
         const value = getIfSet('#' + id);
         if (value !== undefined) {
             doc[id] = value.split(separator).map(trimSpaces);
     // Generate dynamic fields
     var authors = generatePersons('author');
     if (authors.length > 0) {
         doc["author"] = authors;
     var contributors = generatePersons('contributor');
     if (contributors.length > 0) {
         doc["contributor"] = contributors;
-    return doc;
+    for (const [key, items] of Object.entries(crossCodemetaFields)) {
+        items.forEach(item => {
+           doc[item] = doc[key];
+        });
+    }
+    return await jsonld.expand(doc);
-async function generateCodemeta() {
+// v2.0 is still default version for generation, for now
+async function generateCodemeta(codemetaVersion = "2.0") {
     var inputForm = document.querySelector('#inputForm');
     var codemetaText, errorHTML;
     if (inputForm.checkValidity()) {
-        var doc = buildDoc();
-        const expanded = await jsonld.expand(doc);
-        const compacted = await jsonld.compact(expanded, CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL);
+        const expanded = await buildExpandedJson();
+        const compacted = await jsonld.compact(expanded, CODEMETA_CONTEXTS[codemetaVersion].url);
         codemetaText = JSON.stringify(compacted, null, 4);
         errorHTML = "";
     else {
         codemetaText = "";
         errorHTML = "invalid input (see error above)";
     document.querySelector('#codemetaText').innerText = codemetaText;
     // Run validator on the exported value, for extra validation.
     // If this finds a validation, it means there is a bug in our code (either
     // generation or validation), and the generation MUST NOT generate an
     // invalid codemeta file, regardless of user input.
     if (codemetaText && !validateDocument(JSON.parse(codemetaText))) {
         alert('Bug detected! The data you wrote is correct; but for some reason, it seems we generated an invalid codemeta.json. Please report this bug at https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta-generator/issues/new and copy-paste the generated codemeta.json file. Thanks!');
     if (codemetaText) {
         // For restoring the form state on page reload
         sessionStorage.setItem('codemetaText', codemetaText);
 // Imports a single field (name or @id) from an Organization.
 function importShortOrg(fieldName, doc) {
     if (doc !== undefined) {
         // Use @id if set, else use name
         setIfDefined(fieldName, doc["name"]);
         setIfDefined(fieldName, getDocumentId(doc));
+function importReview(doc) {
+    if (doc !== undefined) {
+        directReviewCodemetaFields.forEach(item => {
+            setIfDefined('#' + item, doc[item]);
+        });
+    }
+function authorsEqual(author1, author2) {
+    // TODO should test more properties for equality?
+    return author1.givenName === author2.givenName
+        && author1.email === author2.email;
+function getSingleAuthorsFromRoles(docs) {
+    return docs.filter(doc => getDocumentType(doc) === "Role")
+        .map(doc => doc["schema:author"])
+        .reduce((authorSet, currentAuthor) => {
+            const foundAuthor = authorSet.find(author => authorsEqual(author, currentAuthor));
+            if (!foundAuthor) {
+                return authorSet.concat([currentAuthor]);
+            } else {
+                return authorSet;
+            }
+        }, []);
+function importRoles(personPrefix, roles) {
+    roles.forEach(role => {
+        const roleId = addRole(`${personPrefix}`);
+        directRoleCodemetaFields.forEach(item => {
+            setIfDefined(`#${personPrefix}_${item}_${roleId}`, role[item]);
+        });
+    });
 function importPersons(prefix, legend, docs) {
     if (docs === undefined) {
-    docs.forEach(function (doc, index) {
+    let allAuthorDocs = docs.filter(doc => getDocumentType(doc) === "Person");
+    allAuthorDocs = allAuthorDocs.concat(getSingleAuthorsFromRoles(docs));
+    allAuthorDocs.forEach(function (doc, index) {
         var personId = addPerson(prefix, legend);
         setIfDefined(`#${prefix}_${personId}_id`, getDocumentId(doc));
         directPersonCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
             setIfDefined(`#${prefix}_${personId}_${item}`, doc[item]);
-        importShortOrg(`#${prefix}_${personId}_affiliation`, doc['affiliation'])
-    })
+        importShortOrg(`#${prefix}_${personId}_affiliation`, doc['affiliation']);
+        const roles = docs.filter(currentDoc => getDocumentType(currentDoc) === "Role")
+            .filter(currentDoc => authorsEqual(currentDoc["schema:author"], doc));
+        importRoles(`${prefix}_${personId}`, roles);
+    });
 async function importCodemeta() {
     var inputForm = document.querySelector('#inputForm');
     var doc = await parseAndValidateCodemeta(false);
     if (doc['license'] !== undefined) {
         if (typeof doc['license'] === 'string') {
             doc['license'] = [doc['license']];
         doc['license'].forEach(l => {
             if (l.indexOf(SPDX_PREFIX) !== 0) { return; }
             let licenseId = l.substring(SPDX_PREFIX.length);
     directCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
