diff --git a/cypress/integration/admin.spec.js b/cypress/integration/admin.spec.js index dc4f40af..12d3fd67 100644 --- a/cypress/integration/admin.spec.js +++ b/cypress/integration/admin.spec.js @@ -1,208 +1,208 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ const $ = Cypress.$; const defaultRedirect = '/admin/origin/save/'; let url; function logout() { cy.contains('a', 'logout') .click(); } describe('Test Admin Login/logout', function() { before(function() { url = this.Urls.admin(); }); it('should redirect to default page', function() { cy.visit(url) .get('input[name="username"]') .type('admin') .get('input[name="password"]') .type('admin') - .get('form') + .get('.container form') .submit(); cy.location('pathname') .should('be.equal', defaultRedirect); logout(); }); it('should display admin-origin-save and deposit in sidebar', function() { cy.adminLogin(); cy.visit(url); cy.get(`.sidebar a[href="${this.Urls.admin_origin_save()}"]`) .should('be.visible'); cy.get(`.sidebar a[href="${this.Urls.admin_deposit()}"]`) .should('be.visible'); logout(); }); it('should display username on top-right', function() { cy.adminLogin(); cy.visit(url); cy.get('.swh-position-right') .should('contain', 'admin'); logout(); }); it('should prevent unauthorized access after logout', function() { cy.visit(this.Urls.admin_origin_save()) .location('pathname') .should('be.equal', '/admin/login/'); cy.visit(this.Urls.admin_deposit()) .location('pathname') .should('be.equal', '/admin/login/'); }); it('should redirect to correct page after login', function() { // mock calls to deposit list api to avoid possible errors // while running the test cy.server(); cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: `${this.Urls.admin_deposit_list()}**`, response: { data: [], recordsTotal: 0, recordsFiltered: 0, draw: 1 } }); cy.visit(this.Urls.admin_deposit()) .location('search') .should('contain', `next=${this.Urls.admin_deposit()}`); cy.adminLogin(); cy.visit(this.Urls.admin_deposit()); cy.location('pathname') .should('be.equal', this.Urls.admin_deposit()); logout(); }); }); const existingRowToSelect = 'https://bitbucket.org/'; const originUrlListTestData = [ { listType: 'authorized', originToAdd: 'git://git.archlinux.org/', originToRemove: 'https://github.com/' }, { listType: 'unauthorized', originToAdd: 'https://random.org', originToRemove: 'https://gitlab.com' } ]; const capitalize = s => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1); describe('Test Admin Origin Save Urls Filtering', function() { beforeEach(function() { cy.adminLogin(); cy.visit(this.Urls.admin_origin_save()); cy.contains('a', 'Origin urls filtering') .click() .wait(500); }); it(`should select or unselect a table row by clicking on it`, function() { cy.contains(`#swh-authorized-origin-urls tr`, existingRowToSelect) .click() .should('have.class', 'selected') .click() .should('not.have.class', 'selected'); }); originUrlListTestData.forEach(testData => { it(`should add a new origin url prefix in the ${testData.listType} list`, function() { const tabName = capitalize(testData.listType) + ' urls'; cy.contains('a', tabName) .click() .wait(500); cy.get(`#swh-${testData.listType}-origin-urls tr`).each(elt => { if ($(elt).text() === testData.originToAdd) { cy.get(elt).click(); cy.get(`#swh-remove-${testData.listType}-origin-url`).click(); } }); cy.get(`#swh-${testData.listType}-url-prefix`) .type(testData.originToAdd); cy.get(`#swh-add-${testData.listType}-origin-url`) .click(); cy.contains(`#swh-${testData.listType}-origin-urls tr`, testData.originToAdd) .should('be.visible'); cy.contains('.alert-success', `The origin url prefix has been successfully added in the ${testData.listType} list.`) .should('be.visible'); cy.get(`#swh-add-${testData.listType}-origin-url`) .click(); cy.contains('.alert-warning', `The provided origin url prefix is already registered in the ${testData.listType} list.