diff --git a/swh/storage/cassandra/cql.py b/swh/storage/cassandra/cql.py index ef9b327e..c5cf1953 100644 --- a/swh/storage/cassandra/cql.py +++ b/swh/storage/cassandra/cql.py @@ -1,1018 +1,1018 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import dataclasses import datetime import functools import logging import random from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, ) from cassandra import CoordinationFailure from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT, ExecutionProfile, ResultSet from cassandra.policies import DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy, TokenAwarePolicy from cassandra.query import PreparedStatement, BoundStatement, dict_factory from tenacity import ( retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_exponential, retry_if_exception_type, ) from mypy_extensions import NamedArg from swh.model.model import ( Content, SkippedContent, Sha1Git, TimestampWithTimezone, Timestamp, Person, ) from swh.storage.interface import ListOrder from .common import TOKEN_BEGIN, TOKEN_END, hash_url, remove_keys from .model import ( BaseRow, ContentRow, DirectoryEntryRow, DirectoryRow, MetadataAuthorityRow, MetadataFetcherRow, ObjectCountRow, OriginRow, OriginVisitRow, OriginVisitStatusRow, RawExtrinsicMetadataRow, ReleaseRow, RevisionParentRow, RevisionRow, SkippedContentRow, SnapshotBranchRow, SnapshotRow, ) from .schema import CREATE_TABLES_QUERIES, HASH_ALGORITHMS logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _execution_profiles = { EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: ExecutionProfile( load_balancing_policy=TokenAwarePolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy()), row_factory=dict_factory, ), } # Configuration for cassandra-driver's access to servers: # * hit the right server directly when sending a query (TokenAwarePolicy), # * if there's more than one, then pick one at random that's in the same # datacenter as the client (DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy) def create_keyspace( hosts: List[str], keyspace: str, port: int = 9042, *, durable_writes=True ): cluster = Cluster(hosts, port=port, execution_profiles=_execution_profiles) session = cluster.connect() extra_params = "" if not durable_writes: extra_params = "AND durable_writes = false" session.execute( """CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS "%s" WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 } %s; """ % (keyspace, extra_params) ) session.execute('USE "%s"' % keyspace) for query in CREATE_TABLES_QUERIES: session.execute(query) TRet = TypeVar("TRet") def _prepared_statement( query: str, ) -> Callable[[Callable[..., TRet]], Callable[..., TRet]]: """Returns a decorator usable on methods of CqlRunner, to inject them with a 'statement' argument, that is a prepared statement corresponding to the query. This only works on methods of CqlRunner, as preparing a statement requires a connection to a Cassandra server.""" def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def newf(self, *args, **kwargs) -> TRet: if f.__name__ not in self._prepared_statements: statement: PreparedStatement = self._session.prepare(query) self._prepared_statements[f.__name__] = statement return f( self, *args, **kwargs, statement=self._prepared_statements[f.__name__] ) return newf return decorator TArg = TypeVar("TArg") TSelf = TypeVar("TSelf") def _prepared_insert_statement( row_class: Type[BaseRow], ) -> Callable[ [Callable[[TSelf, TArg, NamedArg(Any, "statement")], TRet]], # noqa Callable[[TSelf, TArg], TRet], ]: """Shorthand for using `_prepared_statement` for `INSERT INTO` statements.""" columns = row_class.cols() return _prepared_statement( "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (row_class.TABLE, ", ".join(columns), ", ".join("?" for _ in columns),) ) def _prepared_exists_statement( table_name: str, ) -> Callable[ [Callable[[TSelf, TArg, NamedArg(Any, "statement")], TRet]], # noqa Callable[[TSelf, TArg], TRet], ]: """Shorthand for using `_prepared_statement` for queries that only check which ids in a list exist in the table.""" return _prepared_statement(f"SELECT id FROM {table_name} WHERE id IN ?") def _prepared_select_statement( row_class: Type[BaseRow], clauses: str = "", cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Callable[[Callable[..., TRet]], Callable[..., TRet]]: if cols is None: cols = row_class.cols() return _prepared_statement( f"SELECT {', '.join(cols)} FROM {row_class.TABLE} {clauses}" ) class CqlRunner: """Class managing prepared statements and building queries to be sent to Cassandra.""" def __init__(self, hosts: List[str], keyspace: str, port: int): self._cluster = Cluster( hosts, port=port, execution_profiles=_execution_profiles ) self._session = self._cluster.connect(keyspace) self._cluster.register_user_type( keyspace, "microtimestamp_with_timezone", TimestampWithTimezone ) self._cluster.register_user_type(keyspace, "microtimestamp", Timestamp) self._cluster.register_user_type(keyspace, "person", Person) self._prepared_statements: Dict[str, PreparedStatement] = {} ########################## # Common utility functions ########################## MAX_RETRIES = 3 @retry( wait=wait_random_exponential(multiplier=1, max=10), stop=stop_after_attempt(MAX_RETRIES), retry=retry_if_exception_type(CoordinationFailure), ) def _execute_with_retries(self, statement, args) -> ResultSet: return self._session.execute(statement, args, timeout=1000.0) @_prepared_statement( "UPDATE object_count SET count = count + ? " "WHERE partition_key = 0 AND object_type = ?" ) def _increment_counter( self, object_type: str, nb: int, *, statement: PreparedStatement ) -> None: self._execute_with_retries(statement, [nb, object_type]) def _add_one(self, statement, obj: BaseRow) -> None: self._increment_counter(obj.TABLE, 1) self._execute_with_retries(statement, dataclasses.astuple(obj)) _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=BaseRow) def _get_random_row(self, row_class: Type[_T], statement) -> Optional[_T]: # noqa """Takes a prepared statement of the form "SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE token(<keys>) > ? LIMIT 1" and uses it to return a random row""" token = random.randint(TOKEN_BEGIN, TOKEN_END) rows = self._execute_with_retries(statement, [token]) if not rows: # There are no row with a greater token; wrap around to get # the row with the smallest token rows = self._execute_with_retries(statement, [TOKEN_BEGIN]) if rows: return row_class.from_dict(rows.one()) # type: ignore else: return None def _missing(self, statement, ids): rows = self._execute_with_retries(statement, [ids]) found_ids = {row["id"] for row in rows} return [id_ for id_ in ids if id_ not in found_ids] ########################## # 'content' table ########################## def _content_add_finalize(self, statement: BoundStatement) -> None: """Returned currified by content_add_prepare, to be called when the content row should be added to the primary table.""" self._execute_with_retries(statement, None) self._increment_counter("content", 1) @_prepared_insert_statement(ContentRow) def content_add_prepare( self, content: ContentRow, *, statement ) -> Tuple[int, Callable[[], None]]: """Prepares insertion of a Content to the main 'content' table. Returns a token (to be used in secondary tables), and a function to be called to perform the insertion in the main table.""" statement = statement.bind(dataclasses.astuple(content)) # Type used for hashing keys (usually, it will be # cassandra.metadata.Murmur3Token) token_class = self._cluster.metadata.token_map.token_class # Token of the row when it will be inserted. This is equivalent to # "SELECT token({', '.join(ContentRow.PARTITION_KEY)}) FROM content WHERE ..." # after the row is inserted; but we need the token to insert in the # index tables *before* inserting to the main 'content' table token = token_class.from_key(statement.routing_key).value assert TOKEN_BEGIN <= token <= TOKEN_END # Function to be called after the indexes contain their respective # row finalizer = functools.partial(self._content_add_finalize, statement) return (token, finalizer) @_prepared_select_statement( ContentRow, f"WHERE {' AND '.join(map('%s = ?'.__mod__, HASH_ALGORITHMS))}" ) def content_get_from_pk( self, content_hashes: Dict[str, bytes], *, statement ) -> Optional[ContentRow]: rows = list( self._execute_with_retries( statement, [content_hashes[algo] for algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS] ) ) assert len(rows) <= 1 if rows: return ContentRow(**rows[0]) else: return None @_prepared_select_statement( ContentRow, f"WHERE token({', '.join(ContentRow.PARTITION_KEY)}) = ?" ) def content_get_from_token(self, token, *, statement) -> Iterable[ContentRow]: return map(ContentRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [token])) @_prepared_select_statement( ContentRow, f"WHERE token({', '.join(ContentRow.PARTITION_KEY)}) > ? LIMIT 