diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 0ae9b8b..e451403 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1,359 +1,381 @@
 <!doctype html>
 Copyright (C) 2019-2020  The Software Heritage developers
 See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
 See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 <html lang="en">
     <meta charset="utf-8">
     <title>CodeMeta generator</title>
     <script src="./js/utils.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/fields_data.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/dynamic_form.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/codemeta_generation.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/validation/primitives.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/validation/things.js"></script>
     <script src="./js/validation/index.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./main.css">
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./codemeta.css">
     <h1>CodeMeta generator</h1>
     <p>Most fields are optional. Mandatory fields will be highlighted when generating Codemeta.</p>
+    <form id="inputForm">
+    <fieldset id="fieldsetSoftwareItself" class="leafFieldset">
+        <legend>Codemeta config</legend>
+        <p>
+            Version:
+            <select id="codemetaVersion">
+                <option value="2" selected>2</option>
+                <option value="3">3</option>
+            </select>
+        </p>
         <p id="noscriptError">
             This application requires Javascript to show dynamic fields in the form,
             and generate a JSON file; but your browser does not support Javascript.
             If you cannot use a browser with Javascript support, you can try
             <a href="https://codemeta.github.io/tools/">one of the other available tools</a>
             or write the codemeta.json file directly.
-    <form id="inputForm">
         <fieldset id="fieldsetSoftwareItself" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>The software itself</legend>
             <p title="The name of the software">
                 <label for="name">Name</label>
                 <input type="text" name="name" id="name" aria-describedby="name_descr"
                     placeholder="My Software" required="required" />
                 <span class="field-description" id="name_descr">the software title</span>
             <p title="a brief description of the software">
                 <label for="description">Description</label>
                 <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
                     name="description" id="description"
                     placeholder="My Software computes ephemerides and orbit propagation. It has been developed from early ´80." ></textarea>
             <p title="The date on which the software was created.">
                 <label for="dateCreated">Creation date</label>
                 <input type="text" name="dateCreated" id="dateCreated"
                     placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" pattern="\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}" />
             <p title="Date of first publication.">
                 <label for="datePublished">First release date</label>
                 <input type="text" name="datePublished" id="datePublished"
                     placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" pattern="\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}" />
                 <label for="license">License(s)</label>
                 <input list="licenses" name="license" id="license"
                     aria-describedby="licenses_descr"> <!-- TODO: insert placeholder -->
                 <datalist id="licenses">
                 <!-- This datalist is be filled automatically -->
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="licenses_descr">from <a href="https://spdx.org/license-list">SPDX licence list</a></span>
                 <div id="selected-licenses">
                     <!-- This div is to be filled as the user selects licenses -->
         <fieldset id="fieldsetDiscoverabilityAndCitation" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Discoverability and citation</legend>
             <p title="Unique identifier">
                 <label for="identifier">Unique identifier</label>
                 <input type="text" name="identifier" id="identifier"
                     placeholder="10.151.xxxxx" aria-describedby="identifier_descr" />
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="identifier_descr">
                     such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc..  <a href="http://schema.org/identifier">http://schema.org/identifier</a>
             <!-- TODO:define better
             I looked at the schema.org definition of identifier (https://schema.org/identifier),
             it can be text, url or PropertyValue.
             Used as follows in data representation with microdata:
             <div property="identifier" typeof="PropertyValue">
             <span property="propertyID">DOI</span>:
             <span property="value">10.151.xxxxx</span>
             we can use that with identifier-type and identifier-value to have a clearer idea
             of what needs to be in the input.
             <p title="Type of the software application">
                 <label for="applicationCategory">Application category</label>
                 <input type="text" name="applicationCategory" id="applicationCategory"
                     placeholder="Astronomy"  />
             <p title="Comma-separated list of keywords">
                 <label for="keywords">Keywords</label>
                 <input type="text" name="keywords" id="keywords"
                     placeholder="ephemerides, orbit, astronomy"  />
             <p title="Funding / grant">
                 <label for="funding">Funding</label>
                 <input type="text" name="funding" id="funding" aria-describedby="funding_descr"
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="funding_descr">grant funding software development</span>
             <p title="Funding / organization">
                 <label for="funder">Funder</label>
                 <input type="text" name="funder" id="funder" aria-describedby="funder_descr"
                     placeholder="Università di Pisa"/>
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="funder_descr">organization funding software development</span>
             Authors and contributors can be added below
         <fieldset id="fieldsetDevelopmentCommunity" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Development community / tools</legend>
             <p title="Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located (SVN, Git, GitHub, CodePlex, institutional GitLab instance, etc.).">
                 <label for="codeRepository">Code repository</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="codeRepository" id="codeRepository"
                     placeholder="git+https://github.com/You/RepoName.git" />
             <p title="Link to continuous integration service (Travis-CI, Gitlab CI, etc.).">
