diff --git a/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js b/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js index 86a3c855..2ceafab7 100644 --- a/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js +++ b/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js @@ -1,549 +1,554 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2018-2022 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ import {csrfPost, handleFetchError, isGitRepoUrl, htmlAlert, getCanonicalOriginURL, getHumanReadableDate} from 'utils/functions'; import {swhSpinnerSrc} from 'utils/constants'; import artifactFormRowTemplate from './artifact-form-row.ejs'; import userRequestsFilterCheckboxFn from 'utils/requests-filter-checkbox.ejs'; let saveRequestsTable; async function originSaveRequest( originType, originUrl, extraData, acceptedCallback, pendingCallback, errorCallback ) { // Actually trigger the origin save request const addSaveOriginRequestUrl = Urls.api_1_save_origin(originType, originUrl); $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'block'); let headers = {}; let body = null; if (extraData !== {}) { body = JSON.stringify(extraData); headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }; }; try { const response = await csrfPost(addSaveOriginRequestUrl, headers, body); handleFetchError(response); const data = await response.json(); $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'none'); if (data.save_request_status === 'accepted') { acceptedCallback(); } else { pendingCallback(); } } catch (response) { $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'none'); const errorData = await response.json(); errorCallback(response.status, errorData); }; } function addArtifactVersionAutofillHandler(formId) { // autofill artifact version input with the filename from // the artifact url without extensions $(`#swh-input-artifact-url-${formId}`).on('input', function(event) { const artifactUrl = $(this).val().trim(); let filename = artifactUrl.split('/').slice(-1)[0]; if (filename !== artifactUrl) { filename = filename.replace(/tar.*$/, 'tar'); const filenameNoExt = filename.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'); const artifactVersion = $(`#swh-input-artifact-version-${formId}`); if (filenameNoExt !== filename) { artifactVersion.val(filenameNoExt); } } }); } export function maybeRequireExtraInputs() { // Read the actual selected value and depending on the origin type, display some extra // inputs or hide them. This makes the extra inputs disabled when not displayed. const originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); let display = 'none'; let disabled = true; if (originType === 'archives') { display = 'flex'; disabled = false; } $('.swh-save-origin-archives-form').css('display', display); if (!disabled) { // help paragraph must have block display for proper rendering $('#swh-save-origin-archives-help').css('display', 'block'); } $('.swh-save-origin-archives-form .form-control').prop('disabled', disabled); if (originType === 'archives' && $('.swh-save-origin-archives-form').length === 1) { // insert first artifact row when the archives visit type is selected for the first time $('.swh-save-origin-archives-form').last().after( artifactFormRowTemplate({deletableRow: false, formId: 0})); addArtifactVersionAutofillHandler(0); } } export function addArtifactFormRow() { const formId = $('.swh-save-origin-artifact-form').length; $('.swh-save-origin-artifact-form').last().after( artifactFormRowTemplate({ deletableRow: true, formId: formId }) ); addArtifactVersionAutofillHandler(formId); } export function deleteArtifactFormRow(event) { $(event.target).closest('.swh-save-origin-artifact-form').remove(); } const saveRequestCheckboxId = 'swh-save-requests-user-filter'; const userRequestsFilterCheckbox = userRequestsFilterCheckboxFn({ 'inputId': saveRequestCheckboxId, 'checked': false // no filtering by default on that view }); export function initOriginSave() { $(document).ready(() => { $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'none'; // set git as the default value as before $('#swh-input-visit-type').val('git'); saveRequestsTable = $('#swh-origin-save-requests') .on('error.dt', (e, settings, techNote, message) => { $('#swh-origin-save-request-list-error').text('An error occurred while retrieving the save requests list'); console.log(message); }) .DataTable({ serverSide: true, processing: true, language: { processing: `` }, ajax: { url: Urls.origin_save_requests_list('all'), data: (d) => { if (swh.webapp.isUserLoggedIn() && $(`#${saveRequestCheckboxId}`).prop('checked')) { d.user_requests_only = '1'; } } }, searchDelay: 1000, // see https://datatables.net/examples/advanced_init/dom_toolbar.html and the comments section // this option customizes datatables UI components by adding an extra checkbox above the table // while keeping bootstrap layout dom: '<"row"<"col-sm-3"l><"col-sm-6 text-left user-requests-filter"><"col-sm-3"f>>' + '<"row"<"col-sm-12"tr>>' + '<"row"<"col-sm-5"i><"col-sm-7"p>>', fnInitComplete: function() { if (swh.webapp.isUserLoggedIn()) { $('div.user-requests-filter').html(userRequestsFilterCheckbox); $(`#${saveRequestCheckboxId}`).on('change', () => { saveRequestsTable.draw(); }); } }, columns: [ { data: 'save_request_date', name: 'request_date', render: getHumanReadableDate }, { data: 'visit_type', name: 'visit_type' }, { data: 'origin_url', name: 'origin_url', render: (data, type, row) => { if (type === 'display') { let html = ''; const sanitizedURL = $.fn.dataTable.render.text().display(data); if (row.save_task_status === 'succeeded') { if (row.visit_status === 'full' || row.visit_status === 'partial') { let browseOriginUrl = `${Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${encodeURIComponent(sanitizedURL)}`; if (row.visit_date) { browseOriginUrl += `&timestamp=${encodeURIComponent(row.visit_date)}`; } html += `${sanitizedURL}`; } else { const tooltip = 'origin was successfully loaded, waiting for data to be available in database'; html += `${sanitizedURL}`; } } else { html += sanitizedURL; } html += ` ` + ''; return html; } return data; } }, { data: 'save_request_status', name: 'status' }, { data: 'save_task_status', name: 'loading_task_status' }, { name: 'info', render: (data, type, row) => { if (row.save_task_status === 'succeeded' || row.save_task_status === 'failed' || row.note != null) { return ``; } else { return ''; } } }, { render: (data, type, row) => { if (row.save_request_status === 'accepted') { const saveAgainButton = ''; return saveAgainButton; } else { return ''; } } } ], scrollY: '50vh', scrollCollapse: true, order: [[0, 'desc']], responsive: { details: { type: 'none' } } }); swh.webapp.addJumpToPagePopoverToDataTable(saveRequestsTable); if (window.location.pathname === Urls.origin_save() && window.location.hash === '#requests') { // Keep old URLs to the save list working window.location = Urls.origin_save_list(); } else if ($('#swh-origin-save-requests')) { saveRequestsTable.draw(); } const saveRequestAcceptedAlert = htmlAlert( 'success', 'The "save code now" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', true ); const saveRequestPendingAlert = htmlAlert( 'warning', 'The "save code now" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', true ); const saveRequestRateLimitedAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'The rate limit for "save code now" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', true ); const saveRequestUnknownErrorAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request".', true ); $('#swh-save-origin-form').submit(async event => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $('.alert').alert('close'); if (event.target.checkValidity()) { $(event.target).removeClass('was-validated'); const originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); let originUrl = $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(); originUrl = await getCanonicalOriginURL(originUrl); // read the extra inputs for the 'archives' type const extraData = {}; if (originType === 'archives') { extraData['archives_data'] = []; for (let i = 0; i < $('.swh-save-origin-artifact-form').length; ++i) { extraData['archives_data'].push({ 'artifact_url': $(`#swh-input-artifact-url-${i}`).val(), 'artifact_version': $(`#swh-input-artifact-version-${i}`).val() }); } } originSaveRequest(originType, originUrl, extraData, () => $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestAcceptedAlert), () => $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestPendingAlert), (statusCode, errorData) => { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').css('color', 'red'); if (statusCode === 403) { const errorAlert = htmlAlert('danger', `Error: ${errorData['reason']}`); $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(errorAlert); } else if (statusCode === 429) { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestRateLimitedAlert); } else if (statusCode === 400) { const errorAlert = htmlAlert('danger', errorData['reason']); $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(errorAlert); } else { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestUnknownErrorAlert); } }); } else { $(event.target).addClass('was-validated'); } }); $('#swh-show-origin-save-requests-list').on('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); $('.nav-tabs a[href="#swh-origin-save-requests-list"]').tab('show'); }); $('#swh-input-origin-url').on('input', function(event) { const originUrl = $(this).val().trim(); $(this).val(originUrl); $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { const val = $(this).val(); if (val && originUrl.includes(val)) { $(this).prop('selected', true); // origin URL input need to be validated once new visit type set validateSaveOriginUrl($('#swh-input-origin-url')[0]); } }); }); if (window.location.hash === '#requests') { $('.nav-tabs a[href="#swh-origin-save-requests-list"]').tab('show'); } $(window).on('hashchange', () => { if (window.location.hash === '#requests') { $('.nav-tabs a[href="#swh-origin-save-requests-list"]').tab('show'); } else { $('.nav-tabs a[href="#swh-origin-save-requests-create"]').tab('show'); } }); }); } export function validateSaveOriginUrl(input) { const originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); let originUrl = null; let validUrl = true; try { originUrl = new URL(input.value.trim()); } catch (TypeError) { validUrl = false; } if (validUrl) { const allowedProtocols = ['http:', 'https:', 'svn:', 'git:', 'rsync:', 'pserver:', 'ssh:', 'bzr:']; validUrl = ( allowedProtocols.find(protocol => protocol === originUrl.protocol) !