diff --git a/swh/web/assets/config/webpack-plugins/generate-weblabels-webpack-plugin/index.js b/swh/web/assets/config/webpack-plugins/generate-weblabels-webpack-plugin/index.js index 668296b8..4230497f 100644 --- a/swh/web/assets/config/webpack-plugins/generate-weblabels-webpack-plugin/index.js +++ b/swh/web/assets/config/webpack-plugins/generate-weblabels-webpack-plugin/index.js @@ -1,402 +1,409 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ // This is a plugin for webpack >= 4 enabling to generate a Web Labels page intended // to be consume by the LibreJS Firefox plugin (https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/). // See README.md for its complete documentation. const ejs = require('ejs'); const fs = require('fs'); const log = require('webpack-log'); const path = require('path'); const schema = require('./plugin-options-schema.json'); const spdxParse = require('spdx-expression-parse'); const spdxLicensesMapping = require('./spdx-licenses-mapping'); const {validate} = require('schema-utils'); const pluginName = 'GenerateWebLabelsPlugin'; class GenerateWebLabelsPlugin { constructor(opts) { // check that provided options match JSON schema validate(schema, opts, pluginName); this.options = opts || {}; this.weblabelsDirName = this.options['outputDir'] || 'jssources'; this.outputType = this.options['outputType'] || 'html'; // source file extension handled by webpack and compiled to js this.srcExts = ['js', 'ts', 'coffee', 'lua']; this.srcExtsRegexp = new RegExp('^.*.(' + this.srcExts.join('|') + ')$'); + this.chunkIdToName = {}; this.chunkNameToJsAsset = {}; this.chunkJsAssetToSrcFiles = {}; this.srcIdsInChunkJsAsset = {}; this.packageJsonCache = {}; this.packageLicenseFile = {}; this.exclude = []; this.copiedFiles = new Set(); this.logger = log({name: pluginName}); // populate module prefix patterns to exclude if (Array.isArray(this.options['exclude'])) { this.options['exclude'].forEach(toExclude => { if (!toExclude.startsWith('.')) { this.exclude.push('./' + path.join('node_modules', toExclude)); } else { this.exclude.push(toExclude); } }); } } apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.done.tap(pluginName, statsObj => { // get the stats object in JSON format let stats = statsObj.toJson(); this.stats = stats; // set output folder this.weblabelsOutputDir = path.join(stats.outputPath, this.weblabelsDirName); this.recursiveMkdir(this.weblabelsOutputDir); + stats.assets.forEach(asset => { + for (let i = 0; i < asset.chunks.length; ++i) { + this.chunkIdToName[asset.chunks[i]] = asset.chunkNames[i]; + } + }); + // map each generated webpack chunk to its js asset Object.keys(stats.assetsByChunkName).forEach((chunkName, i) => { if (Array.isArray(stats.assetsByChunkName[chunkName])) { for (let asset of stats.assetsByChunkName[chunkName]) { if (asset.endsWith('.js')) { this.chunkNameToJsAsset[chunkName] = asset; this.chunkNameToJsAsset[i] = asset; break; } } } else if (stats.assetsByChunkName[chunkName].endsWith('.js')) { this.chunkNameToJsAsset[chunkName] = stats.assetsByChunkName[chunkName]; this.chunkNameToJsAsset[i] = stats.assetsByChunkName[chunkName]; } }); // iterate on all bundled webpack modules stats.modules.forEach(mod => { let srcFilePath = mod.name; // do not process non js related modules if (!this.srcExtsRegexp.test(srcFilePath)) { return; } // do not process modules unrelated to a source file if (!srcFilePath.startsWith('./')) { return; } // do not process modules in the exclusion list for (let toExclude of this.exclude) { if (srcFilePath.startsWith(toExclude)) { return; } } // remove webpack loader call if any let loaderEndPos = srcFilePath.indexOf('!'); if (loaderEndPos !