         setIfDefined('#' + item, doc[item]);
     importShortOrg('#funder', doc["funder"]);
+    importReview(doc["review"]);
     // Import simple fields by joining on their separator
     splittedCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
         const id = item[0];
         const separator = item[1];
         let value = doc[id];
         if (value !== undefined) {
             if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                 value = value.join(separator);
             setIfDefined('#' + id, value);
+    for (const [key, items] of Object.entries(crossCodemetaFields)) {
+        let value = "";
+        items.forEach(item => {
+           value = doc[item] || value;
+        });
+        setIfDefined(`#${key}`, value);
+    }
     importPersons('author', 'Author', doc['author'])
     importPersons('contributor', 'Contributor', doc['contributor'])
 function loadStateFromStorage() {
     var codemetaText = sessionStorage.getItem('codemetaText')
     if (codemetaText) {
         document.querySelector('#codemetaText').innerText = codemetaText;
diff --git a/js/dynamic_form.js b/js/dynamic_form.js
index 849f50a..f15aba8 100644
--- a/js/dynamic_form.js
+++ b/js/dynamic_form.js
@@ -1,191 +1,232 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2019  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 "use strict";
 // List of all HTML fields in a Person fieldset.
 const personFields = [
 function createPersonFieldset(personPrefix, legend) {
     // Creates a fieldset containing inputs for informations about a person
     var fieldset = document.createElement("fieldset")
     var moveButtons;
     fieldset.id = personPrefix;
     fieldset.innerHTML = `
         <div class="moveButtons">
             <input type="button" id="${personPrefix}_moveToLeft" value="<" class="moveToLeft"
                 title="Moves this person to the left." />
             <input type="button" id="${personPrefix}_moveToRight" value=">" class="moveToRight"
                 title="Moves this person to the right." />
             <label for="${personPrefix}_givenName">Given name</label>
             <input type="text" id="${personPrefix}_givenName" name="${personPrefix}_givenName"
                 placeholder="Jane" required="true" />
             <label for="${personPrefix}_familyName">Family name</label>
             <input type="text" id="${personPrefix}_familyName" name="${personPrefix}_familyName"
                 placeholder="Doe" />
             <label for="${personPrefix}_email">E-mail address</label>
             <input type="email" id="${personPrefix}_email" name="${personPrefix}_email"
                 placeholder="jane.doe@example.org" />
             <label for="${personPrefix}_id">URI</label>
             <input type="url" id="${personPrefix}_id" name="${personPrefix}_id"
                 placeholder="http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097" />
         <label for="${personPrefix}_affiliation">Affiliation</label>
             <input type="text" id="${personPrefix}_affiliation" name="${personPrefix}_affiliation"
                 placeholder="Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa" />
+        <input type="hidden" id="${personPrefix}_role_index" value="0" />
+        <input type="button" id="${personPrefix}_role_add" value="Add one role" />
     return fieldset;
 function addPersonWithId(container, prefix, legend, id) {
     var personPrefix = `${prefix}_${id}`;
     var fieldset = createPersonFieldset(personPrefix, `${legend} #${id}`);
         .addEventListener('click', () => movePerson(prefix, id, "left"));
         .addEventListener('click', () => movePerson(prefix, id, "right"));
+    document.querySelector(`#${personPrefix}_role_add`)
+        .addEventListener('click', () => addRole(personPrefix));
 function movePerson(prefix, id1, direction) {
     var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix);
     var id2;
     // Computer id2, the id of the person to flip id1 with (wraps around the
     // end of the list of persons)
     if (direction == "left") {
         id2 = id1 - 1;
         if (id2 <= 0) {
             id2 = nbPersons;
     else {
         id2 = id1 + 1;
         if (id2 > nbPersons) {
             id2 = 1;
     // Flip the field values, one by one
     personFields.forEach((fieldName) => {
         var field1 = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_${id1}_${fieldName}`);
         var field2 = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_${id2}_${fieldName}`);
         var value1 = field1.value;
         var value2 = field2.value;
         field2.value = value1;
         field1.value = value2;
     // Form was changed; regenerate
 function addPerson(prefix, legend) {
     var container = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_container`);
     var personId = getNbPersons(prefix) + 1;
     addPersonWithId(container, prefix, legend, personId);
     setNbPersons(prefix, personId);
     return personId;
 function removePerson(prefix) {
     var personId = getNbPersons(prefix);
     setNbPersons(prefix, personId - 1);
 // Initialize a group of persons (authors, contributors) on page load.
