diff --git a/swh/vault/backend.py b/swh/vault/backend.py index c75bd00..b7d9bf3 100644 --- a/swh/vault/backend.py +++ b/swh/vault/backend.py @@ -1,531 +1,536 @@ -# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 The Software Heritage developers +# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import collections from email.mime.text import MIMEText import smtplib from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import psycopg2.extras import psycopg2.pool from swh.core.db import BaseDb from swh.core.db.common import db_transaction from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID from swh.scheduler import get_scheduler from swh.scheduler.utils import create_oneshot_task_dict from swh.storage import get_storage from swh.vault.cache import VaultCache from swh.vault.cookers import COOKER_TYPES, get_cooker_cls from swh.vault.exc import NotFoundExc cooking_task_name = "swh.vault.cooking_tasks.SWHCookingTask" NOTIF_EMAIL_FROM = '"Software Heritage Vault" ' "" NOTIF_EMAIL_SUBJECT_SUCCESS = "Bundle ready: {bundle_type} {short_id}" NOTIF_EMAIL_SUBJECT_FAILURE = "Bundle failed: {bundle_type} {short_id}" NOTIF_EMAIL_BODY_SUCCESS = """ You have requested the following bundle from the Software Heritage Vault: Bundle Type: {bundle_type} Object SWHID: {swhid} This bundle is now available for download at the following address: {url} Please keep in mind that this link might expire at some point, in which case you will need to request the bundle again. --\x20 The Software Heritage Developers """ NOTIF_EMAIL_BODY_FAILURE = """ You have requested the following bundle from the Software Heritage Vault: Bundle Type: {bundle_type} Object SWHID: {swhid} This bundle could not be cooked for the following reason: {progress_msg} We apologize for the inconvenience. --\x20 The Software Heritage Developers """ class VaultBackend: """ Backend for the Software Heritage Vault. """ current_version = 4 def __init__(self, **config): self.config = config self.cache = VaultCache(**config["cache"]) self.scheduler = get_scheduler(**config["scheduler"]) self.storage = get_storage(**config["storage"]) self.smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP(**config.get("smtp", {})) + if "db" not in self.config: + raise ValueError( + "The 'db' configuration entry is missing " + "in the vault configuration file" + ) db_conn = config["db"] self._pool = psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool( config.get("min_pool_conns", 1), config.get("max_pool_conns", 10), db_conn, cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor, ) self._db = None def get_db(self): if self._db: return self._db return BaseDb.from_pool(self._pool) def put_db(self, db): if db is not self._db: db.put_conn() @db_transaction() def progress( self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, raise_notfound: bool = True, db=None, cur=None, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: cur.execute( """ SELECT id, type, swhid, task_id, task_status, sticky, ts_created, ts_done, ts_last_access, progress_msg FROM vault_bundle WHERE type = %s AND swhid = %s""", (bundle_type, str(swhid)), ) res = cur.fetchone() if not res: if raise_notfound: raise NotFoundExc(f"{bundle_type} {swhid} was not found.") return None res["swhid"] = CoreSWHID.from_string(res["swhid"]) return res def _send_task(self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID): """Send a cooking task to the celery scheduler""" task = create_oneshot_task_dict("cook-vault-bundle", bundle_type, str(swhid)) added_tasks = self.scheduler.create_tasks([task]) return added_tasks[0]["id"] @db_transaction() def create_task( self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, sticky: bool = False, db=None, cur=None, ): """Create and send a cooking task""" cooker_class = get_cooker_cls(bundle_type, swhid.object_type) cooker = cooker_class(swhid, backend=self, storage=self.storage) if not cooker.check_exists(): raise NotFoundExc(f"{bundle_type} {swhid} was not found.") cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO vault_bundle (type, swhid, sticky) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""", (bundle_type, str(swhid), sticky), ) db.conn.commit() task_id = self._send_task(bundle_type, swhid) cur.execute( """ UPDATE vault_bundle SET task_id = %s WHERE type = %s AND swhid = %s""", (task_id, bundle_type, str(swhid)), ) @db_transaction() def add_notif_email( self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, email: str, db=None, cur=None ): """Add an e-mail address to notify when a given bundle is ready""" cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO vault_notif_email (email, bundle_id) VALUES (%s, (SELECT id FROM vault_bundle WHERE type = %s AND swhid = %s))""", (email, bundle_type, str(swhid)), ) def put_bundle(self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, bundle) -> bool: self.cache.add(bundle_type, swhid, bundle) return True @db_transaction() def cook( self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, *, sticky: bool = False, email: Optional[str] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: info = self.progress(bundle_type, swhid, raise_notfound=False) if bundle_type not in COOKER_TYPES: raise NotFoundExc(f"{bundle_type} is an unknown type.") # If there's a failed bundle entry, delete it first. if info is not None and info["task_status"] == "failed": cur.execute( "DELETE FROM vault_bundle WHERE type = %s AND swhid = %s", (bundle_type, str(swhid)), ) db.conn.commit() info = None # If there's no bundle entry, create the task. if info is None: self.create_task(bundle_type, swhid, sticky) if email is not None: # If the task is already done, send the email directly if info is not None and info["task_status"] == "done": self.send_notification( None, email, bundle_type, swhid, info["task_status"] ) # Else, add it to the notification queue else: self.add_notif_email(bundle_type, swhid, email) return self.progress(bundle_type, swhid) @db_transaction() def batch_cook( self, batch: List[Tuple[str, str]], db=None, cur=None ) -> Dict[str, int]: # Import execute_values at runtime only, because it requires # psycopg2 >= 2.7 (only available on postgresql servers) from psycopg2.extras import execute_values for bundle_type, _ in batch: if bundle_type not in COOKER_TYPES: raise NotFoundExc(f"{bundle_type} is an unknown type.") cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO vault_batch (id) VALUES (DEFAULT) RETURNING id""" ) batch_id = cur.fetchone()["id"] # Delete all failed bundles from the batch cur.execute( """ DELETE FROM vault_bundle WHERE task_status = 'failed' AND (type, swhid) IN %s""", (tuple(batch),), ) # Insert all the bundles, return the new ones execute_values( cur, """ INSERT INTO vault_bundle (type, swhid) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING""", batch, ) # Get the bundle ids and task status cur.execute( """ SELECT id, type, swhid, task_id FROM vault_bundle WHERE (type, swhid) IN %s""", (tuple(batch),), ) bundles = cur.fetchall() # Insert the batch-bundle entries batch_id_bundle_ids = [(batch_id, row["id"]) for row in bundles] execute_values( cur, """ INSERT INTO vault_batch_bundle (batch_id, bundle_id) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING""", batch_id_bundle_ids, ) db.conn.commit() # Get the tasks to fetch batch_new = [ (row["type"], CoreSWHID.from_string(row["swhid"])) for row in bundles if row["task_id"] is None ] # Send the tasks args_batch = [(bundle_type, swhid) for bundle_type, swhid in batch_new] # TODO: change once the scheduler handles priority tasks tasks = [ create_oneshot_task_dict("swh-vault-batch-cooking", *args) for args in args_batch ] added_tasks = self.scheduler.create_tasks(tasks) tasks_ids_bundle_ids = [ (task_id, bundle_type, swhid) for task_id, (bundle_type, swhid) in zip( [task["id"] for task in added_tasks], batch_new ) ] # Update the task ids execute_values( cur, """ UPDATE vault_bundle SET task_id = s_task_id FROM (VALUES %s) AS sub (s_task_id, s_type, s_swhid) WHERE type = s_type::cook_type AND swhid = s_swhid """, tasks_ids_bundle_ids, ) return {"id": batch_id} @db_transaction() def batch_progress(self, batch_id: int, db=None, cur=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: cur.execute( """ SELECT vault_bundle.id as id, type, swhid, task_id, task_status, sticky, ts_created, ts_done, ts_last_access, progress_msg FROM vault_batch_bundle LEFT JOIN vault_bundle ON vault_bundle.id = bundle_id WHERE batch_id = %s""", (batch_id,), ) bundles = cur.fetchall() if not bundles: raise NotFoundExc(f"Batch {batch_id} does not exist.") for bundle in bundles: bundle["swhid"] = CoreSWHID.from_string(bundle["swhid"]) counter = collections.Counter(b["status"] for b in bundles) res = { "bundles": bundles, "total": len(bundles), **{k: 0 for k in ("new", "pending", "done", "failed")}, **dict(counter), } return res @db_transaction() def is_available(self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, db=None, cur=None): """Check whether a bundle is available for retrieval""" info = self.progress(bundle_type, swhid, raise_notfound=False, cur=cur) return ( info is not None and info["task_status"] == "done" and self.cache.is_cached(bundle_type, swhid) ) @db_transaction() def