== -1) { srcFilePath = srcFilePath.slice(loaderEndPos + 1); } // iterate on all chunks containing the module mod.chunks.forEach(chunk => { - - let chunkJsAsset = stats.publicPath + this.chunkNameToJsAsset[chunk]; + let chunkName = this.chunkIdToName[chunk]; + let chunkJsAsset = stats.publicPath + this.chunkNameToJsAsset[chunkName]; // init the chunk to source files mapping if needed if (!this.chunkJsAssetToSrcFiles.hasOwnProperty(chunkJsAsset)) { this.chunkJsAssetToSrcFiles[chunkJsAsset] = []; this.srcIdsInChunkJsAsset[chunkJsAsset] = new Set(); } // check if the source file needs to be replaces if (this.options['srcReplace'] && this.options['srcReplace'].hasOwnProperty(srcFilePath)) { srcFilePath = this.options['srcReplace'][srcFilePath]; } // init source file metadata let srcFileData = {'id': this.cleanupPath(srcFilePath)}; // find and parse the corresponding package.json file let packageJsonPath; let nodeModule = srcFilePath.startsWith('./node_modules/'); if (nodeModule) { packageJsonPath = this.findPackageJsonPath(srcFilePath); } else { packageJsonPath = './package.json'; } let packageJson = this.parsePackageJson(packageJsonPath); // extract license information, overriding it if needed let licenseOverridden = false; let licenseFilePath; if (this.options['licenseOverride']) { for (let srcFilePrefixKey of Object.keys(this.options['licenseOverride'])) { let srcFilePrefix = srcFilePrefixKey; if (!srcFilePrefixKey.startsWith('.')) { srcFilePrefix = './' + path.join('node_modules', srcFilePrefixKey); } if (srcFilePath.startsWith(srcFilePrefix)) { let spdxLicenseExpression = this.options['licenseOverride'][srcFilePrefixKey]['spdxLicenseExpression']; licenseFilePath = this.options['licenseOverride'][srcFilePrefixKey]['licenseFilePath']; let parsedSpdxLicenses = this.parseSpdxLicenseExpression(spdxLicenseExpression, `file ${srcFilePath}`); srcFileData['licenses'] = this.spdxToWebLabelsLicenses(parsedSpdxLicenses); licenseOverridden = true; break; } } } if (!licenseOverridden) { srcFileData['licenses'] = this.extractLicenseInformation(packageJson); let licenseDir = path.join(...packageJsonPath.split('/').slice(0, -1)); licenseFilePath = this.findLicenseFile(licenseDir); } // copy original license file and get its url let licenseCopyUrl = this.copyLicenseFile(licenseFilePath); srcFileData['licenses'].forEach(license => { license['copy_url'] = licenseCopyUrl; }); // generate url for downloading non-minified source code srcFileData['src_url'] = stats.publicPath + path.join(this.weblabelsDirName, srcFileData['id']); // add source file metadata to the webpack chunk this.addSrcFileDataToJsChunkAsset(chunkJsAsset, srcFileData); // copy non-minified source to output folder this.copyFileToOutputPath(srcFilePath); }); }); // process additional scripts if needed if (this.options['additionalScripts']) { for (let script of Object.keys(this.options['additionalScripts'])) { let scriptFilesData = this.options['additionalScripts'][script]; if (script.indexOf('://') === -1 && !script.startsWith('/')) { script = stats.publicPath + script; } this.chunkJsAssetToSrcFiles[script] = []; this.srcIdsInChunkJsAsset[script] = new Set(); for (let scriptSrc of scriptFilesData) { let scriptSrcData = {'id': scriptSrc['id']}; let licenceFilePath = scriptSrc['licenseFilePath']; let parsedSpdxLicenses = this.parseSpdxLicenseExpression(scriptSrc['spdxLicenseExpression'], `file ${scriptSrc['path']}`); scriptSrcData['licenses'] = this.spdxToWebLabelsLicenses(parsedSpdxLicenses); if (licenceFilePath.indexOf('://') === -1 && !licenceFilePath.startsWith('/')) { let licenseCopyUrl = this.copyLicenseFile(licenceFilePath); scriptSrcData['licenses'].forEach(license => { license['copy_url'] = licenseCopyUrl; }); } else { scriptSrcData['licenses'].forEach(license => { license['copy_url'] = licenceFilePath; }); } if (scriptSrc['path'].indexOf('://') === -1 && !scriptSrc['path'].startsWith('/')) { scriptSrcData['src_url'] = stats.publicPath + path.join(this.weblabelsDirName, scriptSrc['id']); } else { scriptSrcData['src_url'] = scriptSrc['path']; } this.addSrcFileDataToJsChunkAsset(script, scriptSrcData); this.copyFileToOutputPath(scriptSrc['path']); } } } for (let srcFiles of Object.values(this.chunkJsAssetToSrcFiles)) { srcFiles.sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id)); } if (this.outputType === 'json') { // generate the jslicenses.json file let weblabelsData = JSON.stringify(this.chunkJsAssetToSrcFiles); let weblabelsJsonFile = path.join(this.weblabelsOutputDir, 'jslicenses.json'); fs.writeFileSync(weblabelsJsonFile, weblabelsData); } else { // generate the jslicenses.html file let weblabelsPageFile = path.join(this.weblabelsOutputDir, 'jslicenses.html'); ejs.renderFile(path.join(__dirname, 'jslicenses.ejs'), {'jslicenses_data': this.chunkJsAssetToSrcFiles}, {'rmWhitespace': true}, (e, str) => { fs.writeFileSync(weblabelsPageFile, str); }); } }); } addSrcFileDataToJsChunkAsset(chunkJsAsset, srcFileData) { if (!this.srcIdsInChunkJsAsset[chunkJsAsset].has(srcFileData['id'])) { this.chunkJsAssetToSrcFiles[chunkJsAsset].push(srcFileData); this.srcIdsInChunkJsAsset[chunkJsAsset].add(srcFileData['id']); } } cleanupPath(moduleFilePath) { return moduleFilePath.replace(/^[./]*node_modules\//, '').replace(/^.\//, ''); } findPackageJsonPath(srcFilePath) { let pathSplit = srcFilePath.split('/'); let packageJsonPath; for (let i = 3; i < pathSplit.length; ++i) { packageJsonPath = path.join(...pathSplit.slice(0, i), 'package.json'); if (fs.existsSync(packageJsonPath)) { break; } } return packageJsonPath; } findLicenseFile(packageJsonDir) { if (!this.packageLicenseFile.hasOwnProperty(packageJsonDir)) { let foundLicenseFile; fs.readdirSync(packageJsonDir).forEach(file => { if (foundLicenseFile) { return; } if (file.toLowerCase().startsWith('license')) { foundLicenseFile = path.join(packageJsonDir, file); } }); this.packageLicenseFile[packageJsonDir] = foundLicenseFile; } return this.packageLicenseFile[packageJsonDir]; } copyLicenseFile(licenseFilePath) { let licenseCopyPath = ''; if (licenseFilePath && fs.existsSync(licenseFilePath)) { let ext = ''; // add a .txt extension in order to serve license file with text/plain // content type to client browsers if (licenseFilePath.toLowerCase().indexOf('license.') === -1) { ext = '.txt'; } this.copyFileToOutputPath(licenseFilePath, ext); licenseFilePath = this.cleanupPath(licenseFilePath); licenseCopyPath = this.stats.publicPath + path.join(this.weblabelsDirName, licenseFilePath + ext); } return licenseCopyPath; } parsePackageJson(packageJsonPath) { if (!this.packageJsonCache.hasOwnProperty(packageJsonPath)) { let packageJsonStr = fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath).toString('utf8'); this.packageJsonCache[packageJsonPath] = JSON.parse(packageJsonStr); } return this.packageJsonCache[packageJsonPath]; } parseSpdxLicenseExpression(spdxLicenseExpression, context) { let parsedLicense; try { parsedLicense = spdxParse(spdxLicenseExpression); if (spdxLicenseExpression.indexOf('AND') !