== undefined ); } if (validUrl && originType === 'git') { validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl); } + let customValidity = ''; if (validUrl) { - input.setCustomValidity(''); + if ((originUrl.password !== '' && originUrl.password !== 'anonymous')) { + customValidity = 'The origin url contains a password and cannot be accepted for security reasons'; + } } else { - input.setCustomValidity('The origin url is not valid or does not reference a code repository'); + customValidity = 'The origin url is not valid or does not reference a code repository'; } + input.setCustomValidity(customValidity); + $(input).siblings('.invalid-feedback').text(customValidity); } export function initTakeNewSnapshot() { const newSnapshotRequestAcceptedAlert = htmlAlert( 'success', 'The "take new snapshot" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', true ); const newSnapshotRequestPendingAlert = htmlAlert( 'warning', 'The "take new snapshot" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', true ); const newSnapshotRequestRateLimitAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'The rate limit for "take new snapshot" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', true ); const newSnapshotRequestUnknownErrorAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request".', true ); $(document).ready(() => { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-form').submit(event => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); const originUrl = $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(); const extraData = {}; originSaveRequest(originType, originUrl, extraData, () => $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestAcceptedAlert), () => $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestPendingAlert), (statusCode, errorData) => { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').css('color', 'red'); if (statusCode === 403) { const errorAlert = htmlAlert('danger', `Error: ${errorData['detail']}`, true); $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(errorAlert); } else if (statusCode === 429) { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestRateLimitAlert); } else { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestUnknownErrorAlert); } }); }); }); } export function formatValuePerType(type, value) { // Given some typed value, format and return accordingly formatted value const mapFormatPerTypeFn = { 'json': (v) => JSON.stringify(v, null, 2), 'date': (v) => new Date(v).toLocaleString(), 'raw': (v) => v, 'duration': (v) => v + ' seconds' }; return value === null ? null : mapFormatPerTypeFn[type](value); } export async function displaySaveRequestInfo(event, saveRequestId) { event.stopPropagation(); const saveRequestTaskInfoUrl = Urls.origin_save_task_info(saveRequestId); // close popover when clicking again on the info icon if ($(event.target).data('bs.popover')) { $(event.target).popover('dispose'); return; } $('.swh-save-request-info').popover('dispose'); $(event.target).popover({ animation: false, boundary: 'viewport', container: 'body', title: 'Save request task information ' + '`, content: `

Fetching task information ...

`, html: true, placement: 'left', sanitizeFn: swh.webapp.filterXSS }); $(event.target).on('shown.bs.popover', function() { const popoverId = $(this).attr('aria-describedby'); $(`#${popoverId} .mdi-close`).click(() => { $(this).popover('dispose'); }); }); $(event.target).popover('show'); const response = await fetch(saveRequestTaskInfoUrl); const saveRequestTaskInfo = await response.json(); let content; if ($.isEmptyObject(saveRequestTaskInfo)) { content = 'Not available'; } else if (saveRequestTaskInfo.note != null) { content = `
`; } else { const saveRequestInfo = []; const taskData = { 'Type': ['raw', 'type'], 'Visit status': ['raw', 'visit_status'], 'Arguments': ['json', 'arguments'], 'Id': ['raw', 'id'], 'Backend id': ['raw', 'backend_id'], 'Scheduling date': ['date', 'scheduled'], 'Start date': ['date', 'started'], 'Completion date': ['date', 'ended'], 'Duration': ['duration', 'duration'], 'Runner': ['raw', 'worker'], 'Log': ['raw', 'message'] }; for (const [title, [type, property]] of Object.entries(taskData)) { if (saveRequestTaskInfo.hasOwnProperty(property)) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: title, value: formatValuePerType(type, saveRequestTaskInfo[property]) }); } } content = ''; for (const info of saveRequestInfo) { content += ``; } content += '
'; } $('.swh-popover').html(content); $(event.target).popover('update'); } export function fillSaveRequestFormAndScroll(visitType, originUrl) { $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(originUrl); let originTypeFound = false; $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { const val = $(this).val(); if (val && originUrl.includes(val)) { $(this).prop('selected', true); originTypeFound = true; } }); if (!originTypeFound) { $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { const val = $(this).val(); if (val === visitType) { $(this).prop('selected', true); } }); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); } diff --git a/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js b/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js index b6109aaf..5e855776 100644 --- a/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js +++ b/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js @@ -1,780 +1,849 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ let url; const origin = { type: 'git', url: 'https://git.example.org/user/repo' }; const $ = Cypress.$; const saveCodeMsg = { 'success': 'The "save code now" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', 'warning': 'The "save code now" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', 'rejected': 'The "save code now" request has been rejected because the provided origin url is blacklisted.', 'rateLimit': 'The rate limit for "save code now" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', 'not-found': 'The provided url does not exist', 'unknownError': 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request', 'csrfError': 'CSRF Failed: Referrer checking failed - no Referrer.' }; const anonymousVisitTypes = ['bzr', 'cvs', 'git', 'hg', 'svn']; const allVisitTypes = ['archives', 'bzr', 'cvs', 'git', 'hg', 'svn']; function makeOriginSaveRequest(originType, originUrl) { cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .type(originUrl) .get('#swh-input-visit-type') .select(originType) .get('#swh-save-origin-form') .submit(); } function checkAlertVisible(alertType, msg) { cy.get('#swh-origin-save-request-status') .should('be.visible') .find(`.alert-${alertType}`) .should('be.visible') .and('contain', msg); } // Stub requests to save an origin function stubSaveRequest({ requestUrl, visitType = 'git', saveRequestStatus, originUrl, saveTaskStatus, responseStatus = 200, // For error code with the error message in the 'reason' key response errorMessage = '', saveRequestDate = new Date(), visitDate = new Date(), visitStatus = null } = {}) { let response; if (responseStatus !== 200 && errorMessage) { response = { 'reason': errorMessage }; } else { response = genOriginSaveResponse({visitType: visitType, saveRequestStatus: saveRequestStatus, originUrl: originUrl, saveRequestDate: saveRequestDate, saveTaskStatus: saveTaskStatus, visitDate: visitDate, visitStatus: visitStatus }); } cy.intercept('POST', requestUrl, {body: response, statusCode: responseStatus}) .as('saveRequest'); } // Mocks API response : /save/(:visit_type)/(:origin_url) // visit_type : {'git', 'hg', 'svn', ...} function genOriginSaveResponse({ visitType = 'git', saveRequestStatus, originUrl, saveRequestDate = new Date(), saveTaskStatus, visitDate = new Date(), visitStatus } = {}) { return { 'visit_type': visitType, 'save_request_status': saveRequestStatus, 'origin_url': originUrl, 'id': 1, 'save_request_date': saveRequestDate ? saveRequestDate.toISOString() : null, 'save_task_status': saveTaskStatus, 'visit_date': visitDate ? visitDate.toISOString() : null, 'visit_status': visitStatus }; }; describe('Origin Save Tests', function() { before(function() { url = this.Urls.origin_save(); this.originSaveUrl = this.Urls.api_1_save_origin(origin.type, origin.url); }); beforeEach(function() { cy.fixture('origin-save').as('originSaveJSON'); cy.fixture('save-task-info').as('saveTaskInfoJSON'); cy.visit(url); }); it('should format appropriately values depending on their type', function() { const inputValues = [ // null values stay null {type: 'json', value: null, expectedValue: null}, {type: 'date', value: null, expectedValue: null}, {type: 'raw', value: null, expectedValue: null}, {type: 'duration', value: null, expectedValue: null}, // non null values formatted depending on their type {type: 'json', value: '{}', expectedValue: '"{}"'}, {type: 'date', value: '04/04/2021 01:00:00', expectedValue: '4/4/2021, 1:00:00 AM'}, {type: 'raw', value: 'value-for-identity', expectedValue: 'value-for-identity'}, {type: 'duration', value: '10', expectedValue: '10 seconds'}, {type: 'duration', value: 100, expectedValue: '100 seconds'} ]; cy.window().then(win => { inputValues.forEach(function(input, index, array) { const actualValue = win.swh.save.formatValuePerType(input.type, input.value); assert.equal(actualValue, input.expectedValue); }); }); }); it('should display accepted message when accepted', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should validate gitlab subproject url', function() { const gitlabSubProjectUrl = 'https://gitlab.com/user/project/sub/'; const originSaveUrl = this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originurl: gitlabSubProjectUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); makeOriginSaveRequest('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should validate project url with _ in username', function() { const gitlabSubProjectUrl = 'https://gitlab.com/user_name/project.git'; const originSaveUrl = this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originurl: gitlabSubProjectUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); makeOriginSaveRequest('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should validate git repo url starting with https://git.code.sf.net/u/', function() { const sfUserGirProjectUrl = 'https://git.code.sf.net/u/username/project.git'; const originSaveUrl = this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', sfUserGirProjectUrl); stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originurl: sfUserGirProjectUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); makeOriginSaveRequest('git', sfUserGirProjectUrl); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should display warning message when