fetch( self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, raise_notfound=True, db=None, cur=None ) -> Optional[bytes]: """Retrieve a bundle from the cache""" available = self.is_available(bundle_type, swhid, cur=cur) if not available: if raise_notfound: raise NotFoundExc(f"{bundle_type} {swhid} is not available.") return None self.update_access_ts(bundle_type, swhid, cur=cur) return self.cache.get(bundle_type, swhid) @db_transaction() def update_access_ts(self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, db=None, cur=None): """Update the last access timestamp of a bundle""" cur.execute( """ UPDATE vault_bundle SET ts_last_access = NOW() WHERE type = %s AND swhid = %s""", (bundle_type, str(swhid)), ) @db_transaction() def set_status( self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, status: str, db=None, cur=None ) -> bool: req = ( """ UPDATE vault_bundle SET task_status = %s """ + (""", ts_done = NOW() """ if status == "done" else "") + """WHERE type = %s AND swhid = %s""" ) cur.execute(req, (status, bundle_type, str(swhid))) return True @db_transaction() def set_progress( self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, progress: str, db=None, cur=None ) -> bool: cur.execute( """ UPDATE vault_bundle SET progress_msg = %s WHERE type = %s AND swhid = %s""", (progress, bundle_type, str(swhid)), ) return True @db_transaction() def send_notif(self, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, db=None, cur=None) -> bool: cur.execute( """ SELECT vault_notif_email.id AS id, email, task_status, progress_msg FROM vault_notif_email INNER JOIN vault_bundle ON bundle_id = vault_bundle.id WHERE vault_bundle.type = %s AND vault_bundle.swhid = %s""", (bundle_type, str(swhid)), ) for d in cur: self.send_notification( d["id"], d["email"], bundle_type, swhid, status=d["task_status"], progress_msg=d["progress_msg"], ) return True @db_transaction() def send_notification( self, n_id: Optional[int], email: str, bundle_type: str, swhid: CoreSWHID, status: str, progress_msg: Optional[str] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> None: """Send the notification of a bundle to a specific e-mail""" short_id = swhid.object_id.hex()[:7] # TODO: instead of hardcoding this, we should probably: # * add a "fetch_url" field in the vault_notif_email table # * generate the url with flask.url_for() on the web-ui side # * send this url as part of the cook request and store it in # the table # * use this url for the notification e-mail url = "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/vault/{}/{}/" "raw".format( bundle_type, swhid ) if status == "done": text = NOTIF_EMAIL_BODY_SUCCESS.strip() text = text.format(bundle_type=bundle_type, swhid=swhid, url=url) msg = MIMEText(text) msg["Subject"] = NOTIF_EMAIL_SUBJECT_SUCCESS.format( bundle_type=bundle_type, short_id=short_id ) elif status == "failed": text = NOTIF_EMAIL_BODY_FAILURE.strip() text = text.format( bundle_type=bundle_type, swhid=swhid, progress_msg=progress_msg ) msg = MIMEText(text) msg["Subject"] = NOTIF_EMAIL_SUBJECT_FAILURE.format( bundle_type=bundle_type, short_id=short_id ) else: raise RuntimeError( "send_notification called on a '{}' bundle".format(status) ) msg["From"] = NOTIF_EMAIL_FROM msg["To"] = email self._smtp_send(msg) if n_id is not None: cur.execute( """ DELETE FROM vault_notif_email WHERE id = %s""", (n_id,), ) def _smtp_send(self, msg: MIMEText): # Reconnect if needed try: status = self.smtp_server.noop()[0] except smtplib.SMTPException: status = -1 if status != 250: self.smtp_server.connect("localhost", 25) # Send the message self.smtp_server.send_message(msg) @db_transaction() def _cache_expire(self, cond, *args, db=None, cur=None) -> None: """Low-level expiration method, used by cache_expire_* methods""" # Embedded SELECT query to be able to use ORDER BY and LIMIT cur.execute( """ DELETE FROM vault_bundle WHERE ctid IN ( SELECT ctid FROM vault_bundle WHERE sticky = false {} ) RETURNING type, swhid """.format( cond ), args, ) for d in cur: self.cache.delete(d["type"], CoreSWHID.from_string(d["swhid"])) @db_transaction() def cache_expire_oldest(self, n=1, by="last_access", db=None, cur=None) -> None: """Expire the `n` oldest bundles""" assert by in ("created", "done", "last_access") filter = """ORDER BY ts_{} LIMIT {}""".format(by, n) return self._cache_expire(filter) @db_transaction() def cache_expire_until(self, date, by="last_access", db=None, cur=None) -> None: """Expire all the bundles until a certain date""" assert by in ("created", "done", "last_access") filter = """AND ts_{} <= %s""".format(by) return self._cache_expire(filter, date) diff --git a/swh/vault/tests/test_cli.py