diff --git a/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js b/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js index 556cf769..1b075e59 100644 --- a/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js +++ b/cypress/integration/origin-save.spec.js @@ -1,251 +1,275 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ let url; let origin; const $ = Cypress.$; const saveCodeMsg = { 'success': 'The "save code now" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', 'warning': 'The "save code now" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', 'rejected': 'The "save code now" request has been rejected because the provided origin url is blacklisted.', 'rateLimit': 'The rate limit for "save code now" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', 'unknownError': 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request', 'csrfError': 'CSRF Failed: Referrer checking failed - no Referrer.' }; function makeOriginSaveRequest(originType, originUrl) { - cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type') - .select(originType) - .get('#swh-input-origin-url') + cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .type(originUrl) + .get('#swh-input-visit-type') + .select(originType) .get('#swh-save-origin-form') .submit(); } function checkAlertVisible(alertType, msg) { cy.get('#swh-origin-save-request-status') .should('be.visible') .find(`.alert-${alertType}`) .should('be.visible') .and('contain', msg); } // Stub requests to save an origin function stubSaveRequest(requestUrl, objectType, status, originUrl, taskStatus, responseStatus = 200, errorMessage = '') { let response; if (responseStatus !== 200 && errorMessage) { response = {'detail': errorMessage}; } else { response = genOriginSaveResponse(objectType, status, originUrl, Date().toString(), taskStatus); } cy.route({ method: 'POST', status: responseStatus, url: requestUrl, response: response }).as('saveRequest'); } // Mocks API response : /save/(:object_type)/(:origin_url) // object_type : {'git', 'hg', 'svn'} function genOriginSaveResponse(objectType, saveRequestStatus, originUrl, saveRequestDate, saveTaskStatus) { return { 'visit_type': objectType, 'save_request_status': saveRequestStatus, 'origin_url': originUrl, 'id': 1, 'save_request_date': saveRequestDate, 'save_task_status': saveTaskStatus, 'visit_date': null }; }; describe('Origin Save Tests', function() { before(function() { url = this.Urls.origin_save(); origin = this.origin[0]; this.originSaveUrl = this.Urls.origin_save_request(origin.type, origin.url); }); beforeEach(function() { + cy.fixture('origin-save').as('originSaveJSON'); + cy.fixture('save-task-info').as('saveTaskInfoJSON'); cy.visit(url); cy.server(); }); it('should display accepted message when accepted', function() { stubSaveRequest(this.originSaveUrl, origin.type, 'accepted', origin.url, 'not yet scheduled'); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should validate gitlab subproject url', function() { const gitlabSubProjectUrl = 'https://gitlab.com/user/project/sub/'; const originSaveUrl = this.Urls.origin_save_request('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); stubSaveRequest(originSaveUrl, 'git', 'accepted', gitlabSubProjectUrl, 'not yet scheduled'); makeOriginSaveRequest('git', gitlabSubProjectUrl); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('success', saveCodeMsg['success']); }); }); it('should display warning message when pending', function() { stubSaveRequest(this.originSaveUrl, origin.type, 'pending', origin.url, 'not created'); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('warning', saveCodeMsg['warning']); }); }); it('should show error when csrf validation failed (status: 403)', function() { stubSaveRequest(this.originSaveUrl, origin.type, 'rejected', origin.url, 'not created', 403, saveCodeMsg['csrfError']); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['csrfError']); }); }); it('should show error when origin is rejected (status: 403)', function() { stubSaveRequest(this.originSaveUrl, origin.type, 'rejected', origin.url, 'not created', 403, saveCodeMsg['rejected']); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['rejected']); }); }); it('should show error when rate limited (status: 429)', function() { stubSaveRequest(this.originSaveUrl, origin.type, 'Request was throttled. Expected available in 60 seconds.', origin.url, 'not created', 429); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['rateLimit']); }); }); it('should show error when unknown error occurs (status other than 200, 403, 429)', function() { stubSaveRequest(this.originSaveUrl, origin.type, 'Error', origin.url, 'not created', 406); makeOriginSaveRequest(origin.type, origin.url); cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { checkAlertVisible('danger', saveCodeMsg['unknownError']); }); }); it('should display origin save info in the requests table', function() { - cy.fixture('origin-save').as('originSaveJSON'); cy.route('GET', '/save/requests/list/**', '@originSaveJSON'); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('tbody tr').then(rows => { let i = 0; for (let row of rows) { const cells = row.cells; const requestDateStr = new Date(this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_request_date).toLocaleString(); const saveStatus = this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_task_status; assert.equal($(cells[0]).text(), requestDateStr); assert.equal($(cells[1]).text(), this.originSaveJSON.data[i].visit_type); let html = ''; if (saveStatus === 'succeed') { let browseOriginUrl = `${this.Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url}`; browseOriginUrl += `&timestamp=${this.originSaveJSON.data[i].visit_date}`; html += `${this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url}`; } else { html += this.originSaveJSON.data[i].origin_url; } html += ` `; html += ''; assert.equal($(cells[2]).html(), html); assert.equal($(cells[3]).text(), this.originSaveJSON.data[i].save_request_status); assert.equal($(cells[4]).text(), saveStatus); ++i; } }); }); it('should display/close task info popover when clicking on the info button', function() { - cy.fixture('origin-save').as('originSaveJSON'); - cy.fixture('save-task-info').as('saveTaskInfoJSON'); cy.route('GET', '/save/requests/list/**', '@originSaveJSON'); cy.route('GET', '/save/task/info/**', '@saveTaskInfoJSON'); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('not.be.visible'); }); it('should hide task info popover when clicking on the close button', function() { - cy.fixture('origin-save').as('originSaveJSON'); - cy.fixture('save-task-info').as('saveTaskInfoJSON'); cy.route('GET', '/save/requests/list/**', '@originSaveJSON'); cy.route('GET', '/save/task/info/**', '@saveTaskInfoJSON'); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-close') .click(); cy.get('.swh-save-request-info-popover') .should('not.be.visible'); }); it('should fill save request form when clicking on "Save again" button', function() { - cy.fixture('origin-save').as('originSaveJSON'); cy.route('GET', '/save/requests/list/**', '@originSaveJSON'); cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); cy.get('.swh-save-origin-again') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('tbody tr').eq(0).then(row => { const cells = row[0].cells; cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type') .should('have.value', $(cells[1]).text()); cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') .should('have.value', $(cells[2]).text().slice(0, -1)); }); }); + + it('should select correct origin type if possible when clicking on "Save again" button', function() { + const originUrl = 'https://gitlab.inria.fr/solverstack/maphys/maphys/'; + const badOriginType = 'hg'; + const goodOriginType = 'git'; + cy.route('GET', '/save/requests/list/**', '@originSaveJSON'); + stubSaveRequest(this.Urls.origin_save_request(badOriginType, originUrl), + badOriginType, 'accepted', + originUrl, 'failed', 200, saveCodeMsg['accepted']); + + makeOriginSaveRequest(badOriginType, originUrl); + + cy.get('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').click(); + cy.wait('@saveRequest').then(() => { + cy.get('.swh-save-origin-again') + .eq(0) + .click(); + + cy.get('tbody tr').eq(0).then(row => { + const cells = row[0].cells; + cy.get('#swh-input-visit-type') + .should('have.value', goodOriginType); + cy.get('#swh-input-origin-url') + .should('have.value', $(cells[2]).text().slice(0, -1)); + }); + }); + }); + }); diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js index 1414e6c0..1371e160 100644 --- a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js +++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/save/index.js @@ -1,459 +1,469 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ import {handleFetchError, csrfPost, isGitRepoUrl, htmlAlert, removeUrlFragment} from 'utils/functions'; import {swhSpinnerSrc} from 'utils/constants'; import {validate} from 'validate.js'; let saveRequestsTable; function originSaveRequest(originType, originUrl, acceptedCallback, pendingCallback, errorCallback) { let addSaveOriginRequestUrl = Urls.origin_save_request(originType, originUrl); let headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }; $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'block'); csrfPost(addSaveOriginRequestUrl, headers) .then(handleFetchError) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'none'); if (data.save_request_status === 'accepted') { acceptedCallback(); } else { pendingCallback(); } }) .catch(response => { $('.swh-processing-save-request').css('display', 'none'); response.json().then(errorData => { errorCallback(response.status, errorData); }); }); } export function initOriginSave() { $(document).ready(() => { $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'none'; fetch(Urls.origin_save_types_list()) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { for (let originType of data) { $('#swh-input-visit-type').append(``); } }); saveRequestsTable = $('#swh-origin-save-requests') .on('error.dt', (e, settings, techNote, message) => { $('#swh-origin-save-request-list-error').text('An error occurred while retrieving the save requests list'); console.log(message); }) .DataTable({ serverSide: true, processing: true, language: { processing: `` }, ajax: Urls.origin_save_requests_list('all'), searchDelay: 1000, columns: [ { data: 'save_request_date', name: 