diff --git a/swh/web/common/identifiers.py b/swh/web/common/identifiers.py index debf4efd..d7160d22 100644 --- a/swh/web/common/identifiers.py +++ b/swh/web/common/identifiers.py @@ -1,390 +1,387 @@ # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional from urllib.parse import quote, unquote from typing_extensions import TypedDict from django.http import QueryDict from swh.model.exceptions import ValidationError from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex from swh.model.swhids import ObjectType, QualifiedSWHID from swh.web.common import archive from swh.web.common.exc import BadInputExc from swh.web.common.typing import ( QueryParameters, SnapshotContext, SWHIDContext, SWHIDInfo, SWHObjectInfo, ) from swh.web.common.utils import reverse def parse_object_type(object_type: str) -> ObjectType: try: return ObjectType[object_type.upper()] except KeyError: valid_types = ", ".join(variant.name.lower() for variant in ObjectType) raise BadInputExc( f"Invalid swh object type! Valid types are {valid_types}; not {object_type}" ) def gen_swhid( object_type: ObjectType, object_id: str, scheme_version: int = 1, metadata: SWHIDContext = {}, ) -> str: """ Returns the SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifier for a swh object based on: * the object type * the object id * the SWHID scheme version Args: object_type: the swh object type (content/directory/release/revision/snapshot) object_id: the swh object id (hexadecimal representation of its hash value) scheme_version: the scheme version of the SWHIDs Returns: the SWHID of the object Raises: BadInputExc: if the provided parameters do not enable to generate a valid identifier """ try: decoded_object_id = hash_to_bytes(object_id) obj_swhid = str( QualifiedSWHID( object_type=object_type, object_id=decoded_object_id, scheme_version=scheme_version, **metadata, ) ) except (ValidationError, KeyError, ValueError) as e: raise BadInputExc("Invalid object (%s) for SWHID. %s" % (object_id, e)) else: return obj_swhid class ResolvedSWHID(TypedDict): """parsed SWHID with context""" swhid_parsed: QualifiedSWHID """URL to browse object according to SWHID context""" browse_url: Optional[str] def resolve_swhid( swhid: str, query_params: Optional[QueryParameters] = None ) -> ResolvedSWHID: """ Try to resolve a SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifier into an url for browsing the targeted object. Args: swhid: a SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifier query_params: optional dict filled with query parameters to append to the browse url Returns: a dict with the following keys: * **swhid_parsed**: the parsed identifier * **browse_url**: the url for browsing the targeted object """ swhid_parsed = get_swhid(swhid) object_type = swhid_parsed.object_type object_id = swhid_parsed.object_id browse_url = None url_args = {} query_dict = QueryDict("", mutable=True) fragment = "" process_lines = object_type == ObjectType.CONTENT if query_params and len(query_params) > 0: for k in sorted(query_params.keys()): - query_dict[k] = query_params[k] + query_dict[k] = str(query_params[k]) if swhid_parsed.origin: origin_url = unquote(swhid_parsed.origin) origin_url = archive.lookup_origin({"url": origin_url})["url"] query_dict["origin_url"] = origin_url if swhid_parsed.path and swhid_parsed.path != b"/": query_dict["path"] = swhid_parsed.path.decode("utf8", errors="replace") if swhid_parsed.anchor: directory = b"" if swhid_parsed.anchor.object_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY: directory = swhid_parsed.anchor.object_id elif swhid_parsed.anchor.object_type == ObjectType.REVISION: revision = archive.lookup_revision( hash_to_hex(swhid_parsed.anchor.object_id) ) directory = revision["directory"] elif swhid_parsed.anchor.object_type == ObjectType.RELEASE: release = archive.lookup_release( hash_to_hex(swhid_parsed.anchor.object_id) ) if release["target_type"] == ObjectType.REVISION.name.lower(): revision = archive.lookup_revision(release["target"]) directory = revision["directory"] if object_type == ObjectType.CONTENT: if ( not swhid_parsed.origin and swhid_parsed.anchor.object_type != ObjectType.REVISION ): # when no origin or revision context, content objects need to have # their path prefixed by root directory id for breadcrumbs display query_dict["path"] = hash_to_hex(directory) + query_dict["path"] else: # remove leading slash from SWHID content path - query_dict["path"] = query_dict["path"][1:] + query_dict["path"] = str(query_dict["path"]).lstrip("/") elif object_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY: object_id = directory # remove leading and trailing slashes from SWHID directory path - if query_dict["path"].endswith("/"): - query_dict["path"] = query_dict["path"][1:-1] - else: - query_dict["path"] = query_dict["path"][1:] + query_dict["path"] = str(query_dict["path"]).strip("/") # snapshot context if swhid_parsed.visit: if swhid_parsed.visit.object_type != ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: raise BadInputExc("Visit must be a snapshot SWHID.") query_dict["snapshot"] = hash_to_hex(swhid_parsed.visit.object_id) if swhid_parsed.anchor: if ( swhid_parsed.anchor.object_type == ObjectType.REVISION and object_type != ObjectType.REVISION ): query_dict["revision"] = hash_to_hex(swhid_parsed.anchor.object_id) elif swhid_parsed.anchor.object_type == ObjectType.RELEASE: release = archive.lookup_release( hash_to_hex(swhid_parsed.anchor.object_id) ) if release: query_dict["release"] = release["name"] # browsing content or directory without snapshot context elif ( object_type in (ObjectType.CONTENT, ObjectType.DIRECTORY) and swhid_parsed.anchor ): if swhid_parsed.anchor.object_type == ObjectType.REVISION: # anchor revision, objects are browsed from its view object_type = ObjectType.REVISION object_id = swhid_parsed.anchor.object_id elif ( object_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY and swhid_parsed.anchor.object_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY ): # a directory is browsed from its root object_id = swhid_parsed.anchor.object_id if object_type == ObjectType.CONTENT: url_args["query_string"] = f"sha1_git:{hash_to_hex(object_id)}" elif object_type in (ObjectType.DIRECTORY, ObjectType.RELEASE, ObjectType.REVISION): url_args["sha1_git"] = hash_to_hex(object_id) elif object_type == ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: url_args["snapshot_id"] = hash_to_hex(object_id) if swhid_parsed.lines and process_lines: lines = swhid_parsed.lines fragment += "#L" + str(lines[0]) if lines[1]: fragment += "-L" + str(lines[1]) if url_args: browse_url = ( reverse( f"browse-{object_type.name.lower()}", url_args=url_args, query_params=query_dict, ) + fragment ) return ResolvedSWHID(swhid_parsed=swhid_parsed, browse_url=browse_url) def get_swhid(swhid: str) -> QualifiedSWHID: """Check if a SWHID is valid and return it parsed. Args: swhid: a SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifier. Raises: BadInputExc: if the provided SWHID can not be parsed. Return: A parsed SWHID. """ try: # ensure core part of SWHID is in lower case to avoid parsing error (core, sep, qualifiers) = swhid.partition(";") core = core.lower() return QualifiedSWHID.from_string(core + sep + qualifiers) except ValidationError as ve: raise BadInputExc("Error when parsing identifier: %s" % " ".join(ve.messages)) def group_swhids( swhids: Iterable[QualifiedSWHID], ) -> Dict[ObjectType, List[bytes]]: """ Groups many SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifiers into a dictionary depending on their type. Args: swhids: an iterable of SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifier objects Returns: A dictionary with: keys: object types values: object hashes """ swhids_by_type: Dict[ObjectType, List[bytes]] = { ObjectType.CONTENT: [], ObjectType.DIRECTORY: [], ObjectType.REVISION: [], ObjectType.RELEASE: [], ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: [], } for obj_swhid in swhids: obj_id = obj_swhid.object_id obj_type = obj_swhid.object_type swhids_by_type[obj_type].append(hash_to_bytes(obj_id)) return swhids_by_type def get_swhids_info( swh_objects: Iterable[SWHObjectInfo], snapshot_context: Optional[SnapshotContext] = None, extra_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[SWHIDInfo]: """ Returns a list of dict containing info related to SWHIDs of objects. Args: swh_objects: an iterable of dict describing archived objects snapshot_context: optional dict parameter describing the snapshot in which the objects have been found