`) .should('be.visible'); }); it(`should remove an origin url prefix from the ${testData.listType} list`, function() { const tabName = capitalize(testData.listType) + ' urls'; cy.contains('a', tabName) .click(); let originUrlMissing = true; cy.get(`#swh-${testData.listType}-origin-urls tr`).each(elt => { if ($(elt).text() === testData.originToRemove) { originUrlMissing = false; } }); if (originUrlMissing) { cy.get(`#swh-${testData.listType}-url-prefix`) .type(testData.originToRemove); cy.get(`#swh-add-${testData.listType}-origin-url`) .click(); cy.get('.alert-dismissible button').click(); } cy.contains(`#swh-${testData.listType}-origin-urls tr`, testData.originToRemove) .click(); cy.get(`#swh-remove-${testData.listType}-origin-url`).click(); cy.contains(`#swh-${testData.listType}-origin-urls tr`, testData.originToRemove) .should('not.exist'); }); }); }); diff --git a/cypress/integration/layout.spec.js b/cypress/integration/layout.spec.js index 2af623c2..5bdf6d74 100644 --- a/cypress/integration/layout.spec.js +++ b/cypress/integration/layout.spec.js @@ -1,130 +1,144 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ -const url = '/'; +const url = '/browse/help/'; describe('Test top-bar', function() { beforeEach(function() { cy.clearLocalStorage(); cy.visit(url); }); it('should should contain all navigation links', function() { cy.get('.swh-top-bar a') .should('have.length.of.at.least', 4) .and('be.visible') .and('have.attr', 'href'); }); it('should show donate button on lg screen', function() { cy.get('.swh-donate-link') .should('be.visible'); }); it('should hide donate button on sm screen', function() { cy.viewport(600, 800); cy.get('.swh-donate-link') .should('not.be.visible'); }); it('should hide full width switch on small screens', function() { cy.viewport(360, 740); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch-container') .should('not.be.visible'); cy.viewport(600, 800); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch-container') .should('not.be.visible'); cy.viewport(800, 600); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch-container') .should('not.be.visible'); }); it('should show full width switch on large screens', function() { cy.viewport(1024, 768); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch-container') .should('be.visible'); cy.viewport(1920, 1080); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch-container') .should('be.visible'); }); it('should change container width when toggling Full width switch', function() { cy.get('#swh-web-content') .should('have.class', 'container') .should('not.have.class', 'container-fluid'); cy.should(() => { expect(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('swh-web-full-width'))).to.be.null; }); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch') .click({force: true}); cy.get('#swh-web-content') .should('not.have.class', 'container') .should('have.class', 'container-fluid'); cy.should(() => { expect(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('swh-web-full-width'))).to.be.true; }); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch') .click({force: true}); cy.get('#swh-web-content') .should('have.class', 'container') .should('not.have.class', 'container-fluid'); cy.should(() => { expect(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('swh-web-full-width'))).to.be.false; }); }); it('should restore container width when loading page again', function() { cy.visit(url) .get('#swh-web-content') .should('have.class', 'container') .should('not.have.class', 'container-fluid'); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch') .click({force: true}); cy.visit(url) .get('#swh-web-content') .should('not.have.class', 'container') .should('have.class', 'container-fluid'); cy.get('#swh-full-width-switch') .click({force: true}); cy.visit(url) .get('#swh-web-content') .should('have.class', 'container') .should('not.have.class', 'container-fluid'); }); }); +describe('Test navbar', function() { + it('should redirect to search page when submitting search form in navbar', function() { + const keyword = 'python'; + cy.get('#swh-origins-search-top-input') + .type(keyword); + + cy.get('.swh-search-navbar') + .submit(); + + cy.url() + .should('include', `${this.Urls.browse_search()}?q=${keyword}`); + }); +}); + describe('Test footer', function() { beforeEach(function() { cy.visit(url); }); it('should be visible', function() { cy.get('footer') .should('be.visible'); }); it('should have correct copyright