 // Useful if the page is reloaded.
 function initPersons(prefix, legend) {
     var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix);
     var personContainer = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_container`)
     for (let personId = 1; personId <= nbPersons; personId++) {
         addPersonWithId(personContainer, prefix, legend, personId);
 function removePersons(prefix) {
     var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix);
     var personContainer = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_container`)
     for (let personId = 1; personId <= nbPersons; personId++) {
+function addRole(personPrefix) {
+    const roleButtonGroup = document.querySelector(`#${personPrefix}_role_add`);
+    const roleIndexNode = document.querySelector(`#${personPrefix}_role_index`);
+    const roleIndex = parseInt(roleIndexNode.value, 10);
+    const ul = document.createElement("ul")
+    ul.classList.add("role");
+    ul.id = `${personPrefix}_role_${roleIndex}`;
+    ul.innerHTML = `
+        <li><label for="${personPrefix}_roleName_${roleIndex}">Role</label>
+            <input type="text" class="roleName" id="${personPrefix}_roleName_${roleIndex}" name="${personPrefix}_roleName_${roleIndex}"
+                placeholder="Developer" size="10" /></li>
+        <li><label for="${personPrefix}_startDate_${roleIndex}">Start date:</label>
+            <input type="date" class="startDate" id="${personPrefix}_startDate_${roleIndex}" name="${personPrefix}_startDate_${roleIndex}" /></li>
+        <li><label for="${personPrefix}_endDate_${roleIndex}">End date:</label>
+            <input type="date" class="endDate" id="${personPrefix}_endDate_${roleIndex}" name="${personPrefix}_endDate_${roleIndex}" /></li>
+        <li><input type="button" id="${personPrefix}_role_remove_${roleIndex}" value="X" title="Remove role" /></li>
+    `;
+    roleButtonGroup.after(ul);
+    document.querySelector(`#${personPrefix}_role_remove_${roleIndex}`)
+        .addEventListener('click', () => removeRole(personPrefix, roleIndex));
+    roleIndexNode.value = roleIndex + 1;
+    return roleIndex;
+function removeRole(personPrefix, roleIndex) {
+    document.querySelector(`#${personPrefix}_role_${roleIndex}`).remove();
 function resetForm() {
     // Reset the list of selected licenses
     document.getElementById("selected-licenses").innerHTML = '';
     // Reset the form after deleting elements, so nbPersons doesn't get
     // reset before it's read.
 function fieldToLower(event) {
     event.target.value = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
 function initCallbacks() {
         .addEventListener('change', validateLicense);
-    document.querySelector('#generateCodemeta').disabled = false;
-    document.querySelector('#generateCodemeta')
-        .addEventListener('click', generateCodemeta);
+    document.querySelector('#generateCodemetaV2').disabled = false;
+    document.querySelector('#generateCodemetaV2')
+        .addEventListener('click', () => generateCodemeta("2.0"));
+    document.querySelector('#generateCodemetaV3').disabled = false;
+    document.querySelector('#generateCodemetaV3')
+        .addEventListener('click', () => generateCodemeta("3.0"));
         .addEventListener('click', resetForm);
     document.querySelector('#validateCodemeta').disabled = false;
         .addEventListener('click', () => parseAndValidateCodemeta(true));
     document.querySelector('#importCodemeta').disabled = false;
         .addEventListener('click', importCodemeta);
-        .addEventListener('change', generateCodemeta);
+        .addEventListener('change', () => generateCodemeta());
         .addEventListener('change', fieldToLower);
     initPersons('author', 'Author');
     initPersons('contributor', 'Contributor');
diff --git a/js/validation/index.js b/js/validation/index.js
index 962cbb9..3aa9bef 100644
--- a/js/validation/index.js
+++ b/js/validation/index.js
@@ -1,90 +1,99 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Reads a Codemeta file and shows human-friendly errors on it.