                 <label for="contIntegration">Continuous integration</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="contIntegration" id="contIntegration"
                     placeholder="https://travis-ci.org/You/RepoName" />
             <p title="Link to a place for users/developpers to report and manage bugs (JIRA, GitHub issues, etc.).">
                 <label for="issueTracker">Issue tracker</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="issueTracker" id="issueTracker"
                     placeholder="https://github.com/You/RepoName/issues" />
             <p title="Related document, software, tools">
                 <label for="relatedLink">Related links</label>
                 <br />
                 <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
                     name="relatedLink" id="relatedLink"></textarea>
         <fieldset id="fieldsetRuntime" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Run-time environment</legend>
             <p title="Programming Languages, separated by commas">
                 <label for="programmingLanguage">Programming Language</label>
                 <input type="text" name="programmingLanguage" id="programmingLanguage"
                     placeholder="C#, Java, Python 3"  />
             <p title="Runtime Platforms, separated by commas">
                 <label for="runtimePlatform">Runtime Platform</label>
                 <input type="text" name="runtimePlatform" id="runtimePlatform"
                     placeholder=".NET, JVM" />
             <p title="Operating Systems, separated by commas">
                 <label for="operatingSystem">Operating System</label>
                 <input type="text" name="operatingSystem" id="operatingSystem"
                     placeholder="Android 1.6, Linux, Windows, macOS" />
             <p title="Required software to run/use this one.">
                 <label for="softwareRequirements">Other software requirements</label>
                 <br />
                 <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
                     name="softwareRequirements" id="softwareRequirements"
 "Python 3.4
         <fieldset id="fieldsetCurrentVersion" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Current version of the software</legend>
             <p title="Version number of the software">
                 <label for="version">Version number</label>
                 <input type="text" name="version" id="version"
                     placeholder="1.0.0" />
             <p title="The date on which the software was most recently modified.">
                 <label for="dateModified">Release date</label>
                 <input type="text" name="dateModified" id="dateModified"
                     placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" pattern="\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}" />
             <p title="Download link">
                 <label for="downloadUrl">Download URL</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="downloadUrl" id="downloadUrl"
                     placeholder="https://example.org/MySoftware.tar.gz" />
             <p title="a brief description of the software">
                 <label for="releaseNotes">Release notes</label>
                 <br />
                 <textarea rows="4" cols="50"
                     name="releaseNotes" id="releaseNotes"
 "Change log: this and that;
 Bugfixes: that and this." ></textarea>
 <!--TODO: referencePublication as ScholarlyArticle array -->
+        <fieldset id="fieldsetSourceCode" class="leafFieldset">
+            <legend>Source code</legend>
+            <p title="Reference to the source code">
+                <label for="isSourceCodeOf">Is Source Code of</label>
+                <input type="URL" name="isSourceCodeOf" id="isSourceCodeOf"
+                    placeholder="https://codemeta.github.io" />
+            </p>
+        </fieldset>
         <fieldset id="fieldsetAdditionalInfo" class="leafFieldset">
             <legend>Additional Info</legend>
             <p title="Scholarly article describing this software">
                 <label for="referencePublication">Reference Publication</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="referencePublication" id="referencePublication"
                     placeholder="https://doi.org/10.1000/xyz123" />
             <p title="Development Status">
             <label for="developmentStatus">Development Status</label>
                 <datalist id="developmentStatuses">
                         <option value="concept">
                         <option value="wip">
                         <option value="suspended">
                         <option value="abandoned">
                         <option value="active">
                         <option value="inactive">
                         <option value="unsupported">
                         <option value="moved">
                 <input list="developmentStatuses" id="developmentStatus" aria-describedby="developmentStatuses_descr"
                 <br />
                 <span class="field-description" id="developmentStatuses_descr">
                     see <a href="http://www.repostatus.org">www.repostatus.org</a> for details
             <p title="Part of">
                 <label for="isPartOf">Is part of</label>
                 <input type="URL" name="isPartOf" id="isPartOf"
                     placeholder="http://The.Bigger.Framework.org"  />
         <div class="dynamicFields">
             <fieldset class="persons" id="author_container">
                 <input type="hidden" id="author_nb" value="0" />
                 <div id="addRemoveAuthor">
                     <input type="button" id="author_add" value="Add one"
                         onclick="addPerson('author', 'Author');" />
                     <input type="button" id="author_remove" value="Remove last"
                         onclick="removePerson('author');" />
             <fieldset class="persons" id="contributor_container">
                 <p>Order of contributors does not matter.</p>
                 <input type="hidden" id="contributor_nb" value="0" />
                 <div id="addRemoveContributor">
                     <input type="button" id="contributor_add" value="Add one"
                         onclick="addPerson('contributor', 'Contributor');" />
                     <input type="button" id="contributor_remove" value="Remove last"
                         onclick="removePerson('contributor');" />
         <input type="button" id="generateCodemeta" value="Generate codemeta.json"
             title="Creates a codemeta.json file below, from the information provided above." />
         <input type="button" id="resetForm" value="Reset form"
             title="Erases all fields." />
         <input type="button" id="validateCodemeta" value="Validate codemeta.json"
             title="Checks the codemeta.json file below is valid, and displays errors." />
         <input type="button" id="importCodemeta" value="Import codemeta.json"
             title="Fills the fields above based on the codemeta.json file below." />
     <p id="errorMessage">
     <pre contentEditable="true" id="codemetaText"></pre>
     <p style="text-align:center;">
         Do you want to improve this tool ?
