diff --git a/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js b/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js index a21d27ce..24745cb3 100644 --- a/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js +++ b/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js @@ -1,451 +1,447 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ -import {handleFetchError, csrfPost, isGitRepoUrl, htmlAlert, removeUrlFragment} from 'utils/functions'; +import {handleFetchError, isGitRepoUrl, htmlAlert, removeUrlFragment} from 'utils/functions'; import {swhSpinnerSrc} from 'utils/constants'; let saveRequestsTable; function originSaveRequest(originType, originUrl, acceptedCallback, pendingCallback, errorCallback) { - let addSaveOriginRequestUrl = Urls.origin_save_request(originType, originUrl); - let headers = { - 'Accept': 'application/json', - 'Content-Type': 'application/json' - }; + let addSaveOriginRequestUrl = Urls.api_1_save_origin(originType, originUrl); $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'block'); - csrfPost(addSaveOriginRequestUrl, headers) + fetch(addSaveOriginRequestUrl, {method: 'POST'}) .then(handleFetchError) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'none'); if (data.save_request_status === 'accepted') { acceptedCallback(); } else { pendingCallback(); } }) .catch(response => { $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'none'); response.json().then(errorData => { errorCallback(response.status, errorData); }); }); } export function initOriginSave() { $(document).ready(() => { $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'none'; fetch(Urls.origin_save_types_list()) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { for (let originType of data) { $('#swh-input-visit-type').append(``); } }); saveRequestsTable = $('#swh-origin-save-requests') .on('error.dt', (e, settings, techNote, message) => { $('#swh-origin-save-request-list-error').text('An error occurred while retrieving the save requests list'); console.log(message); }) .DataTable({ serverSide: true, processing: true, language: { processing: `` }, ajax: Urls.origin_save_requests_list('all'), searchDelay: 1000, columns: [ { data: 'save_request_date', name: 'request_date', render: (data, type, row) => { if (type === 'display') { let date = new Date(data); return date.toLocaleString(); } return data; } }, { data: 'visit_type', name: 'visit_type' }, { data: 'origin_url', name: 'origin_url', render: (data, type, row) => { if (type === 'display') { let html = ''; const sanitizedURL = $.fn.dataTable.render.text().display(data); if (row.save_task_status === 'succeeded') { let browseOriginUrl = `${Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${encodeURIComponent(sanitizedURL)}`; if (row.visit_date) { browseOriginUrl += `&timestamp=${encodeURIComponent(row.visit_date)}`; } html += `${sanitizedURL}`; } else { html += sanitizedURL; } html += ` `; return html; } return data; } }, { data: 'save_request_status', name: 'status' }, { data: 'save_task_status', name: 'loading_task_status' }, { name: 'info', render: (data, type, row) => { if (row.save_task_status === 'succeeded' || row.save_task_status === 'failed') { return ``; } else { return ''; } } }, { render: (data, type, row) => { if (row.save_request_status === 'accepted') { const saveAgainButton = ''; return saveAgainButton; } else { return ''; } } } ], scrollY: '50vh', scrollCollapse: true, order: [[0, 'desc']], responsive: { details: { type: 'none' } } }); swh.webapp.addJumpToPagePopoverToDataTable(saveRequestsTable); $('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').on('shown.bs.tab', () => { saveRequestsTable.draw(); window.location.hash = '#requests'; }); $('#swh-origin-save-request-help-tab').on('shown.bs.tab', () => { removeUrlFragment(); $('.swh-save-request-info').popover('dispose'); }); let saveRequestAcceptedAlert = htmlAlert( 'success', 'The "save code now" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', true ); let saveRequestPendingAlert = htmlAlert( 'warning', 'The "save code now" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', true ); let saveRequestRateLimitedAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'The rate limit for "save code now" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', true ); let saveRequestUnknownErrorAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request".', true ); $('#swh-save-origin-form').submit(event => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $('.alert').alert('close'); if (event.target.checkValidity()) { $(event.target).removeClass('was-validated'); let originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); let originUrl = $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(); originSaveRequest(originType, originUrl, () => $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestAcceptedAlert), () => $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestPendingAlert), (statusCode, errorData) => { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').css('color', 'red'); if (statusCode === 403) { const errorAlert = htmlAlert('danger', `Error: ${errorData['detail']}`); $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(errorAlert); } else if (statusCode === 429) { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestRateLimitedAlert); } else { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestUnknownErrorAlert); } }); } else { $(event.target).addClass('was-validated'); } }); $('#swh-show-origin-save-requests-list').on('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); $('.nav-tabs a[href="#swh-origin-save-requests-list"]').tab('show'); }); $('#swh-input-origin-url').on('input', function(event) { let originUrl = $(this).val().trim(); $(this).val(originUrl); $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { let val = $(this).val(); if (val && originUrl.includes(val)) { $(this).prop('selected', true); } }); }); if (window.location.hash === '#requests') { $('.nav-tabs a[href="#swh-origin-save-requests-list"]').tab('show'); } }); } export function validateSaveOriginUrl(input) { let originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); let originUrl = null; let validUrl = true; try { originUrl = new URL(input.value.trim()); } catch (TypeError) { validUrl = false; } if (validUrl) { let allowedProtocols = ['http:', 'https:', 'svn:', 'git:']; validUrl = ( allowedProtocols.find(protocol => protocol === originUrl.protocol) !