pending', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'pending', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created'}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('warning', saveCodeMsg['warning']); }); }); it('should show error when the origin does not exist (status: 400)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, originUrl: origin.url, responseStatus: 400, errorMessage: saveCodeMsg['not-found']}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['not-found']); }); }); it('should show error when csrf validation failed (status: 403)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'rejected', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created', responseStatus: 403, errorMessage: saveCodeMsg['csrfError']}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['csrfError']); }); }); it('should show error when origin is rejected (status: 403)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'rejected', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created', responseStatus: 403, errorMessage: saveCodeMsg['rejected']}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['rejected']); }); }); it('should show error when rate limited (status: 429)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'Request was throttled. Expected available in 60 seconds.', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created', responseStatus: 429}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['rateLimit']); }); }); it('should show error when unknown error occurs (status other than 200, 403, 429)', function() { stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.originSaveUrl, saveRequestStatus: 'Error', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not created', responseStatus: 406}); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['unknownError']); }); }); it('should display origin save info in the requests table', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { let i = 0; for (const row of rows) { const cells = row.cells; const requestDateStr = new Date(this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_request_date).toLocaleString(); const saveStatus = this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_task_status; assert.equal($(cells[0]).text(), requestDateStr); assert.equal($(cells[1]).text(), this.originSaveJSON.data[i].visit_type); let html = ''; if (saveStatus === 'succeeded') { let browseOriginUrl = `${this.Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${encodeURIComponent(this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url)}`; browseOriginUrl += `&timestamp=${encodeURIComponent(this.originSaveJSON.data[i].visit_date)}`; html += `${this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url}`; } else { html += this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url; } html += ` `; html += ''; assert.equal($(cells[2]).html(), html); assert.equal($(cells[3]).text(), this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_request_status); assert.equal($(cells[4]).text(), saveStatus); ++i; } }); }); it('should not add timestamp to the browse origin URL is no visit date has been found', function() { const originUrl = 'https://git.example.org/example.git'; const saveRequestData = genOriginSaveResponse({ saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: originUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'succeeded', visitDate: null, visitStatus: 'full' }); const saveRequestsListData = { 'recordsTotal': 1, 'draw': 2, 'recordsFiltered': 1, 'data': [saveRequestData] }; cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {body: saveRequestsListData}) .as('saveRequestsList'); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.wait('@saveRequestsList'); cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { const firstRowCells = rows[0].cells; const browseOriginUrl = `${this.Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${encodeURIComponent(originUrl)}`; const browseOriginLink = `${originUrl}`; expect($(firstRowCells[2]).html()).to.have.string(browseOriginLink); }); }); it('should not add link to browse an origin when there is no visit status', function() { const originUrl = 'https://git.example.org/example.git'; const saveRequestData = genOriginSaveResponse({ saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: originUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'succeeded', visitDate: null, visitStatus: null }); const saveRequestsListData = { 'recordsTotal': 1, 'draw': 2, 'recordsFiltered': 1, 'data': [saveRequestData] }; cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {body: saveRequestsListData}) .as('saveRequestsList'); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.wait('@saveRequestsList'); cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { const firstRowCells = rows[0].cells; const tooltip = 'origin was successfully loaded, waiting for data to be available in database'; const expectedContent = `${originUrl}`; expect($(firstRowCells[2]).html()).to.have.string(expectedContent); }); }); it('should display/close task info popover when clicking on the info button', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.intercept('/save/task/info/**', {fixture: 'save-task-info'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('not.exist'); }); it('should hide task info popover when clicking on the close button', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.intercept('/save/task/info/**', {fixture: 'save-task-info'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-close') .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('not.exist'); }); it('should fill save request form when clicking on "Save again" button', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-origin-again') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('tbody tr').eq(0).then(row => { const cells = row[0].cells; cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type') .should('have.value', $(cells[1]).text()); cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .should('have.value', $(cells[2]).text().slice(0, -1)); }); }); it('should select correct visit type if possible when clicking on "Save again" button', function() { const originUrl = 'https://gitlab.inria.fr/solverstack/maphys/maphys/'; const badVisitType = 'hg'; const goodVisitType = 'git'; cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.Urls.api_1_save_origin(badVisitType, originUrl), visitType: badVisitType, saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: originUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'failed', visitStatus: 'failed', responseStatus: 200, errorMessage: saveCodeMsg['accepted']}); makeOriginSaveRequest(badVisitType, originUrl); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { cy.get('.swh-save-origin-again') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('tbody tr').eq(0).then(row => { const cells = row[0].cells; cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type') .should('have.value', goodVisitType); cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .should('have.value', $(cells[2]).text().slice(0, -1)); }); }); }); it('should create save request for authenticated user', function() { cy.userLogin(); cy.visit(url); const originUrl = 'https://git.example.org/account/repo'; stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', originUrl), saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: origin.url, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); makeOriginSaveRequest('git', originUrl); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should not show user requests filter checkbox for anonymous users', function() { cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('#swh-save-requests-user-filter').should('not.exist'); }); it('should show user requests filter checkbox for authenticated users', function() { cy.userLogin(); cy.visit(url); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('#swh-save-requests-user-filter').should('exist'); }); it('should show only user requests when filter is activated', function() { cy.intercept('POST', '/api/1/origin/save/**') .as('saveRequest'); const originAnonymousUser = 'https://some.git.server/project/'; const originAuthUser = 'https://other.git.server/project/'; // anonymous user creates a save request makeOriginSaveRequest('git', originAnonymousUser); cy.wait('@saveRequest'); // authenticated user creates another save request cy.userLogin(); cy.visit(url); makeOriginSaveRequest('git', originAuthUser); cy.wait('@saveRequest'); // user requests filter checkbox should be in the DOM cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('#swh-save-requests-user-filter').should('exist'); // check unfiltered user requests cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { expect(rows.length).to.eq(2); expect($(rows[0].cells[2]).text()).to.contain(originAuthUser); expect($(rows[1].cells[2]).text()).to.contain(originAnonymousUser); }); // activate filter and check filtered user requests cy.get('#swh-save-requests-user-filter') .click({force: true}); cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { expect(rows.length).to.eq(1); expect($(rows[0].cells[2]).text()).to.contain(originAuthUser); }); // deactivate filter and check unfiltered user requests cy.get('#swh-save-requests-user-filter') .click({force: true}); cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { expect(rows.length).to.eq(2); }); }); it('should list unprivileged visit types when not connected', function() { cy.visit(url); cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type').children('option').then(options => { const actual = [...options].map(o => o.value); expect(actual).to.deep.eq(anonymousVisitTypes); }); }); it('should list unprivileged visit types when connected as unprivileged user', function() { cy.userLogin(); cy.visit(url); cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type').children('option').then(options => { const actual = [...options].map(o => o.value); expect(actual).to.deep.eq(anonymousVisitTypes); }); }); it('should list privileged visit types when connected as ambassador', function() { cy.ambassadorLogin(); cy.visit(url); cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type').children('option').then(options => { const actual = [...options].map(o => o.value); expect(actual).to.deep.eq(allVisitTypes); }); }); it('should display extra inputs when dealing with \'archives\' visit type', function() { cy.ambassadorLogin(); cy.visit(url); for (const visitType of anonymousVisitTypes) { cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type').select(visitType); cy.get('.swh-save-origin-archives-form').should('not.be.visible'); } // this