extra_context: optional dict filled with extra contextual info about the objects Returns: a list of dict containing SWHIDs info """ swhids_info = [] for swh_object in swh_objects: if not swh_object["object_id"]: swhids_info.append( SWHIDInfo( object_type=swh_object["object_type"], object_id="", swhid="", swhid_url="", context={}, swhid_with_context=None, swhid_with_context_url=None, ) ) continue object_type = swh_object["object_type"] object_id = swh_object["object_id"] swhid_context: SWHIDContext = {} if snapshot_context: if snapshot_context["origin_info"] is not None: swhid_context["origin"] = quote( snapshot_context["origin_info"]["url"], safe="/?:@&" ) if object_type != ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: swhid_context["visit"] = gen_swhid( ObjectType.SNAPSHOT, snapshot_context["snapshot_id"] ) if object_type in (ObjectType.CONTENT, ObjectType.DIRECTORY): if snapshot_context["release_id"] is not None: swhid_context["anchor"] = gen_swhid( ObjectType.RELEASE, snapshot_context["release_id"] ) elif snapshot_context["revision_id"] is not None: swhid_context["anchor"] = gen_swhid( ObjectType.REVISION, snapshot_context["revision_id"] ) if object_type in (ObjectType.CONTENT, ObjectType.DIRECTORY): if ( extra_context and "revision" in extra_context and extra_context["revision"] and "anchor" not in swhid_context ): swhid_context["anchor"] = gen_swhid( ObjectType.REVISION, extra_context["revision"] ) elif ( extra_context and "root_directory" in extra_context and extra_context["root_directory"] and "anchor" not in swhid_context and ( object_type != ObjectType.DIRECTORY or extra_context["root_directory"] != object_id ) ): swhid_context["anchor"] = gen_swhid( ObjectType.DIRECTORY, extra_context["root_directory"] ) path = None if extra_context and "path" in extra_context: path = extra_context["path"] or "/" if "filename" in extra_context and object_type == ObjectType.CONTENT: path += extra_context["filename"] if object_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY and path == "/": path = None if path: swhid_context["path"] = quote(path, safe="/?:@&") swhid = gen_swhid(object_type, object_id) swhid_url = reverse("browse-swhid", url_args={"swhid": swhid}) swhid_with_context = None swhid_with_context_url = None if swhid_context: swhid_with_context = gen_swhid( object_type, object_id, metadata=swhid_context ) swhid_with_context_url = reverse( "browse-swhid", url_args={"swhid": swhid_with_context} ) swhids_info.append( SWHIDInfo( object_type=object_type, object_id=object_id, swhid=swhid, swhid_url=swhid_url, context=swhid_context, swhid_with_context=swhid_with_context, swhid_with_context_url=swhid_with_context_url, ) ) return swhids_info diff --git a/swh/web/common/utils.py b/swh/web/common/utils.py index b4e708d9..ab89c23d 100644 --- a/swh/web/common/utils.py +++ b/swh/web/common/utils.py @@ -1,520 +1,520 @@ # Copyright (C) 2017-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from datetime import datetime, timezone import functools import os import re from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional import urllib.parse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from docutils.core import publish_parts import docutils.parsers.rst import docutils.utils from docutils.writers.html5_polyglot import HTMLTranslator, Writer from iso8601 import ParseError, parse_date from pkg_resources import get_distribution from prometheus_client.registry import CollectorRegistry import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.cache.backends.base import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT from django.http import HttpRequest, QueryDict from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.urls import resolve from django.urls import reverse as django_reverse from swh.web.auth.utils import ( ADD_FORGE_MODERATOR_PERMISSION, ADMIN_LIST_DEPOSIT_PERMISSION, MAILMAP_ADMIN_PERMISSION, ) from swh.web.common.exc import BadInputExc, sentry_capture_exception from swh.web.common.typing import QueryParameters from swh.web.config import SWH_WEB_SERVER_NAME, get_config, search SWH_WEB_METRICS_REGISTRY = CollectorRegistry(auto_describe=True) SWHID_RE = "swh:1:[a-z]{3}:[0-9a-z]{40}" swh_object_icons = { "alias": "mdi mdi-star", "branch": "mdi mdi-source-branch", "branches": "mdi mdi-source-branch", "content": "mdi mdi-file-document", "cnt": "mdi mdi-file-document", "directory": "mdi mdi-folder", "dir": "mdi mdi-folder", "origin": "mdi mdi-source-repository", "ori": "mdi mdi-source-repository", "person": "mdi mdi-account", "revisions history": "mdi mdi-history", "release": "mdi mdi-tag", "rel": "mdi mdi-tag", "releases": "mdi mdi-tag", "revision": "mdi mdi-rotate-90 mdi-source-commit", "rev": "mdi mdi-rotate-90 mdi-source-commit", "snapshot": "mdi mdi-camera", "snp": "mdi mdi-camera", "visits": "mdi mdi-calendar-month", } def reverse( viewname: str, url_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_params: Optional[QueryParameters] = None, current_app: Optional[str] = None, urlconf: Optional[str] = None, request: Optional[HttpRequest] = None, ) -> str: """An override of django reverse function supporting query parameters. Args: viewname: the name of the django view from which to compute a url url_args: dictionary of url arguments indexed by their names query_params: dictionary of query parameters to append to the reversed url current_app: the name of the django app tighten to the view urlconf: url configuration module request: build an absolute URI if provided Returns: str: the url of the requested view with processed arguments and query parameters """ if url_args: url_args = {k: v for k, v in url_args.items() if v is not None} url = django_reverse( viewname, urlconf=urlconf, kwargs=url_args, current_app=current_app ) if query_params: query_params = {k: v for k, v in query_params.items() if v is not None} if query_params and len(query_params) > 0: query_dict = QueryDict("", mutable=True) for k in sorted(query_params.keys()): - query_dict[k] = query_params[k] + query_dict[k] = str(query_params[k]) url += "?" + query_dict.urlencode(safe="/;:") if request is not None: url = request.build_absolute_uri(url) return url def datetime_to_utc(date): """Returns datetime in UTC without timezone info Args: date (datetime.datetime): input datetime with timezone info Returns: datetime.datetime: datetime in UTC without timezone info """ if date.tzinfo and date.tzinfo != timezone.utc: return date.astimezone(tz=timezone.utc) else: return date def parse_iso8601_date_to_utc(iso_date: str) -> datetime: """Given an ISO 8601 datetime string, parse the result as UTC datetime. Returns: a timezone-aware datetime representing the parsed date Raises: swh.web.common.exc.BadInputExc: provided date does not respect ISO 8601 format Samples: - 2016-01-12 - 2016-01-12T09:19:12+0100 - 2007-01-14T20:34:22Z """ try: date = parse_date(iso_date) return datetime_to_utc(date) except ParseError as e: raise BadInputExc(e) def shorten_path(path): """Shorten the given path: for each hash present, only return the first 8 characters followed by an ellipsis""" sha256_re = r"([0-9a-f]{8})[0-9a-z]{56}" sha1_re = r"([0-9a-f]{8})[0-9a-f]{32}" ret = re.sub(sha256_re, r"\1...", path) return re.sub(sha1_re, r"\1...", ret) def format_utc_iso_date(iso_date, fmt="%d %B %Y, %H:%M:%S UTC"): """Turns a string representation of an ISO 8601 datetime string to UTC and format it into a more human readable one. For instance, from the following input string: '2017-05-04T13:27:13+02:00' the following one is returned: '04 May 2017, 11:27 UTC'. Custom format string may also be provided as parameter Args: iso_date (str): a string representation of an ISO 8601 date fmt (str): optional date formatting string Returns: str: a formatted string representation of the input iso date """ if not iso_date: return iso_date date = parse_iso8601_date_to_utc(iso_date) return date.strftime(fmt) def gen_path_info(path): """Function to generate path data navigation for use with a breadcrumb in the swh web ui. For instance, from a path /folder1/folder2/folder3, it returns the following list:: [{'name': 'folder1', 'path': 'folder1'}, {'name': 'folder2', 'path': 'folder1/folder2'}, {'name': 'folder3', 'path': 'folder1/folder2/folder3'}] Args: path: a filesystem path Returns: list: a list of path data for navigation as illustrated above. """ path_info = [] if path: sub_paths = path.strip("/").split("/") path_from_root = "" for p in sub_paths: path_from_root += "/" + p path_info.append({"name": p, "path": path_from_root.strip("/")}) return path_info def parse_rst(text, report_level=2): """ Parse a reStructuredText string with docutils. Args: text (str): string with reStructuredText markups in it report_level (int): level of docutils report messages to print (1 info 2 warning 3 error 4 severe 5 none) Returns: docutils.nodes.document: a parsed docutils document """ parser = docutils.parsers.rst.Parser() components = (docutils.parsers.rst.Parser,) settings = docutils.frontend.OptionParser( components=components ).get_default_values() settings.report_level = report_level document = docutils.utils.new_document("rst-doc", settings=settings) parser.parse(text, document) return document def get_client_ip(request): """ Return the client IP address from an incoming HTTP request. Args: request (django.http.HttpRequest): the incoming HTTP request Returns: str: The client IP address """ x_forwarded_for = request.META.