  * This validator intentionaly does not use a schema, in order to show errors
  * that are easy to understand for users with no understanding of JSON-LD.
 function validateDocument(doc) {
     if (!Array.isArray(doc) && typeof doc != 'object') {
         setError("Document must be an object (starting and ending with { and }), not ${typeof doc}.")
         return false;
     // TODO: validate id/@id
+    if (doc["@context"] === undefined) {
+        setError("Missing context (required to determine import version).")
+        return false;
+    }
     // TODO: check there is either type or @type but not both
     var type = getDocumentType(doc);
     if (type === undefined) {
         setError("Missing type (must be SoftwareSourceCode or SoftwareApplication).")
         return false;
     else if (!isCompactTypeEqual(type, "SoftwareSourceCode") && !isCompactTypeEqual(type, "SoftwareApplication")) {
         // Check this before other fields, as a wrong type error is more
         // understandable than "invalid field".
         setError(`Wrong document type: must be "SoftwareSourceCode"/"SoftwareApplication", not ${JSON.stringify(type)}`)
         return false;
     else {
         return Object.entries(doc).every((entry) => {
             var fieldName = entry[0];
             var subdoc = entry[1];
             if (fieldName == "@context") {
                 // Was checked before
                 return true;
             else if (fieldName == "type" || fieldName == "@type") {
                 // Was checked before
                 return true;
+            else if (fieldName.startsWith("codemeta:") || fieldName.startsWith("schema:")) {
+                // Do not check fields from other versions FIXME ?
+                return true;
+            }
             else {
                 var validator = softwareFieldValidators[fieldName];
                 if (validator === undefined) {
                     // TODO: find if it's a field that belongs to another type,
                     // and suggest that to the user
                     setError(`Unknown field "${fieldName}".`)
                     return false;
                 else {
                     return validator(fieldName, subdoc);
 async function parseAndValidateCodemeta(showPopup) {
     var codemetaText = document.querySelector('#codemetaText').innerText;
     let parsed, doc;
     try {
         parsed = JSON.parse(codemetaText);
     catch (e) {
         setError(`Could not read codemeta document because it is not valid JSON (${e}). Check for missing or extra quote, colon, or bracket characters.`);
     var isValid = validateDocument(parsed);
     if (showPopup) {
         if (isValid) {
             alert('Document is valid!')
         else {
             alert('Document is invalid.');
-    doc = await jsonld.compact(parsed, CODEMETA_CONTEXT_URL);
+    doc = await jsonld.compact(parsed, parsed["@context"]);
     return doc;
diff --git a/js/validation/things.js b/js/validation/things.js
index 30fe016..c3515bd 100644
--- a/js/validation/things.js
+++ b/js/validation/things.js
@@ -1,313 +1,339 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020-2021  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Validators for codemeta objects derived from http://schema.org/Thing.
 function getDocumentType(doc) {
     // TODO: check there is at most one.
     // FIXME: is the last variant allowed?
     return doc["type"] || doc["@type"] || doc["codemeta:type"]
 function getDocumentId(doc) {
     return doc["id"] || doc["@id"];
 function isCompactTypeEqual(type, compactedType) {
     // FIXME: are all variants allowed?
     return (type == `${compactedType}`
         || type == `schema:${compactedType}`
         || type == `codemeta:${compactedType}`
         || type == `http://schema.org/${compactedType}`
 function noValidation(fieldName, doc) {
     return true;
 // Validates subtypes of Thing, or URIs
 // typeFieldValidators is a map: {type => {fieldName => fieldValidator}}
 function validateThingOrId(parentFieldName, typeFieldValidators, doc) {
     var acceptedTypesString = Object.keys(typeFieldValidators).join('/');
     if (typeof doc == 'string') {
         if (!isUrl(doc)) {
             setError(`"${parentFieldName}" must be an URL or a ${acceptedTypesString} object, not: ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`);
             return false;
         else {
             return true;
     else if (!Array.isArray(doc) && typeof doc == 'object') {
         return validateThing(parentFieldName, typeFieldValidators, doc);
     else {
         setError(`"${parentFieldName}" must be a ${acceptedTypesString} object or URI, not ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`);
         return false;
 // Validates subtypes of Thing
 // typeFieldValidators is a map: {type => {fieldName => fieldValidator}}
 function validateThing(parentFieldName, typeFieldValidators, doc) {
     // TODO: check there is either id or @id but not both
     // TODO: check there is either type or @type but not both
     var acceptedTypesString = Object.keys(typeFieldValidators).join('/');
     var documentType = getDocumentType(doc);
     var id = getDocumentId(doc);
     if (id !== undefined && !isUrl(id)) {
         setError(`"${fieldName}" has an invalid URI as id: ${JSON.stringify(id)}"`);
         return false;
     if (documentType === undefined) {
         if (id === undefined) {
             setError(`"${parentFieldName}" must be a (list of) ${acceptedTypesString} object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.`);
             return false;
         else {
             // FIXME: we have an @id but no @type, what should we do?