== undefined ); } if (validUrl && originType === 'git') { // additional checks for well known code hosting providers switch (originUrl.hostname) { case 'github.com': validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl); break; case 'git.code.sf.net': validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl, '/p/'); break; case 'bitbucket.org': validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl); break; default: if (originUrl.hostname.startsWith('gitlab.')) { validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl); } break; } } if (validUrl) { input.setCustomValidity(''); } else { input.setCustomValidity('The origin url is not valid or does not reference a code repository'); } } export function initTakeNewSnapshot() { let newSnapshotRequestAcceptedAlert = htmlAlert( 'success', 'The "take new snapshot" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', true ); let newSnapshotRequestPendingAlert = htmlAlert( 'warning', 'The "take new snapshot" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', true ); let newSnapshotRequestRateLimitAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'The rate limit for "take new snapshot" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', true ); let newSnapshotRequestUnknownErrorAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request".', true ); $(document).ready(() => { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-form').submit(event => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); let originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); let originUrl = $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(); originSaveRequest(originType, originUrl, () => $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestAcceptedAlert), () => $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestPendingAlert), (statusCode, errorData) => { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').css('color', 'red'); if (statusCode === 403) { const errorAlert = htmlAlert('danger', `Error: ${errorData['detail']}`, true); $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(errorAlert); } else if (statusCode === 429) { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestRateLimitAlert); } else { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestUnknownErrorAlert); } }); }); }); } export function formatValuePerType(type, value) { // Given some typed value, format and return accordingly formatted value const mapFormatPerTypeFn = { 'json': (v) => JSON.stringify(v, null, 2), 'date': (v) => new Date(v).toLocaleString(), 'raw': (v) => v, 'duration': (v) => v + ' seconds' }; return value === null ? null : mapFormatPerTypeFn[type](value); } export function displaySaveRequestInfo(event, saveRequestId) { event.stopPropagation(); const saveRequestTaskInfoUrl = Urls.origin_save_task_info(saveRequestId); // close popover when clicking again on the info icon if ($(event.target).data('bs.popover')) { $(event.target).popover('dispose'); return; } $('.swh-save-request-info').popover('dispose'); $(event.target).popover({ animation: false, boundary: 'viewport', container: 'body', title: 'Save request task information ' + '`, content: `

Fetching task information ...

`, html: true, placement: 'left', sanitizeFn: swh.webapp.filterXSS }); $(event.target).on('shown.bs.popover', function() { const popoverId = $(this).attr('aria-describedby'); $(`#${popoverId} .mdi-close`).click(() => { $(this).popover('dispose'); }); }); $(event.target).popover('show'); fetch(saveRequestTaskInfoUrl) .then(response => response.json()) .then(saveRequestTaskInfo => { let content; if ($.isEmptyObject(saveRequestTaskInfo)) { content = 'Not available'; } else { let saveRequestInfo = []; const taskData = { 'Type': ['raw', 'type'], 'Visit status': ['raw', 'visit_status'], 'Arguments': ['json', 'arguments'], 'Id': ['raw', 'id'], 'Backend id': ['raw', 'backend_id'], 'Scheduling date': ['date', 'scheduled'], 'Start date': ['date', 'started'], 'Completion date': ['date', 'ended'], 'Duration': ['duration', 'duration'], 'Runner': ['raw', 'worker'], 'Log': ['raw', 'message'] }; for (const [title, [type, property]] of Object.entries(taskData)) { if (saveRequestTaskInfo.hasOwnProperty(property)) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: title, value: formatValuePerType(type, saveRequestTaskInfo[property]) }); } } content = ''; for (let info of saveRequestInfo) { content += ``; } content += '
'; } $('.swh-popover').html(content); $(event.target).popover('update'); }); } export function fillSaveRequestFormAndScroll(visitType, originUrl) { $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(originUrl); let originTypeFound = false; $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { let val = $(this).val(); if (val && originUrl.includes(val)) { $(this).prop('selected', true); originTypeFound = true; } }); if (!originTypeFound) { $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { let val = $(this).val(); if (val === visitType) { $(this).prop('selected', true); } }); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); } diff --git a/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js b/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js index 3dfce084..47299a1d 100644 --- a/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js +++ b/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js @@ -1,387 +1,387 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ let url; let origin; const $ = Cypress.$; const saveCodeMsg = { 'success': 'The "save code now" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', 'warning': 'The "save code now" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', 'rejected': 'The "save code now" request has been rejected because the provided origin url is blacklisted.', 'rateLimit': 'The rate limit for "save code now" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', 'unknownError': 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request', 'csrfError': 'CSRF Failed: Referrer checking failed - no Referrer.' }; function makeOriginSaveRequest(originType, originUrl) { cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .type(originUrl) .get('#swh-input-visit-type') .select(originType) .get('#swh-save-origin-form') .submit(); } function checkAlertVisible(alertType, msg) { cy.get('#swh-origin-save-request-status') .should('be.visible') .find(`.alert-${alertType}`) .should('be.visible') .and('contain', msg); } // Stub requests to save an origin function stubSaveRequest({ requestUrl, visitType = 'git', saveRequestStatus, originUrl, saveTaskStatus, responseStatus = 200, errorMessage = '', saveRequestDate = new Date(), visitDate = new Date(), visitStatus = null } = {}) { let response; if (responseStatus !