years', function() { const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear(); const copyrightText = '(C) 2015–' + currentYear.toString(); cy.get('footer') .should('contain', copyrightText); }); it('should contain link to Web API', function() { cy.get('footer') .get(`a[href="${this.Urls.api_1_homepage()}"]`) .should('contain', 'Web API'); }); }); diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/browse/browse.css b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/browse/browse.css index 3bdae29c..4d62af17 100644 --- a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/browse/browse.css +++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/browse/browse.css @@ -1,117 +1,93 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ .swh-browse-nav li a { border-radius: 4px; } .scrollable-menu { max-height: 180px; overflow-x: hidden; } -.swh-corner-ribbon { - width: 200px; - background: #fecd1b; - color: #e20026; - position: absolute; - text-align: center; - line-height: 50px; - letter-spacing: 1px; - box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); - top: 55px; - right: -50px; - left: auto; - transform: rotate(45deg); - z-index: 2000; -} - .swh-loading { display: none; text-align: center; margin-top: 10px; } .swh-loading.show { display: block; } .swh-table-cell-text-overflow { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .swh-directory-table { margin-bottom: 0; } .swh-directory-table td { border-top: 1px solid #ddd !important; } .swh-title-color { color: #e20026; } .swh-log-entry-message { min-width: 440px; max-width: 440px; width: 440px; } .swh-search-pagination { margin-top: 5px; } .ui-slideouttab-panel { z-index: 30000; } #swh-identifiers { width: 70vw; top: 0; border: 1px solid #e20026; } #swh-identifiers .handle { background-color: #e20026; border: 1px solid #e20026; color: white; padding-top: 0.1em; padding-bottom: 0.1em; } #swh-identifiers-content { height: 100%; overflow: auto; } .swh-empty-snapshot { white-space: pre-line; } td.swh-branch-name { max-width: 300px; } td.swh-branch-message { min-width: 500px; max-width: 500px; } td.swh-branch-date { min-width: 250px; } - -@media screen and (max-width: 600px) { - .swh-corner-ribbon { - line-height: 30px; - top: 53px; - right: -65px; - } -} diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/webapp/webapp-utils.js b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/webapp/webapp-utils.js index 985ac6a1..76c01ed1 100644 --- a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/webapp/webapp-utils.js +++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/webapp/webapp-utils.js @@ -1,338 +1,349 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ import objectFitImages from 'object-fit-images'; import {selectText} from 'utils/functions'; import {BREAKPOINT_MD} from 'utils/constants'; let collapseSidebar = false; let previousSidebarState = localStorage.getItem('remember.lte.pushmenu'); if (previousSidebarState !== undefined) { collapseSidebar = previousSidebarState === 'sidebar-collapse'; } $(document).on('DOMContentLoaded', () => { // set state to collapsed on smaller devices if ($(window).width() < BREAKPOINT_MD) { collapseSidebar = true; } // restore previous sidebar state (collapsed/expanded) if (collapseSidebar) { // hack to avoid animated transition for collapsing sidebar // when loading a page let sidebarTransition = $('.main-sidebar, .main-sidebar:before').css('transition'); let sidebarEltsTransition = $('.sidebar .nav-link p, .main-sidebar .brand-text, .sidebar .user-panel .info').css('transition'); $('.main-sidebar, .main-sidebar:before').css('transition', 'none'); $('.sidebar .nav-link p, .main-sidebar .brand-text, .sidebar .user-panel .info').css('transition', 'none'); $('body').addClass('sidebar-collapse'); $('.swh-words-logo-swh').css('visibility', 'visible'); // restore transitions for user navigation setTimeout(() => { $('.main-sidebar, .main-sidebar:before').css('transition', sidebarTransition); $('.sidebar .nav-link p, .main-sidebar .brand-text, .sidebar .user-panel .info').css('transition', sidebarEltsTransition); }); } }); $(document).on('collapsed.lte.pushmenu', event => { if ($('body').width() >= BREAKPOINT_MD) { $('.swh-words-logo-swh').css('visibility', 'visible'); } }); $(document).on('shown.lte.pushmenu', event => { $('.swh-words-logo-swh').