         Check out the
         <a href="https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta-generator">
             CodeMeta-generator repository</a>
         <br />
         Join the
         <a href="https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta">CodeMeta community</a>
         <br />
         The CodeMeta vocabulary -
         <a href="https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0">v2.0</a>
     <h2 style="text-align:right;">Contributed by</h2>
     <p style="text-align:right;">
         <a href="https://www.softwareheritage.org/save-and-reference-research-software/">
             <img alt="Software Heritage" src="https://annex.softwareheritage.org/public/logo/software-heritage-logo-title-motto.svg"
diff --git a/js/codemeta_generation.js b/js/codemeta_generation.js
index 986e9a0..9d1804b 100644
--- a/js/codemeta_generation.js
+++ b/js/codemeta_generation.js
@@ -1,258 +1,314 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 "use strict";
 const SPDX_PREFIX = 'https://spdx.org/licenses/';
 function emptyToUndefined(v) {
     if (v == null || v == "")
         return undefined;
         return v;
 function getIfSet(query) {
     return emptyToUndefined(document.querySelector(query).value);
 function setIfDefined(query, value) {
     if (value !== undefined) {
         document.querySelector(query).value = value;
 function getLicenses() {
     let selectedLicenses = Array.from(document.getElementById("selected-licenses").children);
     return selectedLicenses.map(licenseDiv => SPDX_PREFIX + licenseDiv.children[0].innerText);
 // Names of codemeta properties with a matching HTML field name
-const directCodemetaFields = [
-    'codeRepository',
-    'contIntegration',
-    'dateCreated',
-    'datePublished',
-    'dateModified',
-    'downloadUrl',
-    'issueTracker',
-    'name',
-    'version',
-    'identifier',
-    'description',
-    'applicationCategory',
-    'releaseNotes',
-    'funding',
-    'developmentStatus',
-    'isPartOf',
-    'referencePublication'
+const directCodemetaFieldsV2 = {
+    'codeRepository': '#codeRepository',
+    'contIntegration': '#contIntegration',
+    'dateCreated': '#dateCreated',
+    'datePublished': '#datePublished',
+    'dateModified': '#dateModified',
+    'downloadUrl': '#downloadUrl',
+    'issueTracker': '#issueTracker',
+    'name': '#name',
+    'version': '#version',
+    'identifier': '#identifier',
+    'description': '#description',
+    'applicationCategory': '#applicationCategory',
+    'releaseNotes': '#releaseNotes',
+    'funding': '#funding',
+    'developmentStatus': '#funding',
+    'isPartOf': '#isPartOf',
+    'referencePublication': '#referencePublication'
+const directCodemetaFieldsV3 = {
+    ...directCodemetaFieldsV2,
+    // 'hasSourceCode': '#hasSourceCode', -> Generator is for SoftwareSource code not SoftwareApplication
+    'isSourceCodeOf': '#isSourceCodeOf',
+    'continuousIntegration': '#contIntegration',
+    // 'embargoEndDate': '#embargoDate' -> Not in use for v2. Not required for v3 either.
 const splittedCodemetaFields = [
     ['keywords', ','],
     ['programmingLanguage', ','],
     ['runtimePlatform', ','],
     ['operatingSystem', ','],
     ['softwareRequirements', '\n'],
     ['relatedLink', '\n'],
 // Names of codemeta properties with a matching HTML field name,
 // in a Person object
 const directPersonCodemetaFields = [
 function generateShortOrg(fieldName) {
     var affiliation = getIfSet(fieldName);
     if (affiliation !== undefined) {
         if (isUrl(affiliation)) {
             return {
                 "@type": "Organization",
                 "@id": affiliation,
         else {
             return {
                 "@type": "Organization",
                 "name": affiliation,
     else {
         return undefined;
 function generatePerson(idPrefix) {
     var doc = {
         "@type": "Person",
-        "@id": getIfSet(`#${idPrefix}_id`),
+        "@id": getIfSet(`#${idPrefix}_id`) || `_:${idPrefix}`,
     directPersonCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
         doc[item] = getIfSet(`#${idPrefix}_${item}`);
-    doc["affiliation"] = generateShortOrg(`#${idPrefix}_affiliation`)
+    doc["affiliation"] = generateShortOrg(`#${idPrefix}_affiliation`);
     return doc;
 function generatePersons(prefix) {
     var persons = [];
     var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix);
     for (let personId = 1; personId <= nbPersons; personId++) {
-        persons.push(generatePerson(`${prefix}_${personId}`));
+        const personIdPrefix = `${prefix}_${personId}`;
+        persons.push(generatePerson(personIdPrefix));
+        const roles = getIfSet(`#${personIdPrefix}_roles`);
+        if (roles) {
+            for (let role of roles.split(",")) {
+                const [roleName, startDate, endDate] = role.split(":");
+                persons.push({
+                    "@type": "Role",
+                    "roleName": roleName,
+                    "startDate": startDate,
+                    "endDate": endDate,
+                    "author": {
+                        "@id": getIfSet(`#${personIdPrefix}_id`) || `_:${personIdPrefix}`,
+                    }
+                });
+            }
+        }
     return persons;
 function generateCodemeta() {
     var inputForm = document.querySelector('#inputForm');
     var codemetaText, errorHTML;
     if (inputForm.checkValidity()) {
+        const isCodemetaV3 = inputForm.querySelector("#codemetaVersion").value === '3';
         var doc = {
-            "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0",
+            "@context": `https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-${isCodemetaV3 ? '3' : '2'}.0`,
             "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode",
         let licenses = getLicenses();
         if (licenses.length > 0) {
             doc["license"] = (licenses.length === 1) ? licenses[0] : licenses;
         // Generate most fields
-        directCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
-            doc[item] = getIfSet('#' + item)
-        });
+        const directFields = isCodemetaV3 ? directCodemetaFieldsV3 : directCodemetaFieldsV2;
+        for (const key in directFields) {
+            doc[key] = getIfSet(directFields[key]);
+        }
         doc["funder"] = generateShortOrg('#funder', doc["affiliation"]);
         // Generate simple fields parsed simply by splitting
         splittedCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
             const id = item[0];
             const separator = item[1];
             const value = getIfSet('#' + id);
             if (value !== undefined) {
                 doc[id] = value.split(separator).map(trimSpaces);
         // Generate dynamic fields
         var authors = generatePersons('author');
         if (authors.length > 0) {
             doc["author"] = authors;
         var contributors = generatePersons('contributor');
         if (contributors.length > 0) {
             doc["contributor"] = contributors;
         codemetaText = JSON.stringify(doc, null, 4);
         errorHTML = "";
     else {
         codemetaText = "";
         errorHTML = "invalid input (see error above)";
     document.querySelector('#codemetaText').innerText = codemetaText;
     // Run validator on the exported value, for extra validation.