should display more inputs with the 'archives' type cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type').select('archives'); cy.get('.swh-save-origin-archives-form').should('be.visible'); }); it('should be allowed to submit \'archives\' save request when connected as ambassador', function() { const originUrl = 'https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/pub/gnu/3dldf'; const artifactUrl = 'https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/pub/gnu/3dldf/3DLDF-1.1.4.tar.gz'; const artifactVersion = '1.1.4'; stubSaveRequest({ requestUrl: this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('archives', originUrl), saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: originUrl, saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled' }); cy.ambassadorLogin(); cy.visit(url); // input new 'archives' information and submit cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .type(originUrl) .get('#swh-input-visit-type') .select('archives') .get('#swh-input-artifact-url-0') .type(artifactUrl) .get('#swh-input-artifact-version-0') .clear() .type(artifactVersion) .get('#swh-save-origin-form') .submit(); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should submit multiple artifacts for the archives visit type', function() { const originUrl = 'https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/pub/gnu/3dldf'; const artifactUrl = 'https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/pub/gnu/3dldf/3DLDF-1.1.4.tar.gz'; const artifactVersion = '1.1.4'; const artifact2Url = 'https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/pub/gnu/3dldf/3DLDF-1.1.5.tar.gz'; const artifact2Version = '1.1.5'; cy.ambassadorLogin(); cy.visit(url); cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .type(originUrl) .get('#swh-input-visit-type') .select('archives'); // fill first artifact info cy.get('#swh-input-artifact-url-0') .type(artifactUrl) .get('#swh-input-artifact-version-0') .clear() .type(artifactVersion); // add new artifact form row cy.get('#swh-add-archive-artifact') .click(); // check new row is displayed cy.get('#swh-input-artifact-url-1') .should('exist'); // request removal of newly added row cy.get('#swh-remove-archive-artifact-1') .click(); // check row has been removed cy.get('#swh-input-artifact-url-1') .should('not.exist'); // add new artifact form row cy.get('#swh-add-archive-artifact') .click(); // fill second artifact info cy.get('#swh-input-artifact-url-1') .type(artifact2Url) .get('#swh-input-artifact-version-1') .clear() .type(artifact2Version); // setup request interceptor to check POST data and stub response cy.intercept('POST', this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('archives', originUrl), (req) => { expect(req.body).to.deep.equal({ archives_data: [ {artifact_url: artifactUrl, artifact_version: artifactVersion}, {artifact_url: artifact2Url, artifact_version: artifact2Version} ] }); req.reply(genOriginSaveResponse({ visitType: 'archives', saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: originUrl, saveRequestDate: new Date(), saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled', visitDate: null, visitStatus: null })); }).as('saveRequest'); // submit form cy.get('#swh-save-origin-form') .submit(); // submission should be successful cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should autofill artifact version when pasting artifact url', function() { const originUrl = 'https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/pub/gnu/3dldf'; const artifactUrl = 'https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/pub/gnu/3dldf/3DLDF-1.1.4.tar.gz'; const artifactVersion = '3DLDF-1.1.4'; const artifact2Url = 'https://example.org/artifact/test/1.3.0.zip'; const artifact2Version = '1.3.0'; cy.ambassadorLogin(); cy.visit(url); cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .type(originUrl) .get('#swh-input-visit-type') .select('archives'); // fill first artifact info cy.get('#swh-input-artifact-url-0') .type(artifactUrl); // check autofilled version cy.get('#swh-input-artifact-version-0') .should('have.value', artifactVersion); // add new artifact form row cy.get('#swh-add-archive-artifact') .click(); // fill second artifact info cy.get('#swh-input-artifact-url-1') .type(artifact2Url); // check autofilled version cy.get('#swh-input-artifact-version-1') .should('have.value', artifact2Version); }); it('should use canonical URL for github repository to save', function() { const ownerRepo = 'BIC-MNI/mni_autoreg'; const canonicalOriginUrl = 'https://github.com/BIC-MNI/mni_autoreg'; // stub call to github Web API fetching canonical repo URL cy.intercept(`https://api.github.com/repos/${ownerRepo.toLowerCase()}`, (req) => { req.reply({html_url: canonicalOriginUrl}); }).as('ghWebApiRequest'); // stub save request creation with canonical URL of github repo cy.intercept('POST', this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', canonicalOriginUrl), (req) => { req.reply(genOriginSaveResponse({ visitType: 'git', saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', originUrl: canonicalOriginUrl, saveRequestDate: new Date(), saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled', visitDate: null, visitStatus: null })); }).as('saveRequest'); for (const originUrl of ['https://github.com/BiC-MnI/MnI_AuToReG', 'https://github.com/BiC-MnI/MnI_AuToReG.git', 'https://github.com/BiC-MnI/MnI_AuToReG/', 'https://BiC-MnI.github.io/MnI_AuToReG/' ]) { // enter non canonical URL of github repo cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .clear() .type(originUrl); // submit form cy.get('#swh-save-origin-form') .submit(); // submission should be successful cy.wait('@ghWebApiRequest') .wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); } }); it('should switch tabs when playing with browser history', function() { cy.intercept('/save/requests/list/**', {fixture: 'origin-save'}); cy.intercept('/save/task/info/**', {fixture: 'save-task-info'}); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-request-help-tab') .should('have.class', 'active'); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab') .click(); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab') .should('have.class', 'active'); cy.go('back') .get('#swh-origin-save-request-help-tab') .should('have.class', 'active'); cy.go('forward') .get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab') .should('have.class', 'active'); }); + it('should not accept origin URL with password', function() { + + makeOriginSaveRequest('git', 'https://user:password@git.example.org/user/repo'); + + cy.get('.invalid-feedback') + .should('contain', 'The origin url contains a password and cannot be accepted for security reasons'); + + }); + + it('should accept origin URL with username but without password', function() { + + cy.adminLogin(); + cy.visit(url); + + const originUrl = 'https://user@git.example.org/user/repo'; + + stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', originUrl), + saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', + originUrl: originUrl, + saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); + + makeOriginSaveRequest('git', originUrl); + + cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { + checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); + }); + + }); + + it('should accept origin URL with anonymous credentials', function() { + + cy.adminLogin(); + cy.visit(url); + + const originUrl = 'https://anonymous:anonymous@git.example.org/user/repo'; + + stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', originUrl), + saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', + originUrl: originUrl, + saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); + + makeOriginSaveRequest('git', originUrl); + + cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { + checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); + }); + + }); + + it('should accept origin URL with empty password', function() { + + cy.adminLogin(); + cy.visit(url); + + const originUrl = 'https://anonymous:@git.example.org/user/repo'; + + stubSaveRequest({requestUrl: this.Urls.api_1_save_origin('git', originUrl), + saveRequestStatus: 'accepted', + originUrl: originUrl, + saveTaskStatus: 'not yet scheduled'}); + + makeOriginSaveRequest('git', originUrl); + + cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { + checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); + }); + + }); + }); diff --git a/swh/web/common/origin_save.py b/swh/web/common/origin_save.py index 68c91f0f..da88b144 100644 --- a/swh/web/common/origin_save.py +++ b/swh/web/common/origin_save.py @@ -1,934 +1,942 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from functools import lru_cache from itertools import product import json import logging from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple +from urllib.parse import urlparse from prometheus_client import Gauge import requests from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, ValidationError from django.core.validators import URLValidator from django.db.models import Q, QuerySet from django.utils.html import escape from swh.scheduler.utils import create_oneshot_task_dict from swh.web.common import archive from swh.web.common.exc import ( BadInputExc, ForbiddenExc, NotFoundExc, sentry_capture_exception, ) from swh.web.common.models import ( SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING, SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED, SAVE_TASK_FAILED, SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, SAVE_TASK_RUNNING, SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, VISIT_STATUS_CREATED, VISIT_STATUS_ONGOING, SaveAuthorizedOrigin, SaveOriginRequest, SaveUnauthorizedOrigin, ) from swh.web.common.typing import OriginExistenceCheckInfo, SaveOriginRequestInfo from swh.web.common.utils import SWH_WEB_METRICS_REGISTRY, parse_iso8601_date_to_utc from swh.web.config import get_config, scheduler logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Number of days in the past to lookup for information MAX_THRESHOLD_DAYS = 30 # Non terminal visit statuses which needs updates NON_TERMINAL_STATUSES = [ VISIT_STATUS_CREATED, VISIT_STATUS_ONGOING, ] def get_origin_save_authorized_urls() -> List[str]: """ Get the list of origin url prefixes authorized to be immediately loaded into the archive (whitelist). Returns: list: The list of authorized origin url prefix """ return [origin.url for origin in SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.all()] def get_origin_save_unauthorized_urls() -> List[str]: """ Get the list of origin url prefixes forbidden to be