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); function ensureNoFooterOverflow() { $('body').css('padding-bottom', $('footer').outerHeight() + 'px'); } $(document).ready(() => { // redirect to last browse page if any when clicking on the 'Browse' entry // in the sidebar $(`.swh-browse-link`).click(event => { let lastBrowsePage = sessionStorage.getItem('last-browse-page'); if (lastBrowsePage) { event.preventDefault(); window.location = lastBrowsePage; } }); const mainSideBar = $('.main-sidebar'); function updateSidebarState() { const body = $('body'); if (body.hasClass('sidebar-collapse') && !mainSideBar.hasClass('swh-sidebar-collapsed')) { mainSideBar.removeClass('swh-sidebar-expanded'); mainSideBar.addClass('swh-sidebar-collapsed'); $('.swh-words-logo-swh').css('visibility', 'visible'); } else if (!body.hasClass('sidebar-collapse') && !mainSideBar.hasClass('swh-sidebar-expanded')) { mainSideBar.removeClass('swh-sidebar-collapsed'); mainSideBar.addClass('swh-sidebar-expanded'); $('.swh-words-logo-swh').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } // ensure correct sidebar state when loading a page if (body.hasClass('hold-transition')) { setTimeout(() => { updateSidebarState(); }); } } // set sidebar state after collapse / expand animation mainSideBar.on('transitionend', evt => { updateSidebarState(); }); updateSidebarState(); // ensure footer do not overflow main content for mobile devices // or after resizing the browser window ensureNoFooterOverflow(); $(window).resize(function() { ensureNoFooterOverflow(); if ($('body').hasClass('sidebar-collapse') && $('body').width() >= BREAKPOINT_MD) { $('.swh-words-logo-swh').css('visibility', 'visible'); } }); // activate css polyfill 'object-fit: contain' in old browsers objectFitImages(); // reparent the modals to the top navigation div in order to be able // to display them $('.swh-browse-top-navigation').append($('.modal')); let selectedCode = null; function getCodeOrPreEltUnderPointer(e) { let elts = document.elementsFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY); for (let elt of elts) { if (elt.nodeName === 'CODE' || elt.nodeName === 'PRE') { return elt; } } return null; } // click handler to set focus on code block for copy $(document).click(e => { selectedCode = getCodeOrPreEltUnderPointer(e); }); function selectCode(event, selectedCode) { if (selectedCode) { let hljsLnCodeElts = $(selectedCode).find('.hljs-ln-code'); if (hljsLnCodeElts.length) { selectText(hljsLnCodeElts[0], hljsLnCodeElts[hljsLnCodeElts.length - 1]); } else { selectText(selectedCode.firstChild, selectedCode.lastChild); } event.preventDefault(); } } // select the whole text of focused code block when user // double clicks or hits Ctrl+A $(document).dblclick(e => { if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { selectCode(e, getCodeOrPreEltUnderPointer(e)); } }); $(document).keydown(e => { if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.key === 'a') { selectCode(e, selectedCode); } }); // show/hide back-to-top button let scrollThreshold = 0; scrollThreshold += $('.swh-top-bar').height() || 0; scrollThreshold += $('.navbar').height() || 0; $(window).scroll(() => { if ($(window).scrollTop() > scrollThreshold) { $('#back-to-top').css('display', 'block'); } else { $('#back-to-top').css('display', 'none'); } }); + + // navbar search form submission callback + $('#swh-origins-search-top').submit(event => { + event.preventDefault(); + let searchQueryText = $('#swh-origins-search-top-input').val().trim(); + let queryParameters = new URLSearchParams(); + queryParameters.append('q', searchQueryText); + queryParameters.append('with_visit', true); + queryParameters.append('with_content', true); + window.location = `${Urls.browse_search()}?