     // If this finds a validation, it means there is a bug in our code (either
     // generation or validation), and the generation MUST NOT generate an
     // invalid codemeta file, regardless of user input.
     if (codemetaText && !validateDocument(JSON.parse(codemetaText))) {
         alert('Bug detected! The data you wrote is correct; but for some reason, it seems we generated an invalid codemeta.json. Please report this bug at https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta-generator/issues/new and copy-paste the generated codemeta.json file. Thanks!');
     if (codemetaText) {
         // For restoring the form state on page reload
         sessionStorage.setItem('codemetaText', codemetaText);
 // Imports a single field (name or @id) from an Organization.
 function importShortOrg(fieldName, doc) {
     if (doc !== undefined) {
         // Use @id if set, else use name
         setIfDefined(fieldName, doc["name"]);
         setIfDefined(fieldName, doc["@id"]);
 function importPersons(prefix, legend, docs) {
     if (docs === undefined) {
+    const roles = {};
+    for (const doc of docs) {
+        if (doc['@type'] === 'Role') {
+            let authorId = doc['author']['@id'];
+            authorId = isBlankNodeId(authorId) ? authorId.substring(2) : authorId;
+            if (!!authorId && roles[authorId] === undefined) {
+                roles[authorId] = [];
+            }
+            roles[authorId].push(`${doc['roleName']}:${doc['startDate']}:${doc['endDate']}`);
+        }
+    }
+    console.log('Roles are', roles);
     docs.forEach(function (doc, index) {
-        var personId = addPerson(prefix, legend);
+        if (doc['@type'] === 'Role') {
+            return;
+        }
-        setIfDefined(`#${prefix}_${personId}_id`, doc['@id']);
+        const personId = addPerson(prefix, legend);
+        const personDocId = isBlankNodeId(doc['@id']) ? '' : doc['@id'];
+        setIfDefined(`#${prefix}_${personId}_id`, personDocId);
         directPersonCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
             setIfDefined(`#${prefix}_${personId}_${item}`, doc[item]);
         importShortOrg(`#${prefix}_${personId}_affiliation`, doc['affiliation'])
+    for (const authorId in roles) {
+        setIfDefined(`#${authorId}_roles`, roles[authorId].join(', '));
+    }
 function importCodemeta() {
     var inputForm = document.querySelector('#inputForm');
     var doc = parseAndValidateCodemeta(false);
     if (doc['license'] !== undefined) {
         if (typeof doc['license'] === 'string') {
             doc['license'] = [doc['license']];
         doc['license'].forEach(l => {
             if (l.indexOf(SPDX_PREFIX) !== 0) { return; }
             let licenseId = l.substring(SPDX_PREFIX.length);
-    directCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
-        setIfDefined('#' + item, doc[item]);
-    });
+    const isCodemetaV3 = doc['@context'] === 'https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-3.0';
+    const directCodemetaField = (isCodemetaV3 ? directCodemetaFieldsV3 : directCodemetaFieldsV2);
+    for (const key in directCodemetaField) {
+        setIfDefined(directCodemetaField[key], doc[key]);
+    }
     importShortOrg('#funder', doc["funder"]);
     // Import simple fields by joining on their separator
     splittedCodemetaFields.forEach(function (item, index) {
         const id = item[0];
         const separator = item[1];
         let value = doc[id];
         if (value !== undefined) {
             if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                 value = value.join(separator);
             setIfDefined('#' + id, value);
     importPersons('author', 'Author', doc['author'])
     importPersons('contributor', 'Contributor', doc['contributor'])
 function loadStateFromStorage() {
     var codemetaText = sessionStorage.getItem('codemetaText')
     if (codemetaText) {
         document.querySelector('#codemetaText').innerText = codemetaText;
diff --git a/js/dynamic_form.js b/js/dynamic_form.js
index 5af7c46..9e6da59 100644
--- a/js/dynamic_form.js
+++ b/js/dynamic_form.js
@@ -1,188 +1,193 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2019  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 "use strict";
 // List of all HTML fields in a Person fieldset.