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") if x_forwarded_for: ip = x_forwarded_for.split(",")[0] else: ip = request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR") return ip def is_swh_web_development(request: HttpRequest) -> bool: """Indicate if we are running a development version of swh-web.""" site_base_url = request.build_absolute_uri("/") return any( host in site_base_url for host in ("localhost", "", "testserver") ) def is_swh_web_staging(request: HttpRequest) -> bool: """Indicate if we are running a staging version of swh-web.""" config = get_config() site_base_url = request.build_absolute_uri("/") return any( server_name in site_base_url for server_name in config["staging_server_names"] ) def is_swh_web_production(request: HttpRequest) -> bool: """Indicate if we are running the public production version of swh-web.""" return SWH_WEB_SERVER_NAME in request.build_absolute_uri("/") browsers_supported_image_mimes = set( [ "image/gif", "image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp", "image/webp", "image/svg", "image/svg+xml", ] ) def context_processor(request): """ Django context processor used to inject variables in all swh-web templates. """ config = get_config() if ( hasattr(request, "user") and request.user.is_authenticated and not hasattr(request.user, "backend") ): # To avoid django.template.base.VariableDoesNotExist errors # when rendering templates when standard Django user is logged in. request.user.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend" return { "swh_object_icons": swh_object_icons, "available_languages": None, "swh_client_config": config["client_config"], "oidc_enabled": bool(config["keycloak"]["server_url"]), "browsers_supported_image_mimes": browsers_supported_image_mimes, "keycloak": config["keycloak"], "site_base_url": request.build_absolute_uri("/"), "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"], "status": config["status"], "swh_web_dev": is_swh_web_development(request), "swh_web_staging": is_swh_web_staging(request), "swh_web_prod": is_swh_web_production(request), "swh_web_version": get_distribution("swh.web").version, "iframe_mode": False, "ADMIN_LIST_DEPOSIT_PERMISSION": ADMIN_LIST_DEPOSIT_PERMISSION, "ADD_FORGE_MODERATOR_PERMISSION": ADD_FORGE_MODERATOR_PERMISSION, "FEATURES": get_config()["features"], "MAILMAP_ADMIN_PERMISSION": MAILMAP_ADMIN_PERMISSION, } def resolve_branch_alias( snapshot: Dict[str, Any], branch: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Resolve branch alias in snapshot content. Args: snapshot: a full snapshot content branch: a branch alias contained in the snapshot Returns: The real snapshot branch that got aliased. """ while branch and branch["target_type"] == "alias": if branch["target"] in snapshot["branches"]: branch = snapshot["branches"][branch["target"]] else: from swh.web.common import archive snp = archive.lookup_snapshot( snapshot["id"], branches_from=branch["target"], branches_count=1 ) if snp and branch["target"] in snp["branches"]: branch = snp["branches"][branch["target"]] else: branch = None return branch class _NoHeaderHTMLTranslator(HTMLTranslator): """ Docutils translator subclass to customize the generation of HTML from reST-formatted docstrings """ def __init__(self, document): super().__init__(document) self.body_prefix = [] self.body_suffix = [] _HTML_WRITER = Writer() _HTML_WRITER.translator_class = _NoHeaderHTMLTranslator def rst_to_html(rst: str) -> str: """ Convert reStructuredText document into HTML. Args: rst: A string containing a reStructuredText document Returns: Body content of the produced HTML conversion. """ settings = { "initial_header_level": 2, "halt_level": 4, "traceback": True, "file_insertion_enabled": False, "raw_enabled": False, } pp = publish_parts(rst, writer=_HTML_WRITER, settings_overrides=settings) return f'
' def prettify_html(html: str) -> str: """ Prettify an HTML document. Args: html: Input HTML document Returns: The prettified HTML document """ return BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml").prettify() def django_cache( timeout: int = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, catch_exception: bool = False, exception_return_value: Any = None, invalidate_cache_pred: Callable[[Any], bool] = lambda val: False, ): """Decorator to put the result of a function call in Django cache, subsequent calls will directly return the cached value. Args: timeout: The number of seconds value will be hold in cache catch_exception: If :const:`True`, any thrown exception by the decorated function will be caught and not reraised exception_return_value: The value to return if previous parameter is set to :const:`True` invalidate_cache_pred: A predicate function enabling to invalidate the cache under certain conditions, decorated function will then be called again Returns: The returned value of the decorated function for the specified parameters """ def inner(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): func_args = args + (0,) + tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())) cache_key = str(hash((func.__module__, func.__name__) + func_args)) ret = cache.get(cache_key) if ret is None or invalidate_cache_pred(ret): try: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: if catch_exception: sentry_capture_exception(exc) return exception_return_value else: raise else: cache.set(cache_key, ret, timeout=timeout) return ret return wrapper return inner def _deposits_list_url( deposits_list_base_url: str, page_size: int, username: Optional[str] ) -> str: params = {"page_size": str(page_size)} if username is not None: params["username"] = username return f"{deposits_list_base_url}?{urllib.parse.urlencode(params)}" def get_deposits_list(username: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the list of software deposits using swh-deposit API""" config = get_config()["deposit"] private_api_url = config["private_api_url"].rstrip("/") + "/" deposits_list_base_url = private_api_url + "deposits" deposits_list_auth = HTTPBasicAuth( config["private_api_user"], config["private_api_password"] ) deposits_list_url = _deposits_list_url( deposits_list_base_url, page_size=1, username=username ) nb_deposits = requests.get( deposits_list_url, auth=deposits_list_auth, timeout=30 ).json()["count"] @django_cache(invalidate_cache_pred=lambda data: data["count"] != nb_deposits) def _get_deposits_data(): deposits_list_url = _deposits_list_url( deposits_list_base_url, page_size=nb_deposits, username=username ) return requests.get( deposits_list_url, auth=deposits_list_auth, timeout=30, ).json() deposits_data = _get_deposits_data() return deposits_data["results"] _origin_visit_types_cache_timeout = 24 * 60 * 60 # 24 hours @django_cache( timeout=_origin_visit_types_cache_timeout, catch_exception=True, exception_return_value=[], ) def origin_visit_types() -> List[str]: """Return the exhaustive list of visit types for origins ingested into the archive. """ return sorted(search().visit_types_count().keys()) def redirect_to_new_route(request, new_route, permanent=True): """Redirect a request to another route with url args and query parameters eg: /origin//log?path=test can be redirected as /log?url=&path=test. This can be used to deprecate routes """ request_path = resolve(request.path_info) args = {**request_path.kwargs, **request.GET.dict()} return redirect( reverse(new_route, query_params=args), permanent=permanent, ) diff --git a/swh/web/tests/conftest.py b/swh/web/tests/conftest.py index 4a6afdd6..c148985c 100644 --- a/swh/web/tests/conftest.py +++ b/swh/web/tests/conftest.py @@ -1,1248 +1,1248 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from collections