loaded into the archive (blacklist). Returns: list: the list of unauthorized origin url prefix """ return [origin.url for origin in SaveUnauthorizedOrigin.objects.all()] def can_save_origin(origin_url: str, bypass_pending_review: bool = False) -> str: """ Check if a software origin can be saved into the archive. Based on the origin url, the save request will be either: * immediately accepted if the url is whitelisted * rejected if the url is blacklisted * put in pending state for manual review otherwise Args: origin_url (str): the software origin url to check Returns: str: the origin save request status, either **accepted**, **rejected** or **pending** """ # origin url may be blacklisted for url_prefix in get_origin_save_unauthorized_urls(): if origin_url.startswith(url_prefix): return SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED # if the origin url is in the white list, it can be immediately saved for url_prefix in get_origin_save_authorized_urls(): if origin_url.startswith(url_prefix): return SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED # otherwise, the origin url needs to be manually verified if the user # that submitted it does not have special permission if bypass_pending_review: # mark the origin URL as trusted in that case SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.get_or_create(url=origin_url) return SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED else: return SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING # map visit type to scheduler task # TODO: do not hardcode the task name here (T1157) _visit_type_task = { "git": "load-git", "hg": "load-hg", "svn": "load-svn", "cvs": "load-cvs", "bzr": "load-bzr", } _visit_type_task_privileged = { "archives": "load-archive-files", } # map scheduler task status to origin save status _save_task_status = { "next_run_not_scheduled": SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, "next_run_scheduled": SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, "completed": SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, "disabled": SAVE_TASK_FAILED, } # map scheduler task_run status to origin save status _save_task_run_status = { "scheduled": SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, "started": SAVE_TASK_RUNNING, "eventful": SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, "uneventful": SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, "failed": SAVE_TASK_FAILED, "permfailed": SAVE_TASK_FAILED, "lost": SAVE_TASK_FAILED, } @lru_cache() def get_scheduler_load_task_types() -> List[str]: task_types = scheduler().get_task_types() return [t["type"] for t in task_types if t["type"].startswith("load")] def get_savable_visit_types_dict(privileged_user: bool = False) -> Dict: """Returned the supported task types the user has access to. Args: privileged_user: Flag to determine if all visit types should be returned or not. Default to False to only list unprivileged visit types. Returns: the dict of supported visit types for the user """ if privileged_user: task_types = {**_visit_type_task, **_visit_type_task_privileged} else: task_types = _visit_type_task # filter visit types according to scheduler load task types if available try: load_task_types = get_scheduler_load_task_types() return {k: v for k, v in task_types.items() if v in load_task_types} except Exception: return task_types def get_savable_visit_types(privileged_user: bool = False) -> List[str]: """Return the list of visit types the user can perform save requests on. Args: privileged_user: Flag to determine if all visit types should be returned or not. Default to False to only list unprivileged visit types. Returns: the list of saveable visit types """ return sorted(list(get_savable_visit_types_dict(privileged_user).keys())) def _check_visit_type_savable(visit_type: str, privileged_user: bool = False) -> None: visit_type_tasks = get_savable_visit_types(privileged_user) if visit_type not in visit_type_tasks: allowed_visit_types = ", ".join(visit_type_tasks) raise BadInputExc( f"Visit of type {visit_type} can not be saved! " f"Allowed types are the following: {allowed_visit_types}" ) _validate_url = URLValidator( schemes=["http", "https", "svn", "git", "rsync", "pserver", "ssh", "bzr"] ) def _check_origin_url_valid(origin_url: str) -> None: try: _validate_url(origin_url) except ValidationError: raise BadInputExc( - "The provided origin url (%s) is not valid!" % escape(origin_url) + f"The provided origin url ({escape(origin_url)}) is not valid!" + ) + + parsed_url = urlparse(origin_url) + if parsed_url.password not in (None, "", "anonymous"): + raise BadInputExc( + "The provided origin url contains a password and cannot be " + "accepted for security reasons." ) def origin_exists(origin_url: str) -> OriginExistenceCheckInfo: """Check the origin url for existence. If it exists, extract some more useful information on the origin. """ resp = requests.head(origin_url, allow_redirects=True) exists = resp.ok content_length: Optional[int] = None last_modified: Optional[str] = None if exists: # Also process X-Archive-Orig-* headers in case the URL targets the # Internet Archive. size_ = resp.headers.get( "Content-Length", resp.headers.get("X-Archive-Orig-Content-Length") ) content_length = int(size_) if size_ else None try: date_str = resp.headers.get( "Last-Modified", resp.headers.get("X-Archive-Orig-Last-Modified", "") ) date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") last_modified = date.isoformat() except ValueError: # if not provided or not parsable as per the expected format, keep it None pass return OriginExistenceCheckInfo( origin_url=origin_url, exists=exists, last_modified=last_modified, content_length=content_length, ) def _check_origin_exists(url: str) -> OriginExistenceCheckInfo: """Ensure an URL exists, if not raise an explicit message.""" metadata = origin_exists(url) if not metadata["exists"]: raise BadInputExc(f"The provided url ({escape(url)}) does not exist!") return metadata def _get_visit_info_for_save_request( save_request: SaveOriginRequest, ) -> Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[str]]: """Retrieve visit information out of a save request Args: save_request: Input save origin request to retrieve information for. Returns: Tuple of (visit date, optional visit status) for such save request origin """ visit_date = None visit_status = None time_now = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) time_delta = time_now - save_request.request_date # stop trying to find a visit date one month after save request submission # as those requests to storage are expensive and associated loading task # surely ended up with errors if time_delta.days <= MAX_THRESHOLD_DAYS: origin = save_request.origin_url ovs = archive.origin_visit_find_by_date(origin, save_request.request_date) if ovs: visit_date = parse_iso8601_date_to_utc(ovs["date"]) visit_status = ovs["status"] return visit_date, visit_status def _check_visit_update_status( save_request: SaveOriginRequest, ) -> Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """Given a save request, determine whether a save request was successful or failed. Args: save_request: Input save origin request to retrieve information for. Returns: Tuple of (optional visit date, optional visit status, optional save task status) for such save request origin """ visit_date, visit_status = _get_visit_info_for_save_request(save_request) loading_task_status = None if visit_date and visit_status in ("full", "partial"): # visit has been performed, mark the saving task as succeeded loading_task_status = SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED elif visit_status in ("created", "ongoing"): # visit is currently running loading_task_status = SAVE_TASK_RUNNING elif visit_status in ("not_found", "failed"): loading_task_status = SAVE_TASK_FAILED else: time_now = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) time_delta = time_now - save_request.request_date # consider the task as failed if it is still in scheduled state # 30 days after its submission if time_delta.days > MAX_THRESHOLD_DAYS: loading_task_status = SAVE_TASK_FAILED return visit_date, visit_status, loading_task_status def _compute_task_loading_status( task: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, task_run: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: loading_task_status: Optional[str] = None # First determine the loading task status out of task information if task: loading_task_status = _save_task_status[task["status"]] if task_run: loading_task_status = _save_task_run_status[task_run["status"]] return loading_task_status def _update_save_request_info( save_request: SaveOriginRequest, task: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, task_run: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> SaveOriginRequestInfo: """Update save request information out of the visit status and fallback to the task and task_run information if the visit status is missing. Args: save_request: Save request task: Associated scheduler task information about the save request task_run: Most recent run occurrence of the associated task Returns: Summary of the save request information updated. """ must_save = False # To determine the save code now request's final status, the visit date must be set # and the visit status must be a final one. Once they do, the save code now is # definitely done. if ( not save_request.visit_date or not save_request.visit_status or save_request.visit_status in NON_TERMINAL_STATUSES ): visit_date, visit_status, loading_task_status = _check_visit_update_status( save_request ) if not loading_task_status: # fallback when not provided loading_task_status = _compute_task_loading_status(task, task_run) if visit_date != save_request.visit_date: must_save = True save_request.visit_date = visit_date if visit_status != save_request.visit_status: must_save = True save_request.visit_status = visit_status if ( loading_task_status is not None and loading_task_status != save_request.loading_task_status ): must_save = True save_request.loading_task_status = loading_task_status if must_save: save_request.save() return save_request.to_dict() def create_save_origin_request( visit_type: str, origin_url: str, privileged_user: bool = False, user_id: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> SaveOriginRequestInfo: """Create a loading task to save a software origin into the archive. This function aims to create a software origin loading task through the use of the swh-scheduler component. First, some checks are performed to see if the visit type and origin url are valid but also if the the save request can be accepted. For