diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/test_archiver.py b/swh/storage/tests/test_archiver.py index cf05270d..0db83a2e 100644 --- a/swh/storage/tests/test_archiver.py +++ b/swh/storage/tests/test_archiver.py @@ -1,246 +1,245 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import tempfile import unittest import os from nose.tools import istest from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from datetime import datetime, timedelta from swh.core import hashutil from swh.core.tests.db_testing import DbTestFixture from server_testing import ServerTestFixture from swh.storage import Storage from swh.storage.exc import ObjNotFoundError from swh.storage.archiver import ArchiverDirector, ArchiverWorker from swh.storage.objstorage.api.client import RemoteObjStorage from swh.storage.objstorage.api.server import app TEST_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) TEST_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, '../../../../swh-storage-testdata') @attr('db') class TestArchiver(DbTestFixture, ServerTestFixture, unittest.TestCase): """ Test the objstorage archiver. """ TEST_DB_DUMP = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'dumps/swh.dump') def setUp(self): # Launch the backup server self.backup_objroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='remote') self.config = {'storage_base': self.backup_objroot, 'storage_depth': 3} self.app = app super().setUp() # Launch a client to check objects presence - print("url", self.url()) self.remote_objstorage = RemoteObjStorage(self.url()) # Create the local storage. self.objroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='local') self.storage = Storage(self.conn, self.objroot) # Initializes and fill the tables. self.initialize_tables() # Create the archiver self.archiver = self.__create_director() self.storage_data = ('Local', 'http://localhost:%s/' % self.port) def tearDown(self): self.empty_tables() super().tearDown() def initialize_tables(self): """ Initializes the database with a sample of items. """ # Add an archive self.cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO archives(id, url) VALUES('Local', 'http://localhost:{}/') """.format(self.port)) self.conn.commit() def empty_tables(self): # Remove all content self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM content_archive') self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM archives') self.conn.commit() def __add_content(self, content_data, status='missing', date='now()'): # Add the content content = hashutil.hashdata(content_data) content.update({'data': content_data}) self.storage.content_add([content]) # Then update database content_id = r'\x' + hashutil.hash_to_hex(content['sha1']) self.cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO content_archive VALUES('%s'::sha1, 'Local', '%s', %s) """ % (content_id, status, date)) return content['sha1'] def __get_missing(self): self.cursor.execute("""SELECT content_id FROM content_archive WHERE status='missing'""") return self.cursor.fetchall() def __create_director(self, batch_size=5000, archival_max_age=3600, retention_policy=1, asynchronous=False): config = { 'objstorage_path': self.objroot, 'batch_max_size': batch_size, 'archival_max_age': archival_max_age, 'retention_policy': retention_policy, 'asynchronous': asynchronous # Avoid depending on queue for tests. } director = ArchiverDirector(self.conn, config) return director def __create_worker(self, batch={}, config={}): mstorage_args = [self.archiver.master_storage.db.conn, self.objroot] slaves = [self.storage_data] if not config: config = self.archiver.config return ArchiverWorker(batch, mstorage_args, slaves, config) # Integration test @istest def archive_missing_content(self): """ Run archiver on a missing content should archive it. """ content_data = b'archive_missing_content' id = self.__add_content(content_data) # After the run, the content should be in the archive. self.archiver.run() remote_data = self.remote_objstorage.content_get(id) self.assertEquals(content_data, remote_data) @istest def archive_present_content(self): """ A content that is not 'missing' shouldn't be archived. """ id = self.__add_content(b'archive_present_content', status='present') # After the run, the content should NOT be in the archive.* self.archiver.run() with self.assertRaises(ObjNotFoundError): self.remote_objstorage.content_get(id) @istest def archive_already_enough(self): """ A content missing with enough copies shouldn't be archived. """ id = self.__add_content(b'archive_alread_enough') director = self.__create_director(retention_policy=0) director.run() with self.assertRaises(ObjNotFoundError): self.remote_objstorage.content_get(id) # Unit test for ArchiverDirector def vstatus(self, status, mtime): return self.archiver.get_virtual_status(status, mtime) @istest def vstatus_present(self): self.assertEquals( self.vstatus('present', None), 'present' ) @istest def vstatus_missing(self): self.assertEquals( self.vstatus('missing', None), 'missing' ) @istest def vstatus_ongoing_remaining(self): current_time = datetime.now() self.assertEquals( self.vstatus('ongoing', current_time), 'present' ) @istest def vstatus_ongoing_elapsed(self): past_time = datetime.now() - timedelta( seconds=self.archiver.config['archival_max_age'] + 1 ) self.assertEquals( self.vstatus('ongoing', past_time), 'missing' ) # Unit tests for archive worker @istest def need_archival_missing(self): """ A content should still need archival when it is missing. """ id = self.__add_content(b'need_archival_missing', status='missing') id = r'\x' + hashutil.hash_to_hex(id) worker = self.__create_worker() self.assertEqual(worker.need_archival(id, self.storage_data), True) @istest def need_archival_present(self): """ A content should still need archival when it is missing """ id = self.__add_content(b'need_archival_missing', status='present') id = r'\x' + hashutil.hash_to_hex(id) worker = self.__create_worker() self.assertEqual(worker.need_archival(id, self.storage_data), False) @istest def need_archival_ongoing_remaining(self): """ An ongoing archival with remaining time shouldnt need archival. """ id = self.__add_content(b'need_archival_ongoing_remaining', status='ongoing', date="'%s'" % datetime.now()) id = r'\x' + hashutil.hash_to_hex(id) worker = self.__create_worker() self.assertEqual(worker.need_archival(id, self.storage_data), False) @istest def need_archival_ongoing_elasped(self): """ An ongoing archival with elapsed time should be scheduled again. """ id = self.__add_content( b'archive_ongoing_elapsed', status='ongoing', date="'%s'" % (datetime.now() - timedelta( seconds=self.archiver.config['archival_max_age'] + 1 )) ) id = r'\x' + hashutil.hash_to_hex(id) worker = self.__create_worker() self.assertEqual(worker.need_archival(id, self.storage_data), True) @istest def content_sorting_by_archiver(self): """ Check that the content is correctly sorted. """ batch = { 'id1': { 'present': [('slave1', 'slave1_url')], 'missing': [] }, 'id2': { 'present': [], 'missing': [('slave1', 'slave1_url')] } } worker = self.__create_worker(batch=batch) mapping = worker.sort_content_by_archive() self.assertNotIn('id1', mapping[('slave1', 'slave1_url')]) self.assertIn('id2', mapping[('slave1', 'slave1_url')])