== 200 && errorMessage) { response = { 'detail': errorMessage }; } else { response = genOriginSaveResponse({visitType: visitType, saveRequestStatus: saveRequestStatus, originUrl: originUrl, saveRequestDate: saveRequestDate, saveTaskStatus: saveTaskStatus, visitDate: visitDate, visitStatus: visitStatus }); } cy.intercept('POST', requestUrl, {body: response, statusCode: responseStatus}) .as('saveRequest'); } // Mocks API response : /save/(:visit_type)/(:origin_url) // visit_type : {'git', 'hg', 'svn'} function genOriginSaveResponse({ visitType = 'git', saveRequestStatus, originUrl, saveRequestDate = new Date(), saveTaskStatus, visitDate = new Date(), visitStatus } = {}) { return { 'visit_type': visitType, 'save_request_status': saveRequestStatus, 'origin_url': originUrl, 'id': 1, 'save_request_date': saveRequestDate ? saveRequestDate.toISOString() : null, 'save_task_status': saveTaskStatus, 'visit_date': visitDate ? visitDate.toISOString() : null, 'visit_status': visitStatus }; }; describe('Origin Save Tests', function() { before(function() { url = this.Urls.origin_save(); origin = this.origin[0]; - this.originSaveUrl = this.Urls.origin_save_request(origin.type, origin.url); + this.originSaveUrl = this.Urls.api_1_save_origin(origin.type, origin.url); }); beforeEach(function() { cy.fixture('origin-save').as('originSaveJSON'); cy.fixture('save-task-info').as('saveTaskInfoJSON'); cy.visit(url); }); it('should format appropriately values depending on their type', function() { let inputValues = [ // null values stay null {type: 'json', value: null, expectedValue: null}, {type: 'date', value: null, expectedValue: null}, {type: 'raw', value: null, expectedValue: null}, {type: 'duration', value: null, expectedValue: null}, // non null values formatted depending on their type {type: 'json', value: '{}', expectedValue: '"{}"'}, {type: 'date', value: '04/04/2021 01:00:00', expectedValue: '4/4/2021, 1:00:00 AM'}, {type: 'raw', value: 'value-for-identity', expectedValue: 'value-for-identity'}, {type: 'duration', value: '10', expectedValue: '10 seconds'}, {type: 'duration', value: 100, expectedValue: '100 seconds'} ]; cy.window().then(win => { inputValues.forEach(function(input, index, array) { let actualValue = win.swh.save.formatValuePerType(input.type, input.value); assert.equal(actualValue, input.expectedValue); }); }); }); it('should display accepted message when accepted', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should validate gitlab subproject url', function() { const gitlabSubProjectUrl = 'https://gitlab.com/user/project/sub/'; - const originSaveUrl = this.Urls.origin_save_request('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); + const originSaveUrl = this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originurl: gitlabSubProjectUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); makeOriginSaveRequest('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should validate project url with _ in username', function() { const gitlabSubProjectUrl = 'https://gitlab.com/user_name/project.git'; - const originSaveUrl = this.Urls.origin_save_request('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); + const originSaveUrl = this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originurl: gitlabSubProjectUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); makeOriginSaveRequest('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should display warning message when pending', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'pending', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created'}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('warning', saveCodeMsg['warning']); }); }); it('should show error when csrf validation failed (status: 403)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'rejected', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created', responseStatus: 403, errorMessage: saveCodeMsg['csrfError']}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['csrfError']); }); }); it('should show error when origin is rejected (status: 403)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'rejected', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created', responseStatus: 403, errorMessage: saveCodeMsg['rejected']}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['rejected']); }); }); it('should show error when rate limited (status: 429)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'Request was throttled. Expected available in 60 seconds.', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created', responseStatus: 429}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['rateLimit']); }); }); it('should show error when unknown error occurs (status other than 200, 403, 429)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'Error', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created', responseStatus: 406}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['unknownError']); }); }); it('should display origin save info in the requests table', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { let i = 0; for (let row of rows) { const cells = row.cells; const requestDateStr = new Date(this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_request_date).toLocaleString(); const saveStatus = this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_task_status; assert.equal($(cells[0]).text(), requestDateStr); assert.equal($(cells[1]).text(), this.originSaveJSON.data[i].visit_type); let html = ''; if (saveStatus === 'succeeded') { let browseOriginUrl = `${this.Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${encodeURIComponent(this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url)}`; browseOriginUrl += `&timestamp=${encodeURIComponent(this.originSaveJSON.data[i].visit_date)}`; html += `${this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url}`; } else { html += this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url; } html += ` `; html += ''; assert.equal($(cells[2]).html(), html); assert.equal($(cells[3]).text(), this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_request_status); assert.equal($(cells[4]).text(), saveStatus); ++i; } }); }); it('should not add timestamp to the browse origin URL is no visit date has been found', function() { const originUrl = 'https://git.example.org/example.git'; const saveRequestData = genOriginSaveResponse({ saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: originUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'succeeded', visitDate: null, visitStatus: 'full' }); const saveRequestsListData = { 'recordsTotal': 1, 'draw': 2, 'recordsFiltered': 1, 'data': [saveRequestData] }; cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {body: saveRequestsListData}) .as('saveRequestsList'); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.wait('@saveRequestsList'); cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { const firstRowCells = rows[0].cells; const browseOriginUrl = `${this.Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${encodeURIComponent(originUrl)}`; const browseOriginLink = `${originUrl}`; expect($(firstRowCells[2]).html()).to.have.string(browseOriginLink); }); }); it('should display/close task info popover when clicking on the info button', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.intercept('/save/task/info/**', {fixture: 'save-task-info'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('not.exist'); }); it('should hide task info popover when clicking on the close button', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.intercept('/save/task/info/**', {fixture: 'save-task-info'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-close') .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('not.exist'); }); it('should fill save request form when clicking on "Save again" button', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-origin-again') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('tbody tr').eq(0).then(row => { const cells = row[0].cells; cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type') .should('have.value', $(cells[1]).text()); cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .should('have.value', $(cells[2]).text().slice(0, -1)); }); }); it('should select correct visit type if possible when clicking on "Save again" button', function() { const originUrl = 'https://gitlab.inria.fr/solverstack/maphys/maphys/'; const badVisitType = 'hg'; const goodVisitType = 'git'; cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); - stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.Urls.origin_save_request(badVisitType, originUrl), + stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.Urls.api_1_save_origin(badVisitType, originUrl), visitType: badVisitType, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: originUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'failed', visitStatus: 'failed', responseStatus: 200, errorMessage: saveCodeMsg['accepted']}); makeOriginSaveRequest(badVisitType, originUrl); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { cy.get('.swh-save-origin-again') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('tbody tr').eq(0).then(row => { const cells = row[0].cells; cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type') .should('have.value', goodVisitType); cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .should('have.value', $(cells[2]).text().slice(0, -1)); }); }); }); }); diff --git a/swh/web/common/utils.py b/swh/web/common/utils.py index b54a93a7..dae3cf4b 100644 --- a/swh/web/common/utils.py +++ b/swh/web/common/utils.py @@ -1,364 +1,351 @@ -# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 The Software Heritage developers +# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from datetime import datetime, timezone import os import re from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from docutils.core import publish_parts import docutils.parsers.rst import docutils.utils from docutils.writers.html5_polyglot import HTMLTranslator, Writer from iso8601 import ParseError, parse_date from prometheus_client.registry import CollectorRegistry from django.http import HttpRequest, QueryDict from django.urls import reverse as django_reverse -from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication from swh.web.common.exc import BadInputExc from swh.web.common.typing import QueryParameters from swh.web.config import ORIGIN_VISIT_TYPES, get_config SWH_WEB_METRICS_REGISTRY = CollectorRegistry(auto_describe=True) swh_object_icons = { "alias": "mdi mdi-star", "branch": "mdi mdi-source-branch", "branches": "mdi mdi-source-branch", "content": "mdi mdi-file-document", "directory": "mdi mdi-folder", "origin": "mdi mdi-source-repository", "person": "mdi mdi-account", "revisions history": "mdi mdi-history", "release": "mdi mdi-tag", "releases": "mdi mdi-tag", "revision": "mdi mdi-rotate-90 mdi-source-commit", "snapshot": "mdi mdi-camera", "visits": "mdi mdi-calendar-month", } def reverse( viewname: str, url_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_params: Optional[QueryParameters] = None, current_app: Optional[str] = None, urlconf: Optional[str] = None, request: Optional[HttpRequest] = None, ) -> str: """An override of django reverse function supporting query parameters. Args: viewname: the name of the django view from which to compute a url url_args: dictionary of url arguments indexed by their names query_params: dictionary of query parameters to append to the reversed url current_app: the name of the django app tighten to the view urlconf: url configuration module request: build an absolute URI if provided Returns: str: the url of the requested view with processed arguments and query parameters """ if url_args: url_args = {k: v for k, v in url_args.items() if v is not None} url = django_reverse( viewname, urlconf=urlconf, kwargs=url_args, current_app=current_app ) if query_params: query_params = {k: v for k, v in query_params.items() if v is not None} if query_params and len(query_params) > 0: query_dict = QueryDict("", mutable=True) for k in sorted(query_params.keys()): query_dict[k] = query_params[k] url += "?" + query_dict.urlencode(safe="/;:") if request is not None: url = request.build_absolute_uri(url) return url def datetime_to_utc(date): """Returns datetime in UTC without timezone info Args: date (datetime.datetime): input datetime with timezone info Returns: datetime.datetime: datetime in UTC without timezone info """ if date.tzinfo and date.tzinfo != timezone.utc: return date.astimezone(tz=timezone.utc) else: return date def parse_iso8601_date_to_utc(iso_date: str) -> datetime: """Given an ISO 8601 datetime string, parse the result as UTC datetime. Returns: a timezone-aware datetime representing the parsed date Raises: swh.web.common.exc.BadInputExc: provided date does not respect ISO 8601 