diff --git a/swh/web/tests/strategies.py b/swh/web/tests/strategies.py index e1c0fb92..9607790f 100644 --- a/swh/web/tests/strategies.py +++ b/swh/web/tests/strategies.py @@ -1,516 +1,515 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import random from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from hypothesis import settings, assume from hypothesis.strategies import ( just, sampled_from, lists, composite, datetimes, binary, text, characters ) from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex, hash_to_bytes from swh.model.identifiers import directory_identifier from swh.storage.algos.revisions_walker import get_revisions_walker from swh.model.hypothesis_strategies import ( origins as new_origin_strategy, snapshots as new_snapshot ) from swh.web.tests.data import get_tests_data # Module dedicated to the generation of input data for tests through # the use of hypothesis. # Some of these data are sampled from a test archive created and populated # in the swh.web.tests.data module. # Set the swh-web hypothesis profile if none has been explicitly set hypothesis_default_settings = settings.get_profile('default') if repr(settings()) == repr(hypothesis_default_settings): settings.load_profile('swh-web') # The following strategies exploit the hypothesis capabilities def _filter_checksum(cs): generated_checksums = get_tests_data()['generated_checksums'] if not int.from_bytes(cs, byteorder='little') or \ cs in generated_checksums: return False generated_checksums.add(cs) return True def _known_swh_object(object_type): return sampled_from(get_tests_data()[object_type]) def sha1(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a valid hexadecimal sha1 value. """ return binary( min_size=20, max_size=20).filter(_filter_checksum).map(hash_to_hex) def invalid_sha1(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning an invalid sha1 representation. """ return binary( min_size=50, max_size=50).filter(_filter_checksum).map(hash_to_hex) def sha256(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a valid hexadecimal sha256 value. """ return binary( min_size=32, max_size=32).filter(_filter_checksum).map(hash_to_hex) def content(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random content ingested into the test archive. """ return _known_swh_object('contents') def contents(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random contents ingested into the test archive. """ return lists(content(), min_size=2, max_size=8) def content_text(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random textual contents ingested into the test archive. """ return content().filter(lambda c: c['mimetype'].startswith('text/')) def content_text_non_utf8(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random textual contents not encoded to UTF-8 ingested into the test archive. """ return content().filter(lambda c: c['mimetype'].startswith('text/') and c['encoding'] not in ('utf-8', 'us-ascii')) def content_text_no_highlight(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random textual contents with no detected programming language to highlight ingested into the test archive. """ return content().filter(lambda c: c['mimetype'].startswith('text/') and c['hljs_language'] == 'nohighlight') def content_image_type(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random image contents ingested into the test archive. """ return content().filter(lambda c: c['mimetype'].startswith('image/')) @composite def new_content(draw): blake2s256_hex = draw(sha256()) sha1_hex = draw(sha1()) sha1_git_hex = draw(sha1()) sha256_hex = draw(sha256()) assume(sha1_hex != sha1_git_hex) assume(blake2s256_hex != sha256_hex) return { 'blake2S256': blake2s256_hex, 'sha1': sha1_hex, 'sha1_git': sha1_git_hex, 'sha256': sha256_hex } def unknown_content(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random content not ingested into the test archive. """ return new_content().filter( lambda c: next(get_tests_data()['storage'].content_get( [hash_to_bytes(c['sha1'])])) is None) def unknown_contents(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random contents not ingested into the test archive. """ return lists(unknown_content(), min_size=2, max_size=8) def directory(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random directory ingested into the test archive. """ return _known_swh_object('directories') def directory_with_subdirs(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random directory containing sub directories ingested into the test archive. """ - storage = get_tests_data()['storage'] return directory().filter( - lambda d: any([e['type'] == 'dir' - for e in list(storage.directory_ls(hash_to_bytes(d)))])) + lambda d: any([e['type'] == 'dir' for e in list( + get_tests_data()['storage'].directory_ls(hash_to_bytes(d)))])) def empty_directory(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning the empty directory