diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/swh:1:dir:cd19126d815470b28919d64b2a8e6a3e37f900dd.tar.gz b/cypress/fixtures/swh_1_dir_cd19126d815470b28919d64b2a8e6a3e37f900dd.tar.gz similarity index 100% rename from cypress/fixtures/swh:1:dir:cd19126d815470b28919d64b2a8e6a3e37f900dd.tar.gz rename to cypress/fixtures/swh_1_dir_cd19126d815470b28919d64b2a8e6a3e37f900dd.tar.gz diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/swh:1:rev:1c480a4573d2a003fc2630c21c2b25829de49972.git.tar b/cypress/fixtures/swh_1_rev_1c480a4573d2a003fc2630c21c2b25829de49972.git.tar similarity index 100% rename from cypress/fixtures/swh:1:rev:1c480a4573d2a003fc2630c21c2b25829de49972.git.tar rename to cypress/fixtures/swh_1_rev_1c480a4573d2a003fc2630c21c2b25829de49972.git.tar diff --git a/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js b/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js index 69d9f5fe..e0c7fef6 100644 --- a/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js +++ b/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js @@ -1,541 +1,541 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ const progressbarColors = { 'new': 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)', 'pending': 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)', 'done': 'rgb(92, 184, 92)' }; function checkVaultCookingTask(objectType) { cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); cy.contains('.dropdown-item', objectType) .click(); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask'); } function getVaultItemList() { return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks')); } function updateVaultItemList(vaultItems) { window.localStorage.setItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks', JSON.stringify(vaultItems)); } // Mocks API response : /api/1/vault/(:bundleType)/(:swhid) // bundleType : {'flat', 'git_bare'} function genVaultCookingResponse(bundleType, swhid, status, message, fetchUrl) { return { 'bundle_type': bundleType, 'id': 1, 'progress_message': message, 'status': status, 'swhid': swhid, 'fetch_url': fetchUrl }; }; // Tests progressbar color, status // And status in localStorage function testStatus(taskId, color, statusMsg, status) { cy.get(`.swh-vault-table #vault-task-${CSS.escape(taskId)}`) .should('be.visible') .find('.progress-bar') .should('be.visible') .and('have.css', 'background-color', color) .and('contain', statusMsg) .then(() => { // Vault item with object_id as taskId should exist in localStorage const currentVaultItems = getVaultItemList(); const vaultItem = currentVaultItems.find(obj => obj.swhid === taskId); assert.isNotNull(vaultItem); assert.strictEqual(vaultItem.status, status); }); } describe('Vault Cooking User Interface Tests', function() { before(function() { const dirInfo = this.origin[0].directory[0]; this.directory = `swh:1:dir:${dirInfo.id}`; this.directoryUrl = this.Urls.browse_origin_directory() + `?origin_url=${this.origin[0].url}&path=${dirInfo.path}`; this.vaultDirectoryUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_cook_flat(this.directory); this.vaultFetchDirectoryUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_fetch_flat(this.directory); this.revisionId = this.origin[1].revisions[0]; this.revision = `swh:1:rev:${this.revisionId}`; this.revisionUrl = this.Urls.browse_revision(this.revisionId); this.vaultRevisionUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_cook_git_bare(this.revision); this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_fetch_git_bare(this.revision); const release = this.origin[1].release; this.releaseUrl = this.Urls.browse_release(release.id) + `?origin_url=${this.origin[1].url}`; this.vaultReleaseDirectoryUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_cook_flat(`swh:1:dir:${release.directory}`); }); beforeEach(function() { // For some reason, this gets reset if we define it in the before() hook, // so we need to define it here this.vaultItems = [ { 'bundle_type': 'git_bare', 'swhid': this.revision, 'email': '', 'status': 'done', 'fetch_url': `/api/1/vault/git-bare/${this.revision}/raw/`, 'progress_message': null } ]; this.legacyVaultItems = [ { 'object_type': 'revision', 'object_id': this.revisionId, 'email': '', 'status': 'done', 'fetch_url': `/api/1/vault/revision/${this.revisionId}/gitfast/raw/`, 'progress_message': null } ]; this.genVaultDirCookingResponse = (status, message = null) => { return genVaultCookingResponse('flat', this.directory, status, message, this.vaultFetchDirectoryUrl); }; this.genVaultRevCookingResponse = (status, message = null) => { return genVaultCookingResponse('git_bare', this.revision, status, message, this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl); }; }); it('should report an error when vault service is experiencing issues', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // an internal server error cy.intercept(this.vaultDirectoryUrl, { body: {'exception': 'APIError'}, statusCode: 500 }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Check error alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-danger') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking service is currently experiencing issues.'); }); it('should report an error when a cooking task creation failed', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // a task can not be created cy.intercept('GET', this.vaultDirectoryUrl, { body: {'exception': 