 const personFields = [
 function createPersonFieldset(personPrefix, legend) {
     // Creates a fieldset containing inputs for informations about a person
     var fieldset = document.createElement("fieldset")
     var moveButtons;
     fieldset.id = personPrefix;
     fieldset.innerHTML = `
         <div class="moveButtons">
             <input type="button" id="${personPrefix}_moveToLeft" value="<" class="moveToLeft"
                 title="Moves this person to the left." />
             <input type="button" id="${personPrefix}_moveToRight" value=">" class="moveToRight"
                 title="Moves this person to the right." />
             <label for="${personPrefix}_givenName">Given name</label>
             <input type="text" id="${personPrefix}_givenName" name="${personPrefix}_givenName"
                 placeholder="Jane" required="true" />
             <label for="${personPrefix}_familyName">Family name</label>
             <input type="text" id="${personPrefix}_familyName" name="${personPrefix}_familyName"
                 placeholder="Doe" />
             <label for="${personPrefix}_email">E-mail address</label>
             <input type="email" id="${personPrefix}_email" name="${personPrefix}_email"
                 placeholder="jane.doe@example.org" />
             <label for="${personPrefix}_id">URI</label>
             <input type="url" id="${personPrefix}_id" name="${personPrefix}_id"
                 placeholder="http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097" />
         <label for="${personPrefix}_affiliation">Affiliation</label>
             <input type="text" id="${personPrefix}_affiliation" name="${personPrefix}_affiliation"
                 placeholder="Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa" />
+        <p>
+        <label for="${personPrefix}_roles">Roles</label>
+            <input type="text" id="${personPrefix}_roles" name="${personPrefix}_roles"
+                placeholder="Coding:2022:2023, Documentation:2022:2023" />
+        </p>
     return fieldset;
 function addPersonWithId(container, prefix, legend, id) {
     var personPrefix = `${prefix}_${id}`;
     var fieldset = createPersonFieldset(personPrefix, `${legend} #${id}`);
         .addEventListener('click', () => movePerson(prefix, id, "left"));
         .addEventListener('click', () => movePerson(prefix, id, "right"));
 function movePerson(prefix, id1, direction) {
     var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix);
     var id2;
     // Computer id2, the id of the person to flip id1 with (wraps around the
     // end of the list of persons)
     if (direction == "left") {
         id2 = id1 - 1;
         if (id2 <= 0) {
             id2 = nbPersons;
     else {
         id2 = id1 + 1;
         if (id2 > nbPersons) {
             id2 = 1;
     // Flip the field values, one by one
     personFields.forEach((fieldName) => {
         var field1 = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_${id1}_${fieldName}`);
         var field2 = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_${id2}_${fieldName}`);
         var value1 = field1.value;
         var value2 = field2.value;
         field2.value = value1;
         field1.value = value2;
     // Form was changed; regenerate
 function addPerson(prefix, legend) {
     var container = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_container`);
     var personId = getNbPersons(prefix) + 1;
     addPersonWithId(container, prefix, legend, personId);
     setNbPersons(prefix, personId);
     return personId;
 function removePerson(prefix) {
     var personId = getNbPersons(prefix);
     setNbPersons(prefix, personId - 1);
 // Initialize a group of persons (authors, contributors) on page load.
 // Useful if the page is reloaded.
 function initPersons(prefix, legend) {
     var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix);
     var personContainer = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_container`)
     for (let personId = 1; personId <= nbPersons; personId++) {
         addPersonWithId(personContainer, prefix, legend, personId);
 function removePersons(prefix) {
     var nbPersons = getNbPersons(prefix);
     var personContainer = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_container`)
     for (let personId = 1; personId <= nbPersons; personId++) {
 function resetForm() {
     // Reset the list of selected licenses
     document.getElementById("selected-licenses").innerHTML = '';
     // Reset the form after deleting elements, so nbPersons doesn't get
     // reset before it's read.
 function fieldToLower(event) {
     event.target.value = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
 function initCallbacks() {
         .addEventListener('change', validateLicense);
         .addEventListener('click', generateCodemeta);
         .addEventListener('click', resetForm);
         .addEventListener('click', () => parseAndValidateCodemeta(true));
         .addEventListener('click', importCodemeta);
         .addEventListener('change', generateCodemeta);
         .addEventListener('change', fieldToLower);
     initPersons('author', 'Author');
     initPersons('contributor', 'Contributor');
diff --git a/js/utils.js b/js/utils.js
index 8d203cb..cefd605 100644
--- a/js/utils.js
+++ b/js/utils.js
@@ -1,36 +1,40 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2019  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 "use strict";
 function getNbPersons(prefix) {
     var nbField = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_nb`);
     return parseInt(nbField.value, 10);
 function setNbPersons(prefix, nb) {
     var nbField = document.querySelector(`#${prefix}_nb`);
     nbField.value = nb;
 function setError(msg) {
     document.querySelector("#errorMessage").innerHTML = msg;
 function trimSpaces(s) {
     return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
 // From https://stackoverflow.com/a/43467144
 function isUrl(s) {
     try {
         new URL(s);
         return true;
     } catch (e) {
         return false;
+function isBlankNodeId(s) {
+    return s.startsWith("_:");
diff --git a/js/validation/index.js b/js/validation/index.js
index 546fab0..d1bc848 100644
--- a/js/validation/index.js
+++ b/js/validation/index.js
@@ -1,104 +1,105 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Reads a Codemeta file and shows human-friendly errors on it.
