diff --git a/swh/web/ui/renderers.py b/swh/web/ui/renderers.py index 421c2ffc..65c49a95 100644 --- a/swh/web/ui/renderers.py +++ b/swh/web/ui/renderers.py @@ -1,150 +1,169 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import re import yaml import json +import sys from docutils.core import publish_parts from docutils.writers.html4css1 import Writer, HTMLTranslator from flask import request, Response, render_template from flask import g from swh.web.ui import utils class SWHFilterEnricher(): """Global filter on fields. """ def filter_by_fields(self, data): """Extract a request parameter 'fields' if it exists to permit the filtering on the data dict's keys. If such field is not provided, returns the data as is. """ fields = request.args.get('fields') if fields: fields = set(fields.split(',')) data = utils.filter_field_keys(data, fields) return data class SWHMultiResponse(Response, SWHFilterEnricher): """ A Flask Response subclass. Override force_type to transform dict responses into callable Flask response objects whose mimetype matches the request's Accept header: HTML template render, YAML dump or default to a JSON dump. """ @classmethod def make_response_from_mimetype(cls, rv, options={}): if not (isinstance(rv, list) or isinstance(rv, dict)): return rv def wants_html(best_match): return best_match == 'text/html' and \ request.accept_mimetypes[best_match] > \ request.accept_mimetypes['application/json'] def wants_yaml(best_match): return best_match == 'application/yaml' and \ request.accept_mimetypes[best_match] > \ request.accept_mimetypes['application/json'] rv = cls.filter_by_fields(cls, rv) acc_mime = ['application/json', 'application/yaml', 'text/html'] best_match = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(acc_mime) # return a template render if wants_html(best_match): data = json.dumps(rv, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) env = g.get('doc_env', {}) env['response_data'] = data env['request'] = request rv = Response(render_template('apidoc.html', **env), content_type='text/html', **options) # return formatted yaml elif wants_yaml(best_match): rv = Response( yaml.dump(rv), content_type='application/yaml', **options) # return formatted json else: # jsonify is unhappy with lists in Flask 0.10.1, use json.dumps rv = Response( json.dumps(rv), content_type='application/json', **options) return rv @classmethod def force_type(cls, rv, environ=None): if isinstance(rv, dict) or isinstance(rv, list): rv = cls.make_response_from_mimetype(rv) return super().force_type(rv, environ) def error_response(error_code, error): """Private function to create a custom error response. """ error_opts = {'status': error_code} error_data = {'error': str(error)} return SWHMultiResponse.make_response_from_mimetype(error_data, options=error_opts) def urlize_api_links(content): """Utility function for decorating api links in browsable api.""" return re.sub(r'"(/api/.*|/browse/.*)"', r'"\1"', content) class NoHeaderHTMLTranslator(HTMLTranslator): """ Docutils translator subclass to customize the generation of HTML from reST-formatted docstrings """ def __init__(self, document): super().__init__(document) self.body_prefix = [] self.body_suffix = [] - # disable blockquotes to ignore indentation issue with docstrings - def visit_block_quote(self, node): - pass - - def depart_block_quote(self, node): - pass - def visit_bullet_list(self, node): self.context.append((self.compact_simple, self.compact_p)) self.compact_p = None self.compact_simple = self.is_compactable(node) self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'ul', CLASS='docstring')) DOCSTRING_WRITER = Writer() DOCSTRING_WRITER.translator_class = NoHeaderHTMLTranslator def safe_docstring_display(docstring): """ Utility function to htmlize reST-formatted documentation in browsable api. """ + + def trim(docstring): + """Correctly trim triple-quoted docstrings, taking into account + first-line indentation inconsistency. + Sourced from PEP257. + """ + if not docstring: + return '' + lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines() + indent = sys.maxsize + for line in lines[1:]: + stripped = line.lstrip() + if stripped: + indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped)) + trimmed = [lines[0].strip()] + if indent < sys.maxsize: + for line in lines[1:]: + trimmed.append(line[indent:].rstrip()) + while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]: + trimmed.pop() + while trimmed and not trimmed[0]: + trimmed.pop(0) + return '\n'.join(trimmed) + + docstring = trim(docstring) return publish_parts(docstring, writer=DOCSTRING_WRITER)['html_body'] def revision_id_from_url(url): """Utility function to obtain a revision's ID from its browsing URL.""" return re.sub(r'/browse/revision/([0-9a-f]{40}|[0-9a-f]{64})/.*', r'\1', url) diff --git a/swh/web/ui/tests/test_renderers.py b/swh/web/ui/tests/test_renderers.py index 3e9e4718..a74e7492 100644 --- a/swh/web/ui/tests/test_renderers.py +++ b/swh/web/ui/tests/test_renderers.py @@ -1,233 +1,233 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import json import unittest import yaml from flask import Response from nose.tools import istest from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock from swh.web.ui import renderers class RendererTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.g') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.json') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.request') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.render_template') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.SWHMultiResponse.filter_by_fields') @istest def swh_multi_response_mimetype_html(self, mock_filter, mock_render, mock_request, mock_json, mock_g): # given data = {'data': [12, 34], 'id': 'adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc'} mock_g.get.return_value = {'my_key': 'my_display_value'} mock_filter.return_value = data expected_env = { 'my_key': 'my_display_value', 'response_data': json.dumps(data), 'request': mock_request } def mock_mimetypes(key): mimetypes = { 'text/html': 10, 'application/json': 0.1, 'application/yaml': 0.1 } return mimetypes[key] accept_mimetypes = MagicMock() accept_mimetypes.