${queryParameters.toString()}`; + }); + }); export function initPage(page) { $(document).ready(() => { // set relevant sidebar link to page active $(`.swh-${page}-item`).addClass('active'); $(`.swh-${page}-link`).addClass('active'); // triggered when unloading the current page $(window).on('unload', () => { // backup current browse page if (page === 'browse') { sessionStorage.setItem('last-browse-page', window.location); } }); - }); } export function initHomePage() { $(document).ready(() => { $('.swh-coverage-list').iFrameResize({heightCalculationMethod: 'taggedElement'}); fetch(Urls.stat_counters()) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (data.stat_counters.content) { $('#swh-contents-count').html(data.stat_counters.content.toLocaleString()); $('#swh-revisions-count').html(data.stat_counters.revision.toLocaleString()); $('#swh-origins-count').html(data.stat_counters.origin.toLocaleString()); $('#swh-directories-count').html(data.stat_counters.directory.toLocaleString()); $('#swh-persons-count').html(data.stat_counters.person.toLocaleString()); $('#swh-releases-count').html(data.stat_counters.release.toLocaleString()); } if (data.stat_counters_history.content) { swh.webapp.drawHistoryCounterGraph('#swh-contents-count-history', data.stat_counters_history.content); swh.webapp.drawHistoryCounterGraph('#swh-revisions-count-history', data.stat_counters_history.revision); swh.webapp.drawHistoryCounterGraph('#swh-origins-count-history', data.stat_counters_history.origin); } else { $('#swh-contents-count-history').hide(); $('#swh-revisions-count-history').hide(); $('#swh-origins-count-history').hide(); } }); }); initPage('home'); } export function showModalMessage(title, message) { $('#swh-web-modal-message .modal-title').text(title); $('#swh-web-modal-message .modal-content p').text(message); $('#swh-web-modal-message').modal('show'); } export function showModalConfirm(title, message, callback) { $('#swh-web-modal-confirm .modal-title').text(title); $('#swh-web-modal-confirm .modal-content p').text(message); $('#swh-web-modal-confirm #swh-web-modal-confirm-ok-btn').bind('click', () => { callback(); $('#swh-web-modal-confirm').modal('hide'); $('#swh-web-modal-confirm #swh-web-modal-confirm-ok-btn').unbind('click'); }); $('#swh-web-modal-confirm').modal('show'); } export function showModalHtml(title, html) { $('#swh-web-modal-html .modal-title').text(title); $('#swh-web-modal-html .modal-body').html(html); $('#swh-web-modal-html').modal('show'); } export function addJumpToPagePopoverToDataTable(dataTableElt) { dataTableElt.on('draw.dt', function() { $('.paginate_button.disabled').css('cursor', 'pointer'); $('.paginate_button.disabled').on('click', event => { const pageInfo = dataTableElt.page.info(); let content = ' / ${pageInfo.pages}`; $(event.target).popover({ 'title': 'Jump to page', 'content': content, 'html': true, 'placement': 'top', 'sanitizeFn': swh.webapp.filterXSS }); $(event.target).popover('show'); $('.jump-to-page').on('change', function() { $('.paginate_button.disabled').popover('hide'); const pageNumber = parseInt($(this).val()) - 1; dataTableElt.page(pageNumber).draw('page'); }); }); }); dataTableElt.on('preXhr.dt', () => { $('.paginate_button.disabled').popover('hide'); }); } let swhObjectIcons; export function setSwhObjectIcons(icons) { swhObjectIcons = icons; } export function getSwhObjectIcon(swhObjectType) { return swhObjectIcons[swhObjectType]; } let browsedSwhObjectMetadata = {}; export function setBrowsedSwhObjectMetadata(metadata) { browsedSwhObjectMetadata = metadata; } export function getBrowsedSwhObjectMetadata() { return browsedSwhObjectMetadata; } // This will contain a mapping between an archived object type // and its related SWHID metadata for each object reachable from // the current browse view. // SWHID metadata contain the following keys: // * object_type: type of archived object // * object_id: sha1 object identifier // * swhid: SWH persistent identifier without contextual info // * swhid_url: URL to resolve SWH persistent identifier without contextual info // * context: object describing SWHID context // * swhid_with_context: SWH persistent identifier with contextual info // * swhid_with_context_url: URL to resolve SWH persistent identifier with contextual info let swhidsContext_ = {}; export function setSwhIdsContext(swhidsContext) { swhidsContext_ = {}; for (let swhidContext of swhidsContext) { swhidsContext_[swhidContext.object_type] = swhidContext; } } export function getSwhIdsContext() { return swhidsContext_; } function setFullWidth(fullWidth) { if (fullWidth) { $('#swh-web-content').removeClass('container'); $('#swh-web-content').addClass('container-fluid'); } else { $('#swh-web-content').removeClass('container-fluid'); $('#swh-web-content').addClass('container'); } localStorage.setItem('swh-web-full-width', JSON.stringify(fullWidth)); $('#swh-full-width-switch').prop('checked', fullWidth); } export function fullWidthToggled(event) { setFullWidth($(event.target).prop('checked')); } export function setContainerFullWidth() { let previousFullWidthState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('swh-web-full-width')); if (previousFullWidthState !