== -1) { this.logger.warn(`The SPDX license expression '${spdxLicenseExpression}' associated to ${context} ` + 'contains an AND operator, this is currently not properly handled and erroneous ' + 'licenses information may be provided to LibreJS'); } } catch (e) { this.logger.warn(`Unable to parse the SPDX license expression '${spdxLicenseExpression}' associated to ${context}.`); this.logger.warn('Some generated JavaScript assets may be blocked by LibreJS due to missing license information.'); parsedLicense = {'license': spdxLicenseExpression}; } return parsedLicense; } spdxToWebLabelsLicense(spdxLicenceId) { for (let i = 0; i < spdxLicensesMapping.length; ++i) { if (spdxLicensesMapping[i]['spdx_ids'].indexOf(spdxLicenceId) !== -1) { let licenseData = Object.assign({}, spdxLicensesMapping[i]); delete licenseData['spdx_ids']; delete licenseData['magnet_link']; licenseData['copy_url'] = ''; return licenseData; } } this.logger.warn(`Unable to associate the SPDX license identifier '${spdxLicenceId}' to a LibreJS supported license.`); this.logger.warn('Some generated JavaScript assets may be blocked by LibreJS due to missing license information.'); return { 'name': spdxLicenceId, 'url': '', 'copy_url': '' }; } spdxToWebLabelsLicenses(spdxLicenses) { // This method simply extracts all referenced licenses in the SPDX expression // regardless of their combinations. // TODO: Handle licenses combination properly once LibreJS has a spec for it. let ret = []; if (spdxLicenses.hasOwnProperty('license')) { ret.push(this.spdxToWebLabelsLicense(spdxLicenses['license'])); } else if (spdxLicenses.hasOwnProperty('left')) { if (spdxLicenses['left'].hasOwnProperty('license')) { let licenseData = this.spdxToWebLabelsLicense(spdxLicenses['left']['license']); ret.push(licenseData); } else { ret = ret.concat(this.spdxToWebLabelsLicenses(spdxLicenses['left'])); } ret = ret.concat(this.spdxToWebLabelsLicenses(spdxLicenses['right'])); } return ret; } extractLicenseInformation(packageJson) { let spdxLicenseExpression; if (packageJson.hasOwnProperty('license')) { spdxLicenseExpression = packageJson['license']; } else if (packageJson.hasOwnProperty('licenses')) { // for node packages using deprecated licenses property let licenses = packageJson['licenses']; if (Array.isArray(licenses)) { let l = []; licenses.forEach(license => { l.push(license['type']); }); spdxLicenseExpression = l.join(' OR '); } else { spdxLicenseExpression = licenses['type']; } } let parsedSpdxLicenses = this.parseSpdxLicenseExpression(spdxLicenseExpression, `module ${packageJson['name']}`); return this.spdxToWebLabelsLicenses(parsedSpdxLicenses); } copyFileToOutputPath(srcFilePath, ext = '') { if (this.copiedFiles.has(srcFilePath) || srcFilePath.indexOf('://') !== -1 || !fs.existsSync(srcFilePath)) { return; } let destPath = this.cleanupPath(srcFilePath); let destDir = path.join(this.weblabelsOutputDir, ...destPath.split('/').slice(0, -1)); this.recursiveMkdir(destDir); destPath = path.join(this.weblabelsOutputDir, destPath + ext); fs.copyFileSync(srcFilePath, destPath); this.copiedFiles.add(srcFilePath); } recursiveMkdir(destPath) { let destPathSplit = destPath.split('/'); for (let i = 1; i < destPathSplit.length; ++i) { let currentPath = path.join('/', ...destPathSplit.slice(0, i + 1)); if (!fs.existsSync(currentPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(currentPath); } } } }; module.exports = GenerateWebLabelsPlugin;