format Samples: - 2016-01-12 - 2016-01-12T09:19:12+0100 - 2007-01-14T20:34:22Z """ try: date = parse_date(iso_date) return datetime_to_utc(date) except ParseError as e: raise BadInputExc(e) def shorten_path(path): """Shorten the given path: for each hash present, only return the first 8 characters followed by an ellipsis""" sha256_re = r"([0-9a-f]{8})[0-9a-z]{56}" sha1_re = r"([0-9a-f]{8})[0-9a-f]{32}" ret = re.sub(sha256_re, r"\1...", path) return re.sub(sha1_re, r"\1...", ret) def format_utc_iso_date(iso_date, fmt="%d %B %Y, %H:%M UTC"): """Turns a string representation of an ISO 8601 datetime string to UTC and format it into a more human readable one. For instance, from the following input string: '2017-05-04T13:27:13+02:00' the following one is returned: '04 May 2017, 11:27 UTC'. Custom format string may also be provided as parameter Args: iso_date (str): a string representation of an ISO 8601 date fmt (str): optional date formatting string Returns: str: a formatted string representation of the input iso date """ if not iso_date: return iso_date date = parse_iso8601_date_to_utc(iso_date) return date.strftime(fmt) def gen_path_info(path): """Function to generate path data navigation for use with a breadcrumb in the swh web ui. For instance, from a path /folder1/folder2/folder3, it returns the following list:: [{'name': 'folder1', 'path': 'folder1'}, {'name': 'folder2', 'path': 'folder1/folder2'}, {'name': 'folder3', 'path': 'folder1/folder2/folder3'}] Args: path: a filesystem path Returns: list: a list of path data for navigation as illustrated above. """ path_info = [] if path: sub_paths = path.strip("/").split("/") path_from_root = "" for p in sub_paths: path_from_root += "/" + p path_info.append({"name": p, "path": path_from_root.strip("/")}) return path_info def parse_rst(text, report_level=2): """ Parse a reStructuredText string with docutils. Args: text (str): string with reStructuredText markups in it report_level (int): level of docutils report messages to print (1 info 2 warning 3 error 4 severe 5 none) Returns: docutils.nodes.document: a parsed docutils document """ parser = docutils.parsers.rst.Parser() components = (docutils.parsers.rst.Parser,) settings = docutils.frontend.OptionParser( components=components ).get_default_values() settings.report_level = report_level document = docutils.utils.new_document("rst-doc", settings=settings) parser.parse(text, document) return document def get_client_ip(request): """ Return the client IP address from an incoming HTTP request. Args: request (django.http.HttpRequest): the incoming HTTP request Returns: str: The client IP address """ x_forwarded_for = request.META.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") if x_forwarded_for: ip = x_forwarded_for.split(",")[0] else: ip = request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR") return ip browsers_supported_image_mimes = set( [ "image/gif", "image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp", "image/webp", "image/svg", "image/svg+xml", ] ) def context_processor(request): """ Django context processor used to inject variables in all swh-web templates. """ config = get_config() if ( hasattr(request, "user") and request.user.is_authenticated and not hasattr(request.user, "backend") ): # To avoid django.template.base.VariableDoesNotExist errors # when rendering templates when standard Django user is logged in. request.user.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend" site_base_url = request.build_absolute_uri("/") return { "swh_object_icons": swh_object_icons, "available_languages": None, "swh_client_config": config["client_config"], "oidc_enabled": bool(config["keycloak"]["server_url"]), "browsers_supported_image_mimes": browsers_supported_image_mimes, "keycloak": config["keycloak"], "site_base_url": site_base_url, "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"], "status": config["status"], "swh_web_staging": any( [ server_name in site_base_url for server_name in config["staging_server_names"] ] ), "visit_types": ORIGIN_VISIT_TYPES, } -class EnforceCSRFAuthentication(SessionAuthentication): - """ - Helper class to enforce CSRF validation on a DRF view - when a user is not authenticated. - """ - - def authenticate(self, request): - user = getattr(request._request, "user", None) - self.enforce_csrf(request) - return (user, None) - - def resolve_branch_alias( snapshot: Dict[str, Any], branch: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Resolve branch alias in snapshot content. Args: snapshot: a full snapshot content branch: a branch alias contained in the snapshot Returns: The real snapshot branch that got aliased. """ while branch and branch["target_type"] == "alias": if branch["target"] in snapshot["branches"]: branch = snapshot["branches"][branch["target"]] else: from swh.web.common import archive snp = archive.lookup_snapshot( snapshot["id"], branches_from=branch["target"], branches_count=1 ) if snp and branch["target"] in snp["branches"]: branch = snp["branches"][branch["target"]] else: branch = None return branch class _NoHeaderHTMLTranslator(HTMLTranslator): """ Docutils translator subclass to customize the generation of HTML from reST-formatted docstrings """ def __init__(self, document): super().__init__(document) self.body_prefix = [] self.body_suffix = [] _HTML_WRITER = Writer() _HTML_WRITER.translator_class = _NoHeaderHTMLTranslator def rst_to_html(rst: str) -> str: """ Convert reStructuredText document into HTML. Args: rst: A string containing a reStructuredText document Returns: Body content of the produced HTML conversion. """ settings = { "initial_header_level": 2, } pp = publish_parts(rst, writer=_HTML_WRITER, settings_overrides=settings) return f'
