diff --git a/swh/vault/tests/conftest.py b/swh/vault/tests/conftest.py index e91753f..9c4b0a6 100644 --- a/swh/vault/tests/conftest.py +++ b/swh/vault/tests/conftest.py @@ -1,75 +1,74 @@ # Copyright (C) 2020-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from functools import partial import os from typing import Any, Dict import pkg_resources.extern.packaging.version import pytest from pytest_postgresql import factories -from swh.core.db.pytest_plugin import initialize_database_for_module, postgresql_fact +from swh.core.db.pytest_plugin import initialize_database_for_module from swh.vault import get_vault from swh.vault.backend import VaultBackend os.environ["LC_ALL"] = "C.UTF-8" # needed for directory tests on git-cloned repositories # 022 is usually the default value, but some environments (eg. Debian builds) have # a different one. os.umask(0o022) pytest_v = pkg_resources.get_distribution("pytest").parsed_version if pytest_v < pkg_resources.extern.packaging.version.parse("3.9"): @pytest.fixture def tmp_path(): import pathlib import tempfile with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: yield pathlib.Path(tmpdir) vault_postgresql_proc = factories.postgresql_proc( - dbname="vault", load=[ partial(initialize_database_for_module, "vault", VaultBackend.current_version) ], ) -postgres_vault = postgresql_fact("vault_postgresql_proc") +postgres_vault = factories.postgresql("vault_postgresql_proc") @pytest.fixture def swh_vault_config(postgres_vault, tmp_path) -> Dict[str, Any]: tmp_path = str(tmp_path) return { "db": postgres_vault.dsn, "storage": { "cls": "memory", }, "cache": { "cls": "pathslicing", "root": tmp_path, "slicing": "0:1/1:5", "allow_delete": True, }, "scheduler": { "cls": "remote", "url": "http://swh-scheduler:5008", }, } @pytest.fixture def swh_vault(swh_vault_config): return get_vault("local", **swh_vault_config) @pytest.fixture def swh_storage(swh_vault): return swh_vault.storage diff --git a/swh/vault/tests/test_git_bare_cooker.py b/swh/vault/tests/test_git_bare_cooker.py index 138dd4d..6510f7d 100644 --- a/swh/vault/tests/test_git_bare_cooker.py +++ b/swh/vault/tests/test_git_bare_cooker.py @@ -1,702 +1,701 @@ # Copyright (C) 2021-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information """ This module contains additional tests for the bare cooker. Generic cooker tests (eg. without swh-graph) in test_cookers.py also run on the bare cooker. """ import datetime import enum from functools import partial import io import subprocess import tarfile import tempfile import unittest.mock import attr import dulwich.repo import pytest from pytest import param from pytest_postgresql import factories -from swh.core.db.pytest_plugin import initialize_database_for_module, postgresql_fact +from swh.core.db.pytest_plugin import initialize_database_for_module from swh.model.from_disk import DentryPerms from swh.model.model import ( Content, Directory, DirectoryEntry, ObjectType, Person, Release, Revision, RevisionType, Snapshot, SnapshotBranch, TargetType, Timestamp, TimestampWithTimezone, ) from swh.storage import get_storage from swh.storage.postgresql.db import Db as StorageBackend from swh.vault.cookers.git_bare import GitBareCooker from swh.vault.in_memory_backend import InMemoryVaultBackend storage_postgresql_proc = factories.postgresql_proc( - dbname="storage", load=[ partial( initialize_database_for_module, "storage", StorageBackend.current_version ) ], ) -storage_postgresql = postgresql_fact("storage_postgresql_proc", no_db_drop=True) +storage_postgresql = factories.postgresql("storage_postgresql_proc") @pytest.fixture def swh_storage(storage_postgresql): return get_storage("local", db=storage_postgresql.dsn, objstorage={"cls": "memory"}) class RootObjects(enum.Enum): REVISION = enum.auto() SNAPSHOT = enum.auto() RELEASE = enum.auto() WEIRD_RELEASE = enum.auto() # has a : in the name + points to another release @pytest.mark.graph @pytest.mark.parametrize( "root_object,up_to_date_graph,tag,weird_branches", [ param( RootObjects.REVISION, False, False, False, id="rev, outdated graph, no tag/tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.REVISION, True, False, False, id="rev, updated graph, no tag/tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.RELEASE, False, False, False, id="rel, outdated graph, no