'NotFoundExc'} }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.intercept('POST', this.vaultDirectoryUrl, { body: {'exception': 'ValueError'}, statusCode: 500 }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@createVaultCookingTask'); // Check error alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-danger') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking request submission failed.'); }); it('should display previous cooking tasks', function() { updateVaultItemList(this.vaultItems); cy.visit(this.Urls.browse_vault()); cy.contains(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.revision)} button`, 'Download') .click(); }); it('should display and upgrade previous cooking tasks from the legacy format', function() { updateVaultItemList(this.legacyVaultItems); cy.visit(this.Urls.browse_vault()); // Check it is displayed cy.contains(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.revision)} button`, 'Download') .then(() => { // Check the LocalStorage was upgraded expect(getVaultItemList()).to.deep.equal(this.vaultItems); }); }); it('should create a directory cooking task and report the success', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub response to the vault API to simulate archive download cy.intercept('GET', this.vaultFetchDirectoryUrl, { - fixture: `${this.directory}.tar.gz`, + fixture: `${this.directory.replace(/:/g, '_')}.tar.gz`, headers: { - 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.directory}.tar.gz`, + 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.directory.replace(/:/g, '_')}.tar.gz`, 'Content-Type': 'application/gzip' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); // Stub responses when checking vault task status const checkVaulResponses = [ {'exception': 'NotFoundExc'}, this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('new'), this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('pending', 'Processing...'), this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('done') ]; // trick to override the response of an intercepted request // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/9302 cy.intercept('GET', this.vaultDirectoryUrl, req => req.reply(checkVaulResponses.shift())) .as('checkVaultCookingTask'); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // a task has been created cy.intercept('POST', this.vaultDirectoryUrl, { body: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('new') }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); cy.window().then(win => { const swhIdsContext = win.swh.webapp.getSwhIdsContext(); const browseDirectoryUrl = swhIdsContext.directory.swhid_with_context_url; // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@createVaultCookingTask'); // Check success alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-success') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking request successfully submitted.'); // Go to Downloads page cy.visit(this.Urls.browse_vault()); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.directory, progressbarColors['new'], 'new', 'new'); }); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.directory, progressbarColors['pending'], 'Processing...', 'pending'); }); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.directory, progressbarColors['done'], 'done', 'done'); }); cy.get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.directory)} .vault-origin a`) .should('contain', this.origin[0].url) .should('have.attr', 'href', `${this.Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${this.origin[0].url}`); cy.get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.directory)} .vault-object-info a`) .should('have.text', this.directory) .should('have.attr', 'href', browseDirectoryUrl); cy.get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.directory)} .vault-dl-link button`) .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive').then((xhr) => { assert.isNotNull(xhr.response.body); }); }); }); it('should create a revision cooking task and report its status', function() { cy.adminLogin(); // Browse a revision cy.visit(this.revisionUrl); // Stub response to the vault API indicating to simulate archive download cy.intercept({url: this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl}, { - fixture: `${this.revision}.git.tar`, + fixture: `${this.revision.replace(/:/g, '_')}.git.tar`, headers: { - 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.revision}.git.tar`, + 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.revision.replace(/:/g, '_')}.git.tar`, 'Content-Type': 'application/gzip' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); // Stub responses when checking vault task status const checkVaultResponses = [ {'exception': 'NotFoundExc'}, this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('new'), this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('pending', 'Processing...'), this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('done') ]; // trick to override the response of an intercepted request // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/9302 cy.intercept('GET', this.vaultRevisionUrl, req => req.reply(checkVaultResponses.shift())) .as('checkVaultCookingTask'); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // a task has been created cy.intercept('POST', this.vaultRevisionUrl, { body: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('new') }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI checkVaultCookingTask('as git'); cy.window().then(win => { const