'request_date', render: (data, type, row) => { if (type === 'display') { let date = new Date(data); return date.toLocaleString(); } return data; } }, { data: 'visit_type', name: 'visit_type' }, { data: 'origin_url', name: 'origin_url', render: (data, type, row) => { if (type === 'display') { let html = ''; const sanitizedURL = $.fn.dataTable.render.text().display(data); if (row.save_task_status === 'succeed') { let browseOriginUrl = `${Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${sanitizedURL}`; browseOriginUrl += `&timestamp=${row.visit_date}`; html += `${sanitizedURL}`; } else { html += sanitizedURL; } html += ` `; return html; } return data; } }, { data: 'save_request_status', name: 'status' }, { data: 'save_task_status', name: 'loading_task_status' }, { name: 'info', render: (data, type, row) => { if (row.save_task_status === 'succeed' || row.save_task_status === 'failed') { return ``; } else { return ''; } } }, { render: (data, type, row) => { if (row.save_request_status === 'accepted') { const saveAgainButton = ''; return saveAgainButton; } else { return ''; } } } ], scrollY: '50vh', scrollCollapse: true, order: [[0, 'desc']], responsive: { details: { type: 'none' } } }); swh.webapp.addJumpToPagePopoverToDataTable(saveRequestsTable); $('#swh-origin-save-requests-list-tab').on('shown.bs.tab', () => { saveRequestsTable.draw(); window.location.hash = '#requests'; }); $('#swh-origin-save-request-help-tab').on('shown.bs.tab', () => { removeUrlFragment(); $('.swh-save-request-info').popover('dispose'); }); let saveRequestAcceptedAlert = htmlAlert( 'success', 'The "save code now" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', true ); let saveRequestPendingAlert = htmlAlert( 'warning', 'The "save code now" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', true ); let saveRequestRateLimitedAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'The rate limit for "save code now" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', true ); let saveRequestUnknownErrorAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request".', true ); $('#swh-save-origin-form').submit(event => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $('.alert').alert('close'); if (event.target.checkValidity()) { $(event.target).removeClass('was-validated'); let originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); let originUrl = $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(); originSaveRequest(originType, originUrl, () => $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestAcceptedAlert), () => $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestPendingAlert), (statusCode, errorData) => { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').css('color', 'red'); if (statusCode === 403) { const errorAlert = htmlAlert('danger', `Error: ${errorData['detail']}`); $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(errorAlert); } else if (statusCode === 429) { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestRateLimitedAlert); } else { $('#swh-origin-save-request-status').html(saveRequestUnknownErrorAlert); } }); } else { $(event.target).addClass('was-validated'); } }); $('#swh-show-origin-save-requests-list').on('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); $('.nav-tabs a[href="#swh-origin-save-requests-list"]').tab('show'); }); $('#swh-input-origin-url').on('input', function(event) { let originUrl = $(this).val().trim(); $(this).val(originUrl); $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { let val = $(this).val(); if (val && originUrl.includes(val)) { $(this).prop('selected', true); } }); }); if (window.location.hash === '#requests') { $('.nav-tabs a[href="#swh-origin-save-requests-list"]').tab('show'); } }); } export function validateSaveOriginUrl(input) { let originUrl = input.value.trim(); let validUrl = validate({website: originUrl}, { website: { url: { schemes: ['http', 'https', 'svn', 'git'] } } }) === undefined; let originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); if (originType === 'git' && validUrl) { // additional checks for well known code hosting providers let githubIdx = originUrl.indexOf('://github.com'); let gitlabIdx = originUrl.indexOf('://gitlab.'); let gitSfIdx = originUrl.indexOf('://git.code.sf.net'); let bitbucketIdx = originUrl.indexOf('://bitbucket.org'); if (githubIdx !== -1 && githubIdx <= 5) { validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl, 'github.com'); } else if (gitlabIdx !== -1 && gitlabIdx <= 5) { let startIdx = gitlabIdx + 3; let idx = originUrl.indexOf('/', startIdx); if (idx !== -1) { let gitlabDomain = originUrl.substr(startIdx, idx - startIdx); validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl, gitlabDomain); } else { validUrl = false; } } else if (gitSfIdx !== -1 && gitSfIdx <= 5) { validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl, 'git.code.sf.net/p'); } else if (bitbucketIdx !