  * This validator intentionaly does not use a schema, in order to show errors
  * that are easy to understand for users with no understanding of JSON-LD.
 function validateDocument(doc) {
     if (!Array.isArray(doc) && typeof doc != 'object') {
         setError("Document must be an object (starting and ending with { and }), not ${typeof doc}.")
         return false;
     // TODO: validate id/@id
     context = doc["@context"];
-    if (context == "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0") {
+    const isCodemetaV3 = context === "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-3.0";
+    if (context === "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0" || context === "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-3.0") {
         // Correct
     else if (Array.isArray(context) && context.includes("https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0")) {
         if (context.length !== 1) {
             setError(`Multiple values in @context are not supported (@context should be "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0", not ${JSON.stringify(context)})`);
             return false;
     else {
         setError(`@context must be "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0", not ${JSON.stringify(context)}`);
         return false;
     // TODO: check there is either type or @type but not both
     var type = getDocumentType(doc);
     if (type === undefined) {
         setError("Missing type (must be SoftwareSourceCode or SoftwareApplication).")
         return false;
     else if (!isCompactTypeEqual(type, "SoftwareSourceCode") && !isCompactTypeEqual(type, "SoftwareApplication")) {
         // Check this before other fields, as a wrong type error is more
         // understandable than "invalid field".
         setError(`Wrong document type: must be "SoftwareSourceCode"/"SoftwareApplication", not ${JSON.stringify(type)}`)
         return false;
     else {
         return Object.entries(doc).every((entry) => {
             var fieldName = entry[0];
             var subdoc = entry[1];
             if (fieldName == "@context") {
                 // Was checked before
                 return true;
             else if (fieldName == "type" || fieldName == "@type") {
                 // Was checked before
                 return true;
             else {
-                var validator = softwareFieldValidators[fieldName];
+                var validator = (isCodemetaV3 ? softwareFieldValidatorsV3: softwareFieldValidatorsV2)[fieldName];
                 if (validator === undefined) {
                     // TODO: find if it's a field that belongs to another type,
                     // and suggest that to the user
                     setError(`Unknown field "${fieldName}".`)
                     return false;
                 else {
                     return validator(fieldName, subdoc);
 function parseAndValidateCodemeta(showPopup) {
     var codemetaText = document.querySelector('#codemetaText').innerText;
     var doc;
     try {
         doc = JSON.parse(codemetaText);
     catch (e) {
         setError(`Could not read codemeta document because it is not valid JSON (${e}). Check for missing or extra quote, colon, or bracket characters.`);
     var isValid = validateDocument(doc);
     if (showPopup) {
         if (isValid) {
             alert('Document is valid!')
         else {
             alert('Document is invalid.');
     return doc;
diff --git a/js/validation/primitives.js b/js/validation/primitives.js
index 2dc1cd0..52ea404 100644
--- a/js/validation/primitives.js
+++ b/js/validation/primitives.js
@@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Validators for native schema.org data types.
 // Validates an URL or an array of URLs
 function validateUrls(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         if (typeof subdoc != 'string') {
             if (inList) {
                 setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a list of URLs (or a single URL), but it contains: ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
             else {
                 setError(`"${fieldName}" must be an URL (or a list of URLs), not: ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
             return false;
         else {
             return validateUrl(fieldName, subdoc);
 // Validates a single URL
 function validateUrl(fieldName, doc) {
-    if (!isUrl(doc)) {
+    if (!isBlankNodeId(doc) && !isUrl(doc)) {
         setError(`Invalid URL in field "${fieldName}": ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`)
         return false;
     else {
         return true;
 // Validates a Text/URL or an array of Texts/URLs
 function validateTextsOrUrls(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         if (typeof subdoc != 'string') {
             if (inList) {
                 setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a list of texts/URLs (or a single text/URL), but it contains: ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
             else {
                 setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a text/URL (or a list of texts/URLs), not: ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
             return false;
         else {
             return true;
 // Validates a Text or an array of Texts
 function validateTexts(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         if (typeof subdoc != 'string') {
             if (inList) {
                 setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a list of texts (or a single text), but it contains: ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
             else {
                 setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a text (or a list of texts), not: ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
             return false;
         else {
             return true;
 // Validates a single Text
 function validateText(fieldName, doc) {
     if (typeof doc != 'string') {
         setError(`"${fieldName}" must be text, not ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`);
         return false;
     else {
         return true;
 // Validates a Number or list of Number
 function validateNumbers(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         if (typeof subdoc != 'number') {
             if (inList) {
                 setError(`"${fieldName}" must be an array of numbers (or a single number), but contains: ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
             else {
                 setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a number or an array of numbers, not: ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
             return false;
         else {
             return true;
 // Validates a single Text or Number
 function validateNumberOrText(fieldName, doc) {
     if (typeof doc == 'string') {
         return true;
     else if (typeof doc == 'number') {
         return true;
     else {
         setError(`"${fieldName}" must be text or a number, not ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`);
         return false;
 // Validates a single Boolean
 function validateBoolean(fieldName, doc) {
     if (typeof doc != 'boolean') {
         setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a boolean (ie. "true" or "false"), not ${JSON.stringify(subdoc)}`);
         return false;
     else {
         return true;
 // Validates a single Date
 function validateDate(fieldName, doc) {
     let re = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/;
     if (typeof doc != 'string') {
         setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a date, not ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`);
         return false;
     else if (!doc.match(re)) {
         setError(`"${fieldName}" must be a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, not ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`);
         return false;
     else {
         return true;
diff --git a/js/validation/things.js b/js/validation/things.js
index 496cd01..ff8640a 100644
--- a/js/validation/things.js
+++ b/js/validation/things.js
@@ -1,309 +1,320 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2020-2021  The Software Heritage developers
  * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
  * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
  * See top-level LICENSE file for more information
  * Validators for codemeta objects derived from http://schema.org/Thing.