ingested into the test archive. """ return just(directory_identifier({'entries': []})) def unknown_directory(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random directory not ingested into the test archive. """ - storage = get_tests_data()['storage'] return sha1().filter( - lambda s: len(list(storage.directory_missing([hash_to_bytes(s)]))) > 0) + lambda s: len(list(get_tests_data()['storage'].directory_missing( + [hash_to_bytes(s)]))) > 0) def origin(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random origin ingested into the test archive. """ return _known_swh_object('origins') def origin_with_multiple_visits(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random origin ingested into the test archive. """ ret = [] tests_data = get_tests_data() for origin in tests_data['origins']: visits = list(tests_data['storage'].origin_visit_get(origin['url'])) if len(visits) > 1: ret.append(origin) return sampled_from(ret) def origin_with_release(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random origin ingested into the test archive. """ ret = [] tests_data = get_tests_data() for origin in tests_data['origins']: snapshot = tests_data['storage'].snapshot_get_latest(origin['url']) if any([b['target_type'] == 'release' for b in snapshot['branches'].values()]): ret.append(origin) return sampled_from(ret) def new_origin(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random origin not ingested into the test archive. """ - storage = get_tests_data()['storage'] return new_origin_strategy().map(lambda origin: origin.to_dict()).filter( - lambda origin: storage.origin_get([origin])[0] is None) + lambda origin: get_tests_data()['storage'].origin_get( + [origin])[0] is None) def new_origins(nb_origins=None): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random origins not ingested into the test archive. """ min_size = nb_origins if nb_origins is not None else 2 max_size = nb_origins if nb_origins is not None else 8 size = random.randint(min_size, max_size) return lists(new_origin(), min_size=size, max_size=size, unique_by=lambda o: tuple(sorted(o.items()))) def visit_dates(nb_dates=None): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a list of visit dates. """ min_size = nb_dates if nb_dates else 2 max_size = nb_dates if nb_dates else 8 return lists(datetimes(min_value=datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0), max_value=datetime(2018, 12, 31, 0, 0)), min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, unique=True).map(sorted) def release(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random release ingested into the test archive. """ return _known_swh_object('releases') def unknown_release(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random revision not ingested into the test archive. """ return sha1().filter( lambda s: next(get_tests_data()['storage'].release_get([s])) is None) def revision(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random revision ingested into the test archive. """ return _known_swh_object('revisions') def unknown_revision(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random revision not ingested into the test archive. """ - storage = get_tests_data()['storage'] return sha1().filter( - lambda s: next(storage.revision_get([hash_to_bytes(s)])) is None) + lambda s: next(get_tests_data()['storage'].revision_get( + [hash_to_bytes(s)])) is None) @composite def new_person(draw): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random raw swh person data. """ name = draw(text(min_size=5, max_size=30, alphabet=characters(min_codepoint=0, max_codepoint=255))) email = '%s@company.org' % name return { 'name': name.encode(), 'email': email.encode(), 'fullname': ('%s <%s>' % (name, email)).encode() } @composite def new_swh_date(draw): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random raw swh date data. """ timestamp = draw( datetimes(min_value=datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0), max_value=datetime(2018, 12, 31, 0, 0)).map( lambda d: int(d.timestamp()))) return { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'offset': 0, 'negative_utc': False, } @composite def new_revision(draw): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random raw swh revision data not ingested into the test archive. """ return { 'id': draw(unknown_revision().map(hash_to_bytes)), 'directory': draw(sha1().map(hash_to_bytes)), 'author': draw(new_person()), 'committer': draw(new_person()), 'message': draw( text(min_size=20, max_size=100).map(lambda t: t.encode())), 'date': draw(new_swh_date()), 'committer_date': draw(new_swh_date()), 'synthetic': False, 'type': 'git', 'parents': [], 'metadata': [], } def revisions(min_size=2, max_size=8): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random revisions ingested into the test archive. """ return lists(revision(), min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) def