             return true;
     for (expectedType in typeFieldValidators) {
         if (isCompactTypeEqual(documentType, expectedType)) {
             var fieldValidators = typeFieldValidators[expectedType];
             return Object.entries(doc).every((entry) => {
                 var fieldName = entry[0];
                 var subdoc = entry[1];
                 if (fieldName == "type" || fieldName == "@type") {
                     // Was checked before
                     return true;
+                else if (fieldName.startsWith("codemeta:") || fieldName.startsWith("schema:")) {
+                    // Do not check fields from other versions FIXME ?
+                    return true;
+                }
                 else {
                     var validator = fieldValidators[fieldName];
                     if (validator === undefined) {
                         // TODO: find if it's a field that belongs to another type,
                         // and suggest that to the user
                         setError(`Unknown field "${fieldName}" in "${parentFieldName}".`)
                         return false;
                     else {
                         return validator(fieldName, subdoc);
     setError(`"${parentFieldName}" type must be a (list of) ${acceptedTypesString} object(s), not ${JSON.stringify(documentType)}`);
     return false;
 // Helper function to validate a field is either X or a list of X.
 function validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, validator) {
     if (Array.isArray(doc)) {
         return doc.every((subdoc) => validator(subdoc, true));
     else {
         return validator(doc, false);
 // Validates a CreativeWork or an array of CreativeWork
 function validateCreativeWorks(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         return validateCreativeWork(fieldName, subdoc);
 // Validates a single CreativeWork
 function validateCreativeWork(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {
         "CreativeWork": creativeWorkFieldValidators,
         "SoftwareSourceCode": softwareFieldValidators,
         "SoftwareApplication": softwareFieldValidators,
     }, doc);
 // Validates a Person, Organization or an array of these
 function validateActors(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         return validateActor(fieldName, subdoc);
 // Validates a Person or an array of Person
 function validatePersons(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         return validatePerson(fieldName, subdoc);
 // Validates an Organization or an array of Organization
 function validateOrganizations(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         return validateOrganization(fieldName, subdoc);
 // Validates a single Person or Organization
 function validateActor(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {
+        "Role": roleFieldValidators,
         "Person": personFieldValidators,
         "Organization": organizationFieldValidators,
     }, doc);
 // Validates a single Person object
 function validatePerson(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {"Person": personFieldValidators}, doc);
 // Validates a single Organization object
 function validateOrganization(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {"Organization": organizationFieldValidators}, doc);
+function validateReview(fieldName, doc) {
+    return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {"Review": reviewFieldValidators}, doc);
 var softwareFieldValidators = {
     "@id": validateUrl,
     "id": validateUrl,
     "codeRepository": validateUrls,
     "programmingLanguage": noValidation,
     "runtimePlatform": validateTexts,
     "targetProduct": noValidation, // TODO: validate SoftwareApplication
     "applicationCategory": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "applicationSubCategory": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "downloadUrl": validateUrls,
     "fileSize": validateText,  // TODO
     "installUrl": validateUrls,
     "memoryRequirements": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "operatingSystem": validateTexts,
     "permissions": validateTexts,
     "processorRequirements": validateTexts,
     "releaseNotes": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "softwareHelp": validateCreativeWorks,
     "softwareRequirements": noValidation, // TODO: validate SoftwareSourceCode
     "softwareVersion": validateText, // TODO?