swhIdsContext = win.swh.webapp.getSwhIdsContext(); const browseRevisionUrl = swhIdsContext.revision.swhid_url; // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@createVaultCookingTask'); // Check success alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-success') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking request successfully submitted.'); // Go to Downloads page cy.visit(this.Urls.browse_vault()); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.revision, progressbarColors['new'], 'new', 'new'); }); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.revision, progressbarColors['pending'], 'Processing...', 'pending'); }); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.revision, progressbarColors['done'], 'done', 'done'); }); cy.get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.revision)} .vault-origin`) .should('have.text', 'unknown'); cy.get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.revision)} .vault-object-info a`) .should('have.text', this.revision) .should('have.attr', 'href', browseRevisionUrl); cy.get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.revision)} .vault-dl-link button`) .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive').then((xhr) => { assert.isNotNull(xhr.response.body); }); }); }); it('should create a directory cooking task from the release view', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.releaseUrl); // Stub responses when checking vault task status const checkVaultResponses = [ {'exception': 'NotFoundExc'}, this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('new') ]; // trick to override the response of an intercepted request // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/9302 cy.intercept('GET', this.vaultReleaseDirectoryUrl, req => req.reply(checkVaultResponses.shift())) .as('checkVaultCookingTask'); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // a task has been created cy.intercept('POST', this.vaultReleaseDirectoryUrl, { body: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('new') }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@createVaultCookingTask'); // Check success alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-success') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking request successfully submitted.'); }); it('should offer to recook an archive if no longer available for download', function() { updateVaultItemList(this.vaultItems); // Send 404 when fetching vault item cy.intercept({url: this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl}, { statusCode: 404, body: { 'exception': 'NotFoundExc', 'reason': `Revision with ID '${this.revision}' not found.` }, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'json' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); cy.visit(this.Urls.browse_vault()) .get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.revision)} .vault-dl-link button`) .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive').then(() => { cy.intercept('POST', this.vaultRevisionUrl, { body: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('new') }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); cy.intercept(this.vaultRevisionUrl, { body: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('new') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.get('#vault-recook-object-modal > .modal-dialog') .should('be.visible') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask') .then(() => { testStatus(this.revision, progressbarColors['new'], 'new', 'new'); }); }); }); it('should remove selected vault items', function() { updateVaultItemList(this.vaultItems); cy.visit(this.Urls.browse_vault()) .get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.revision)}`) .find('input[type="checkbox"]') .click({force: true}); cy.contains('button', 'Remove selected tasks') .click(); cy.get(`#vault-task-${CSS.escape(this.revision)}`) .should('not.exist'); }); it('should offer to immediately download a directory tarball if already cooked', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub response to the vault API to simulate archive download cy.intercept({url: this.vaultFetchDirectoryUrl}, { - fixture: `${this.directory}.tar.gz`, + fixture: `${this.directory.replace(/:/g, '_')}.tar.gz`, headers: { - 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.directory}.tar.gz`, + 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.directory.replace(/:/g, '_')}.tar.gz`, 'Content-Type': 'application/gzip' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // the directory tarball has already been cooked cy.intercept(this.vaultDirectoryUrl, { body: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('done') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Start archive download through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive'); }); it('should offer to immediately download a bare revision git archive if already cooked', function() { cy.adminLogin(); // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.revisionUrl); // Stub response to the vault API to simulate archive download cy.intercept({url: this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl}, { - fixture: `${this.revision}.git.tar`, + fixture: `${this.revision.replace(/:/g, '_')}.git.tar`, headers: { - 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.revision}.git.tar`, + 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.revision.replace(/:/g, '_')}.git.tar`, 'Content-Type': 