' def prettify_html(html: str) -> str: """ Prettify an HTML document. Args: html: Input HTML document Returns: The prettified HTML document """ return BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml").prettify() diff --git a/swh/web/misc/origin_save.py b/swh/web/misc/origin_save.py index c9517ebb..07d40937 100644 --- a/swh/web/misc/origin_save.py +++ b/swh/web/misc/origin_save.py @@ -1,121 +1,93 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from django.conf.urls import url from django.core.paginator import Paginator from django.db.models import Q from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import render -from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, authentication_classes -from swh.web.api.throttling import throttle_scope -from swh.web.common.exc import ForbiddenExc from swh.web.common.models import SaveOriginRequest from swh.web.common.origin_save import ( - create_save_origin_request, get_savable_visit_types, get_save_origin_task_info, ) -from swh.web.common.utils import EnforceCSRFAuthentication def _origin_save_view(request): return render( request, "misc/origin-save.html", {"heading": ("Request the saving of a software origin into " "the archive")}, ) -@api_view(["POST"]) -@authentication_classes((EnforceCSRFAuthentication,)) -@throttle_scope("swh_save_origin") -def _origin_save_request(request, visit_type, origin_url): - """ - This view is called through AJAX from the save code now form of swh-web. - We use DRF here as we want to rate limit the number of submitted requests - per user to avoid being possibly flooded by bots. - """ - try: - response = create_save_origin_request(visit_type, origin_url) - return JsonResponse(response) - except ForbiddenExc as exc: - return JsonResponse({"detail": str(exc)}, status=403) - except Exception as exc: - return JsonResponse({"detail": str(exc)}, status=500) - - def _visit_save_types_list(request): visit_types = get_savable_visit_types() return JsonResponse(visit_types, safe=False) def _origin_save_requests_list(request, status): if status != "all": save_requests = SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter(status=status) else: save_requests = SaveOriginRequest.objects.all() table_data = {} table_data["recordsTotal"] = save_requests.count() table_data["draw"] = int(request.GET["draw"]) search_value = request.GET["search[value]"] column_order = request.GET["order[0][column]"] field_order = request.GET["columns[%s][name]" % column_order] order_dir = request.GET["order[0][dir]"] if order_dir == "desc": field_order = "-" + field_order save_requests = save_requests.order_by(field_order) length = int(request.GET["length"]) page = int(request.GET["start"]) / length + 1 if search_value: save_requests = save_requests.filter( Q(status__icontains=search_value) | Q(loading_task_status__icontains=search_value) | Q(visit_type__icontains=search_value) | Q(origin_url__icontains=search_value) ) table_data["recordsFiltered"] = save_requests.count() paginator = Paginator(save_requests, length) table_data["data"] = [sor.to_dict() for sor in paginator.page(page).object_list] return JsonResponse(table_data) def _save_origin_task_info(request, save_request_id): request_info = get_save_origin_task_info( save_request_id, full_info=request.user.is_staff ) for date_field in ("scheduled", "started", "ended"): if date_field in request_info and request_info[date_field] is not None: request_info[date_field] = request_info[date_field].isoformat() return JsonResponse(request_info) urlpatterns = [ url(r"^save/$", _origin_save_view, name="origin-save"), - url( - r"^save/(?P.+)/url/(?P.+)/$", - _origin_save_request, - name="origin-save-request", - ), url(r"^save/types/list/$", _visit_save_types_list, name="origin-save-types-list"), url( r"^save/requests/list/(?P.+)/$", _origin_save_requests_list, name="origin-save-requests-list", ), url( r"^save/task/info/(?P.+)/", _save_origin_task_info, name="origin-save-task-info", ), ] diff --git a/swh/web/tests/api/views/test_origin_save.py b/swh/web/tests/api/views/test_origin_save.py index 384d8093..57639767 100644 --- a/swh/web/tests/api/views/test_origin_save.py +++ b/swh/web/tests/api/views/test_origin_save.py @@ -1,376 +1,429 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytest from django.utils import timezone from swh.web.common.models import ( SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING, SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED, SAVE_TASK_FAILED, SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, VISIT_STATUS_FAILED, VISIT_STATUS_FULL, SaveAuthorizedOrigin, SaveOriginRequest, SaveUnauthorizedOrigin, ) from swh.web.common.utils import reverse -from swh.web.tests.utils import check_api_get_responses, check_api_post_responses +from swh.web.settings.tests import save_origin_rate_post +from swh.web.tests.utils import ( + check_api_get_responses, + check_api_post_response, + check_api_post_responses, +) pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def populated_db(): SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.create(url="https://github.com/"), SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.create(url="https://gitlab.com/"), SaveUnauthorizedOrigin.objects.create(url="https://github.com/user/illegal_repo") SaveUnauthorizedOrigin.objects.create(url="https://gitlab.com/user_to_exclude") def test_invalid_visit_type(api_client): url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={ "visit_type": "foo", "origin_url": "https://github.com/torvalds/linux", }, ) check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=400) def test_invalid_origin_url(api_client): url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": "bar"} ) check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=400) def check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status, scheduler_task_status=None, scheduler_task_run_status=None, expected_task_status=None, visit_date=None, ): mock_scheduler = mocker.patch("swh.web.common.origin_save.scheduler") if scheduler_task_status is None: mock_scheduler.get_tasks.return_value = [] else: mock_scheduler.get_tasks.return_value = [ { "priority": "high", "policy": "oneshot", "type": "load-git", "arguments": {"kwargs": {"repo_url": origin_url}, "args": []}, "status": scheduler_task_status, "id": 1, } ] if scheduler_task_run_status is None: mock_scheduler.get_task_runs.return_value = [] else: mock_scheduler.get_task_runs.return_value = [ { "backend_id": "f00c712c-e820-41ce-a07c-9bf8df914205", "ended": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(minutes=5), "id": 1, "metadata": {}, "scheduled": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc), "started": None, "status": scheduler_task_run_status, "task": 1, } ] mock_scheduler.create_tasks.return_value = [ { "priority": "high", "policy": "oneshot", "type": "load-git", "arguments": {"kwargs": {"repo_url": origin_url}, "args": []}, "status": "next_run_not_scheduled", "id": 1, } ] url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": origin_url} ) mock_visit_date = mocker.patch( ("swh.web.common.origin_save._get_visit_info_for_save_request") ) mock_visit_date.return_value = (visit_date, None) if expected_request_status != SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED: response = check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, data=None, status_code=200) assert response.data["save_request_status"] == expected_request_status assert response.data["save_task_status"] == expected_task_status else: check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, data=None, status_code=403) def check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status, expected_task_status, scheduler_task_status="next_run_not_scheduled", scheduler_task_run_status=None, visit_date=None, visit_status=None, ): mock_scheduler = mocker.patch("swh.web.common.origin_save.scheduler") mock_scheduler.get_tasks.return_value = [ { "priority": "high", "policy": "oneshot", "type": "load-git", "arguments": {"kwargs": {"repo_url": origin_url}, "args": []}, "status": scheduler_task_status, "id": 1, } ] if scheduler_task_run_status is None: mock_scheduler.get_task_runs.return_value = [] else: mock_scheduler.get_task_runs.return_value = [ { "backend_id": "f00c712c-e820-41ce-a07c-9bf8df914205", "ended": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(minutes=5), "id": 1, "metadata": {}, "scheduled": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc), "started": None, "status": scheduler_task_run_status, "task": 1, } ] url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": origin_url} ) mock_visit_date = mocker.patch( ("swh.web.common.origin_save._get_visit_info_for_save_request") ) mock_visit_date.return_value = (visit_date, visit_status) response = check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=200) save_request_data = response.data[0] assert save_request_data["save_request_status"] == expected_request_status assert save_request_data["save_task_status"] == expected_task_status assert save_request_data["visit_status"] == visit_status # Check that save task status is still available when # the scheduler task has been archived mock_scheduler.get_tasks.return_value = [] response = check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=200) save_request_data = response.data[0] assert save_request_data["save_task_status"] == expected_task_status assert save_request_data["visit_status"] == visit_status def test_save_request_rejected(api_client, mocker): origin_url = "https://github.com/user/illegal_repo" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, ) def test_save_request_pending(api_client, mocker): origin_url = "https://unkwownforge.com/user/repo" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, ) def test_save_request_succeed(api_client, mocker): origin_url = "https://github.com/Kitware/CMake" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, scheduler_task_status="next_run_scheduled", scheduler_task_run_status="scheduled", ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, scheduler_task_status="completed", scheduler_task_run_status="eventful", visit_date=None, ) visit_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(hours=1) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, scheduler_task_status="completed", scheduler_task_run_status="eventful", visit_date=visit_date, visit_status=VISIT_STATUS_FULL, ) def test_save_request_failed(api_client, mocker): origin_url = "https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, scheduler_task_status="next_run_scheduled", scheduler_task_run_status="scheduled", ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_FAILED, scheduler_task_status="disabled", scheduler_task_run_status="failed", visit_status=VISIT_STATUS_FAILED, ) def test_create_save_request_only_when_needed(api_client, mocker): origin_url = "https://github.com/webpack/webpack" SaveOriginRequest.objects.create( visit_type="git", origin_url=origin_url, status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, loading_task_id=56, ) check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, scheduler_task_status="next_run_not_scheduled", expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) sors = list( SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter(visit_type="git", origin_url=origin_url) ) assert len(sors) == 1 check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, scheduler_task_status="next_run_scheduled", scheduler_task_run_status="scheduled", expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, ) sors = list( SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter(visit_type="git", origin_url=origin_url) ) assert len(sors) == 1 visit_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(hours=1) check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, scheduler_task_status="completed", expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, visit_date=visit_date, ) sors = list( SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter(visit_type="git", origin_url=origin_url) ) # check_api_post_responses sends two POST requests to check YAML and JSON response assert len(sors) == 3 check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, scheduler_task_status="disabled", expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) sors = list( SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter(visit_type="git", origin_url=origin_url) ) assert len(sors) == 5 def test_get_save_requests_unknown_origin(api_client): unknown_origin_url = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar" url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": unknown_origin_url}, ) response = check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=404) assert response.data == { "exception": "NotFoundExc", "reason": ( "No save requests found for visit of type git on origin with url %s." ) % unknown_origin_url, } + + +_visit_type = "git" +_origin_url = "https://github.com/python/cpython" + + +def test_save_requests_rate_limit(api_client, mocker): + create_save_origin_request = mocker.patch( + "swh.web.api.views.origin_save.create_save_origin_request" + ) + + def _save_request_dict(*args, **kwargs): + return { + "id": 1, + "visit_type": _visit_type, + "origin_url": _origin_url, + "save_request_date": datetime.now().isoformat(), + "save_request_status": SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, + "save_task_status": SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, + "visit_date": None, + "visit_status": None, + } + + create_save_origin_request.side_effect = _save_request_dict + + url = reverse( + "api-1-save-origin", + url_args={"visit_type": _visit_type, "origin_url": _origin_url}, + ) + + for _ in