     "storageRequirements": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "supportingData": noValidation, // TODO
     "author": validateActors,
     "citation": validateCreativeWorks, // TODO
     "contributor": validateActors,
     "copyrightHolder": validateActors,
     "copyrightYear": validateNumbers,
     "creator": validateActors, // TODO: still in codemeta 2.0, but removed from master
     "dateCreated": validateDate,
     "dateModified": validateDate,
     "datePublished": validateDate,
     "editor": validatePersons,
     "encoding": noValidation,
     "fileFormat": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "funder": validateActors, // TODO: may be other types
     "keywords": validateTexts,
     "license": validateCreativeWorks,
     "producer": validateActors,
     "provider": validateActors,
     "publisher": validateActors,
     "sponsor": validateActors,
     "version": validateNumberOrText,
     "isAccessibleForFree": validateBoolean,
+    "isSourceCodeOf": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "isPartOf": validateCreativeWorks,
     "hasPart": validateCreativeWorks,
     "position": noValidation,
     "identifier": noValidation, // TODO
     "description": validateText,
     "name": validateText,
     "sameAs": validateUrls,
     "url": validateUrls,
     "relatedLink": validateUrls,
+    "review": validateReview,
     "softwareSuggestions": noValidation, // TODO: validate SoftwareSourceCode
     "maintainer": validateActors,
     "contIntegration": validateUrls,
+    "continuousIntegration": validateUrls,
     "buildInstructions": validateUrls,
     "developmentStatus": validateText, // TODO: use only repostatus strings?
     "embargoDate": validateDate,
+    "embargoEndDate": validateDate,
     "funding": validateText,
     "issueTracker": validateUrls,
     "referencePublication": noValidation, // TODO?
     "readme": validateUrls,
 var creativeWorkFieldValidators = {
     "@id": validateUrl,
     "id": validateUrl,
     "author": validateActors,
     "citation": validateCreativeWorks, // TODO
     "contributor": validateActors,
     "copyrightHolder": validateActors,
     "copyrightYear": validateNumbers,
     "creator": validateActors, // TODO: still in codemeta 2.0, but removed from master
     "dateCreated": validateDate,
     "dateModified": validateDate,
     "datePublished": validateDate,
     "editor": validatePersons,
     "encoding": noValidation,
     "funder": validateActors, // TODO: may be other types
     "keywords": validateTexts,
     "license": validateCreativeWorks,
     "producer": validateActors,
     "provider": validateActors,
     "publisher": validateActors,
     "sponsor": validateActors,
     "version": validateNumberOrText,
     "isAccessibleForFree": validateBoolean,
     "isPartOf": validateCreativeWorks,
     "hasPart": validateCreativeWorks,
     "position": noValidation,
     "identifier": noValidation, // TODO
     "description": validateText,
     "name": validateText,
     "sameAs": validateUrls,
     "url": validateUrls,
+var roleFieldValidators = {
+    "roleName": validateText,
+    "startDate": validateDate,
+    "endDate": validateDate,
+    "schema:author": validateActor
 var personFieldValidators = {
     "@id": validateUrl,
     "id": validateUrl,
     "givenName": validateText,
     "familyName": validateText,
     "email": validateText,
     "affiliation": validateOrganizations,
     "identifier": validateUrls,
     "name": validateText,  // TODO: this is technically valid, but should be allowed here?
     "url": validateUrls,
 var organizationFieldValidators = {
     "@id": validateUrl,
     "id": validateUrl,
     "email": validateText,
     "identifier": validateUrls,
     "name": validateText,
     "address": validateText,
     "sponsor": validateActors,
     "funder": validateActors, // TODO: may be other types
     "isPartOf": validateOrganizations,
     "url": validateUrls,
     // TODO: add more?
+const reviewFieldValidators = {
+    "reviewAspect": validateText,
+    "reviewBody": validateText,
diff --git a/main.css b/main.css
index 6204b47..e4cfaab 100644
--- a/main.css
+++ b/main.css
@@ -1,82 +1,91 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2019  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 /* This file contains the main CSS to make the form/application usable,
  * without being especially pretty.
 #noscriptError {
     color: red;
 .person {
     display: inline-block;
+.role {
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    gap: 8px;
+    list-style-type: none;
+    padding: 0;
 #inputForm {
     max-width: 100%;
     display: flex;
     flex-wrap: wrap;
 /* A fieldset that contains only label/input pairs */
 .leafFieldset {
     flex: auto;
+    vertical-align: top;
 p input, p textarea {
     width: 100%;
     box-sizing: border-box;
 .dynamicFields {
     width: 100%;
 .dynamicFields .moveButtons {
     width: 100%;
     display: flex;
     justify-content: space-between;
 #license {
     /* License names are long */
     min-width: 20em;
 #funding {
     /* Funding names are long */
     min-width: 20em;
 input[type=URL] {
     /* URLs are longer than the other fields */
     min-width: 20em;
 .field-description {
     color : rgb(100, 104, 103);
     font-size: small;
 #codemetaText {
     width: 100%;
     min-height: 10em;
     border: 1px solid black;
 #errorMessage {
     color: red;
 input:invalid {
     color: red;
 .selected-license {
     margin: 2px;