'application/gzip' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // the directory tarball has already been cooked cy.intercept(this.vaultRevisionUrl, { body: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('done') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); checkVaultCookingTask('as git'); // Start archive download through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive'); }); it('should offer to recook an object if previous vault task failed', function() { cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // the last cooking of the directory tarball has failed cy.intercept(this.vaultDirectoryUrl, { body: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('failed') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Check that recooking the directory is offered to user cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .should('be.visible'); }); }); diff --git a/swh/web/api/views/vault.py b/swh/web/api/views/vault.py index 052d9c17..d5e78564 100644 --- a/swh/web/api/views/vault.py +++ b/swh/web/api/views/vault.py @@ -1,490 +1,496 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from typing import Any, Dict from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect from swh.model.identifiers import CoreSWHID, ObjectType from swh.web.api.apidoc import api_doc, format_docstring from swh.web.api.apiurls import api_route from swh.web.api.views.utils import api_lookup from swh.web.common import archive, query from swh.web.common.exc import BadInputExc from swh.web.common.utils import reverse ###################################################### # Common SWHID_RE = "swh:1:[a-z]{3}:[0-9a-z]{40}" # XXX: a bit spaghetti. Would be better with class-based views. def _dispatch_cook_progress(request, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID): if request.method == "GET": return api_lookup( archive.vault_progress, bundle_type, swhid, notfound_msg=f"Cooking of {swhid} was never requested.", request=request, ) elif request.method == "POST": email = request.POST.get("email", request.GET.get("email", None)) return api_lookup( archive.vault_cook, bundle_type, swhid, email, notfound_msg=f"{swhid} not found.", request=request, ) def _vault_response(vault_response: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "fetch_url": vault_response["fetch_url"], "progress_message": vault_response["progress_msg"], "id": vault_response["task_id"], "status": vault_response["task_status"], "swhid": str(vault_response["swhid"]), } ###################################################### # Flat bundles @api_route( f"/vault/flat/(?P{SWHID_RE})/", "api-1-vault-cook-flat", methods=["GET", "POST"], throttle_scope="swh_vault_cooking", never_cache=True, ) @api_doc("/vault/flat/") @format_docstring() def api_vault_cook_flat(request, swhid): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/ .. http:post:: /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/ Request the cooking of a simple archive, typically for a directory. That endpoint enables to create a vault cooking task for a directory through a POST request or check the status of a previously created one through a GET request. Once the cooking task has been executed, the resulting archive can be downloaded using the dedicated endpoint :http:get:`/api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/raw/`. Then to extract the cooked directory in the current one, use:: - $ tar xvf path/to/swh:1:*.tar.gz + $ tar xvf path/to/swh_1_*.tar.gz :param string swhid: the object's SWHID :query string email: e-mail to notify when the archive is ready {common_headers} :>json string fetch_url: the url from which to download the archive once it has been cooked (see :http:get:`/api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/raw/`) :>json string progress_message: message describing the cooking task progress :>json number id: the cooking task id :>json string status: the cooking task status (either **new**, **pending**, **done** or **failed**) :>json string swhid: the identifier of the object to cook :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 400: an invalid directory identifier has been provided :statuscode 404: requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or can not be found in the archive (in case of POST) """ swhid = CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid) if swhid.object_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY: res = _dispatch_cook_progress(request, "flat", swhid) res["fetch_url"] = reverse( "api-1-vault-fetch-flat", url_args={"swhid": str(swhid)}, request=request, ) return _vault_response(res) elif swhid.object_type == ObjectType.CONTENT: raise BadInputExc( "Content objects do not need to be cooked, " "use `/api/1/content/raw/` instead." ) elif swhid.object_type == ObjectType.REVISION: # TODO: support revisions too? (the vault allows it) raise BadInputExc( "Only directories can be cooked as 'flat' bundles. " "Use `/api/1/vault/gitfast/` to cook revisions, as gitfast bundles." ) else: raise BadInputExc("Only directories can be cooked as 'flat' bundles.") @api_route( r"/vault/directory/(?P[0-9a-f]+)/", "api-1-vault-cook-directory", methods=["GET", "POST"], checksum_args=["dir_id"], throttle_scope="swh_vault_cooking", never_cache=True, ) @api_doc("/vault/directory/", tags=["deprecated"]) @format_docstring() def api_vault_cook_directory(request, dir_id): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/directory/(dir_id)/ This endpoint