b/swh/vault/tests/test_cli.py index ac6864e..60f18a6 100644 --- a/swh/vault/tests/test_cli.py +++ b/swh/vault/tests/test_cli.py @@ -1,106 +1,160 @@ # Copyright (C) 2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import tempfile from unittest.mock import MagicMock import click import click.testing import pytest +from swh.core.cli.db import db as swhdb +from swh.core.db import BaseDb +from swh.core.db.db_utils import swh_db_module, swh_db_version +from swh.core.db.tests.test_cli import craft_conninfo from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID +from swh.vault.backend import VaultBackend from swh.vault.cli import vault as vault_cli_group from swh.vault.cookers.base import BaseVaultCooker from swh.vault.in_memory_backend import InMemoryVaultBackend def test_cook_unsupported_swhid(): runner = click.testing.CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(vault_cli_group, ["cook", "swh:1:dir:f00b4r", "-"]) assert isinstance(result.exception, SystemExit) assert "expected core SWHID" in result.stdout result = runner.invoke(vault_cli_group, ["cook", "swh:1:ori:" + "0" * 40, "-"]) assert isinstance(result.exception, SystemExit) assert "expected core SWHID" in result.stdout def test_cook_unknown_cooker(): runner = click.testing.CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( vault_cli_group, ["cook", "swh:1:dir:" + "0" * 40, "-", "--bundle-type", "gitfast"], ) assert isinstance(result.exception, SystemExit) assert "do not have a gitfast cooker" in result.stdout result = runner.invoke(vault_cli_group, ["cook", "swh:1:rev:" + "0" * 40, "-"]) assert isinstance(result.exception, SystemExit) assert "use --bundle-type" in result.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize( "bundle_type,cooker_name_suffix,swhid_type", [ ("directory", "", "dir"), ("revision", "gitfast", "rev"), ], ) def test_cook_directory(bundle_type, cooker_name_suffix, swhid_type, mocker): storage = object() mocker.patch("swh.storage.get_storage", return_value=storage) backend = MagicMock(spec=InMemoryVaultBackend) backend.fetch.return_value = b"bundle content" mocker.patch( "swh.vault.in_memory_backend.InMemoryVaultBackend", return_value=backend ) cooker = MagicMock(spec=BaseVaultCooker) cooker_cls = MagicMock(return_value=cooker) mocker.patch("swh.vault.cookers.get_cooker_cls", return_value=cooker_cls) runner = click.testing.CliRunner() swhid = CoreSWHID.from_string(f"swh:1:{swhid_type}:{'0'*40}") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("a", suffix=".yml") as config_fd: config_fd.write('{"storage": {}}') config_fd.seek(0) if cooker_name_suffix: result = runner.invoke( vault_cli_group, [ "cook", f"swh:1:{swhid_type}:{'0'*40}", "-", "-C", config_fd.name, "--bundle-type", cooker_name_suffix, ], ) else: result = runner.invoke( vault_cli_group, ["cook", str(swhid), "-", "-C", config_fd.name], ) if result.exception is not None: raise result.exception cooker_cls.assert_called_once_with( swhid=swhid, backend=backend, storage=storage, graph=None, objstorage=None, max_bundle_size=None, ) cooker.cook.assert_called_once_with() assert result.stdout_bytes == b"bundle content" + + +def test_cli_swh_vault_db_create_and_init_db(postgresql, tmp_path): + """Test that 'swh db init vault' works""" + module_name = "vault" + conninfo = craft_conninfo(postgresql, "new-db") + + cfgfile = tmp_path / "config.yml" + CFG = f""" +vault: + cls: postgresql + db: {conninfo} + cache: + cls: memory + storage: + cls: memory + scheduler: + cls: remote + url: mock://scheduler + """ + cfgfile.write_text(CFG) + + cli_runner = click.testing.CliRunner() + # This creates the db and installs the necessary admin extensions + result = cli_runner.invoke(swhdb, ["create", module_name, "--dbname", conninfo]) + assert result.exit_code == 0, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" + + result = cli_runner.invoke(swhdb, ["init-admin", module_name, "--dbname", conninfo]) + assert result.exit_code == 0, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" + + # This initializes the schema and data + result = cli_runner.invoke(swhdb, ["-C", cfgfile, "init", module_name]) + assert result.exit_code == 0, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" + + assert swh_db_module(conninfo) == "vault" + assert swh_db_version(conninfo) == VaultBackend.current_version + + with BaseDb.connect(conninfo).cursor() as cur: + cur.execute("select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='public'") + tables = {table for table, in cur.fetchall()} + + assert tables == { + "dbmodule", + "dbversion", + "vault_bundle", + "vault_notif_email", + "vault_batch", + "vault_batch_bundle", + }