1" ) def content_get_random(self, *, statement) -> Optional[ContentRow]: return self._get_random_row(ContentRow, statement) @_prepared_statement( ( "SELECT token({0}) AS tok, {1} FROM content " "WHERE token({0}) >= ? AND token({0}) <= ? LIMIT ?" ).format(", ".join(ContentRow.PARTITION_KEY), ", ".join(ContentRow.cols())) ) def content_get_token_range( self, start: int, end: int, limit: int, *, statement ) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, ContentRow]]: """Returns an iterable of (token, row)""" return ( (row["tok"], ContentRow.from_dict(remove_keys(row, ("tok",)))) for row in self._execute_with_retries(statement, [start, end, limit]) ) ########################## # 'content_by_*' tables ########################## @_prepared_statement( "SELECT sha1_git AS id FROM content_by_sha1_git WHERE sha1_git IN ?" ) def content_missing_by_sha1_git( self, ids: List[bytes], *, statement ) -> List[bytes]: return self._missing(statement, ids) def content_index_add_one(self, algo: str, content: Content, token: int) -> None: """Adds a row mapping content[algo] to the token of the Content in the main 'content' table.""" query = ( f"INSERT INTO content_by_{algo} ({algo}, target_token) " f"VALUES (%s, %s)" ) self._execute_with_retries(query, [content.get_hash(algo), token]) def content_get_tokens_from_single_hash( self, algo: str, hash_: bytes ) -> Iterable[int]: assert algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS query = f"SELECT target_token FROM content_by_{algo} WHERE {algo} = %s" return ( row["target_token"] for row in self._execute_with_retries(query, [hash_]) ) ########################## # 'skipped_content' table ########################## _magic_null_pk = b"<null>" """ NULLs (or all-empty blobs) are not allowed in primary keys; instead use a special value that can't possibly be a valid hash. """ def _skipped_content_add_finalize(self, statement: BoundStatement) -> None: """Returned currified by skipped_content_add_prepare, to be called when the content row should be added to the primary table.""" self._execute_with_retries(statement, None) self._increment_counter("skipped_content", 1) @_prepared_insert_statement(SkippedContentRow) def skipped_content_add_prepare( self, content, *, statement ) -> Tuple[int, Callable[[], None]]: """Prepares insertion of a Content to the main 'skipped_content' table. Returns a token (to be used in secondary tables), and a function to be called to perform the insertion in the main table.""" # Replace NULLs (which are not allowed in the partition key) with # an empty byte string for key in SkippedContentRow.PARTITION_KEY: if getattr(content, key) is None: setattr(content, key, self._magic_null_pk) statement = statement.bind(dataclasses.astuple(content)) # Type used for hashing keys (usually, it will be # cassandra.metadata.Murmur3Token) token_class = self._cluster.metadata.token_map.token_class # Token of the row when it will be inserted. This is equivalent to # "SELECT token({', '.join(SkippedContentRow.PARTITION_KEY)}) # FROM skipped_content WHERE ..." # after the row is inserted; but we need the token to insert in the # index tables *before* inserting to the main 'skipped_content' table token = token_class.from_key(statement.routing_key).value assert TOKEN_BEGIN <= token <= TOKEN_END # Function to be called after the indexes contain their respective # row finalizer = functools.partial(self._skipped_content_add_finalize, statement) return (token, finalizer) @_prepared_select_statement( SkippedContentRow, f"WHERE {' AND '.join(map('%s = ?'.__mod__, HASH_ALGORITHMS))}", ) def skipped_content_get_from_pk( self, content_hashes: Dict[str, bytes], *, statement ) -> Optional[SkippedContentRow]: rows = list( self._execute_with_retries( statement, [ content_hashes[algo] or self._magic_null_pk for algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS ], ) ) assert len(rows) <= 1 if rows: # TODO: convert _magic_null_pk back to None? return SkippedContentRow.from_dict(rows[0]) else: return None ########################## # 'skipped_content_by_*' tables ########################## def skipped_content_index_add_one( self, algo: str, content: SkippedContent, token: int ) -> None: """Adds a row mapping content[algo] to the token of the SkippedContent in the main 'skipped_content' table.""" query = ( f"INSERT INTO skipped_content_by_{algo} ({algo}, target_token) " f"VALUES (%s, %s)" ) self._execute_with_retries( query, [content.get_hash(algo) or