the 'archives' visit type, this also ensures the artifacts actually exists. If those checks passed, the loading task is then created. Otherwise, the save request is put in pending or rejected state. All the submitted save requests are logged into the swh-web database to keep track of them. Args: visit_type: the type of visit to perform (e.g. git, hg, svn, archives, ...) origin_url: the url of the origin to save privileged: Whether the user has some more privilege than other (bypass review, access to privileged other visit types) user_id: User identifier (provided when authenticated) kwargs: Optional parameters (e.g. artifact_url, artifact_filename, artifact_version) Raises: BadInputExc: the visit type or origin url is invalid or inexistent ForbiddenExc: the provided origin url is blacklisted Returns: dict: A dict describing the save request with the following keys: * **visit_type**: the type of visit to perform * **origin_url**: the url of the origin * **save_request_date**: the date the request was submitted * **save_request_status**: the request status, either **accepted**, **rejected** or **pending** * **save_task_status**: the origin loading task status, either **not created**, **not yet scheduled**, **scheduled**, **succeed** or **failed** """ visit_type_tasks = get_savable_visit_types_dict(privileged_user) _check_visit_type_savable(visit_type, privileged_user) _check_origin_url_valid(origin_url) # if all checks passed so far, we can try and save the origin save_request_status = can_save_origin(origin_url, privileged_user) task = None # if the origin save request is accepted, create a scheduler # task to load it into the archive if save_request_status == SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: # create a task with high priority task_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = { "priority": "high", "url": origin_url, } if visit_type == "archives": # extra arguments for that type are required archives_data = kwargs.get("archives_data", []) if not archives_data: raise BadInputExc( "Artifacts data are missing for the archives visit type." ) artifacts = [] for artifact in archives_data: artifact_url = artifact.get("artifact_url") artifact_version = artifact.get("artifact_version") if not artifact_url or not artifact_version: raise BadInputExc("Missing url or version for an artifact to load.") metadata = _check_origin_exists(artifact_url) artifacts.append( { "url": artifact_url, "version": artifact_version, "time": metadata["last_modified"], "length": metadata["content_length"], } ) task_kwargs = dict(**task_kwargs, artifacts=artifacts, snapshot_append=True) sor = None # get list of previously submitted save requests (most recent first) current_sors = list( SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter( visit_type=visit_type, origin_url=origin_url ).order_by("-request_date") ) can_create_task = False # if no save requests previously submitted, create the scheduler task if not current_sors: can_create_task = True else: # get the latest submitted save request sor = current_sors[0] # if it was in pending state, we need to create the scheduler task # and update the save request info in the database if sor.status == SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING: can_create_task = True # a task has already been created to load the origin elif sor.loading_task_id != -1: # get the scheduler task and its status tasks = scheduler().get_tasks([sor.loading_task_id]) task = tasks[0] if tasks else None task_runs = scheduler().get_task_runs([sor.loading_task_id]) task_run = task_runs[0] if task_runs else None save_request_info = _update_save_request_info(sor, task, task_run) task_status = save_request_info["save_task_status"] # create a new scheduler task only if the previous one has been # already executed if ( task_status == SAVE_TASK_FAILED or task_status == SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED ): can_create_task = True sor = None else: can_create_task = False if can_create_task: # effectively create the scheduler task task_dict = create_oneshot_task_dict( visit_type_tasks[visit_type], **task_kwargs ) task = scheduler().create_tasks([task_dict])[0] # pending save request has been accepted if sor: sor.status = SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED sor.loading_task_id = task["id"] sor.save() else: sor = SaveOriginRequest.objects.create( visit_type=visit_type, origin_url=origin_url, status=save_request_status, loading_task_id=task["id"], user_ids=f'"{user_id}"' if user_id else None, ) # save request must be manually reviewed for acceptation elif save_request_status == SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING: # check if there is already such a save request already submitted, # no need to add it to the database in that case try: sor = SaveOriginRequest.objects.get( visit_type=visit_type, origin_url=origin_url, status=save_request_status ) user_ids = sor.user_ids if sor.user_ids is not None else "" if user_id is not None and f'"{user_id}"' not in user_ids: # update user ids list sor.user_ids = f'{sor.user_ids},"{user_id}"' sor.save() # if not add it to the database except ObjectDoesNotExist: sor = SaveOriginRequest.objects.create( visit_type=visit_type, origin_url=origin_url, status=save_request_status, user_ids=f'"{user_id}"' if user_id else None, ) # origin can not be saved as its url is blacklisted, # log the request to the database anyway else: sor = SaveOriginRequest.objects.create( visit_type=visit_type, origin_url=origin_url, status=save_request_status, user_ids=f'"{user_id}"' if user_id else None, ) if save_request_status == SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED: raise ForbiddenExc( ( 'The "save code now" request has been rejected ' "because the provided origin url is blacklisted." ) ) assert sor is not None return _update_save_request_info(sor, task) def update_save_origin_requests_from_queryset( requests_queryset: QuerySet, ) -> List[SaveOriginRequestInfo]: """Update all save requests from a SaveOriginRequest queryset, update their status in db and return the list of impacted save_requests. Args: requests_queryset: input SaveOriginRequest queryset Returns: list: A list of save origin request info dicts as described in :func:`swh.web.common.origin_save.create_save_origin_request` """ task_ids = [] for sor in requests_queryset: task_ids.append(sor.loading_task_id) save_requests = [] if task_ids: try: tasks = scheduler().get_tasks(task_ids) tasks = {task["id"]: task for task in tasks} task_runs = scheduler().get_task_runs(tasks) task_runs = {task_run["task"]: task_run for task_run in task_runs} except Exception: # allow to avoid mocking api GET responses for /origin/save endpoint when # running cypress tests as scheduler is not available tasks = {} task_runs = {} for sor in requests_queryset: sr_dict = _update_save_request_info( sor, tasks.get(sor.loading_task_id), task_runs.get(sor.loading_task_id), ) save_requests.append(sr_dict) return save_requests def refresh_save_origin_request_statuses() -> List[SaveOriginRequestInfo]: """Refresh non-terminal save origin requests (SOR) in the backend. Non-terminal SOR are requests whose status is **accepted** and their task status are either **created**, **not yet scheduled**, **scheduled** or **running**. This shall compute this list of SOR, checks their status in the scheduler and optionally elasticsearch for their current status. Then update those in db. Finally, this returns the refreshed information on those SOR. """ pivot_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) - timedelta(days=MAX_THRESHOLD_DAYS) save_requests = SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter( # Retrieve accepted request statuses (all statuses) Q(status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED), # those without the required information we need to update Q(visit_date__isnull=True) | Q(visit_status__isnull=True) | Q(visit_status__in=NON_TERMINAL_STATUSES), # limit results to recent ones (that is roughly 30 days old at best) Q(request_date__gte=pivot_date), ) return ( update_save_origin_requests_from_queryset(save_requests) if save_requests.count() > 0 else [] ) def get_save_origin_requests( visit_type: str, origin_url: str ) -> List[SaveOriginRequestInfo]: """ Get all save requests for a given software origin. Args: visit_type: the type of visit origin_url: the url of the origin Raises: BadInputExc: the visit type or origin url is invalid swh.web.common.exc.NotFoundExc: no save requests can be found for the given origin Returns: list: A list of save origin requests dict as described in :func:`swh.web.common.origin_save.create_save_origin_request` """ _check_visit_type_savable(visit_type) _check_origin_url_valid(origin_url) sors = SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter( visit_type=visit_type, origin_url=origin_url ) if sors.count() == 0: raise NotFoundExc( f"No save requests found for visit of type {visit_type} " f"on origin with url {origin_url}." ) return update_save_origin_requests_from_queryset(sors) def get_save_origin_task_info( save_request_id: int, full_info: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get detailed information about an accepted save origin request and its associated loading task. If the associated loading task info is archived and removed from the scheduler database, returns an empty dictionary. Args: save_request_id: identifier of a save origin request full_info: whether to return detailed info for staff users Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: - **type**: loading task type - **arguments**: loading task arguments - **id**: loading task database identifier - **backend_id**: loading task celery identifier - **scheduled**: loading task scheduling date - **ended**: loading task termination date - **status**: loading task execution status - **visit_status**: Actual visit status Depending on the availability of the task logs in the elasticsearch cluster of Software Heritage, the returned dictionary may also contain the following keys: - **name**: associated celery task name - **message**: relevant log message from task execution - **duration**: task execution time (only if it succeeded) - **worker**: name of the worker that executed the task """ try: save_request = SaveOriginRequest.objects.get(id=save_request_id) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return {} task_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} if save_request.note is not None: task_info["note"] = save_request.note try: task = scheduler().get_tasks([save_request.loading_task_id]) except Exception: # to avoid mocking GET responses of /save/task/info/ endpoint when running # cypress tests as scheduler is not available in that case task = None task = task[0] if task else None if task is None: return task_info task_run = scheduler().get_task_runs([task["id"]]) task_run = task_run[0] if task_run else None if task_run is None: return task_info task_info.update(task_run) task_info["type"] = task["type"] task_info["arguments"] = task["arguments"] task_info["id"] = task_run["task"] del task_info["task"] del task_info["metadata"] # Enrich the task info with the loading visit status task_info["visit_status"] = save_request.visit_status es_workers_index_url = get_config()["es_workers_index_url"] if not es_workers_index_url: return task_info es_workers_index_url += "/_search" if save_request.visit_date: min_ts = save_request.visit_date max_ts = min_ts + timedelta(days=7) else: min_ts = save_request.request_date max_ts = min_ts + timedelta(days=MAX_THRESHOLD_DAYS) min_ts_unix = int(min_ts.timestamp()) * 1000 max_ts_unix = int(max_ts.timestamp()) * 1000 save_task_status = _save_task_status[task["status"]] priority = "3" if save_task_status == SAVE_TASK_FAILED else "6" query = { "bool": { "must": [ {"match_phrase": {"syslog.priority": {"query": priority}}}, { "match_phrase": { "journald.custom.swh_task_id": {"query": task_run["backend_id"]} } }, { "range": { "@timestamp": { "gte": min_ts_unix, "lte": max_ts_unix, "format": "epoch_millis", } } }, ] } } try: response = requests.post( es_workers_index_url, json={"query": query, "sort": ["@timestamp"]}, timeout=30, ) results = json.loads(response.text) if results["hits"]["total"]["value"] >= 1: task_run_info = results["hits"]["hits"][-1]["_source"] journald_custom = task_run_info.get("journald", {}).get("custom", {}) task_info["duration"] = journald_custom.get( "swh_logging_args_runtime", "not available" ) task_info["message"] = task_run_info.get("message", "not available") task_info["name"] = journald_custom.get("swh_task_name", "not available") task_info["worker"] = task_run_info.get("host", {}).get("hostname") except Exception as exc: logger.warning("Request to Elasticsearch failed\n%s", exc) sentry_capture_exception(exc) if not full_info: for field in ("id", "backend_id", "worker"): # remove some staff only fields task_info.pop(field, None) if "message" in task_run and "Loading failure" in task_run["message"]: # hide traceback for non staff users, only display exception message_lines = task_info["message"].split("\n") message = "" for line in message_lines: if line.startswith("Traceback"): break message += f"{line}\n" message += message_lines[-1] task_info["message"] = message return task_info SUBMITTED_SAVE_REQUESTS_METRIC = "swh_web_submitted_save_requests" _submitted_save_requests_gauge = Gauge( name=SUBMITTED_SAVE_REQUESTS_METRIC, documentation="Number of submitted origin save requests", labelnames=["status", "visit_type"], registry=SWH_WEB_METRICS_REGISTRY, ) ACCEPTED_SAVE_REQUESTS_METRIC = "swh_web_accepted_save_requests" _accepted_save_requests_gauge = Gauge( name=ACCEPTED_SAVE_REQUESTS_METRIC, documentation="Number of accepted origin save requests", labelnames=["load_task_status", "visit_type"], registry=SWH_WEB_METRICS_REGISTRY, ) # Metric on the delay of save code now request per status and visit_type. This is the # time difference between the save code now is requested and the time it got ingested. ACCEPTED_SAVE_REQUESTS_DELAY_METRIC = "swh_web_save_requests_delay_seconds" _accepted_save_requests_delay_gauge = Gauge( name=ACCEPTED_SAVE_REQUESTS_DELAY_METRIC, documentation="Save Requests Duration", labelnames=["load_task_status", "visit_type"], registry=SWH_WEB_METRICS_REGISTRY, ) def compute_save_requests_metrics() -> None: """Compute Prometheus metrics related to origin save requests: - Number of submitted origin save requests - Number of accepted origin save requests - Save Code Now requests delay between request time and actual time of ingestion """ request_statuses = ( SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED, SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING, ) load_task_statuses = ( SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, SAVE_TASK_FAILED, SAVE_TASK_RUNNING, ) # for metrics, we want access to all visit types visit_types = get_savable_visit_types(privileged_user=True) labels_set = product(request_statuses, visit_types) for labels in labels_set: _submitted_save_requests_gauge.labels(*labels).set(0) labels_set = product(load_task_statuses, visit_types) for labels in labels_set: _accepted_save_requests_gauge.labels(*labels).set(0) duration_load_task_statuses = ( SAVE_TASK_FAILED, SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, ) for labels in product(duration_load_task_statuses, visit_types): _accepted_save_requests_delay_gauge.labels(*labels).set(0) for sor in SaveOriginRequest.objects.all(): if sor.status == SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: _accepted_save_requests_gauge.labels( load_task_status=sor.loading_task_status, visit_type=sor.visit_type, ).inc() _submitted_save_requests_gauge.labels( status=sor.status, visit_type=sor.visit_type ).inc() if ( sor.loading_task_status in (SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, SAVE_TASK_FAILED) and sor.visit_date is not None and sor.request_date is not None ): delay = sor.visit_date.timestamp() - sor.request_date.timestamp() _accepted_save_requests_delay_gauge.labels( load_task_status=sor.loading_task_status, visit_type=sor.visit_type, ).inc(delay) diff --git a/swh/web/tests/api/views/test_origin_save.py b/swh/web/tests/api/views/test_origin_save.py index c260782c..9ae6bbe9 100644 --- a/swh/web/tests/api/views/test_origin_save.py +++ b/swh/web/tests/api/views/test_origin_save.py @@ -1,605 +1,657 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from datetime import datetime, timedelta import uuid import pytest from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.utils import timezone from swh.web.api.throttling import SwhWebUserRateThrottle from swh.web.auth.utils import API_SAVE_ORIGIN_PERMISSION, SWH_AMBASSADOR_PERMISSION from swh.web.common.models import ( SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING, SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED, SAVE_TASK_FAILED, SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, VISIT_STATUS_FAILED, VISIT_STATUS_FULL, SaveAuthorizedOrigin, SaveOriginRequest, SaveUnauthorizedOrigin, ) from swh.web.common.typing import OriginExistenceCheckInfo from swh.web.common.utils import reverse from swh.web.settings.tests import save_origin_rate_post from swh.web.tests.utils import ( check_api_get_responses, check_api_post_response, check_api_post_responses, create_django_permission, ) pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def populated_db(): SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.create(url="https://github.com/"), SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.create(url="https://gitlab.com/"), SaveUnauthorizedOrigin.objects.create(url="https://github.com/user/illegal_repo") SaveUnauthorizedOrigin.objects.create(url="https://gitlab.com/user_to_exclude") def test_invalid_visit_type(api_client, swh_scheduler): url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={ "visit_type": "foo", "origin_url": "https://github.com/torvalds/linux", }, ) check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=400) def test_invalid_origin_url(api_client, swh_scheduler): url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": "bar"} ) check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=400) def check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status, expected_task_status=None, visit_date=None, ): mock_origin_exists = mocker.patch("swh.web.common.origin_save.origin_exists") mock_origin_exists.return_value = OriginExistenceCheckInfo( origin_url=origin_url, exists=True, last_modified=None, content_length=None ) url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": origin_url} ) mock_visit_date = mocker.patch( ("swh.web.common.origin_save._get_visit_info_for_save_request") ) mock_visit_date.return_value = (visit_date, None) if expected_request_status != SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED: response = check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, data=None, status_code=200) assert response.data["save_request_status"] == expected_request_status assert response.data["save_task_status"] == expected_task_status else: check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, data=None, status_code=403) def check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status, expected_task_status, scheduler_task_status="next_run_not_scheduled", scheduler_task_run_status=None, visit_date=None, visit_status=None, ): if expected_task_status != SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED: task = dict(swh_scheduler.search_tasks()[0].items()) backend_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if scheduler_task_status != "next_run_not_scheduled": swh_scheduler.schedule_task_run(task["id"], backend_id) if scheduler_task_run_status is not None: swh_scheduler.start_task_run(backend_id) task_run = dict( swh_scheduler.end_task_run(backend_id, scheduler_task_run_status).items() ) url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": origin_url} ) mock_visit_date = mocker.patch( ("swh.web.common.origin_save._get_visit_info_for_save_request") ) mock_visit_date.return_value = (visit_date, visit_status) response = check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=200) save_request_data = response.data[0] assert save_request_data["save_request_status"] == expected_request_status assert save_request_data["save_task_status"] == expected_task_status assert save_request_data["visit_status"] == visit_status if scheduler_task_run_status is not None: # Check that save task status is still available when # the scheduler task has been archived swh_scheduler.delete_archived_tasks( [{"task_id": task["id"], "task_run_id": task_run["id"]}] ) response = check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=200) save_request_data = response.data[0] assert save_request_data["save_task_status"] == expected_task_status assert save_request_data["visit_status"] == visit_status def test_save_request_rejected(api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler): origin_url = "https://github.com/user/illegal_repo" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_REJECTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, ) def test_save_request_pending(api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler): origin_url = "https://unkwownforge.com/user/repo" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_CREATED, ) def