was replaced by :http:get:`/api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/` """ _, obj_id = query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws( dir_id, ["sha1"], "Only sha1_git is supported." ) swhid = f"swh:1:dir:{obj_id.hex()}" res = _dispatch_cook_progress(request, "flat", CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid)) res["fetch_url"] = reverse( "api-1-vault-fetch-flat", url_args={"swhid": swhid}, request=request, ) return _vault_response(res) @api_route( f"/vault/flat/(?P{SWHID_RE})/raw/", "api-1-vault-fetch-flat", ) @api_doc("/vault/flat/raw/") def api_vault_fetch_flat(request, swhid): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/raw/ Fetch the cooked archive for a flat bundle. See :http:get:`/api/1/vault/flat/(swhid)/` to get more details on 'flat' bundle cooking. :param string swhid: the SWHID of the object to cook :resheader Content-Type: application/octet-stream :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or can not be found in the archive (in case of POST) """ res = api_lookup( archive.vault_fetch, "flat", CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid), notfound_msg=f"Cooked archive for {swhid} not found.", request=request, ) fname = "{}.tar.gz".format(swhid) response = HttpResponse(res, content_type="application/gzip") - response["Content-disposition"] = "attachment; filename={}".format(fname) + response["Content-disposition"] = "attachment; filename={}".format( + fname.replace(":", "_") + ) return response @api_route( r"/vault/directory/(?P[0-9a-f]+)/raw/", "api-1-vault-fetch-directory", checksum_args=["dir_id"], ) @api_doc("/vault/directory/raw/", tags=["hidden", "deprecated"]) def api_vault_fetch_directory(request, dir_id): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/directory/(dir_id)/raw/ This endpoint was replaced by :http:get:`/api/1/vault/flat/raw/` """ _, obj_id = query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws( dir_id, ["sha1"], "Only sha1_git is supported." ) rev_flat_raw_url = reverse( "api-1-vault-fetch-flat", url_args={"swhid": f"swh:1:dir:{dir_id}"} ) return redirect(rev_flat_raw_url) ###################################################### # gitfast bundles @api_route( f"/vault/gitfast/(?P{SWHID_RE})/", "api-1-vault-cook-gitfast", methods=["GET", "POST"], throttle_scope="swh_vault_cooking", never_cache=True, ) @api_doc("/vault/gitfast/") @format_docstring() def api_vault_cook_gitfast(request, swhid): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/ .. http:post:: /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/ Request the cooking of a gitfast archive for a revision or check its cooking status. That endpoint enables to create a vault cooking task for a revision through a POST request or check the status of a previously created one through a GET request. Once the cooking task has been executed, the resulting gitfast archive can be downloaded using the dedicated endpoint :http:get:`/api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/raw/`. Then to import the revision in the current directory, use:: $ git init - $ zcat path/to/swh:1:rev:*.gitfast.gz | git fast-import + $ zcat path/to/swh_1_rev_*.gitfast.gz | git fast-import $ git checkout HEAD :param string swhid: the revision's permanent identifiers :query string email: e-mail to notify when the gitfast archive is ready {common_headers} :>json string fetch_url: the url from which to download the archive once it has been cooked (see :http:get:`/api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/raw/`) :>json string progress_message: message describing the cooking task progress :>json number id: the cooking task id :>json string status: the cooking task status (new/pending/done/failed) :>json string swhid: the identifier of the object to cook :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or can not be found in the archive (in case of POST) """ swhid = CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid) if swhid.object_type == ObjectType.REVISION: res = _dispatch_cook_progress(request, "gitfast", swhid) res["fetch_url"] = reverse( "api-1-vault-fetch-gitfast", url_args={"swhid": str(swhid)}, request=request, ) return _vault_response(res) elif swhid.object_type == ObjectType.CONTENT: raise BadInputExc( "Content objects do not need to be cooked, " "use `/api/1/content/raw/` instead." ) elif swhid.object_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY: raise BadInputExc( "Only revisions can be cooked as 'gitfast' bundles. " "Use `/api/1/vault/flat/` to cook directories, as flat bundles." ) else: raise BadInputExc("Only revisions can be cooked as 'gitfast' bundles.") @api_route( r"/vault/revision/(?P[0-9a-f]+)/gitfast/", "api-1-vault-cook-revision_gitfast", methods=["GET", "POST"], checksum_args=["rev_id"], throttle_scope="swh_vault_cooking", never_cache=True, ) @api_doc("/vault/revision/gitfast/", tags=["deprecated"]) @format_docstring() def api_vault_cook_revision_gitfast(request, rev_id): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/revision/(rev_id)/gitfast/ This endpoint was replaced by :http:get:`/api/1/vault/gitfast/` """ _, obj_id = query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws( rev_id, ["sha1"], "Only sha1_git is supported." ) swhid = f"swh:1:rev:{obj_id.hex()}" res = _dispatch_cook_progress(request, "gitfast", CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid)) res["fetch_url"] = reverse( "api-1-vault-fetch-gitfast", url_args={"swhid": swhid}, request=request, ) return _vault_response(res) @api_route( f"/vault/gitfast/(?P{SWHID_RE})/raw/", "api-1-vault-fetch-gitfast", ) @api_doc("/vault/gitfast/raw/") def api_vault_fetch_revision_gitfast(request, swhid): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/raw/ Fetch the cooked gitfast archive for a revision. See :http:get:`/api/1/vault/gitfast/(swhid)/` to get more details on gitfast cooking. :param string rev_id: the revision's sha1 identifier :resheader Content-Type: application/octet-stream :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or can not be found in the archive (in case of POST) """ res = api_lookup( archive.vault_fetch, "gitfast", CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid), notfound_msg="Cooked archive for {} not found.".format(swhid), request=request, ) fname = "{}.gitfast.gz".format(swhid) response = HttpResponse(res, content_type="application/gzip") - response["Content-disposition"] = "attachment; filename={}".format(fname) + response["Content-disposition"] = "attachment; filename={}".format( + fname.replace(":", "_") + ) return response @api_route( r"/vault/revision/(?P[0-9a-f]+)/gitfast/raw/", "api-1-vault-fetch-revision_gitfast", checksum_args=["rev_id"], ) @api_doc("/vault/revision_gitfast/raw/", tags=["hidden", "deprecated"]) def _api_vault_revision_gitfast_raw(request, rev_id): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/revision/(rev_id)/gitfast/raw/ This endpoint was replaced by :http:get:`/api/1/vault/gitfast/raw/` """ rev_gitfast_raw_url = reverse( "api-1-vault-fetch-gitfast", url_args={"swhid": f"swh:1:rev:{rev_id}"} ) return redirect(rev_gitfast_raw_url) ###################################################### # git_bare bundles @api_route( f"/vault/git-bare/(?P{SWHID_RE})/", "api-1-vault-cook-git-bare", methods=["GET", "POST"], throttle_scope="swh_vault_cooking", never_cache=True, ) @api_doc("/vault/git-bare/") @format_docstring() def api_vault_cook_git_bare(request, swhid): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/ .. http:post:: /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/ Request the cooking of a git-bare archive for a revision or check its cooking status. That endpoint enables to create a vault cooking task for a revision through a POST request or check the status of a previously created one through a GET request. Once the cooking task has been executed, the resulting git-bare archive can be downloaded using the dedicated endpoint :http:get:`/api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/raw/`. Then to import the revision in the current directory, use:: - $ tar -xf path/to/swh:1:rev:*.git.tar + $ tar -xf path/to/swh_1_rev_*.git.tar $ git clone swh:1:rev:*.git new_repository (replace ``swh:1:rev:*`` with the SWHID of the requested revision) This will create a directory called ``new_repository``, which is a git repository containing the requested objects. :param string swhid: the revision's permanent identifier :query string email: e-mail to notify when the git-bare archive is ready {common_headers} :>json string fetch_url: the url from which to download the archive once it has been cooked (see :http:get:`/api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/raw/`) :>json string progress_message: message describing the cooking task progress :>json number id: the cooking task id :>json string status: the cooking task status (new/pending/done/failed) :>json string swhid: the identifier of the object to cook :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or can not be found in the archive (in case of POST) """ swhid = CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid) if swhid.object_type == ObjectType.REVISION: res = _dispatch_cook_progress(request, "git_bare", swhid) res["fetch_url"] = reverse( "api-1-vault-fetch-git-bare", url_args={"swhid": str(swhid)}, request=request, ) return _vault_response(res) elif swhid.object_type == ObjectType.CONTENT: raise BadInputExc( "Content objects do not need to be cooked, " "use `/api/1/content/raw/` instead." ) elif swhid.object_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY: raise BadInputExc( "Only revisions can be cooked as 'git-bare' bundles. " "Use `/api/1/vault/flat/` to cook directories, as flat bundles." ) else: raise BadInputExc("Only revisions can be cooked as 'git-bare' bundles.") @api_route( f"/vault/git-bare/(?P{SWHID_RE})/raw/", "api-1-vault-fetch-git-bare", ) @api_doc("/vault/git-bare/raw/") def api_vault_fetch_revision_git_bare(request, swhid): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/raw/ Fetch the cooked git-bare archive for a revision. See :http:get:`/api/1/vault/git-bare/(swhid)/` to get more details on git-bare cooking. :param string swhid: the revision's permanent identifier :resheader Content-Type: application/octet-stream :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: requested directory did not receive any cooking request yet (in case of GET) or can not be found in the archive (in case of POST) """ res = api_lookup( archive.vault_fetch, "git_bare", CoreSWHID.from_string(swhid), notfound_msg="Cooked archive for {} not found.".format(swhid), request=request, ) fname = "{}.git.tar".format(swhid) response = HttpResponse(res, content_type="application/gzip") - response["Content-disposition"] = "attachment; filename={}".format(fname) + response["Content-disposition"] = "attachment; filename={}".format( + fname.replace(":", "_") + ) return response