range(save_origin_rate_post): + check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=200) + + check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=429) + + +def test_save_request_form_server_error(api_client, mocker): + create_save_origin_request = mocker.patch( + "swh.web.api.views.origin_save.create_save_origin_request" + ) + create_save_origin_request.side_effect = Exception("Server error") + + url = reverse( + "api-1-save-origin", + url_args={"visit_type": _visit_type, "origin_url": _origin_url}, + ) + + check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, status_code=500) diff --git a/swh/web/tests/misc/test_origin_save.py b/swh/web/tests/misc/test_origin_save.py index c29b4ce8..399d594f 100644 --- a/swh/web/tests/misc/test_origin_save.py +++ b/swh/web/tests/misc/test_origin_save.py @@ -1,182 +1,96 @@ -# Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers +# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import json import pytest -from django.test import Client - from swh.web.common.models import SaveOriginRequest -from swh.web.common.origin_save import ( - SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, - SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, - SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, -) +from swh.web.common.origin_save import SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED from swh.web.common.utils import reverse -from swh.web.settings.tests import save_origin_rate_post -from swh.web.tests.utils import ( - check_api_post_response, - check_http_get_response, - check_http_post_response, -) - -visit_type = "git" -origin = {"url": "https://github.com/python/cpython"} - - -@pytest.fixture -def client(): - return Client(enforce_csrf_checks=True) - - -def test_save_request_form_csrf_token(client, mocker): - mock_create_save_origin_request = mocker.patch( - "swh.web.misc.origin_save.create_save_origin_request" - ) - _mock_create_save_origin_request(mock_create_save_origin_request) - - url = reverse( - "origin-save-request", - url_args={"visit_type": visit_type, "origin_url": origin["url"]}, - ) - - check_http_post_response(client, url, status_code=403) - - data = _get_csrf_token(client, reverse("origin-save")) - check_api_post_response(client, url, data=data, status_code=200) - - -def test_save_request_form_rate_limit(client, mocker): - mock_create_save_origin_request = mocker.patch( - "swh.web.misc.origin_save.create_save_origin_request" - ) - _mock_create_save_origin_request(mock_create_save_origin_request) - - url = reverse( - "origin-save-request", - url_args={"visit_type": visit_type, "origin_url": origin["url"]}, - ) - - data = _get_csrf_token(client, reverse("origin-save")) - for _ in range(save_origin_rate_post): - check_api_post_response(client, url, data=data, status_code=200) - - check_api_post_response(client, url, data=data, status_code=429) - - -def test_save_request_form_server_error(client, mocker): - mock_create_save_origin_request = mocker.patch( - "swh.web.misc.origin_save.create_save_origin_request" - ) - mock_create_save_origin_request.side_effect = Exception("Server error") - - url = reverse( - "origin-save-request", - url_args={"visit_type": visit_type, "origin_url": origin["url"]}, - ) - - data = _get_csrf_token(client, reverse("origin-save")) - check_api_post_response(client, url, data=data, status_code=500) +from swh.web.tests.utils import check_http_get_response def test_old_save_url_redirection(client): url = reverse("browse-origin-save") redirect_url = reverse("origin-save") resp = check_http_get_response(client, url, status_code=302) assert resp["location"] == redirect_url @pytest.mark.django_db def test_save_origin_requests_list(client, mocker): visit_types = ("git", "svn", "hg") nb_origins_per_type = 10 for visit_type in visit_types: for i in range(nb_origins_per_type): SaveOriginRequest.objects.create( request_date=datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc), visit_type=visit_type, origin_url=f"https://{visit_type}.example.org/project{i}", status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, visit_date=datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(hours=1), loading_task_id=i, loading_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, ) mock_scheduler = mocker.patch("swh.web.common.origin_save.scheduler") mock_scheduler.get_tasks.return_value = [] mock_scheduler.get_task_runs.return_value = [] # retrieve all save requests in 3 pages, sorted in descending order # of request creation for i, visit_type in enumerate(reversed(visit_types)): url = reverse( "origin-save-requests-list", url_args={"status": "all"}, query_params={ "draw": i + 1, "search[value]": "", "order[0][column]": "0", "columns[0][name]": "request_date", "order[0][dir]": "desc", "length": nb_origins_per_type, "start": i * nb_origins_per_type, }, ) resp = check_http_get_response( client, url, status_code=200, content_type="application/json" ) sors = json.loads(resp.content.decode("utf-8")) assert sors["draw"] == i + 1 assert sors["recordsFiltered"] == len(visit_types) * nb_origins_per_type assert sors["recordsTotal"] == len(visit_types) * nb_origins_per_type assert len(sors["data"]) == nb_origins_per_type assert all(d["visit_type"] == visit_type for d in sors["data"]) # retrieve save requests filtered by visit type in a single page for i, visit_type in enumerate(reversed(visit_types)): url = reverse( "origin-save-requests-list", url_args={"status": "all"}, query_params={ "draw": i + 1, "search[value]": visit_type, "order[0][column]": "0", "columns[0][name]": "request_date", "order[0][dir]": "desc", "length": nb_origins_per_type, "start": 0, }, ) resp = check_http_get_response( client, url, status_code=200, content_type="application/json" ) sors = json.loads(resp.content.decode("utf-8")) assert sors["draw"] == i + 1 assert sors["recordsFiltered"] == nb_origins_per_type assert sors["recordsTotal"] == len(visit_types) * nb_origins_per_type assert len(sors["data"]) == nb_origins_per_type assert all(d["visit_type"] == visit_type for d in sors["data"]) - - -def _get_csrf_token(client, url): - resp = client.get(url) - return {"csrfmiddlewaretoken": resp.cookies["csrftoken"].value} - - -def _mock_create_save_origin_request(mock): - expected_data = { - "visit_type": visit_type, - "origin_url": origin["url"], - "save_request_date": datetime.now().isoformat(), - "save_request_status": SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, - "save_task_status": SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, - "visit_date": None, - } - mock.return_value = expected_data