tag/tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.RELEASE, True, False, False, id="rel, updated graph, no tag/tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.WEIRD_RELEASE, True, False, False, id="weird rel, updated graph, no tag/tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.SNAPSHOT, False, False, False, id="snp, outdated graph, no tag/tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.SNAPSHOT, True, False, False, id="snp, updated graph, no tag/tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.SNAPSHOT, False, True, False, id="snp, outdated graph, w/ tag, no tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.SNAPSHOT, True, True, False, id="snp, updated graph, w/ tag, no tree/blob", ), param( RootObjects.SNAPSHOT, False, True, True, id="snp, outdated graph, w/ tag, tree, and blob", ), param( RootObjects.SNAPSHOT, True, True, True, id="snp, updated graph, w/ tag, tree, and blob", ), ], ) def test_graph_revisions( swh_storage, up_to_date_graph, root_object, tag, weird_branches ): r""" Build objects:: snp /|||\ / ||| \ rel2 <----° /|\ \----> rel4 | / | \ | v / v \ v rev1 <------ rev2 <----° dir4 \ rel3 | | | \ | v v v \ | dir1 dir2 dir3 | | | / | | | | v / v v v v cnt1 <----° cnt2 cnt3 cnt4 cnt5 If up_to_date_graph is true, then swh-graph contains all objects. Else, cnt4, cnt5, dir4, rev2, rel2, rel3, and snp are missing from the graph. If tag is False, rel2 is excluded. If weird_branches is False, dir4, cnt4, rel3, rel4, and cnt5 are excluded. """ from swh.graph.naive_client import NaiveClient as GraphClient # Create objects: date = TimestampWithTimezone.from_datetime( datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 7, 8, 43, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) ) author = Person.from_fullname(b"Foo ") cnt1 = Content.from_data(b"correct") cnt2 = Content.from_data(b"horse") cnt3 = Content.from_data(b"battery") cnt4 = Content.from_data(b"staple") cnt5 = Content.from_data(b"Tr0ub4dor&3") dir1 = Directory( entries=( DirectoryEntry( name=b"file1", type="file", perms=DentryPerms.content, target=cnt1.sha1_git, ), ) ) dir2 = Directory( entries=( DirectoryEntry( name=b"file1", type="file", perms=DentryPerms.content, target=cnt1.sha1_git, ), DirectoryEntry( name=b"file2", type="file", perms=DentryPerms.content, target=cnt2.sha1_git, ), ) ) dir3 = Directory( entries=( DirectoryEntry( name=b"file3", type="file", perms=DentryPerms.content, target=cnt3.sha1_git, ), ) ) dir4 = Directory( entries=( DirectoryEntry( name=b"directory3", type="dir", perms=DentryPerms.directory, target=dir3.id, ), ) ) rev1 = Revision( message=b"msg1", date=date, committer_date=date, author=author, committer=author, directory=dir1.id, type=RevisionType.GIT, synthetic=True, ) rev2 = Revision( message=b"msg2", date=date, committer_date=date, author=author, committer=author, directory=dir2.id, parents=(rev1.id,), type=RevisionType.GIT, synthetic=True, ) rel2 = Release( name=b"1.0.0", message=b"tag2", target_type=ObjectType.REVISION, target=rev2.id, synthetic=True, ) rel3 = Release( name=b"1.0.0-blob", message=b"tagged-blob", target_type=ObjectType.CONTENT, target=cnt5.sha1_git, synthetic=True, ) rel4 = Release( name=b"1.0.0-weird", message=b"weird release", target_type=ObjectType.RELEASE, target=rel3.id, synthetic=True, ) rel5 = Release( name=b"1.0.0:weirdname", message=b"weird release", target_type=ObjectType.RELEASE, target=rel2.id, synthetic=True, ) # Create snapshot: branches = { b"refs/heads/master": SnapshotBranch( target=rev2.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION ), } if tag: branches[b"refs/tags/1.0.0"] = SnapshotBranch( target=rel2.id, target_type=TargetType.RELEASE ) if weird_branches: branches[b"refs/heads/tree-ref"] = SnapshotBranch( target=dir4.id, target_type=TargetType.DIRECTORY ) branches[b"refs/heads/blob-ref"] = SnapshotBranch( target=cnt4.sha1_git, target_type=TargetType.CONTENT ) branches[b"refs/tags/1.0.0-weird"] = SnapshotBranch( target=rel4.id, target_type=TargetType.RELEASE ) snp = Snapshot(branches=branches) # "Fill" swh-graph if up_to_date_graph: nodes = [cnt1, cnt2, dir1, dir2, rev1, rev2, snp] edges = [ (dir1, cnt1), (dir2, cnt1), (dir2, cnt2), (rev1, dir1), (rev2, dir2), (rev2, rev1), (snp, rev2), ] if tag: nodes.append(rel2) edges.append((rel2, rev2)) edges.append((snp, rel2)) if weird_branches: nodes.extend([cnt3, cnt4, cnt5, dir3, dir4, rel3, rel4, rel5]) edges.extend( [ (dir3, cnt3), (dir4, dir3), (snp, dir4), (snp, cnt4), (snp, rel4), (rel4, rel3), (rel3, cnt5), (rel5, rev2), ] ) else: nodes = [cnt1, cnt2, cnt3, dir1, dir2, dir3, rev1] edges = [ (dir1, cnt1), (dir2, cnt1), (dir2, cnt2), (dir3, cnt3), (rev1, dir1), ] if tag: nodes.append(rel2) if weird_branches: nodes.extend([cnt3, dir3]) edges.extend([(dir3, cnt3)]) nodes = [str(n.swhid()) for n in nodes] edges = [(str(s.swhid()), str(d.swhid())) for (s, d) in edges] # Add all objects to storage swh_storage.content_add([cnt1, cnt2, cnt3, cnt4, cnt5]) swh_storage.directory_add([dir1, dir2, dir3, dir4]) swh_storage.revision_add([rev1, rev2]) swh_storage.release_add([rel2, rel3, rel4, rel5]) swh_storage.snapshot_add([snp]) # Add spy on swh_storage, to make sure revision_log is not called # (the graph must be used instead) swh_storage = unittest.mock.MagicMock(wraps=swh_storage) # Add all objects to graph swh_graph = unittest.mock.Mock(wraps=GraphClient(nodes=nodes, edges=edges)) # Cook backend = InMemoryVaultBackend() cooked_swhid = { RootObjects.SNAPSHOT: snp.swhid(), RootObjects.REVISION: rev2.swhid(), RootObjects.RELEASE: rel2.swhid(), RootObjects.WEIRD_RELEASE: rel5.swhid(), }[root_object] cooker = GitBareCooker( cooked_swhid, backend=backend, storage=swh_storage, graph=swh_graph, ) if weird_branches: # git-fsck now rejects refs pointing to trees and blobs, # but some old git repos have them. cooker.use_fsck = False cooker.cook() # Get bundle bundle = backend.fetch("git_bare", cooked_swhid) # Extract bundle and make sure both revisions are in it with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory("swh-vault-test-bare") as tempdir: with tarfile.open(fileobj=io.BytesIO(bundle)) as tf: tf.extractall(tempdir) if root_object in (RootObjects.SNAPSHOT, RootObjects.REVISION): log_head = "master" elif root_object == RootObjects.RELEASE: log_head = "1.0.0" elif root_object == RootObjects.WEIRD_RELEASE: log_head = "release" else: assert False, root_object output = subprocess.check_output( [ "git", "-C", f"{tempdir}/{cooked_swhid}.git", "log", "--format=oneline", "--decorate=", log_head, ] ) assert output.decode() == f"{rev2.id.hex()} msg2\n{rev1.id.hex()} msg1\n" # Make sure the graph was used instead of swh_storage.revision_log if root_object == RootObjects.SNAPSHOT: if up_to_date_graph: # The graph has everything, so the first call succeeds and returns # all objects transitively pointed by the snapshot swh_graph.visit_nodes.assert_has_calls( [ unittest.mock.call(str(snp.swhid()), edges="snp:*,rel:*,rev:rev"), ] ) else: # The graph does not have everything, so the first call returns nothing. # However, the second call (on the top rev) succeeds and returns # all objects but the rev and the rel swh_graph.visit_nodes.assert_has_calls( [ unittest.mock.call(str(snp.swhid()), edges="snp:*,rel:*,rev:rev"), unittest.mock.call(str(rev2.swhid()), edges="rev:rev"), ] ) elif root_object in ( RootObjects.REVISION, RootObjects.RELEASE, RootObjects.WEIRD_RELEASE, ): swh_graph.visit_nodes.assert_has_calls( [unittest.mock.call(str(rev2.swhid()), edges="rev:rev")] ) else: assert False, root_object if up_to_date_graph: swh_storage.revision_log.assert_not_called() swh_storage.revision_shortlog.assert_not_called() else: swh_storage.revision_log.assert_called() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "mismatch_on", ["content", "directory", "revision1", "revision2", "none"] ) def test_checksum_mismatch(swh_storage, mismatch_on): date = TimestampWithTimezone.from_datetime( datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 7, 8, 43, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) ) author = Person.from_fullname(b"Foo ") wrong_hash = b"\x12\x34" * 10 cnt1 = Content.from_data(b"Tr0ub4dor&3") if mismatch_on == "content": cnt1 = attr.evolve(cnt1, sha1_git=wrong_hash) dir1 = Directory( entries=( DirectoryEntry( name=b"file1", type="file", perms=DentryPerms.content, target=cnt1.sha1_git, ), ) ) if mismatch_on == "directory": dir1 = attr.evolve(dir1, id=wrong_hash) rev1 = Revision( message=b"msg1", date=date, committer_date=date, author=author, committer=author, directory=dir1.id, type=RevisionType.GIT, synthetic=True, ) if mismatch_on == "revision1": rev1 = attr.evolve(rev1, id=wrong_hash) rev2 = Revision( message=b"msg2", date=date, committer_date=date, author=author, committer=author, directory=dir1.id, parents=(rev1.id,), type=RevisionType.GIT, synthetic=True, ) if