 function getDocumentType(doc) {
     // TODO: check there is at most one.
     // FIXME: is the last variant allowed?
     return doc["type"] || doc["@type"] || doc["codemeta:type"]
 function isCompactTypeEqual(type, compactedType) {
     // FIXME: are all variants allowed?
     return (type == `${compactedType}`
         || type == `schema:${compactedType}`
         || type == `codemeta:${compactedType}`
         || type == `http://schema.org/${compactedType}`
 function noValidation(fieldName, doc) {
     return true;
 // Validates subtypes of Thing, or URIs
 // typeFieldValidators is a map: {type => {fieldName => fieldValidator}}
 function validateThingOrId(parentFieldName, typeFieldValidators, doc) {
     var acceptedTypesString = Object.keys(typeFieldValidators).join('/');
     if (typeof doc == 'string') {
         if (!isUrl(doc)) {
             setError(`"${parentFieldName}" must be an URL or a ${acceptedTypesString} object, not: ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`);
             return false;
         else {
             return true;
     else if (!Array.isArray(doc) && typeof doc == 'object') {
         return validateThing(parentFieldName, typeFieldValidators, doc);
     else {
         setError(`"${parentFieldName}" must be a ${acceptedTypesString} object or URI, not ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`);
         return false;
 // Validates subtypes of Thing
 // typeFieldValidators is a map: {type => {fieldName => fieldValidator}}
 function validateThing(parentFieldName, typeFieldValidators, doc) {
     // TODO: check there is either id or @id but not both
     // TODO: check there is either type or @type but not both
     var acceptedTypesString = Object.keys(typeFieldValidators).join('/');
     var documentType = getDocumentType(doc);
     var id = doc["id"] || doc["@id"];
-    if (id !== undefined && !isUrl(id)) {
+    if (id !== undefined && !isBlankNodeId("_:") && !isUrl(id)) {
         setError(`"${fieldName}" has an invalid URI as id: ${JSON.stringify(id)}"`);
         return false;
     if (documentType === undefined) {
         if (id === undefined) {
             setError(`"${parentFieldName}" must be a (list of) ${acceptedTypesString} object(s) or an URI, but is missing a type/@type.`);
             return false;
         else {
             // FIXME: we have an @id but no @type, what should we do?
             return true;
     for (expectedType in typeFieldValidators) {
         if (isCompactTypeEqual(documentType, expectedType)) {
             var fieldValidators = typeFieldValidators[expectedType];
             return Object.entries(doc).every((entry) => {
                 var fieldName = entry[0];
                 var subdoc = entry[1];
                 if (fieldName == "type" || fieldName == "@type") {
                     // Was checked before
                     return true;
                 else {
                     var validator = fieldValidators[fieldName];
                     if (validator === undefined) {
                         // TODO: find if it's a field that belongs to another type,
                         // and suggest that to the user
                         setError(`Unknown field "${fieldName}" in "${parentFieldName}".`)
                         return false;
                     else {
                         return validator(fieldName, subdoc);
     setError(`"${parentFieldName}" type must be a (list of) ${acceptedTypesString} object(s), not ${JSON.stringify(documentType)}`);
     return false;
 // Helper function to validate a field is either X or a list of X.
 function validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, validator) {
     if (Array.isArray(doc)) {
         return doc.every((subdoc) => validator(subdoc, true));
     else {
         return validator(doc, false);
 // Validates a CreativeWork or an array of CreativeWork
 function validateCreativeWorks(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         return validateCreativeWork(fieldName, subdoc);
 // Validates a single CreativeWork
 function validateCreativeWork(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {
         "CreativeWork": creativeWorkFieldValidators,
-        "SoftwareSourceCode": softwareFieldValidators,
-        "SoftwareApplication": softwareFieldValidators,
+        "SoftwareSourceCode": softwareFieldValidatorsV2,
+        "SoftwareApplication": softwareFieldValidatorsV2,
     }, doc);
 // Validates a Person, Organization or an array of these
 function validateActors(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         return validateActor(fieldName, subdoc);
+// Validates an author or contributor
+function validateAuthorOrContributor(fieldName, doc) {
+    // TODO: Allow parsing Role?