== null) { setFullWidth(previousFullWidthState); } } diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/webapp/webapp.css b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/webapp/webapp.css index 6b252251..5c0d36d6 100644 --- a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/webapp/webapp.css +++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/webapp/webapp.css @@ -1,675 +1,687 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ html { height: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; scroll-behavior: auto !important; } body { min-height: 100%; margin: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 120px; } a:active, a.active { outline: none; } code { background-color: #f9f2f4; } pre code { background-color: transparent; } footer { background-color: #262626; color: #fff; font-size: 0.8rem; position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; } footer a, footer a:visited, footer a:hover { color: #fecd1b; } footer a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .link-color { color: #fecd1b; } pre { background-color: #f5f5f5; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; padding: 9.5px; font-size: 0.8rem; } .btn.active { background-color: #e7e7e7; } .card { margin-bottom: 5px !important; overflow-x: auto; } .navbar-brand { padding: 5px; margin-right: 0; } .table { margin-bottom: 0; } .swh-table thead { background-color: #f2f4f5; border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); font-weight: normal; } .swh-table-striped th { border-top: none; } .swh-table-striped tbody tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f2f4f5; } .swh-table-striped tbody tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #fff; } .swh-web-app-link a { text-decoration: none; border: none; } .swh-web-app-link:hover { background-color: #efeff2; } .table > thead > tr > th { border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #e20026; } .table > tbody > tr > td { border-style: none; } .sitename .first-word, .sitename .second-word { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); font-weight: normal; font-size: 1.2rem; } .sitename .first-word { font-family: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif; } .sitename .second-word { font-family: 'Alegreya', serif; } .swh-counter { font-size: 150%; } @media (max-width: 600px) { .swh-counter-container { margin-top: 1rem; } } .swh-http-error { margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .swh-http-error-head { color: #2d353c; font-size: 30px; } .swh-http-error-code { bottom: 60%; color: #2d353c; font-size: 96px; line-height: 80px; margin-bottom: 10px !important; } .swh-http-error-desc { font-size: 12px; color: #647788; text-align: center; } .swh-http-error-desc pre { display: inline-block; text-align: left; max-width: 800px; white-space: pre-wrap; } .swh-list-unstyled { list-style: none; } .popover { max-width: 97%; z-index: 40000; } .modal { text-align: center; padding: 0 !important; z-index: 50000; } .modal::before { content: ''; display: inline-block; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: -4px; } .modal-dialog { display: inline-block; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; } .dropdown-submenu { position: relative; } .dropdown-submenu .dropdown-menu { top: 0; left: -100%; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: -2px; } .dropdown-item:hover, .dropdown-item:focus { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } a.dropdown-left::before { content: "\f035e"; font-family: 'Material Design Icons'; display: block; width: 20px; height: 20px; float: left; margin-left: 0; } #swh-navbar { border-top-style: none; border-left-style: none; border-right-style: none; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 5px; border-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(226, 0, 38) 0%, rgb(254, 205, 27) 100%) 1 1 1 1; width: 100%; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 30px; justify-content: normal; flex-wrap: nowrap; height: 72px; overflow: hidden; } #back-to-top { display: none; position: fixed; bottom: 30px; right: 30px; z-index: 10; } #back-to-top a img { display: block; width: 32px; height: 32px; background-size: 32px 32px; text-indent: -999px; overflow: hidden; } .swh-top-bar { direction: ltr; height: 30px; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 99999; background-color: #262626; color: #fff; text-align: center; font-size: 14px; } .swh-top-bar ul { margin-top: 4px; padding-left: 0; white-space: nowrap; } .swh-top-bar li { display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; } .swh-top-bar a, .swh-top-bar a:visited { color: white; } .swh-top-bar a.swh-current-site, .swh-top-bar a.swh-current-site:visited { color: #fecd1b; } .swh-position-left { position: absolute; left: 0; } .swh-position-right { position: absolute; right: 0; } .swh-background-gray { background: #efeff2; } .swh-donate-link { border: 1px solid #fecd1b; background-color: #e20026; color: white !important; padding: 3px; border-radius: 3px; } .swh-navbar-content h4 { padding-top: 7px; } .swh-navbar-content .bread-crumbs { display: block; margin-left: -40px; } .swh-navbar-content .bread-crumbs li.bc-no-root { padding-top: 7px; } .main-sidebar { margin-top: 30px; } .content-wrapper { background: none; } .brand-image { max-height: 40px; } .brand-link { padding-top: 18.5px; padding-bottom: 18px; padding-left: 4px; border-bottom: 5px solid #e20026 !important; } .navbar-header a, ul.dropdown-menu a, ul.navbar-nav a, ul.nav-sidebar a { border-bottom-style: none; color: #323232; } .swh-sidebar .nav-link.active { color: #323232 !important; background-color: #e7e7e7 !important; } .nav-tabs .nav-link.active { border-top: 3px solid #e20026; } .swh-image-error { width: 80px; height: auto; } @media (max-width: 600px) { .card { min-width: 80%; } .swh-image-error { width: 40px; height: auto; } .swh-donate-link { display: none; } } .form-check-label { padding-top: 4px; } .swh-id { white-space: pre-wrap; } .swh-id .swh-id-option { display: inline-block; margin-right: 5px; line-height: 1rem; } .nav-pills .nav-link:not(.active):hover { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); } .swh-heading-color { color: #e20026 !important; } .sidebar-mini.sidebar-collapse .main-sidebar:hover { width: 4.6rem; } .sidebar-mini.sidebar-collapse .main-sidebar:hover .user-panel > .info, .sidebar-mini.sidebar-collapse .main-sidebar:hover .nav-sidebar .nav-link p, .sidebar-mini.sidebar-collapse .main-sidebar:hover .brand-text { visibility: hidden !important; } .sidebar .nav-link p, .main-sidebar .brand-text, .sidebar .user-panel .info { transition: none; } .sidebar-mini.sidebar-mini.sidebar-collapse .sidebar { padding-right: 0; } .swh-words-logo { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 73px; height: 73px; text-align: center; font-size: 10pt; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); } .swh-words-logo:hover { text-decoration: none; } .swh-words-logo-swh { line-height: 1; padding-top: 13px; visibility: hidden; } hr.swh-faded-line { border: 0; height: 1px; background-image: linear-gradient(to left, #f0f0f0, #8c8b8b, #f0f0f0); } /* Ensure that section title with link is colored like standard section title */ .swh-readme h1 a, .swh-readme h2 a, .swh-readme h3 a, .swh-readme h4 a, .swh-readme h5 a, .swh-readme h6 a { color: #e20026; } /* Make list compact in reStructuredText rendering */ .swh-rst li p { margin-bottom: 0; } .swh-readme-txt pre { background: none; border: none; } .swh-coverage-col { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; } .swh-coverage { height: calc(65px + 1em); padding-top: 0.3rem; border: none; } .swh-coverage a { text-decoration: none; } .swh-coverage-logo { display: block; width: 100%; height: 50px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; object-fit: contain; /* polyfill for old