unknown_revisions(min_size=2, max_size=8): """ Hypothesis strategy returning random revisions not ingested into the test archive. """ return lists(unknown_revision(), min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) def snapshot(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random snapshot ingested into the test archive. """ return _known_swh_object('snapshots') def new_snapshots(nb_snapshots=None): min_size = nb_snapshots if nb_snapshots else 2 max_size = nb_snapshots if nb_snapshots else 8 return lists(new_snapshot(min_size=2, max_size=10, only_objects=True) .map(lambda snp: snp.to_dict()), min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) def unknown_snapshot(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a random revision not ingested into the test archive. """ - storage = get_tests_data()['storage'] return sha1().filter( - lambda s: storage.snapshot_get(hash_to_bytes(s)) is None) + lambda s: get_tests_data()['storage'].snapshot_get( + hash_to_bytes(s)) is None) def _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker(): tests_data = get_tests_data() storage = tests_data['storage'] origin = random.choice(tests_data['origins'][:-1]) snapshot = storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin['url']) if snapshot['branches'][b'HEAD']['target_type'] == 'alias': target = snapshot['branches'][b'HEAD']['target'] head = snapshot['branches'][target]['target'] else: head = snapshot['branches'][b'HEAD']['target'] return get_revisions_walker('dfs', storage, head) def ancestor_revisions(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a pair of revisions ingested into the test archive with an ancestor relation. """ # get a dfs revisions walker for one of the origins # loaded into the test archive revisions_walker = _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker() master_revisions = [] children = defaultdict(list) init_rev_found = False # get revisions only authored in the master branch for rev in revisions_walker: for rev_p in rev['parents']: children[rev_p].append(rev['id']) if not init_rev_found: master_revisions.append(rev) if not rev['parents']: init_rev_found = True # head revision root_rev = master_revisions[0] # pick a random revision, different from head, only authored # in the master branch ancestor_rev_idx = random.choice(list(range(1, len(master_revisions)-1))) ancestor_rev = master_revisions[ancestor_rev_idx] ancestor_child_revs = children[ancestor_rev['id']] return just({ 'sha1_git_root': hash_to_hex(root_rev['id']), 'sha1_git': hash_to_hex(ancestor_rev['id']), 'children': [hash_to_hex(r) for r in ancestor_child_revs] }) def non_ancestor_revisions(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a pair of revisions ingested into the test archive with no ancestor relation. """ # get a dfs revisions walker for one of the origins # loaded into the test archive revisions_walker = _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker() merge_revs = [] children = defaultdict(list) # get all merge revisions for rev in revisions_walker: if len(rev['parents']) > 1: merge_revs.append(rev) for rev_p in rev['parents']: children[rev_p].append(rev['id']) # find a merge revisions whose parents have a unique child revision random.shuffle(merge_revs) selected_revs = None for merge_rev in merge_revs: if all(len(children[rev_p]) == 1 for rev_p in merge_rev['parents']): selected_revs = merge_rev['parents'] return just({ 'sha1_git_root': hash_to_hex(selected_revs[0]), 'sha1_git': hash_to_hex(selected_revs[1]) }) # The following strategies returns data specific to some tests # that can not be generated and thus are hardcoded. def contents_with_ctags(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning contents ingested into the test archive. Those contents are ctags compatible, that is running ctags on those lay results. """ return just({ 'sha1s': ['0ab37c02043ebff946c1937523f60aadd0844351', '15554cf7608dde6bfefac7e3d525596343a85b6f', '2ce837f1489bdfb8faf3ebcc7e72421b5bea83bd', '30acd0b47fc25e159e27a980102ddb1c4bea0b95', '4f81f05aaea3efb981f9d90144f746d6b682285b', '5153aa4b6e4455a62525bc4de38ed0ff6e7dd682', '59d08bafa6a749110dfb65ba43a61963d5a5bf9f', '7568285b2d7f31ae483ae71617bd3db873deaa2c', '7ed3ee8e94ac52ba983dd7690bdc9ab7618247b4', '8ed7ef2e7ff9ed845e10259d08e4145f1b3b5b03', '9b3557f1ab4111c8607a4f2ea3c1e53c6992916c', '9c20da07ed14dc4fcd3ca2b055af99b2598d8bdd', 'c20ceebd6ec6f7a19b5c3aebc512a12fbdc9234b', 'e89e55a12def4cd54d5bff58378a3b5119878eb7', 'e8c0654fe2d75ecd7e0b01bee8a8fc60a130097e', 'eb6595e559a1d34a2b41e8d4835e0e4f98a5d2b5'], 'symbol_name': 'ABS' }) def revision_with_submodules(): """ Hypothesis strategy returning a revision that is known to point to a directory with revision entries (aka git submodule) """ return just({ 'rev_sha1_git': 'ffcb69001f3f6745dfd5b48f72ab6addb560e234', 'rev_dir_sha1_git': 'd92a21446387fa28410e5a74379c934298f39ae2', 'rev_dir_rev_path': 'libtess2' })