+    return validateActors(fieldName, doc);
 // Validates a Person or an array of Person
 function validatePersons(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         return validatePerson(fieldName, subdoc);
 // Validates an Organization or an array of Organization
 function validateOrganizations(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateListOrSingle(fieldName, doc, (subdoc, inList) => {
         return validateOrganization(fieldName, subdoc);
 // Validates a single Person or Organization
 function validateActor(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {
         "Person": personFieldValidators,
         "Organization": organizationFieldValidators,
     }, doc);
 // Validates a single Person object
 function validatePerson(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {"Person": personFieldValidators}, doc);
 // Validates a single Organization object
 function validateOrganization(fieldName, doc) {
     return validateThingOrId(fieldName, {"Organization": organizationFieldValidators}, doc);
-var softwareFieldValidators = {
+var softwareFieldValidatorsV2 = {
     "@id": validateUrl,
     "id": validateUrl,
     "codeRepository": validateUrls,
     "programmingLanguage": noValidation,
     "runtimePlatform": validateTexts,
     "targetProduct": noValidation, // TODO: validate SoftwareApplication
     "applicationCategory": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "applicationSubCategory": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "downloadUrl": validateUrls,
     "fileSize": validateText,  // TODO
     "installUrl": validateUrls,
     "memoryRequirements": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "operatingSystem": validateTexts,
     "permissions": validateTexts,
     "processorRequirements": validateTexts,
     "releaseNotes": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "softwareHelp": validateCreativeWorks,
     "softwareRequirements": noValidation, // TODO: validate SoftwareSourceCode
     "softwareVersion": validateText, // TODO?
     "storageRequirements": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "supportingData": noValidation, // TODO
     "author": validateActors,
     "citation": validateCreativeWorks, // TODO
     "contributor": validateActors,
     "copyrightHolder": validateActors,
     "copyrightYear": validateNumbers,
     "creator": validateActors, // TODO: still in codemeta 2.0, but removed from master
     "dateCreated": validateDate,
     "dateModified": validateDate,
     "datePublished": validateDate,
     "editor": validatePersons,
     "encoding": noValidation,
     "fileFormat": validateTextsOrUrls,
     "funder": validateActors, // TODO: may be other types
     "keywords": validateTexts,
     "license": validateCreativeWorks,
     "producer": validateActors,
     "provider": validateActors,
     "publisher": validateActors,
     "sponsor": validateActors,
     "version": validateNumberOrText,
     "isAccessibleForFree": validateBoolean,
     "isPartOf": validateCreativeWorks,
     "hasPart": validateCreativeWorks,
     "position": noValidation,
     "identifier": noValidation, // TODO
     "description": validateText,
     "name": validateText,
     "sameAs": validateUrls,
     "url": validateUrls,
     "relatedLink": validateUrls,
     "softwareSuggestions": noValidation, // TODO: validate SoftwareSourceCode
     "maintainer": validateActors,
     "contIntegration": validateUrls,
     "buildInstructions": validateUrls,
     "developmentStatus": validateText, // TODO: use only repostatus strings?
     "embargoDate": validateDate,
     "funding": validateText,
     "issueTracker": validateUrls,
     "referencePublication": noValidation, // TODO?
     "readme": validateUrls,
+var softwareFieldValidatorsV3 = {
+    ...softwareFieldValidatorsV2,
+    "isSourceCodeOf": validateUrls,
 var creativeWorkFieldValidators = {
     "@id": validateUrl,
     "id": validateUrl,
     "author": validateActors,
     "citation": validateCreativeWorks, // TODO
     "contributor": validateActors,
     "copyrightHolder": validateActors,
     "copyrightYear": validateNumbers,
     "creator": validateActors, // TODO: still in codemeta 2.0, but removed from master
     "dateCreated": validateDate,
     "dateModified": validateDate,
     "datePublished": validateDate,
     "editor": validatePersons,
     "encoding": noValidation,
     "funder": validateActors, // TODO: may be other types
     "keywords": validateTexts,
     "license": validateCreativeWorks,
     "producer": validateActors,
     "provider": validateActors,
     "publisher": validateActors,
     "sponsor": validateActors,
     "version": validateNumberOrText,
     "isAccessibleForFree": validateBoolean,
     "isPartOf": validateCreativeWorks,
     "hasPart": validateCreativeWorks,
     "position": noValidation,
     "identifier": noValidation, // TODO
     "description": validateText,
     "name": validateText,
     "sameAs": validateUrls,
     "url": validateUrls,
 var personFieldValidators = {
     "@id": validateUrl,
     "id": validateUrl,
     "givenName": validateText,
     "familyName": validateText,
     "email": validateText,
     "affiliation": validateOrganizations,
     "identifier": validateUrls,
     "name": validateText,  // TODO: this is technically valid, but should be allowed here?
     "url": validateUrls,
 var organizationFieldValidators = {
     "@id": validateUrl,
     "id": validateUrl,
     "email": validateText,
     "identifier": validateUrls,
     "name": validateText,
     "address": validateText,
     "sponsor": validateActors,
     "funder": validateActors, // TODO: may be other types
     "isPartOf": validateOrganizations,
     "url": validateUrls,
     // TODO: add more?