self._magic_null_pk, token] ) ########################## # 'revision' table ########################## @_prepared_exists_statement("revision") def revision_missing(self, ids: List[bytes], *, statement) -> List[bytes]: return self._missing(statement, ids) @_prepared_insert_statement(RevisionRow) def revision_add_one(self, revision: RevisionRow, *, statement) -> None: self._add_one(statement, revision) @_prepared_statement("SELECT id FROM revision WHERE id IN ?") def revision_get_ids(self, revision_ids, *, statement) -> Iterable[int]: return ( row["id"] for row in self._execute_with_retries(statement, [revision_ids]) ) @_prepared_select_statement(RevisionRow, "WHERE id IN ?") def revision_get(self, revision_ids, *, statement) -> Iterable[RevisionRow]: return map( RevisionRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [revision_ids]) ) @_prepared_select_statement(RevisionRow, "WHERE token(id) > ? LIMIT 1") def revision_get_random(self, *, statement) -> Optional[RevisionRow]: return self._get_random_row(RevisionRow, statement) ########################## # 'revision_parent' table ########################## @_prepared_insert_statement(RevisionParentRow) def revision_parent_add_one( self, revision_parent: RevisionParentRow, *, statement ) -> None: self._add_one(statement, revision_parent) @_prepared_statement("SELECT parent_id FROM revision_parent WHERE id = ?") def revision_parent_get( self, revision_id: Sha1Git, *, statement ) -> Iterable[bytes]: return ( row["parent_id"] for row in self._execute_with_retries(statement, [revision_id]) ) ########################## # 'release' table ########################## @_prepared_exists_statement("release") def release_missing(self, ids: List[bytes], *, statement) -> List[bytes]: return self._missing(statement, ids) @_prepared_insert_statement(ReleaseRow) def release_add_one(self, release: ReleaseRow, *, statement) -> None: self._add_one(statement, release) @_prepared_select_statement(ReleaseRow, "WHERE id in ?") def release_get(self, release_ids: List[str], *, statement) -> Iterable[ReleaseRow]: return map( ReleaseRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [release_ids]) ) @_prepared_select_statement(ReleaseRow, "WHERE token(id) > ? LIMIT 1") def release_get_random(self, *, statement) -> Optional[ReleaseRow]: return self._get_random_row(ReleaseRow, statement) ########################## # 'directory' table ########################## @_prepared_exists_statement("directory") def directory_missing(self, ids: List[bytes], *, statement) -> List[bytes]: return self._missing(statement, ids) @_prepared_insert_statement(DirectoryRow) def directory_add_one(self, directory: DirectoryRow, *, statement) -> None: """Called after all calls to directory_entry_add_one, to commit/finalize the directory.""" self._add_one(statement, directory) @_prepared_select_statement(DirectoryRow, "WHERE token(id) > ? LIMIT 1") def directory_get_random(self, *, statement) -> Optional[DirectoryRow]: return self._get_random_row(DirectoryRow, statement) ########################## # 'directory_entry' table ########################## @_prepared_insert_statement(DirectoryEntryRow) def directory_entry_add_one(self, entry: DirectoryEntryRow, *, statement) -> None: self._add_one(statement, entry) @_prepared_select_statement(DirectoryEntryRow, "WHERE directory_id IN ?") def directory_entry_get( self, directory_ids, *, statement ) -> Iterable[DirectoryEntryRow]: return map( DirectoryEntryRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [directory_ids]), ) ########################## # 'snapshot' table ########################## @_prepared_exists_statement("snapshot") def snapshot_missing(self, ids: List[bytes], *, statement) -> List[bytes]: return self._missing(statement, ids) @_prepared_insert_statement(SnapshotRow) def snapshot_add_one(self, snapshot: SnapshotRow, *, statement) -> None: self._add_one(statement, snapshot) @_prepared_select_statement(SnapshotRow, "WHERE id = ?") def snapshot_get(self, snapshot_id: Sha1Git, *, statement) -> ResultSet: return map( SnapshotRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [snapshot_id]) ) @_prepared_select_statement(SnapshotRow, "WHERE token(id) > ? LIMIT 1") def snapshot_get_random(self, *, statement) -> Optional[SnapshotRow]: return self._get_random_row(SnapshotRow, statement) ########################## # 'snapshot_branch' table ########################## @_prepared_insert_statement(SnapshotBranchRow) def snapshot_branch_add_one(self, branch: SnapshotBranchRow, *, statement) -> None: self._add_one(statement, branch) @_prepared_statement( "SELECT ascii_bins_count(target_type) AS counts " "FROM snapshot_branch " "WHERE snapshot_id = ? " ) def snapshot_count_branches( self, snapshot_id: Sha1Git, *, statement ) -> Dict[Optional[str], int]: """Returns a dictionary from type names to the number of branches of that type.""" row = self._execute_with_retries(statement, [snapshot_id]).one() (nb_none, counts) = row["counts"] return {None: nb_none, **counts} @_prepared_select_statement( SnapshotBranchRow, "WHERE snapshot_id = ? AND name >= ? LIMIT ?" ) def snapshot_branch_get( self, snapshot_id: Sha1Git, from_: bytes, limit: int, *, statement ) -> Iterable[SnapshotBranchRow]: return map( SnapshotBranchRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [snapshot_id, from_, limit]), ) ########################## # 'origin' table ########################## @_prepared_insert_statement(OriginRow) def origin_add_one(self, origin: OriginRow, *, statement) -> None: self._add_one(statement, origin) @_prepared_select_statement(OriginRow, "WHERE sha1 = ?") def origin_get_by_sha1(self, sha1: bytes, *, statement) -> Iterable[OriginRow]: return map(OriginRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [sha1])) def origin_get_by_url(self, url: str) -> Iterable[OriginRow]: return self.origin_get_by_sha1(hash_url(url)) @_prepared_statement( f'SELECT token(sha1) AS tok, {", ".join(OriginRow.cols())} ' f"FROM origin WHERE token(sha1) >= ? LIMIT ?" ) def origin_list( self, start_token: int, limit: int, *, statement ) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, OriginRow]]: """Returns an iterable of (token, origin)""" return ( (row["tok"], OriginRow.from_dict(remove_keys(row, ("tok",)))) for row in self._execute_with_retries(statement, [start_token, limit]) ) @_prepared_select_statement(OriginRow) def origin_iter_all(self, *, statement) -> Iterable[OriginRow]: return map(OriginRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [])) @_prepared_statement("SELECT next_visit_id FROM origin WHERE sha1 = ?") def _origin_get_next_visit_id(self, origin_sha1: bytes, *, statement) -> int: rows = list(self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_sha1])) assert len(rows) == 1 # TODO: error handling return rows[0]["next_visit_id"] @_prepared_statement( "UPDATE origin SET next_visit_id=? WHERE sha1 = ? IF next_visit_id=?" ) def origin_generate_unique_visit_id(self, origin_url: str, *, statement) -> int: origin_sha1 = hash_url(origin_url) next_id = self._origin_get_next_visit_id(origin_sha1) while True: res = list( self._execute_with_retries( statement, [next_id + 1, origin_sha1, next_id] ) ) assert len(res) == 1 if res[0]["[applied]"]: # No data race return next_id else: # Someone else updated it before we did, let's try again next_id = res[0]["next_visit_id"] # TODO: abort after too many attempts return next_id ########################## # 'origin_visit' table ########################## @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit > ? ORDER BY visit ASC" ) def _origin_visit_get_pagination_asc_no_limit( self, origin_url: str, last_visit: int, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url, last_visit]) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit > ? ORDER BY visit ASC LIMIT ?" ) def _origin_visit_get_pagination_asc_limit( self, origin_url: str, last_visit: int, limit: int, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url, last_visit, limit]) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit < ? ORDER BY visit DESC" ) def _origin_visit_get_pagination_desc_no_limit( self, origin_url: str, last_visit: int, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url, last_visit]) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit < ? ORDER BY visit DESC LIMIT ?" ) def _origin_visit_get_pagination_desc_limit( self, origin_url: str, last_visit: int, limit: int, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url, last_visit, limit]) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? ORDER BY visit ASC LIMIT ?" ) def _origin_visit_get_no_pagination_asc_limit( self, origin_url: str, limit: int, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url, limit]) @_prepared_select_statement(OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? ORDER BY visit ASC ") def _origin_visit_get_no_pagination_asc_no_limit( self, origin_url: str, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url]) @_prepared_select_statement(OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? ORDER BY visit DESC") def _origin_visit_get_no_pagination_desc_no_limit( self, origin_url: str, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url]) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? ORDER BY visit DESC LIMIT ?" ) def _origin_visit_get_no_pagination_desc_limit( self, origin_url: str, limit: int, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url, limit]) def origin_visit_get( self, origin_url: str, last_visit: Optional[int], limit: Optional[int], order: ListOrder, ) -> Iterable[OriginVisitRow]: args: List[Any] = [origin_url] if last_visit is not None: page_name = "pagination" args.append(last_visit) else: page_name = "no_pagination" if limit is not None: limit_name = "limit" args.append(limit) else: limit_name = "no_limit" method_name = f"_origin_visit_get_{page_name}_{order.value}_{limit_name}" origin_visit_get_method = getattr(self, method_name) return map(OriginVisitRow.from_dict, origin_visit_get_method(*args)) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitStatusRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit = ? AND date >= ? ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT ?", ) def _origin_visit_status_get_with_date_asc_limit( self, origin: str, visit: int, date_from: datetime.datetime, limit: int, *, statement, ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin, visit, date_from, limit]) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitStatusRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit = ? AND date <= ? ORDER BY visit DESC LIMIT ?", ) def _origin_visit_status_get_with_date_desc_limit( self, origin: str, visit: int, date_from: datetime.datetime, limit: int, *, statement, ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin, visit, date_from, limit]) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitStatusRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit = ? ORDER BY visit ASC LIMIT ?", ) def _origin_visit_status_get_with_no_date_asc_limit( self, origin: str, visit: int, limit: int, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin, visit, limit]) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitStatusRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit = ? ORDER BY visit DESC LIMIT ?", ) def _origin_visit_status_get_with_no_date_desc_limit( self, origin: str, visit: int, limit: int, *, statement ) -> ResultSet: return self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin, visit, limit]) def origin_visit_status_get_range( self, origin: str, visit: int, date_from: Optional[datetime.datetime], limit: int, order: ListOrder, ) -> Iterable[OriginVisitStatusRow]: args: List[Any] = [origin, visit] if date_from is not None: date_name = "date" args.append(date_from) else: date_name = "no_date" args.append(limit) method_name = f"_origin_visit_status_get_with_{date_name}_{order.value}_limit" origin_visit_status_get_method = getattr(self, method_name) return map( OriginVisitStatusRow.from_dict, origin_visit_status_get_method(*args) ) @_prepared_insert_statement(OriginVisitRow) def origin_visit_add_one(self, visit: OriginVisitRow, *, statement) -> None: self._add_one(statement, visit) @_prepared_insert_statement(OriginVisitStatusRow) def origin_visit_status_add_one( self, visit_update: OriginVisitStatusRow, *, statement ) -> None: self._add_one(statement, visit_update) def origin_visit_status_get_latest( self, origin: str, visit: int, ) -> Optional[OriginVisitStatusRow]: """Given an origin visit id, return its latest origin_visit_status """ return next(self.origin_visit_status_get(origin, visit), None) @_prepared_select_statement( OriginVisitStatusRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit = ? ORDER BY date DESC" ) def origin_visit_status_get( self, origin: str, visit: int, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, *, statement, ) -> Iterator[OriginVisitStatusRow]: """Return all origin visit statuses for a given visit """ return map( OriginVisitStatusRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin, visit]), ) @_prepared_select_statement(OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ? AND visit = ?") def origin_visit_get_one( self, origin_url: str, visit_id: int, *, statement ) -> Optional[OriginVisitRow]: # TODO: error handling rows = list(self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url, visit_id])) if rows: return