__getitem__.side_effect = mock_mimetypes accept_mimetypes.best_match = MagicMock(return_value='text/html') mock_request.accept_mimetypes = accept_mimetypes mock_json.dumps.return_value = json.dumps(data) # when rv = renderers.SWHMultiResponse.make_response_from_mimetype(data) # then mock_filter.assert_called_once_with(renderers.SWHMultiResponse, data) mock_render.assert_called_with('apidoc.html', **expected_env) self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(rv.mimetype, 'text/html') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.g') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.yaml') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.request') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.SWHMultiResponse.filter_by_fields') @istest def swh_multi_response_mimetype_yaml(self, mock_filter, mock_request, mock_yaml, mock_g): # given data = {'data': [12, 34], 'id': 'adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc'} def mock_mimetypes(key): mimetypes = { 'application/yaml': 10, 'application/json': 0.1, 'text/html': 0.1 } return mimetypes[key] accept_mimetypes = MagicMock() accept_mimetypes.__getitem__.side_effect = mock_mimetypes accept_mimetypes.best_match = MagicMock( return_value='application/yaml') mock_request.accept_mimetypes = accept_mimetypes mock_yaml.dump.return_value = yaml.dump(data) mock_filter.return_value = data # when rv = renderers.SWHMultiResponse.make_response_from_mimetype(data) # then mock_filter.assert_called_once_with(renderers.SWHMultiResponse, data) mock_yaml.dump.assert_called_once_with(data) self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(rv.mimetype, 'application/yaml') self.assertEqual(data, yaml.load(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))) @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.g') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.json') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.request') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.SWHMultiResponse.filter_by_fields') @istest def swh_multi_response_mimetype_json(self, mock_filter, mock_request, mock_json, mock_g): # given data = {'data': [12, 34], 'id': 'adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc'} def mock_mimetypes(key): mimetypes = { 'application/json': 10, 'text/html': 0.1, 'application/yaml': 0.1 } return mimetypes[key] accept_mimetypes = MagicMock() accept_mimetypes.__getitem__.side_effect = mock_mimetypes accept_mimetypes.best_match = MagicMock( return_value='application/json') mock_request.accept_mimetypes = accept_mimetypes mock_json.dumps.return_value = json.dumps(data) mock_filter.return_value = data # when rv = renderers.SWHMultiResponse.make_response_from_mimetype(data) # then mock_filter.assert_called_once_with(renderers.SWHMultiResponse, data) mock_json.dumps.assert_called_once_with(data) self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(rv.mimetype, 'application/json') self.assertEqual(data, json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))) @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.request') @istest def swh_multi_response_make_response_not_list_dict(self, mock_request): # given incoming = Response() # when rv = renderers.SWHMultiResponse.make_response_from_mimetype(incoming) # then self.assertEqual(rv, incoming) @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.request') @istest def swh_filter_renderer_do_nothing(self, mock_request): # given mock_request.args = {} swh_filter_renderer = renderers.SWHFilterEnricher() input_data = {'a': 'some-data'} # when actual_data = swh_filter_renderer.filter_by_fields(input_data) # then self.assertEquals(actual_data, input_data) @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.utils') @patch('swh.web.ui.renderers.request') @istest def swh_filter_renderer_do_filter(self, mock_request, mock_utils): # given mock_request.args = {'fields': 'a,c'} mock_utils.filter_field_keys.return_value = {'a': 'some-data'} swh_filter_user = renderers.SWHMultiResponse() input_data = {'a': 'some-data', 'b': 'some-other-data'} # when actual_data = swh_filter_user.filter_by_fields(input_data) # then self.assertEquals(actual_data, {'a': 'some-data'}) mock_utils.filter_field_keys.assert_called_once_with(input_data, {'a', 'c'}) @istest def urlize_api_links(self): # update api link with html links content with links content = '{"url": "/api/1/abc/"}' expected_content = '{"url": "/api/1/abc/"}' self.assertEquals(renderers.urlize_api_links(content), expected_content) # update /browse link with html links content with links content = '{"url": "/browse/def/"}' expected_content = '{"url": "' \ '/browse/def/"}' self.assertEquals(renderers.urlize_api_links(content), expected_content) # will do nothing since it's not an api url other_content = '{"url": "/something/api/1/other"}' self.assertEquals(renderers.urlize_api_links(other_content), other_content) @istest def revision_id_from_url(self): url = ('/browse/revision/9ba4bcb645898d562498ea66a0df958ef0e7a68c/' 'prev/9ba4bcb645898d562498ea66a0df958ef0e7aaaa/') expected_id = '9ba4bcb645898d562498ea66a0df958ef0e7a68c' self.assertEqual(renderers.revision_id_from_url(url), expected_id) @istest def safe_docstring_display(self): # update api link with html links content with links docstring = """This is my list header: - - Here is item 1, with a continuation - line right here - - Here is item 2 + - Here is item 1, with a continuation + line right here + - Here is item 2 Here is something that is not part of the list""" expected_docstring = """

This is my list header:

Here is something that is not part of the list

""" self.assertEquals(renderers.safe_docstring_display(docstring), expected_docstring)