mismatch_on == "revision2": rev2 = attr.evolve(rev2, id=wrong_hash) cooked_swhid = rev2.swhid() swh_storage.content_add([cnt1]) swh_storage.directory_add([dir1]) swh_storage.revision_add([rev1, rev2]) backend = InMemoryVaultBackend() cooker = GitBareCooker( cooked_swhid, backend=backend, storage=swh_storage, graph=None, ) cooker.cook() # Get bundle bundle = backend.fetch("git_bare", cooked_swhid) # Extract bundle and make sure both revisions are in it with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory("swh-vault-test-bare") as tempdir: with tarfile.open(fileobj=io.BytesIO(bundle)) as tf: tf.extractall(tempdir) if mismatch_on != "revision2": # git-log fails if the head revision is corrupted # TODO: we need to find a way to make this somewhat usable output = subprocess.check_output( [ "git", "-C", f"{tempdir}/{cooked_swhid}.git", "log", "--format=oneline", "--decorate=", ] ) assert output.decode() == f"{rev2.id.hex()} msg2\n{rev1.id.hex()} msg1\n" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "use_graph", [ pytest.param(False, id="without-graph"), pytest.param(True, id="with-graph", marks=pytest.mark.graph), ], ) def test_ignore_displayname(swh_storage, use_graph): """Tests the original authorship information is used instead of configured display names; otherwise objects would not match their hash, and git-fsck/git-clone would fail. This tests both with and without swh-graph, as both configurations use different code paths to fetch revisions. """ date = TimestampWithTimezone.from_numeric_offset(Timestamp(1643882820, 0), 0, False) legacy_person = Person.from_fullname(b"old me ") current_person = Person.from_fullname(b"me ") content = Content.from_data(b"foo") swh_storage.content_add([content]) directory = Directory( entries=( DirectoryEntry( name=b"file1", type="file", perms=0o100644, target=content.sha1_git ), ), ) swh_storage.directory_add([directory]) revision = Revision( message=b"rev", author=legacy_person, date=date, committer=legacy_person, committer_date=date, parents=(), type=RevisionType.GIT, directory=directory.id, synthetic=True, ) swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) release = Release( name=b"v1.1.0", message=None, author=legacy_person, date=date, target=revision.id, target_type=ObjectType.REVISION, synthetic=True, ) swh_storage.release_add([release]) snapshot = Snapshot( branches={ b"refs/tags/v1.1.0": SnapshotBranch( target=release.id, target_type=TargetType.RELEASE ), b"HEAD": SnapshotBranch( target=revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION ), } ) swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) # Add all objects to graph if use_graph: from swh.graph.naive_client import NaiveClient as GraphClient nodes = [ str(x.swhid()) for x in [content, directory, revision, release, snapshot] ] edges = [ (str(x.swhid()), str(y.swhid())) for (x, y) in [ (directory, content), (revision, directory), (release, revision), (snapshot, release), (snapshot, revision), ] ] swh_graph = unittest.mock.Mock(wraps=GraphClient(nodes=nodes, edges=edges)) else: swh_graph = None # Set a display name with swh_storage.db() as db: with db.transaction() as cur: cur.execute( "UPDATE person set displayname = %s where fullname = %s", (current_person.fullname, legacy_person.fullname), ) # Check the display name did apply in the storage assert swh_storage.revision_get([revision.id])[0] == attr.evolve( revision, author=current_person, committer=current_person, ) # Cook cooked_swhid = snapshot.swhid() backend = InMemoryVaultBackend() cooker = GitBareCooker( cooked_swhid, backend=backend, storage=swh_storage, graph=swh_graph, ) cooker.cook() # Get bundle bundle = backend.fetch("git_bare", cooked_swhid) # Extract bundle and make sure both revisions are in it with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory("swh-vault-test-bare") as tempdir: with tarfile.open(fileobj=io.BytesIO(bundle)) as tf: tf.extractall(tempdir) # If we are here, it means git-fsck succeeded when called by cooker.cook(), # so we already know the original person was used. Let's double-check. repo = dulwich.repo.Repo(f"{tempdir}/{cooked_swhid}.git") tag = repo[b"refs/tags/v1.1.0"] assert tag.tagger == legacy_person.fullname commit = repo[tag.object[1]] assert commit.author == legacy_person.fullname