OriginVisitRow.from_dict(rows[0]) else: return None @_prepared_select_statement(OriginVisitRow, "WHERE origin = ?") def origin_visit_get_all( self, origin_url: str, *, statement ) -> Iterable[OriginVisitRow]: return map( OriginVisitRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [origin_url]), ) @_prepared_select_statement(OriginVisitRow, "WHERE token(origin) >= ?") def _origin_visit_iter_from( self, min_token: int, *, statement ) -> Iterable[OriginVisitRow]: return map( OriginVisitRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [min_token]) ) @_prepared_select_statement(OriginVisitRow, "WHERE token(origin) < ?") def _origin_visit_iter_to( self, max_token: int, *, statement ) -> Iterable[OriginVisitRow]: return map( OriginVisitRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [max_token]) ) def origin_visit_iter(self, start_token: int) -> Iterator[OriginVisitRow]: """Returns all origin visits in order from this token, and wraps around the token space.""" yield from self._origin_visit_iter_from(start_token) yield from self._origin_visit_iter_to(start_token) ########################## # 'metadata_authority' table ########################## @_prepared_insert_statement(MetadataAuthorityRow) def metadata_authority_add(self, authority: MetadataAuthorityRow, *, statement): self._add_one(statement, authority) @_prepared_select_statement(MetadataAuthorityRow, "WHERE type = ? AND url = ?") def metadata_authority_get( self, type, url, *, statement ) -> Optional[MetadataAuthorityRow]: rows = list(self._execute_with_retries(statement, [type, url])) if rows: return MetadataAuthorityRow.from_dict(rows[0]) else: return None ########################## # 'metadata_fetcher' table ########################## @_prepared_insert_statement(MetadataFetcherRow) def metadata_fetcher_add(self, fetcher, *, statement): self._add_one(statement, fetcher) @_prepared_select_statement(MetadataFetcherRow, "WHERE name = ? AND version = ?") def metadata_fetcher_get( self, name, version, *, statement ) -> Optional[MetadataFetcherRow]: rows = list(self._execute_with_retries(statement, [name, version])) if rows: return MetadataFetcherRow.from_dict(rows[0]) else: return None ######################### # 'raw_extrinsic_metadata' table ######################### @_prepared_insert_statement(RawExtrinsicMetadataRow) def raw_extrinsic_metadata_add(self, raw_extrinsic_metadata, *, statement): self._add_one(statement, raw_extrinsic_metadata) @_prepared_select_statement( RawExtrinsicMetadataRow, "WHERE id=? AND authority_url=? AND discovery_date>? AND authority_type=?", ) def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_after_date( self, id: str, authority_type: str, authority_url: str, after: datetime.datetime, *, statement, ) -> Iterable[RawExtrinsicMetadataRow]: return map( RawExtrinsicMetadataRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries( statement, [id, authority_url, after, authority_type] ), ) @_prepared_select_statement( RawExtrinsicMetadataRow, "WHERE id=? AND authority_type=? AND authority_url=? " "AND (discovery_date, fetcher_name, fetcher_version) > (?, ?, ?)", ) def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_after_date_and_fetcher( self, id: str, authority_type: str, authority_url: str, after_date: datetime.datetime, after_fetcher_name: str, after_fetcher_version: str, *, statement, ) -> Iterable[RawExtrinsicMetadataRow]: return map( RawExtrinsicMetadataRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries( statement, [ id, authority_type, authority_url, after_date, after_fetcher_name, after_fetcher_version, ], ), ) @_prepared_select_statement( RawExtrinsicMetadataRow, "WHERE id=? AND authority_url=? AND authority_type=?" ) def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( self, id: str, authority_type: str, authority_url: str, *, statement ) -> Iterable[RawExtrinsicMetadataRow]: return map( RawExtrinsicMetadataRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, [id, authority_url, authority_type]), ) ########################## # Miscellaneous ########################## @_prepared_statement("SELECT uuid() FROM revision LIMIT 1;") def check_read(self, *, statement): self._execute_with_retries(statement, []) @_prepared_select_statement(ObjectCountRow, "WHERE partition_key=0") - def stat_counters(self, *, statement) -> ResultSet: + def stat_counters(self, *, statement) -> Iterable[ObjectCountRow]: return map(ObjectCountRow.from_dict, self._execute_with_retries(statement, []))