test_save_request_scheduled(api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler): origin_url = "https://github.com/Kitware/CMake" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, scheduler_task_status="next_run_scheduled", scheduler_task_run_status="scheduled", ) def test_save_request_completed(api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler): origin_url = "https://github.com/Kitware/CMake" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, scheduler_task_status="completed", scheduler_task_run_status="eventful", visit_date=None, ) def test_save_request_completed_visit_status(api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler): origin_url = "https://github.com/Kitware/CMake" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) visit_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(hours=1) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SUCCEEDED, scheduler_task_status="completed", scheduler_task_run_status="eventful", visit_date=visit_date, visit_status=VISIT_STATUS_FULL, ) def test_save_request_failed(api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler): origin_url = "https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_FAILED, scheduler_task_status="disabled", scheduler_task_run_status="failed", visit_status=VISIT_STATUS_FAILED, ) def test_create_save_request_no_duplicate(api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler): origin_url = "https://github.com/webpack/webpack" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) sors = list( SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter(visit_type="git", origin_url=origin_url) ) assert len(sors) == 1 check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, scheduler_task_status="next_run_scheduled", scheduler_task_run_status="scheduled", ) check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_SCHEDULED, ) sors = list( SaveOriginRequest.objects.filter(visit_type="git", origin_url=origin_url) ) assert len(sors) == 1 def test_get_save_requests_unknown_origin(api_client, swh_scheduler): unknown_origin_url = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar" url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": unknown_origin_url}, ) response = check_api_get_responses(api_client, url, status_code=404) assert response.data == { "exception": "NotFoundExc", "reason": ( "No save requests found for visit of type git on origin with url %s." ) % unknown_origin_url, } _visit_type = "git" _origin_url = "https://github.com/python/cpython" def test_save_requests_rate_limit(api_client, swh_scheduler): url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": _visit_type, "origin_url": _origin_url}, ) for _ in range(save_origin_rate_post): check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=200) check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=429) def test_save_requests_no_rate_limit_if_permission( api_client, regular_user, swh_scheduler ): regular_user.user_permissions.add( create_django_permission(API_SAVE_ORIGIN_PERMISSION) ) assert regular_user.has_perm(API_SAVE_ORIGIN_PERMISSION) api_client.force_login(regular_user) url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": _visit_type, "origin_url": _origin_url}, ) for _ in range(save_origin_rate_post * SwhWebUserRateThrottle.NUM_REQUESTS_FACTOR): check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=200) check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=200) def test_save_request_unknown_repo_with_permission( api_client, regular_user, mocker, swh_scheduler ): regular_user.user_permissions.add( create_django_permission(API_SAVE_ORIGIN_PERMISSION) ) assert regular_user.has_perm(API_SAVE_ORIGIN_PERMISSION) api_client.force_login(regular_user) origin_url = "https://unkwownforge.org/user/repo" check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) check_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, swh_scheduler, origin_url, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) def test_save_request_form_server_error(api_client, mocker): create_save_origin_request = mocker.patch( "swh.web.api.views.origin_save.create_save_origin_request" ) create_save_origin_request.side_effect = Exception("Server error") url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": _visit_type, "origin_url": _origin_url}, ) check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, status_code=500) @pytest.fixture def origin_to_review(): return "https://git.example.org/user/project" def test_create_save_request_pending_review_anonymous_user( api_client, origin_to_review, swh_scheduler ): url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": origin_to_review}, ) response = check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, status_code=200) assert response.data["save_request_status"] == SAVE_REQUEST_PENDING with pytest.raises(ObjectDoesNotExist): SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.get(url=origin_to_review) def test_create_save_request_archives_with_ambassador_user( api_client, keycloak_oidc, requests_mock, swh_scheduler, ): swh_scheduler.add_load_archive_task_type() keycloak_oidc.realm_permissions = [SWH_AMBASSADOR_PERMISSION] oidc_profile = keycloak_oidc.login() api_client.credentials(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=f"Bearer {oidc_profile['refresh_token']}") originUrl = "https://somewhere.org/simple" artifact_version = "1.2.3" artifact_filename = f"tarball-{artifact_version}.tar.gz" artifact_url = f"{originUrl}/{artifact_filename}" content_length = "100" last_modified = "Sun, 21 Aug 2011 16:26:32 GMT" requests_mock.head( artifact_url, status_code=200, headers={ "content-length": content_length, "last-modified": last_modified, }, ) url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={ "visit_type": "archives", "origin_url": originUrl, }, ) response = check_api_post_response( api_client, url, status_code=200, data={ "archives_data": [ { "artifact_url": artifact_url, "artifact_version": artifact_version, } ] }, ) assert response.data["save_request_status"] == SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED assert SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.get(url=originUrl) def test_create_save_request_archives_missing_artifacts_data( api_client, keycloak_oidc, swh_scheduler ): swh_scheduler.add_load_archive_task_type() keycloak_oidc.realm_permissions = [SWH_AMBASSADOR_PERMISSION] oidc_profile = keycloak_oidc.login() api_client.credentials(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=f"Bearer {oidc_profile['refresh_token']}") originUrl = "https://somewhere.org/simple" url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={ "visit_type": "archives", "origin_url": originUrl, }, ) response = check_api_post_response( api_client, url, status_code=400, data={}, ) assert "Artifacts data are missing" in response.data["reason"] response = check_api_post_response( api_client, url, status_code=400, data={"archives_data": [{"artifact_url": "", "arttifact_version": "1.0"}]}, ) assert "Missing url or version for an artifact to load" in response.data["reason"] def test_create_save_request_archives_accepted_ambassador_user( api_client, origin_to_review, keycloak_oidc, mocker, swh_scheduler ): keycloak_oidc.realm_permissions = [SWH_AMBASSADOR_PERMISSION] oidc_profile = keycloak_oidc.login() api_client.credentials(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=f"Bearer {oidc_profile['refresh_token']}") check_created_save_request_status( api_client, mocker, origin_to_review, expected_request_status=SAVE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, expected_task_status=SAVE_TASK_NOT_YET_SCHEDULED, ) assert SaveAuthorizedOrigin.objects.get(url=origin_to_review) def test_create_save_request_anonymous_user_no_user_id(api_client, swh_scheduler): origin_url = "https://some.git.hosters/user/repo" url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": origin_url}, ) check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, status_code=200) sor = SaveOriginRequest.objects.get(origin_url=origin_url) assert sor.user_ids is None def test_create_save_request_authenticated_user_id( api_client, keycloak_oidc, swh_scheduler ): oidc_profile = keycloak_oidc.login() api_client.credentials(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=f"Bearer {oidc_profile['refresh_token']}") origin_url = "https://some.git.hosters/user/repo2" url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": origin_url}, ) response = check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=200) assert response.wsgi_request.user.id is not None user_id = str(response.wsgi_request.user.id) sor = SaveOriginRequest.objects.get(user_ids=f'"{user_id}"') assert sor.user_ids == f'"{user_id}"' def test_create_pending_save_request_multiple_authenticated_users( api_client, swh_scheduler, regular_user, regular_user2 ): origin_url = "https://some.git.hosters/user/repo3" url = reverse( "api-1-save-origin", url_args={"visit_type": "git", "origin_url": origin_url}, ) api_client.force_login(regular_user) check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=200) api_client.force_login(regular_user2) check_api_post_response(api_client, url, status_code=200) assert SaveOriginRequest.objects.get(user_ids__contains=f'"{regular_user.id}"') assert SaveOriginRequest.objects.get(user_ids__contains=f'"{regular_user2.id}"') + + +def test_reject_origin_url_with_password(api_client, swh_scheduler): + url = reverse( + "api-1-save-origin", + url_args={ + "visit_type": "git", + "origin_url": "https://user:password@git.example.org/user/repo", + }, + ) + resp = check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, status_code=400) + + assert resp.data == { + "exception": "BadInputExc", + "reason": ( + "The provided origin url contains a password and cannot " + "be accepted for security reasons." + ), + } + + +def test_accept_origin_url_with_username_but_without_password( + api_client, swh_scheduler +): + url = reverse( + "api-1-save-origin", + url_args={ + "visit_type": "git", + "origin_url": "https://user@git.example.org/user/repo", + }, + ) + check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, status_code=200) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "origin_url", + [ + "https://anonymous:anonymous@git.example.org/user/repo", + "https://anonymous:@git.example.org/user/repo", + ], +) +def test_accept_origin_url_with_anonymous_credentials( + api_client, swh_scheduler, origin_url +): + url = reverse( + "api-1-save-origin", + url_args={ + "visit_type": "git", + "origin_url": origin_url, + }, + ) + check_api_post_responses(api_client, url, status_code=200)