browsers, see https://github.com/bfred-it/object-fit-images */ font-family: 'object-fit: contain;'; } .swh-coverage-list { width: 100%; height: 320px; border: none; } tr.swh-tr-hover-highlight:hover td { background: #ededed; } tr.swh-api-doc-route a { text-decoration: none; } .swh-apidoc .col { margin: 10px; } .swh-apidoc .swh-rst blockquote { border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; } a.toggle-col { text-decoration: none; } a.toggle-col.col-hidden { text-decoration: line-through; } .admonition.warning { background: #fcf8e3; border: 1px solid #faebcc; padding: 15px; border-radius: 4px; } .admonition.warning p { margin-bottom: 0; } .admonition.warning .first { font-size: 1.5rem; } .swh-popover { max-height: 50vh; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: auto; padding: 0; padding-right: 1.4em; } @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .swh-popover { max-width: 50vw; } } .swh-metadata-table-row { border-top: 1px solid #ddd !important; } .swh-metadata-table-key { min-width: 200px; max-width: 200px; width: 200px; } .swh-metadata-table-value pre { white-space: pre-wrap; } .d3-wrapper { position: relative; height: 0; width: 100%; padding: 0; /* padding-bottom will be overwritten by JavaScript later */ padding-bottom: 100%; } .d3-wrapper > svg { position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; left: 0; top: 0; } div.d3-tooltip { position: absolute; text-align: center; width: auto; height: auto; padding: 2px; font: 12px sans-serif; background: white; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 4px; pointer-events: none; } .page-link { cursor: pointer; } .wrapper { overflow: hidden; } .swh-badge { padding-bottom: 1rem; cursor: pointer; } .swh-badge-html, .swh-badge-md, .swh-badge-rst { white-space: pre-wrap; } /* Material Design icons alignment tweaks */ .mdi { display: inline-block; } .mdi-camera { transform: translateY(1px); } .mdi-source-commit { transform: translateY(2px); } /* To set icons at a fixed width. Great to use when different icon widths throw off alignment. Courtesy of Font Awesome. */ .mdi-fw { text-align: center; width: 1.25em; } .main-header .nav-link { height: inherit; } .nav-sidebar .nav-header:not(:first-of-type) { padding-top: 1rem; } .nav-sidebar .nav-link { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .nav-sidebar > .nav-item .nav-icon { vertical-align: sub; } .swh-search-icon { line-height: 1rem; vertical-align: middle; } + +.swh-search-navbar { + position: absolute; + top: 0.7rem; + right: 15rem; + z-index: 50000; + width: 500px; +} + +.sidebar-collapse .swh-search-navbar { + right: 4rem; +} diff --git a/swh/web/templates/browse/layout.html b/swh/web/templates/browse/layout.html index 926734bb..ac1ade77 100644 --- a/swh/web/templates/browse/layout.html +++ b/swh/web/templates/browse/layout.html @@ -1,24 +1,23 @@ {% extends "layout.html" %} {% comment %} Copyright (C) 2017-2019 The Software Heritage developers See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version See top-level LICENSE file for more information {% endcomment %} {% load swh_templatetags %} {% load render_bundle from webpack_loader %} {% block title %}{{ heading }} – Software Heritage archive {% endblock %} {% block header %} {% render_bundle 'browse' %} {% render_bundle 'vault' %} {% render_bundle 'save' %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} -
Beta version
{% block browse-content %}{% endblock %} {% endblock %} diff --git a/swh/web/templates/layout.html b/swh/web/templates/layout.html index f77d8a3b..577e6d85 100644 --- a/swh/web/templates/layout.html +++ b/swh/web/templates/layout.html @@ -1,225 +1,238 @@ {% comment %} Copyright (C) 2015-2019 The Software Heritage developers See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version See top-level LICENSE file for more information {% endcomment %} {% load js_reverse %} {% load static %} {% load render_bundle from webpack_loader %} {% load swh_templatetags %} {% block title %}{% endblock %} {% render_bundle 'vendors' %} {% render_bundle 'webapp' %} {% block header %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% include "includes/global-modals.html" %}
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