== -1 && bitbucketIdx <= 5) { validUrl = isGitRepoUrl(originUrl, 'bitbucket.org'); } } if (validUrl) { input.setCustomValidity(''); } else { input.setCustomValidity('The origin url is not valid or does not reference a code repository'); } } export function initTakeNewSnapshot() { let newSnapshotRequestAcceptedAlert = htmlAlert( 'success', 'The "take new snapshot" request has been accepted and will be processed as soon as possible.', true ); let newSnapshotRequestPendingAlert = htmlAlert( 'warning', 'The "take new snapshot" request has been put in pending state and may be accepted for processing after manual review.', true ); let newSnapshotRequestRateLimitAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'The rate limit for "take new snapshot" requests has been reached. Please try again later.', true ); let newSnapshotRequestUnknownErrorAlert = htmlAlert( 'danger', 'An unexpected error happened when submitting the "save code now request".', true ); $(document).ready(() => { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-form').submit(event => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); let originType = $('#swh-input-visit-type').val(); let originUrl = $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(); originSaveRequest(originType, originUrl, () => $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestAcceptedAlert), () => $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestPendingAlert), (statusCode, errorData) => { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').css('color', 'red'); if (statusCode === 403) { const errorAlert = htmlAlert('danger', `Error: ${errorData['detail']}`, true); $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(errorAlert); } else if (statusCode === 429) { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestRateLimitAlert); } else { $('#swh-take-new-snapshot-request-status').html(newSnapshotRequestUnknownErrorAlert); } }); }); }); } export function displaySaveRequestInfo(event, saveRequestId) { event.stopPropagation(); const saveRequestTaskInfoUrl = Urls.origin_save_task_info(saveRequestId); // close popover when clicking again on the info icon if ($(event.target).data('bs.popover')) { $(event.target).popover('dispose'); return; } $('.swh-save-request-info').popover('dispose'); $(event.target).popover({ animation: false, boundary: 'viewport', container: 'body', title: 'Save request task information ' + '`, content: `

Fetching task information ...

`, html: true, placement: 'left', sanitizeFn: swh.webapp.filterXSS }); $(event.target).on('shown.bs.popover', function() { const popoverId = $(this).attr('aria-describedby'); $(`#${popoverId} .mdi-close`).click(() => { $(this).popover('dispose'); }); }); $(event.target).popover('show'); fetch(saveRequestTaskInfoUrl) .then(response => response.json()) .then(saveRequestTaskInfo => { let content; if ($.isEmptyObject(saveRequestTaskInfo)) { content = 'Not available'; } else { let saveRequestInfo = []; if (saveRequestTaskInfo.type) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task type', value: saveRequestTaskInfo.type }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.arguments) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task arguments', value: JSON.stringify(saveRequestTaskInfo.arguments, null, 2) }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.id) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task id', value: saveRequestTaskInfo.id }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.backend_id) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task backend id', value: saveRequestTaskInfo.backend_id }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.scheduled) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task scheduling date', value: new Date(saveRequestTaskInfo.scheduled).toLocaleString() }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.started) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task start date', value: new Date(saveRequestTaskInfo.started).toLocaleString() }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.ended) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task termination date', value: new Date(saveRequestTaskInfo.ended).toLocaleString() }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.duration) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task duration', value: saveRequestTaskInfo.duration + ' seconds' }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.worker) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task executor', value: saveRequestTaskInfo.worker }); } if (saveRequestTaskInfo.message) { saveRequestInfo.push({ key: 'Task log', value: saveRequestTaskInfo.message }); } content = ''; for (let info of saveRequestInfo) { content += ``; } content += '
'; } $('.swh-popover').html(content); $(event.target).popover('update'); }); } export function fillSaveRequestFormAndScroll(visitType, originUrl) { + $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(originUrl); + let originTypeFound = false; $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { let val = $(this).val(); - if (val === visitType) { + if (val && originUrl.includes(val)) { $(this).prop('selected', true); + originTypeFound = true; } }); - $('#swh-input-origin-url').val(originUrl); + if (!originTypeFound) { + $('#swh-input-visit-type option').each(function() { + let val = $(this).val(); + if (val === visitType) { + $(this).prop('selected', true); + } + }); + } window.scrollTo(0, 0); }