import defaultdict from datetime import timedelta import functools import json import os import random import shutil from subprocess import PIPE, run import sys import time from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from _pytest.python import Function from hypothesis import HealthCheck, settings import pytest from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.cache import cache -from django.test.utils import setup_databases # type: ignore +from django.test.utils import setup_databases from rest_framework.test import APIClient, APIRequestFactory from swh.model.hashutil import ( ALGORITHMS, DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex, ) from swh.model.model import Content, Directory from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID, ObjectType from swh.scheduler.tests.common import TASK_TYPES from swh.storage.algos.origin import origin_get_latest_visit_status from swh.storage.algos.revisions_walker import get_revisions_walker from swh.storage.algos.snapshot import snapshot_get_all_branches, snapshot_get_latest from swh.web.auth.utils import ( ADD_FORGE_MODERATOR_PERMISSION, MAILMAP_ADMIN_PERMISSION, MAILMAP_PERMISSION, OIDC_SWH_WEB_CLIENT_ID, ) from swh.web.common import converters from swh.web.common.origin_save import get_scheduler_load_task_types from swh.web.common.typing import OriginVisitInfo from swh.web.common.utils import browsers_supported_image_mimes from swh.web.config import get_config from swh.web.tests.data import ( get_tests_data, override_storages, random_content, random_sha1, random_sha1_bytes, random_sha256, ) from swh.web.tests.utils import create_django_permission os.environ["LC_ALL"] = "C.UTF-8" # Used to skip some tests ctags_json_missing = ( shutil.which("ctags") is None or b"+json" not in run(["ctags", "--version"], stdout=PIPE).stdout ) fossology_missing = shutil.which("nomossa") is None # Register some hypothesis profiles settings.register_profile("default", settings()) # we use getattr here to keep mypy happy regardless hypothesis version function_scoped_fixture_check = ( [getattr(HealthCheck, "function_scoped_fixture")] if hasattr(HealthCheck, "function_scoped_fixture") else [] ) suppress_health_check = [ HealthCheck.too_slow, HealthCheck.filter_too_much, ] + function_scoped_fixture_check settings.register_profile( "swh-web", settings( deadline=None, suppress_health_check=suppress_health_check, ), ) settings.register_profile( "swh-web-fast", settings( deadline=None, max_examples=5, suppress_health_check=suppress_health_check, ), ) def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--swh-web-random-seed", action="store", default=None) def pytest_configure(config): # Use fast hypothesis profile by default if none has been # explicitly specified in pytest option if config.getoption("--hypothesis-profile") is None: settings.load_profile("swh-web-fast") # Small hack in order to be able to run the unit tests # without static assets generated by webpack. # Those assets are not really needed for the Python tests # but the django templates will fail to load due to missing # generated file webpack-stats.json describing the js and css # files to include. # So generate a dummy webpack-stats.json file to overcome # that issue. test_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # location of the static folder when running tests through tox data_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share/swh/web") static_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "static") if not os.path.exists(static_dir): # location of the static folder when running tests locally with pytest static_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "../../../static") webpack_stats = os.path.join(static_dir, "webpack-stats.json") if os.path.exists(webpack_stats): return bundles_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "../../../assets/src/bundles") if not os.path.exists(bundles_dir): # location of the bundles folder when running tests with tox bundles_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "assets/src/bundles") _, bundles, _ = next(os.walk(bundles_dir)) mock_webpack_stats = { "status": "done", "publicPath": "/static", "chunks": {}, "assets": {}, } for bundle in bundles: asset = f"js/{bundle}.js" mock_webpack_stats["chunks"][bundle] = [asset] mock_webpack_stats["assets"][asset] = { "name": asset, "publicPath": f"/static/{asset}", } with open(webpack_stats, "w") as outfile: json.dump(mock_webpack_stats, outfile) _swh_web_custom_section = "swh-web custom section" _random_seed_cache_key = "swh-web/random-seed" @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) def random_seed(pytestconfig): state = random.getstate() seed = pytestconfig.getoption("--swh-web-random-seed") if seed is None: seed = time.time() seed = int(seed) cache.set(_random_seed_cache_key, seed) random.seed(seed) yield seed random.setstate(state) def pytest_report_teststatus(report, *args): if report.when == "call" and report.outcome == "failed": seed = cache.get(_random_seed_cache_key, None) line = ( f'FAILED {report.nodeid}: Use "pytest --swh-web-random-seed={seed} ' f'{report.nodeid}" to reproduce that test failure with same inputs' ) report.sections.append((_swh_web_custom_section, line)) def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter, *args): reports = terminalreporter.getreports("failed") content = os.linesep.join( text for report in reports for secname, text in report.sections if secname == _swh_web_custom_section ) if content: terminalreporter.ensure_newline() terminalreporter.section(_swh_web_custom_section, sep="-", blue=True, bold=True) terminalreporter.line(content) # Clear Django cache before each test @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def django_cache_cleared(): cache.clear() # Alias rf fixture from pytest-django @pytest.fixture def request_factory(rf): return rf # Fixture to get test client from Django REST Framework @pytest.fixture def api_client(): return APIClient() # Fixture to get API request factory from Django REST Framework @pytest.fixture def api_request_factory(): return APIRequestFactory() # Initialize tests data @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) def tests_data(): data = get_tests_data(reset=True) # Update swh-web configuration to use the in-memory storages # instantiated in the tests.data module override_storages( data["storage"], data["idx_storage"], data["search"], data["counters"] ) return data @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def sha1(): """Fixture returning a valid hexadecimal sha1 value.""" return random_sha1() @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def invalid_sha1(): """Fixture returning an invalid sha1 representation.""" return hash_to_hex(bytes(random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(50))) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def sha256(): """Fixture returning a valid hexadecimal sha256 value.""" return random_sha256() def _known_swh_objects(tests_data, object_type): return tests_data[object_type] @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random content ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choice(_known_swh_objects(tests_data, "contents")) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def contents(tests_data): """Fixture returning random contents ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choices( _known_swh_objects(tests_data, "contents"), k=random.randint(2, 8) ) def _new_content(tests_data): while True: new_content = random_content() sha1_bytes = hash_to_bytes(new_content["sha1"]) if tests_data["storage"].content_get_data(sha1_bytes) is None: return new_content @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def unknown_content(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random content not ingested into the test archive.""" return _new_content(tests_data) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def unknown_contents(tests_data): """Fixture returning random contents not ingested into the test archive.""" new_contents = [] new_content_ids = set() nb_contents = random.randint(2, 8) while len(new_contents) != nb_contents: new_content = _new_content(tests_data) if new_content["sha1"] not in new_content_ids: new_contents.append(new_content) new_content_ids.add(new_content["sha1"]) return list(new_contents) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def empty_content(): """Fixture returning the empty content ingested into the test archive.""" empty_content = Content.from_data(data=b"").to_dict() for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: empty_content[algo] = hash_to_hex(empty_content[algo]) return empty_content @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _content_text(): return list( filter( lambda c: c["mimetype"].startswith("text/"), _known_swh_objects(get_tests_data(), "contents"), ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content_text(): """ Fixture returning a random textual content ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_content_text()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _content_text_non_utf8(): return list( filter( lambda c: c["mimetype"].startswith("text/") and c["encoding"] not in ("utf-8", "us-ascii"), _known_swh_objects(get_tests_data(), "contents"), ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content_text_non_utf8(): """Fixture returning a random textual content not encoded to UTF-8 ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_content_text_non_utf8()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _content_application_no_highlight(): return list( filter( lambda c: c["mimetype"].startswith("application/") and c["hljs_language"] == "plaintext", _known_swh_objects(get_tests_data(), "contents"), ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content_application_no_highlight(): """Fixture returning a random textual content with mimetype starting with application/ and no detected programming language to highlight ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_content_application_no_highlight()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _content_text_no_highlight(): return list( filter( lambda c: c["mimetype"].startswith("text/") and c["hljs_language"] == "plaintext", _known_swh_objects(get_tests_data(), "contents"), ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content_text_no_highlight(): """Fixture returning a random textual content with no detected programming language to highlight ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_content_text_no_highlight()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _content_image_type(): return list( filter( lambda c: c["mimetype"] in browsers_supported_image_mimes, _known_swh_objects(get_tests_data(), "contents"), ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content_image_type(): """Fixture returning a random image content ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choice(_content_image_type()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _content_unsupported_image_type_rendering(): return list( filter( lambda c: c["mimetype"].startswith("image/") and c["mimetype"] not in browsers_supported_image_mimes, _known_swh_objects(get_tests_data(), "contents"), ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content_unsupported_image_type_rendering(): """Fixture returning a random image content ingested into the test archive that can not be rendered by browsers. """ return random.choice(_content_unsupported_image_type_rendering()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _content_utf8_detected_as_binary(): def utf8_binary_detected(content): if content["encoding"] != "binary": return False try: content["raw_data"].decode("utf-8") except Exception: return False else: return True return list( filter(utf8_binary_detected, _known_swh_objects(get_tests_data(), "contents")) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content_utf8_detected_as_binary(): """Fixture returning a random textual content detected as binary by libmagic while they are valid UTF-8 encoded files. """ return random.choice(_content_utf8_detected_as_binary()) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def contents_with_ctags(): """ Fixture returning contents ingested into the test archive. Those contents are ctags compatible, that is running ctags on those lay results. """ return { "sha1s": [ "0ab37c02043ebff946c1937523f60aadd0844351", "15554cf7608dde6bfefac7e3d525596343a85b6f", "2ce837f1489bdfb8faf3ebcc7e72421b5bea83bd", "30acd0b47fc25e159e27a980102ddb1c4bea0b95", "4f81f05aaea3efb981f9d90144f746d6b682285b", "5153aa4b6e4455a62525bc4de38ed0ff6e7dd682", "59d08bafa6a749110dfb65ba43a61963d5a5bf9f", "7568285b2d7f31ae483ae71617bd3db873deaa2c", "7ed3ee8e94ac52ba983dd7690bdc9ab7618247b4", "8ed7ef2e7ff9ed845e10259d08e4145f1b3b5b03", "9b3557f1ab4111c8607a4f2ea3c1e53c6992916c", "9c20da07ed14dc4fcd3ca2b055af99b2598d8bdd", "c20ceebd6ec6f7a19b5c3aebc512a12fbdc9234b", "e89e55a12def4cd54d5bff58378a3b5119878eb7", "e8c0654fe2d75ecd7e0b01bee8a8fc60a130097e", "eb6595e559a1d34a2b41e8d4835e0e4f98a5d2b5", ], "symbol_name": "ABS", } @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def directory(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random directory ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choice(_known_swh_objects(tests_data, "directories")) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _directory_with_entry_type(type_): tests_data = get_tests_data() return list( filter( lambda d: any( [ e["type"] == type_ for e in list(tests_data["storage"].directory_ls(hash_to_bytes(d))) ] ), _known_swh_objects(tests_data, "directories"), ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def directory_with_subdirs(): """Fixture returning a random directory containing sub directories ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_directory_with_entry_type("dir")) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def directory_with_files(): """Fixture returning a random directory containing at least one regular file.""" return random.choice(_directory_with_entry_type("file")) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def unknown_directory(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random directory not ingested into the test archive.""" while True: new_directory = random_sha1() sha1_bytes = hash_to_bytes(new_directory) if list(tests_data["storage"].directory_missing([sha1_bytes])): return new_directory @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def empty_directory(): """Fixture returning the empty directory ingested into the test archive.""" return Directory(entries=()).id.hex() @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def revision(tests_data): """Fixturereturning a random revision ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choice(_known_swh_objects(tests_data, "revisions")) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def revisions(tests_data): """Fixture returning random revisions ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choices( _known_swh_objects(tests_data, "revisions"), k=random.randint(2, 8), ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def revisions_list(tests_data): """Fixture returning random revisions ingested into the test archive.""" def gen_revisions_list(size): return random.choices( _known_swh_objects(tests_data, "revisions"), k=size, ) return gen_revisions_list @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def unknown_revision(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random revision not ingested into the test archive.""" while True: new_revision = random_sha1() sha1_bytes = hash_to_bytes(new_revision) if tests_data["storage"].revision_get([sha1_bytes])[0] is None: return new_revision def _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker(tests_data): storage = tests_data["storage"] origin = random.choice(tests_data["origins"][:-1]) snapshot = snapshot_get_latest(storage, origin["url"]) if snapshot.branches[b"HEAD"].target_type.value == "alias": target = snapshot.branches[b"HEAD"].target head = snapshot.branches[target].target else: head = snapshot.branches[b"HEAD"].target return get_revisions_walker("dfs", storage, head) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _ancestor_revisions_data(): # get a dfs revisions walker for one of the origins # loaded into the test archive revisions_walker = _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker(get_tests_data()) master_revisions = [] children = defaultdict(list) init_rev_found = False # get revisions only authored in the master branch for rev in revisions_walker: for rev_p in rev["parents"]: children[rev_p].append(rev["id"]) if not init_rev_found: master_revisions.append(rev) if not rev["parents"]: init_rev_found = True return master_revisions, children @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def ancestor_revisions(): """Fixture returning a pair of revisions ingested into the test archive with an ancestor relation. """ master_revisions, children = _ancestor_revisions_data() # head revision root_rev = master_revisions[0] # pick a random revision, different from head, only authored # in the master branch ancestor_rev_idx = random.choice(list(range(1, len(master_revisions) - 1))) ancestor_rev = master_revisions[ancestor_rev_idx] ancestor_child_revs = children[ancestor_rev["id"]] return { "sha1_git_root": hash_to_hex(root_rev["id"]), "sha1_git": hash_to_hex(ancestor_rev["id"]), "children": [hash_to_hex(r) for r in ancestor_child_revs], } @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _non_ancestor_revisions_data(): # get a dfs revisions walker for one of the origins # loaded into the test archive revisions_walker = _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker(get_tests_data()) merge_revs = [] children = defaultdict(list) # get all merge revisions for rev in revisions_walker: if len(rev["parents"]) > 1: merge_revs.append(rev) for rev_p in rev["parents"]: children[rev_p].append(rev["id"]) return merge_revs, children @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def non_ancestor_revisions(): """Fixture returning a pair of revisions ingested into the test archive with no ancestor relation. """ merge_revs, children = _non_ancestor_revisions_data() # find a merge revisions whose parents have a unique child revision random.shuffle(merge_revs) selected_revs = None for merge_rev in merge_revs: if all(len(children[rev_p]) == 1 for rev_p in merge_rev["parents"]): selected_revs = merge_rev["parents"] return { "sha1_git_root": hash_to_hex(selected_revs[0]), "sha1_git": hash_to_hex(selected_revs[1]), } @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def revision_with_submodules(): """Fixture returning a revision that is known to point to a directory with revision entries (aka git submodules) """ return { "rev_sha1_git": "ffcb69001f3f6745dfd5b48f72ab6addb560e234", "rev_dir_sha1_git": "d92a21446387fa28410e5a74379c934298f39ae2", "rev_dir_rev_path": "libtess2", } @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def release(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random release ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choice(_known_swh_objects(tests_data, "releases")) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def releases(tests_data): """Fixture returning random releases ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choices( _known_swh_objects(tests_data, "releases"), k=random.randint(2, 8) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def unknown_release(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random release not ingested into the test archive.""" while True: new_release = random_sha1() sha1_bytes = hash_to_bytes(new_release) if tests_data["storage"].release_get([sha1_bytes])[0] is None: return new_release @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def snapshot(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random snapshot ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choice(_known_swh_objects(tests_data, "snapshots")) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def unknown_snapshot(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random snapshot not ingested into the test archive.""" while True: new_snapshot = random_sha1() sha1_bytes = hash_to_bytes(new_snapshot) if tests_data["storage"].snapshot_get_branches(sha1_bytes) is None: return new_snapshot @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def origin(tests_data): """Fixture returning a random origin ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choice(_known_swh_objects(tests_data, "origins")) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _origin_with_multiple_visits(): tests_data = get_tests_data() origins = [] storage = tests_data["storage"] for origin in tests_data["origins"]: visit_page = storage.origin_visit_get(origin["url"]) if len(visit_page.results) > 1: origins.append(origin) return origins @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def origin_with_multiple_visits(): """Fixture returning a random origin with multiple visits ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_origin_with_multiple_visits()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _origin_with_releases(): tests_data = get_tests_data() origins = [] for origin in tests_data["origins"]: snapshot = snapshot_get_latest(tests_data["storage"], origin["url"]) if any([b.target_type.value == "release" for b in snapshot.branches.values()]): origins.append(origin) return origins @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def origin_with_releases(): """Fixture returning a random origin with releases ingested into the test archive.""" return random.choice(_origin_with_releases()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _origin_with_pull_request_branches(): tests_data = get_tests_data() origins = [] storage = tests_data["storage"] for origin in storage.origin_list(limit=1000).results: snapshot = snapshot_get_latest(storage, origin.url) if any([b"refs/pull/" in b for b in snapshot.branches]): origins.append(origin) return origins @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def origin_with_pull_request_branches(): """Fixture returning a random origin with pull request branches ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_origin_with_pull_request_branches()) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _object_type_swhid(object_type): return list( filter( lambda swhid: swhid.object_type == object_type, _known_swh_objects(get_tests_data(), "swhids"), ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def content_swhid(): """Fixture returning a qualified SWHID for a random content object ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_object_type_swhid(ObjectType.CONTENT)) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def directory_swhid(): """Fixture returning a qualified SWHID for a random directory object ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_object_type_swhid(ObjectType.DIRECTORY)) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def release_swhid(): """Fixture returning a qualified SWHID for a random release object ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_object_type_swhid(ObjectType.RELEASE)) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def revision_swhid(): """Fixture returning a qualified SWHID for a random revision object ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_object_type_swhid(ObjectType.REVISION)) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def snapshot_swhid(): """Fixture returning a qualified SWHID for a snapshot object ingested into the test archive. """ return random.choice(_object_type_swhid(ObjectType.SNAPSHOT)) @pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=list(ObjectType)) def unknown_core_swhid(request) -> CoreSWHID: """Fixture returning an unknown core SWHID. Tests using this will be called once per object type. """ return CoreSWHID( object_type=request.param, object_id=random_sha1_bytes(), ) # Fixture to manipulate data from a sample archive used in the tests @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def archive_data(tests_data): return _ArchiveData(tests_data) # Fixture to manipulate indexer data from a sample archive used in the tests @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def indexer_data(tests_data): return _IndexerData(tests_data) # Custom data directory for requests_mock @pytest.fixture def datadir(): return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "resources") class _ArchiveData: """ Helper class to manage data from a sample test archive. It is initialized with a reference to an in-memory storage containing raw tests data. It is basically a proxy to Storage interface but it overrides some methods to retrieve those tests data in a json serializable format in order to ease tests implementation. """ def __init__(self, tests_data): self.storage = tests_data["storage"] def __getattr__(self, key): if key == "storage": raise AttributeError(key) # Forward calls to non overridden Storage methods to wrapped # storage instance return getattr(self.storage, key) def content_find(self, content: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: cnt_ids_bytes = { algo_hash: hash_to_bytes(content[algo_hash]) for algo_hash in ALGORITHMS if content.get(algo_hash) } cnt = self.storage.content_find(cnt_ids_bytes) return converters.from_content(cnt[0].to_dict()) if cnt else cnt def content_get(self, cnt_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(cnt_id) content = self.storage.content_get([cnt_id_bytes])[0] if content: content_d = content.to_dict() content_d.pop("ctime", None) else: content_d = None return converters.from_swh( content_d, hashess={"sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "blake2s256"} ) def content_get_data(self, cnt_id: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(cnt_id) cnt_data = self.storage.content_get_data(cnt_id_bytes) if cnt_data is None: return None return converters.from_content({"data": cnt_data, "sha1": cnt_id_bytes}) def directory_get(self, dir_id): return {"id": dir_id, "content": self.directory_ls(dir_id)} def directory_ls(self, dir_id): cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(dir_id) dir_content = map( converters.from_directory_entry, self.storage.directory_ls(cnt_id_bytes) ) return list(dir_content) def release_get(self, rel_id: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: rel_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(rel_id) rel_data = self.storage.release_get([rel_id_bytes])[0] return converters.from_release(rel_data) if rel_data else None def revision_get(self, rev_id: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: rev_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(rev_id) rev_data = self.storage.revision_get([rev_id_bytes])[0] return converters.from_revision(rev_data) if rev_data else None def revision_log(self, rev_id, limit=None): rev_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(rev_id) return list( map( converters.from_revision, self.storage.revision_log([rev_id_bytes], limit=limit), ) ) def snapshot_get_latest(self, origin_url): snp = snapshot_get_latest(self.storage, origin_url) return converters.from_snapshot(snp.to_dict()) def origin_get(self, origin_urls): origins = self.storage.origin_get(origin_urls) return [converters.from_origin(o.to_dict()) for o in origins] def origin_visit_get(self, origin_url): next_page_token = None visits = [] while True: visit_page = self.storage.origin_visit_get( origin_url, page_token=next_page_token ) next_page_token = visit_page.next_page_token for visit in visit_page.results: visit_status = self.storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin_url, visit.visit ) visits.append( converters.from_origin_visit( {**visit_status.to_dict(), "type": visit.type} ) ) if not next_page_token: break return visits def origin_visit_get_by(self, origin_url: str, visit_id: int) -> OriginVisitInfo: visit = self.storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin_url, visit_id) assert visit is not None visit_status = self.storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest(origin_url, visit_id) assert visit_status is not None return converters.from_origin_visit( {**visit_status.to_dict(), "type": visit.type} ) def origin_visit_status_get_latest( self, origin_url, type: Optional[str] = None, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, ): visit_status = origin_get_latest_visit_status( self.storage, origin_url, type=type, allowed_statuses=allowed_statuses, require_snapshot=require_snapshot, ) return ( converters.from_origin_visit(visit_status.to_dict()) if visit_status else None ) def snapshot_get(self, snapshot_id): snp = snapshot_get_all_branches(self.storage, hash_to_bytes(snapshot_id)) return converters.from_snapshot(snp.to_dict()) def snapshot_get_branches( self, snapshot_id, branches_from="", branches_count=1000, target_types=None ): partial_branches = self.storage.snapshot_get_branches( hash_to_bytes(snapshot_id), branches_from.encode(), branches_count, target_types, ) return converters.from_partial_branches(partial_branches) def snapshot_get_head(self, snapshot): if snapshot["branches"]["HEAD"]["target_type"] == "alias": target = snapshot["branches"]["HEAD"]["target"] head = snapshot["branches"][target]["target"] else: head = snapshot["branches"]["HEAD"]["target"] return head def snapshot_count_branches(self, snapshot_id): counts = dict.fromkeys(("alias", "release", "revision"), 0) counts.update(self.storage.snapshot_count_branches(hash_to_bytes(snapshot_id))) counts.pop(None, None) return counts class _IndexerData: """ Helper class to manage indexer tests data It is initialized with a reference to an in-memory indexer storage containing raw tests data. It also defines class methods to retrieve those tests data in a json serializable format in order to ease tests implementation. """ def __init__(self, tests_data): self.idx_storage = tests_data["idx_storage"] self.mimetype_indexer = tests_data["mimetype_indexer"] self.license_indexer = tests_data["license_indexer"] self.ctags_indexer = tests_data["ctags_indexer"] def content_add_mimetype(self, cnt_id): self.mimetype_indexer.run([hash_to_bytes(cnt_id)]) def content_get_mimetype(self, cnt_id): mimetype = self.idx_storage.content_mimetype_get([hash_to_bytes(cnt_id)])[ 0 ].to_dict() return converters.from_filetype(mimetype) def content_add_license(self, cnt_id): self.license_indexer.run([hash_to_bytes(cnt_id)]) def content_get_license(self, cnt_id): cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(cnt_id) licenses = self.idx_storage.content_fossology_license_get([cnt_id_bytes]) for license in licenses: yield converters.from_swh(license.to_dict(), hashess={"id"}) def content_add_ctags(self, cnt_id): self.ctags_indexer.run([hash_to_bytes(cnt_id)]) def content_get_ctags(self, cnt_id): cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(cnt_id) ctags = self.idx_storage.content_ctags_get([cnt_id_bytes]) for ctag in ctags: yield converters.from_swh(ctag, hashess={"id"}) @pytest.fixture def keycloak_oidc(keycloak_oidc, mocker): keycloak_config = get_config()["keycloak"] keycloak_oidc.server_url = keycloak_config["server_url"] keycloak_oidc.realm_name = keycloak_config["realm_name"] keycloak_oidc.client_id = OIDC_SWH_WEB_CLIENT_ID keycloak_oidc_client = mocker.patch("swh.web.auth.views.keycloak_oidc_client") keycloak_oidc_client.return_value = keycloak_oidc return keycloak_oidc @pytest.fixture def subtest(request): """A hack to explicitly set up and tear down fixtures. This fixture allows you to set up and tear down fixtures within the test function itself. This is useful (necessary!) for using Hypothesis inside pytest, as hypothesis will call the test function multiple times, without setting up or tearing down fixture state as it is normally the case. Copied from the pytest-subtesthack project, public domain license (https://github.com/untitaker/pytest-subtesthack). """ parent_test = request.node def inner(func): if hasattr(Function, "from_parent"): item = Function.from_parent( parent_test, name=request.function.__name__ + "[]", originalname=request.function.__name__, callobj=func, ) else: item = Function( name=request.function.__name__ + "[]", parent=parent_test, callobj=func ) nextitem = parent_test # prevents pytest from tearing down module fixtures item.ihook.pytest_runtest_setup(item=item) item.ihook.pytest_runtest_call(item=item) item.ihook.pytest_runtest_teardown(item=item, nextitem=nextitem) return inner @pytest.fixture def swh_scheduler(swh_scheduler): config = get_config() scheduler = config["scheduler"] config["scheduler"] = swh_scheduler # create load-git and load-hg task types for task_type in TASK_TYPES.values(): # see https://forge.softwareheritage.org/rDSCHc46ffadf7adf24c7eb3ffce062e8ade3818c79cc # noqa task_type["type"] = task_type["type"].replace("load-test-", "load-", 1) swh_scheduler.create_task_type(task_type) # create load-svn task type swh_scheduler.create_task_type( { "type": "load-svn", "description": "Update a Subversion repository", "backend_name": "swh.loader.svn.tasks.DumpMountAndLoadSvnRepository", "default_interval": timedelta(days=64), "min_interval": timedelta(hours=12), "max_interval": timedelta(days=64), "backoff_factor": 2, "max_queue_length": None, "num_retries": 7, "retry_delay": timedelta(hours=2), } ) # create load-cvs task type swh_scheduler.create_task_type( { "type": "load-cvs", "description": "Update a CVS repository", "backend_name": "swh.loader.cvs.tasks.DumpMountAndLoadSvnRepository", "default_interval": timedelta(days=64), "min_interval": timedelta(hours=12), "max_interval": timedelta(days=64), "backoff_factor": 2, "max_queue_length": None, "num_retries": 7, "retry_delay": timedelta(hours=2), } ) # create load-bzr task type swh_scheduler.create_task_type( { "type": "load-bzr", "description": "Update a Bazaar repository", "backend_name": "swh.loader.bzr.tasks.LoadBazaar", "default_interval": timedelta(days=64), "min_interval": timedelta(hours=12), "max_interval": timedelta(days=64), "backoff_factor": 2, "max_queue_length": None, "num_retries": 7, "retry_delay": timedelta(hours=2), } ) # add method to add load-archive-files task type during tests def add_load_archive_task_type(): swh_scheduler.create_task_type( { "type": "load-archive-files", "description": "Load tarballs", "backend_name": "swh.loader.package.archive.tasks.LoadArchive", "default_interval": timedelta(days=64), "min_interval": timedelta(hours=12), "max_interval": timedelta(days=64), "backoff_factor": 2, "max_queue_length": None, "num_retries": 7, "retry_delay": timedelta(hours=2), } ) swh_scheduler.add_load_archive_task_type = add_load_archive_task_type yield swh_scheduler config["scheduler"] = scheduler get_scheduler_load_task_types.cache_clear() @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def django_db_setup(request, django_db_blocker, postgresql_proc): from django.conf import settings settings.DATABASES["default"].update( { ("ENGINE", "django.db.backends.postgresql"), ("NAME", get_config()["test_db"]["name"]), ("USER", postgresql_proc.user), ("HOST", postgresql_proc.host), ("PORT", postgresql_proc.port), } ) with django_db_blocker.unblock(): setup_databases( verbosity=request.config.option.verbose, interactive=False, keepdb=False ) @pytest.fixture def staff_user(): return User.objects.create_user(username="admin", password="", is_staff=True) @pytest.fixture def regular_user(): return User.objects.create_user(username="johndoe", password="") @pytest.fixture def regular_user2(): return User.objects.create_user(username="janedoe", password="") @pytest.fixture def add_forge_moderator(): moderator = User.objects.create_user(username="add-forge moderator", password="") moderator.user_permissions.add( create_django_permission(ADD_FORGE_MODERATOR_PERMISSION) ) return moderator @pytest.fixture def mailmap_admin(): mailmap_admin = User.objects.create_user(username="mailmap-admin", password="") mailmap_admin.user_permissions.add( create_django_permission(MAILMAP_ADMIN_PERMISSION) ) return mailmap_admin @pytest.fixture def mailmap_user(): mailmap_user = User.objects.create_user(username="mailmap-user", password="") mailmap_user.user_permissions.add(create_django_permission(MAILMAP_PERMISSION)) return mailmap_user diff --git a/swh/web/tests/utils.py b/swh/web/tests/utils.py index aaa3bd3a..fca57fdc 100644 --- a/swh/web/tests/utils.py +++ b/swh/web/tests/utils.py @@ -1,254 +1,254 @@ # Copyright (C) 2020-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, cast from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType -from django.http import HttpResponse, StreamingHttpResponse +from django.http.response import HttpResponse, HttpResponseBase, StreamingHttpResponse from django.test.client import Client from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.test import APIClient from swh.web.tests.django_asserts import assert_template_used def _assert_http_response( - response: HttpResponse, status_code: int, content_type: str -) -> HttpResponse: + response: HttpResponseBase, status_code: int, content_type: str +) -> HttpResponseBase: if isinstance(response, Response): drf_response = cast(Response, response) error_context = ( drf_response.data.pop("traceback") if isinstance(drf_response.data, dict) and "traceback" in drf_response.data else drf_response.data ) elif isinstance(response, StreamingHttpResponse): error_context = getattr(response, "traceback", response.streaming_content) - else: + elif isinstance(response, HttpResponse): error_context = getattr(response, "traceback", response.content) assert response.status_code == status_code, error_context if content_type != "*/*": assert response["Content-Type"].startswith(content_type) return response def check_http_get_response( client: Client, url: str, status_code: int, content_type: str = "*/*", http_origin: Optional[str] = None, server_name: Optional[str] = None, -) -> HttpResponse: +) -> HttpResponseBase: """Helper function to check HTTP response for a GET request. Args: client: Django test client url: URL to check response status_code: expected HTTP status code content_type: expected response content type http_origin: optional HTTP_ORIGIN header value Returns: The HTTP response """ return _assert_http_response( response=client.get( url, HTTP_ACCEPT=content_type, HTTP_ORIGIN=http_origin, SERVER_NAME=server_name if server_name else "testserver", ), status_code=status_code, content_type=content_type, ) def check_http_post_response( client: Client, url: str, status_code: int, content_type: str = "*/*", request_content_type="application/json", data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, http_origin: Optional[str] = None, -) -> HttpResponse: +) -> HttpResponseBase: """Helper function to check HTTP response for a POST request. Args: client: Django test client url: URL to check response status_code: expected HTTP status code content_type: expected response content type request_content_type: content type of request body data: optional POST data Returns: The HTTP response """ return _assert_http_response( response=client.post( url, data=data, content_type=request_content_type, HTTP_ACCEPT=content_type, HTTP_ORIGIN=http_origin, ), status_code=status_code, content_type=content_type, ) def check_api_get_responses( api_client: APIClient, url: str, status_code: int ) -> Response: """Helper function to check Web API responses for GET requests for all accepted content types (JSON, YAML, HTML). Args: api_client: DRF test client url: Web API URL to check responses status_code: expected HTTP status code Returns: The Web API JSON response """ # check JSON response response_json = check_http_get_response( api_client, url, status_code, content_type="application/json" ) # check HTML response (API Web UI) check_http_get_response(api_client, url, status_code, content_type="text/html") # check YAML response check_http_get_response( api_client, url, status_code, content_type="application/yaml" ) return cast(Response, response_json) def check_api_post_response( api_client: APIClient, url: str, status_code: int, content_type: str = "*/*", data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, -) -> HttpResponse: +) -> HttpResponseBase: """Helper function to check Web API response for a POST request for all accepted content types. Args: api_client: DRF test client url: Web API URL to check response status_code: expected HTTP status code Returns: The HTTP response """ return _assert_http_response( response=api_client.post( url, data=data, format="json", HTTP_ACCEPT=content_type, ), status_code=status_code, content_type=content_type, ) def check_api_post_responses( api_client: APIClient, url: str, status_code: int, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Response: """Helper function to check Web API responses for POST requests for all accepted content types (JSON, YAML). Args: api_client: DRF test client url: Web API URL to check responses status_code: expected HTTP status code Returns: The Web API JSON response """ # check JSON response response_json = check_api_post_response( api_client, url, status_code, content_type="application/json", data=data ) # check YAML response check_api_post_response( api_client, url, status_code, content_type="application/yaml", data=data ) return cast(Response, response_json) def check_html_get_response( client: Client, url: str, status_code: int, template_used: Optional[str] = None, http_origin: Optional[str] = None, server_name: Optional[str] = None, -) -> HttpResponse: +) -> HttpResponseBase: """Helper function to check HTML responses for a GET request. Args: client: Django test client url: URL to check responses status_code: expected HTTP status code template_used: optional used Django template to check Returns: The HTML response """ response = check_http_get_response( client, url, status_code, content_type="text/html", http_origin=http_origin, server_name=server_name, ) if template_used is not None: assert_template_used(response, template_used) return response def create_django_permission(perm_name: str) -> Permission: """Create permission out of a permission name string Args: perm_name: Permission name (e.g. swh.web.api.throttling_exempted, swh.ambassador, ...) Returns: The persisted permission """ perm_splitted = perm_name.split(".") app_label = ".".join(perm_splitted[:-1]) perm_name = perm_splitted[-1] content_type = ContentType.objects.create( id=1000 + ContentType.objects.count(), app_label=app_label, model=perm_splitted[-1], ) return Permission.objects.create( codename=perm_name, name=perm_name, content_type=content_type, id=1000 + Permission.objects.count(), )